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Should UK Return China's Cultural Relics? (We Search China's Lost Civilisation) #sanxingdui

May 10, 2024
So that's where we're going to go, that's the Hong Kong Palace Museum, yes, but first we're going to go eat. Okay, they just recognized me at the hotel. Someone went to the taxi, yes, but you gave them what you wanted. He gave her the okay, yes, she was holding his phone, apparently you wanted to go to the photo, no, yes, don't worry, I found it, it's here. Would you like to know what we're having? It helps so grill a pork bun with butter, crushed charcoal on top ooh, deep fin. fried puff pastry with grated tarnic filling steamed pork meatballs with morels oh, that sounds like it, they are all kinds of sheets of smoked tofu with various vegetables, cherry tomato, plum juice and preserved plum, there is one especially for you, a squab , smoked sheep rolls, wait.
should uk return china s cultural relics we search china s lost civilisation sanxingdui
I'm sweet and sour pork with Dr pineapples and fresh figs, fresh figs, yeah, fresh pigs, figs, oh figs, I might try a little sauce, okay, depends on how pink you're not going to start going. I will go. that for you that's the sweet and sour pore with fresh beet I know oh oh that smell what's so sweet and CH P do you want a fig please just please fig what you're trying first before can you try it oh a flat top sticks AR they? so the benefit of being flat is that you can pierce the food there are cherry tomatoes lemon sauce sorry they are not good I have tried them before you are not referring to a sweet that you get in Britain and that doesn't taste very good , yes, it's fabulous, it's a work of art and It tastes delicious, deep, shiny puff pastry with shredded turnip filling that looks like a small turnip, don't eat all the pork yet, mom, try something with some of these, what is this?
should uk return china s cultural relics we search china s lost civilisation sanxingdui

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should uk return china s cultural relics we search china s lost civilisation sanxingdui...

I just missed the bean c b there, spoon, do you want, okay, I'm going to put one of each of these on your plate, okay, this is De bullish, no, no, oh, how cute, just separate them so that they're really hot, have some of your drink, so these are the buttery charcoal crusted BBQ pork buns. Nam are steamed pork. dumplings and on top there is a morma that they love, yes, yes, I don't agree with those, those are oh, here comes the mother pigeon, oh oh, what is it? The head,


I have the head right?
should uk return china s cultural relics we search china s lost civilisation sanxingdui
You're right. I love these PID Appreciation Gloves, right? Want a charcoal barbecue pork bun? First call, yes, how very nor, put it, put it in your SP and then, take a bite, you can't be elegant. 24 hours a day I'm trying to figure it out oh, what a horrible tomato, tomatoes, try it then, that was delicious too, nice and spicy, that sweet, sweet, spicy, it'll probably give me a hard time, dad, what is this? A pork dumpling with a mushroom on top. You might have to Ste, you don't like this either, it looks better than it tastes to me, okay, I really like it to start with that it has a lot of flavor, it's beautiful and the BNS losing its favorite flavor could really be built that comes to be fed you want to tell everyone who it is B yes we are there pigeon and it's a friend who used to come every day to be fed trying it now yes you dip it in mustard and vinegar and then you're basically I'm going to Su the meat up a b g pig H it's not pink at all no, it's not almost me ah L man in the galopy nose you see that's nothing it smells everything is for you, try a little, yes, I didn't know what it was and it was just for me yes, no I would know, sauce, it's really thanks, oh yeah, I like them a lot, but when I bite them, they find the Hol, they're my D, now you're on me to get meat for you, meat that's a little more meat, don't forget dip it in there, so which was your favorite?
should uk return china s cultural relics we search china s lost civilisation sanxingdui
I really like, oh I love that FS muffins are good muffins with a crispy charcoal top. I like the ones that B. too acidic for my tea, do you like your paloma? Absolutely yes, oh actually, the paloma was a surprise because I didn't think it tasted even a little bit, I didn't know, I didn't know what to imagine, so yes, it was delicious in that sauce. It wasn't in the first item, yes Bob, it's not a banana, it's bad and it looks like a banana, sure, edible, yes, they are smaller and a little creamier, so we'll go to the Hong Kong Palace Museum, yes.
Shang means Hong Kong and yong means Palace Museum in Beijing. There is a song, so many of the artifacts here are actually from the Beijing City Palace Museum and the special exhibition we are going to see is a huge archaeological site in CIT, yes, I have seen, yes, we have seen part of information, so you've heard about it before, but the things we're going to look at today have just been recently excavated, newly discovered, so, yeah, this is pretty special, very interested in archaeology,


we go in? Yes. I already bought tickets for Way to the Top, it's not necessarily okay to enter.
Our tickets for Sansing are at 400 p.m. but maybe we can get in earlier. Do you want me to bring a chair? So if you are tired you can sit later. No, thanks. It sure is a big museum. No, thanks. It's okay, it's free, it's totally. free, yeah, no, it's not like I can save it for someone. You're okay, that's nice, that's nice, okay, both of you, the real Emperor, do you know what these original winter hats are? Oh, you like winter hats, dad, that's a winter hat, that's a winter hat. I think it's a beit.
If yes, I don't think that will suit you, maybe it's beautiful, it's so thin and delicate, what do you prefer? The greenest jade or the lightest jade, such as the darkest or lightest green. I like this. I definitely like this. Why are you thinking about? buying me I would if I could, mom, I don't expect soon, maybe a modern piece, maybe a very small piece, look at those photographs of the Chinese and British team behind the international Chinese art exhibition. I have a horrible feeling, the British team probably stole some. things, yes, because we are British and we are in a museum, there will be comments about yes, Britain and the theft of artefacts, but generally speaking we all think they should probably be


ed, definitely, yes, all countries, yes, all countries should get their gadgets.
We came back from Britain, I know, yes, so there you go, Bri Museum, she


s all the things, wood, be careful, don't slip, disaster, if I go the other way, it will be an ambulance, you won't get, she said, see you later. We found some artifacts or mainly beads 99% 99% look at that piece, it's one of the most unusual discoveries on the site, what do you think is fantastic, amazing? I don't like to be the first and the first tour must be very exciting. okay, wait here a little bit, I'm going to go get something, I'll come back and we'll take a picture right there, just wait here a second, this shouldn't be that complicated.
I've seen kids do this. Who wants gold? Okay, yeah, it's a little small. I think it's okay. Come on? Come on? You have Bob's nose. He has Bob's nose. Okay, is your ear sticking out? Don't worry about that, right? Nobody knows who we are. Now I can't use this little steering wheel. I could work here. I have a tie like that. Yes, exactly the same. I can't speak Cantonese. Can't you? And if you could, okay, you could say hello to people. Okay, you could, you could say goodbye. for them too I could have done it a couple of days yes, you really recognize them, you can take them off, yes, he has a similar nose, okay, you can take it off now.
Like, oh come on, it's a little tight, isn't it? oh yeah, my nose's a little big for that, oh damn H, where the other one there my eyelid got caught in it, ah, there we go, that's better, that's better, that's better, yeah, where's your nose ?, ah, it's better somewhere around here.

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