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She had SURGERY & Revealed her CRUSH!

Jun 13, 2024
I'm Batman, today is a big day for Peyton because she's going to have her wisdom teeth removed, yes, with some wisdom teeth, actually just one. He's got a 12-year-old molar that's stuck sideways under the gum, so he's got to get it out and then hopefully straighten that 12-year-old molar so it can come in like the rest of them, come on, okay, okay. , let's get our asses in there, you're going to be late, hurry up, do you think Peyton is going to say some funny things when she's like oh yeah and guess how two thousand dollars is I'm expensive it's true for a tooth because it's actually a difficult extraction is much more difficult than normal because peyton is only 13 and her wisdom teeth haven't come in very far yet so they have to go very deep to get it in properly we will be back here in this room this way she she's so excited she said hurry up maybe there's a chance all the time the doctor would know we can still do a consultation look in his mouth you know diagnose everything like that oh yeah yeah there's a chance we won't do it.
she had surgery revealed her crush
I didn't know we were behind. Nobody told me. Looks like Peyton might not be able to make it today because we're late. a couple of deep breaths, I think it's a reasonable option to just do this left side, so yeah, let's focus on that, okay, how do you feel like you want everyone to go well? Are you ready for this payday, it's time to scare, what are you most afraid of? I don't know how to die, oh don't die, these guys are just watching videos to pass the time, but I want to know what you think Paige will be like.
she had surgery revealed her crush

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she had surgery revealed her crush...

Do you think she will be funny? I hope she goes crazy and does some funny things because that would be really funny but it affects everyone differently so I don't know well guys I'm actually getting a little worried because we've been in the waiting room longer of what they said, what was it. It's been a while and I haven't heard anything, so she still just hopes everything went well. You know, I feel like she's our baby. She is our baby. Hey, Tim, how are you? Hey, are you okay? Girl, ready, baby, you're done. your


they took out your tooth what yes your wisdom tooth no no no don't get up we're not going to take you out she wants to do backflips yes do you feel like you're ready to go home?
she had surgery revealed her crush
I don't know Tell me, do you feel like you want to go home or do you want to stay here? No, I don't want to sit here. Yeah, I don't blame you. I wouldn't like to stay here either. Where does she want to go? although that's the question and then she finds out that yes, it's cold back there, make it cold, she said, make it cold, it's cold, it's winter, is this for a real pig, are you real?, no, that's not it. what did I say. Do you like boys? Yes you do ooh hello hello I thought you didn't know who I was I remember what happens if I do like this I'm Batman chubby bunny because you're so funny wow do you want a drink yes blank drink what a booty I don't know you don't know what a drink is oh it is a drink, I don't place where you saw, baseball, no tennis, okay, ready, did you eat something today before your


, I had surgery, remember the doctor operated on you, don't go.
she had surgery revealed her crush
Don't leave yet, it's time to go to the orthodontist, wait honey, we have to help you. Okay, now we're at the orthodontist. Peyton will have a brace put on her tooth which they helped lift and straighten a little. She gave up. I was told they had to do it the same day she had surgery, otherwise her gum would swallow her tooth. Who is everyone? Why does my hair move well? Peyton is way crazier than I was definitely right, um no. Why doesn't Shane write? You can't drive. I feel good. It's just weird, but I can see my feet.
He was crazy, but not that crazy. Pains on another level. Yeah, she sometimes she just said: Are you serious? This is crazy. It wasn't comfortable. I love it. your lips, you got it for me, there you go, oh, you don't have that thing hanging out of your mouth anymore that looks so much better right in front of some marshmallows, yeah, that's marshmallow, you're so hot it's really cold, there's snow on the floor. Well, let's take our girl home and hopefully the madness will go away. I know that soon is normal. Can you think it's normal? Yeah, okay, what's nine plus ten?
I don't remember, I don't know, I don't think you're normal. Should I touch it? Do you feel so? Here's that right there. Do you feel like you touch it? I was touching it. Do you make YouTube videos? That's stupid. Where is your tongue? Can you touch your tongue? It's gone no, it's not gone, it's not gone. You just can't feel it, we got home, Reichen pays, it rode his will when he got home, he wanted to come home, a wheel, no, no, too hot outside, too hot outside in January. Hey, there's your wombate, oh your head, Paxton, you're in charge.
Taking care of her, okay, oh she tries, I don't know if you can eat fries, I heard Jason just looked at you, were you laughing at her? How has our patient been doing so far? Alright, Peyton is still crazy. Okay, no, but we are. We will take care of her for the next few days while she recovers and we will see you next time thanks for being amazing.

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