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SHOOT YOUR SHOT BASKETBALL CHALLENGE (loser gets pie to the face)

May 11, 2020
What's up everyone welcome back to another episode of say it with me What's up everyone welcome back it's Friday so you know what that means it's another episode of to rehearse that or anything today oh hey Josh that was too long on what you want. to focus, focus on me, okay, anyway, today we are going to do a different kind of


. I don't even know exactly what to call it, but here are the rules. We are all going to choose a card. We'll make high cards, whoever


it. the highest card can choose first, second, highest, second level, all the way down, now there are five rings on the court worth one point, two points, three key points, four points in five points, if you go first, you can choose where. you


from well, the second person can choose the relationship if the last one you get last, the first player to reach 15 points wins whoever is in last place once that player reaches 15 takes the cake in their


shoot your shot basketball challenge loser gets pie to the face
Do we have any questions? It's not good here. come on Chris pick a card which is the Joker at the bottom just come off the top this should all be random yeah Jenna grab the highest card by the way Chris actually has the highest card Josh , I was prepared, so I'm going to go, what do you do? I got Josh I'm just gonna go Chris Jenna Josh - Rui and then Caleb is crazy it's like it's a


from every place so make it a


okay here we go Chris you can choose where you're from to be able to take the reservation point. or you can take all five points, that's where strategy comes into play.
shoot your shot basketball challenge loser gets pie to the face

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shoot your shot basketball challenge loser gets pie to the face...

You don't have a strategy here, do you? He could really execute shots. It all comes down to the card you choose. You have to know where you're going, so Chris will take all four.


spot, Jenna, you're next bang bang - getting rocked by the three - right, that's me Oh Josh warm-up shots oh sorry, I know I didn't miss any scores for you pick


spot I'm going on five, okay, then Kayla on zero attempt has zero you can move okay well okay here we go Josh minus Chris can always choose what you have Chris nine Josh Queen well we have four sixes and I have a nine too yeah we'll only go once you


Rock Paper Scissors, so he's Josh's first, Chris is second, I'm third, fourth attempt, fourth and Jenna is fifth.
shoot your shot basketball challenge loser gets pie to the face
Josh is the easiest place for the good guy. I'll take your card, Chris, pick your spot. I'm going five, oh, good. I'm going to go three, two, one, okay. Here we go guys, here we go Gina is up first, do you make this round perfect for the team? I'm not even going to be mad if you do it right, no jump cuts, yeah, here we go on a poll that's also good, right, cool, cool. I didn't do anything, what do you have Jenna ten? Did you try it for me? I'm a ten too, so Jenna and I have to play rock, paper, scissors and Ryan Chris plays rock, paper, scissors, go ahead, shoot, go your way.
shoot your shot basketball challenge loser gets pie to the face
I thought he was going, no, Chris left Chris is ahead of the rock, okay, then Josh goes and then Jenna, you ready rock, paper, scissors, he says Josh, he didn't, then Jenna, then Chris, then try because you missed it, okay, that's it. Out of this round here we go I'm going back to space for OK and then right I think I'm going for five guineas I'm going for three Chris Where are you going Try to go One try You're going up One first Jinna short well if I make this up eight times Josh Jenna you have one try you have to Chris you have nine oh wow you just don't want to be last I don't want to be last supper it's like when there's a bear chasing your group like you you don't need to be the fastest you just can't be last you know we have a pot nine caleb has eight josh has eight - Roy has two against one Trey hey but Luke next round, if you're going to show everyone the highest cards pick five now, suddenly you know you're happy, you gave them a card, just you did it, oh no, oh six, no, Caleb, don't cheat on your channel, no, I brought you my camera, it had a three, don't hide it, you still know it, so it goes to Rye. news I'm going to go overhand he's going forward where are you going anyway boy where are you going five where are you going three and then I'm going to go to Joshi I have a good one here we go Joshua Warren's classic underhand needs a pass don't do it make fun of me if you see that's what happens when you make fun of me you reached that moment all I needed guys I'm so excited for my next giveaway this is a Jordan poster signed by some of your favorite NBA playmakers okay so if you watch me play


all the time be a playmakers channel all you have to do to win this is make sure you subscribe to me and subscribe to Indian playmakers on YouTube once you have done that comment who is your favorite NBA playmaker or just the NBA playmakers in my latest video and in their latest video for a chance to win these autographed posters they had me juggle Josh the famous Lowe's the twins Randall, there are a lot of other people here, so if you want a chance to win, head over to the NBA Playmakers Channel, subscribe. and comment when you're done do it if it literally made that noise explode yeah baby hey the taste on your


well I got four three times in a row three times in a row rock paper scissors for Josh and ban three rocks.
Shoot paper or scissors, yeah Mandy, you're going to pick first, go boy, for Chris, no, I'm going to be three. Oh, Josh, I'm sorry, Johnny, okay, nice Chris, but wouldn't you like three, yeah, feeling like one or two, one or two. I'll do a little recap Chris is 12 Josh is nine I'm eight Jenna and Suryya thanks for coming can you do that ten no pressure Josh Jess don't look at the camera arrogant Lee whoo I'm beating Josh by one point but yeah okay Jenna over You, hey, hey, do you know how many points? Yeah, oh my god, I can't wait, I can't wait, this would be the first part of Gina's face on the channel, come on, okay, what have you got? you have seven two two queen ten it's going to be Jenna - Rui Caleb Josh Chris Jenna choose well just do five three tries I'm going 3-1 why would you do that win and now what - no I'll go - yes I'll let you know since you already said one, Chris here: I have three to climb and Jenna five, it's up to you, hey, so if Chris went, if Chris does this, if Chris does this hill at fifteen, right, if Chris does this, we.
I still have to finish the round to see what the final scores are for you Josh, what do you have cute Chris with you Chris missing and smoked it good Sami 10:15 soft jacket I'll take a second with a cool 1313 three times buddy how many have? Okay, Jenna, she's the pouting girl on the playground. Okay, Jenna, you still have a chance to come in last, although anyone understands, she has to do well to win our first annual Super Hoop


. I do not do it. I still don't know what I'm going to call him man, so I didn't.
I haven't even been able to describe it yet. Jenna stops throwing rocks. Come here to celebrate our teammate. It's okay, she's sorry anyway. Chris, here you go. I'll get it. signed up once we figure out the landing on my fans, yeah, give us a little speech, you know, I want to thank Jenna for being a great sport, look at that great sportsmanship, paying for those rocks, throwing money off the cliff, I'll always love it gain. about Caleb Tanner I know he would enjoy it. I'm happy you won. In fact, I'll make a cake that isn't. Yeah, I can't wait to just add Genesis Jenna.
Thanks for being on this channel anyway guys, thank you very much. thank you so much for subscribing if you haven't subscribed yet go ahead and hit that button hit that like button comment below if you like this challenge oh wait Chris you won I don't know yeah Jenna I'll actually do it to you. I know I'll take this a little better now, thanks, are you pitching it instead of Caleb? Thank you so much for watching, stay tuned every Friday for another world record win for Door Pie Grease, this is it guys, there's a Friday video every Friday longer. introduction no introduction

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