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Shrouds FIRST Time Playing PUBG - Player Unknown's Battlegrounds

Jun 06, 2021
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alright let's try this let's try this game let's give it a spin holy oh what's up okay holy shut up talk like Laura Croft on this what's up ? I want to search this tunnel, is it too quiet now? Should I turn? Why do you always have to rush? Look, as I understand it, this is basically h1. I think it was done by the developers who really started the battle royale, the whole battle royale idea. I think these are the real developers. Anyway, I'm not sure what the parachute looks like, but it's fine, it sits on whatever.
shrouds first time playing pubg   player unknown s battlegrounds
Why am I spinning? Why am I spinning? It's in very early access, so you know, I hope this is a small, this is a nice little town, this looks good, ok, this looks good, this looks I changed my button why is it F I did it e it whatever I think I should I don't know what I'm doing I think I picked the worst spawn point Ever there's nothing here yeah why isn't there an iron sight? Because? That? As I do? There is no iron sight. This is a walk. It looks nice. That is sure. I don't know what I'm looking for in this game.
shrouds first time playing pubg   player unknown s battlegrounds

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shrouds first time playing pubg player unknown s battlegrounds...

I don't know what's going on, what did you say? FK oh, we have a backpack, we have an ek, that's my yeah, yeah, how do I change it? Come on, can I loot? I know it tabulates my inventory, so I have a good guess on that. I guess M is for the map outline looks nice, seems to work fine, more ammo, holy shit, let's go with the helmet, yeah, we're clear, we're ready, what am I missing? Backpack or not. Kevlar, my sense is very slow. Where am I in the


? I guess it should be there.
shrouds first time playing pubg   player unknown s battlegrounds
Can you bring extra helmets? AKM Oh, an energy drink, what does that do? Even for


aid, a crossbow, a stun grenade. I'm sure I don't even know it thoroughly and I'm sixteen years old. I have so much ammo, buddy. I don't know why there is no iron sight. What is the red zone? I have to go? There is a red zone where I go. Seriously, the game feels good. I have 100 FPS. I'm relaxing. Sun Ultra looks nice. I just don't know how. to use my iron sights I feel like I should look at my controls there are vehicles what is this oh don't go to the red zone red zones or bomb holes thank god I didn't go there what's that even your little care package What's up buddy?
shrouds first time playing pubg   player unknown s battlegrounds
I'm investigating it. I haven't actually gotten into a real gunfight, but just as it feels fluid, it looks good. I like animations for some reason, animations are really key for me in games that don't have animations. or they have shitty animations for some reason I just can't interpret it but I don't know how to make an iron sight, where did this or not? Okay yeah I don't know how to do an iron sight yeah I'm getting a hundred FPS on ultra there's like these little spikes that happen which is a little weird I'm not sure what that is but every once in a while I see my game as if I stuttered what I don't know. followed, okay, okay, that's a lot.
I'm going to look at the controls because I don't know. I thought I thought right clicking would be iron sights, but it's not, it's just like a zoom in or something, so let me look at the controls. safe vehicle seat maybe it just feels that way because you know I don't know the difference that I'm going to die again right away. I call it no gun, no lever, we have two guns or they were swapped and would you have swapped? I guess there's someone here. I think it's okay, okay sir, are you so close to me that I looked so stupid that the poor guy didn't get a gun?
That's how I felt, we saw he had a helmet, oh God, I'm dead. I'm scared, this guy has a shotgun oh-ho, yeah, how do I do


aid? There's a guy here, I'm dead, sorry, this crossbow, oh why am I not in that house? weird do this fov why is he so close to me? I can change? You're browsing, let's get into the zone. I don't know what happens when you're out of the zone, but I don't like, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, I thought those are the extremes that you're in force. single shot, yeah, I think there's just bursts and a single shot, I don't think it's that hard to see where my durability is on this thing, okay, see if I can climb this whole hill, oh, first person, what's up?
Coming up holy, just a single friend broke out, this is sweet and honestly the design of this game is amazing, it looks semi-realistic. I guess your style compared to h1 has some errors. I just like the balloons in this place or hope I can. I see someone running and I might take some shots, but it's okay, you never know what's in a little neighborhood, guys, or loot here, this is what to pick up, strangle, I'm fine, I don't think how I get back there now . car, oh my god, I'm in the boom boom zone, I don't even know what's going to happen.
I'll look at it, let me see what happens. It's in the middle of h1 and ARMA 3, that's true. Yes, I could see that. My sense. It's still too slow I want to see what happens if it's just going to explode It won't be an airstrike You have a better view here How do I know I want to get in the driver's seat? It's weird oh there it is oh my god I'm driving in reverse okay that was cool but I don't want to blow up here so I'm going to get out of here. This would be fun for the duo, but I don't think you can. please don't ruin it please don't ruin it please don't ruin it looks like we are haha ​​you should play with skadoodle next week when was that yeah I was just


for Poland I mean I guess the technical thing you could play for Poland but no , one day I will go to Poland and I want to be in Poland for eight days.
I think how come I haven't seen anyone but that person at first seems like a person I don't know there are people in my chat saying just go play look yeah this game sucks well I may have some idea what you are saying. I just want him to stop


, they want me to play CS. Sorry, I'm not playing Counter-Strike, right? Now I'm chillin' man, well I warned you if you're in the red zone, I'll only get six oh I don't know how to throw nades, oh I just gotta do it. I kind of want to try it, five bandages, what?
They're energy drinks because I don't know, I don't know how I drink them, okay, I want to try this. I want to throw away fragments for science, maybe I'll save it. 33 bang TV, think with a subbed crunchy cun sub. before also thank you I have some bandages here I am down thank you guys welcome to my sense friend my heart hurts I try it I try the swim well I'll try it oh well that's easy I didn't expect it to just draw a line for me I was like the composer was the calmest Nate I've ever heard in my life, where is everyone?
Oh that's 31 alive, she had a sniper rifle, be sweet, if I meet a guy sitting on a building I will literally walk away without playing this game. You never get proud again, that's crazy, try something good in this game or just stand out. I don't know what, I don't know, I think I'm in the zone, although it's this nice white zone that's pristine. Shh, okay, how? this job reads the document and I throw it in, okay wait, why does it work? It is simply changed. I did not do it. I put what the nest cage is.
What is this Carnatic? It's OK? Everything just fell to the ground. I wasn't good with this. It's not good, I can't move, okay, drop the crossbow, pick up my m4, we're fine, yeah, okay, let's launch reinforcements, read Bill Red Bull and painkillers restore health over


, plus if you fill more of two bars, you run. faster, so I should take a painkiller right now, oh god, don't shoot me, please, oh, okay, then I should use a painkiller. Why is it like this? The thing is that my health is my health deep down. Scared, there's just someone hiding here.
Close the flashbang. It's a flashbang. and it's not a grenade the same thing oh hi actually that's pristine what happened oh I have a minute I'm in the AutoZone zone I didn't know how to close so fast oh my god no oh I'm dead I think I bet it was now I know I'm that good Well, I gotta cross this bridge, bro, come to me, I'll focus right now, I'm not afraid of you, he's running, buddy, so what am I supposed to do? What to do I have to cross this bridge I should have never shot that guy I should have The only reason I shot him is because I didn't realize how quickly he would have died, right?
I didn't realize how quickly I would have died in that gas or electric field, so I can just jump around all night if this guy is waiting around this corner, what am I supposed to do? I should probably use a bandage, well, buns, my g-e bandaged, cute, okay? I don't know how to use a bandage that's good that's very good I don't know how to use a bandage I'm okay I'm in the area I think it's going to close but I think I'm okay I'm so scared dude, this, my God, it's closing, it's It's closing, there's a stroller, I don't need no stroller, I'm in the zone, I'm fine, why wouldn't that guy wait for me?
It's a gift, I could have taken it. It's easy once he's waiting here somewhere, this is getting scary, so I ran out of energy. You can only use bandage when your HP is below 75%. I have it. I can't say they are like sound in this game. Don't know. I know if that guy's shot is too far away or close to any guy, okay, so someone was shooting at that guy. I have a wrapper or something. There are definitely people inside those like in these houses right here, someone is hiding, guaranteed, someone is just hiding in one of these houses what he said how long did he say he said for it to be closed?
I'm like in the heart of it, man, I could still stay on the outside, but it's a bit of a third-person look. Look in third person. Four people left. There's got to be someone in these buildings somewhere okay I'll just wait it's closing in I think someone might get pushed back it's a scary little ditch I'm in that's okay anyone in these houses will get out in a second I see the census too slow man I just hope someone comes here but I don't think there's anyone hiding in the houses that's crazy shailu that guy I kill okay so there's two people on that side. the guy was just shooting at him like I just died I think that guy just died that I just shot pretty sure you just died someone was shooting at him and then there's a person that ended up no no like he was shooting at a pretty sure he just died someone was shooting him - I think if I hide here I'm going to win I think this is a good place no one is going to come in from behind right jk jk jk it doesn't matter JK is hiding I don't know I didn't think there could be a guy there what am I doing?
There is an M 2 or 9. I'm taking it. Dear God, please don't let me die now. I want to do it. I do not care if. I lose this round. I literally don't care if I lose this round, but I want to see a person and be able to unload this weapon. If I could pull it off, that's all. I'm happy to see you, boy. I see one guy, he's fine, so that's one guy and then the other two are fighting. Did he see me? The real question: where are you going? I don't know where he went.
I lost it, friend. I just want to unload this gun. That's all. I want to do I just want to shoot I don't want to die if they shoot me right now I'm shooting this gun like him No, that's a bush I lost them. I feel very uncomfortable right now, anything, Frank Ernie, is fine. closing how far is he getting closer to me? I knew he was there. He wanted to spray him, so 1 B 1 1 v1 I don't think he can come after me. I don't think that's possible where you're going. I want to kill him with this gun, man, I don't want to kill the sniper I want, I just don't care if I lose to this guy.
I want to see it hopefully soon and just push one as hard as I do. Can't I worry? Although I'm actually a little scared. Can he run him? I don't think you can call him behind me, but I really don't know. Hello, closing, it's inside. I just wanted to spray, that's all. I wanted to do it, but you didn't want to aim? I wanted to spray and see how he felt, it actually felt decent to control that, not kick so hard, okay, that's another win for me, it's giving me rewards, but for who I am. get money and I don't know what it's for is he there? yeah, okay, it's just beta.
Actually, I don't get anything. All beta game rewards will be cleared. I could get tougher, Dad, couldn't I? He didn't jump that much. funny, that's two wins and three top 10s, sweet, I've given my opinions. I think I like this game a lot more than h1. I don't like the H one H for Arkady and half the shots just go through people.

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