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Shark Tank US | Top 3 Products For Campers

May 14, 2024
this look, but there are a variety of different ways to achieve the same thing, but it will be a challenge as an investor. I just don't know the path I can take you on. For those reasons I'm out, but congratulations, thank you very much, Mark, thank you. I think there will be a lot of people in this space very quickly and it could overwhelm you. I'm not trying to be negative, but I'm ahead of that. I'm out. I am interested in this business and I can help you with distribution. I'll usually make you go. There will be three of us and I would like to enter a third, a third and a third, but. um because I think first of all a teacher is one of the most underrated commodities in the country.
shark tank us top 3 products for campers
I'm willing to invest for 200,000 for 22.2% thank you Damon, thank you, thank you, you know, I think Damon has a good deal on the table for you I'm out Mother, would you do it for 20%? I can not take it anymore. I mean, I've been at the bottom. I know what it takes to get back up. I think you are the ones who should take it. Through this is a crazy offer, you should not give up 20% or 22% of your business. I'll give you 200,000 for 15%. Hell, I can sell 100 million dollars worth of ugly, inappropriate Christmas sweaters! we can sell $100 million of this yes 2.5% let's do it it's a deal, let's do it thank you guys so much, thank you so much everyone, thank you so much robt I thought you said there was so much competition, congratulations Damon's knows that. at the finish line, but Robert does not appear behind the one who reaches the line to close the deal.
shark tank us top 3 products for campers

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shark tank us top 3 products for campers...

Robert her, sometimes you just have to believe in the people standing on that rug and we won't let you down. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations. We love you. R and bl for I. I think that being a role model for my children means a lot to be able to show them that they can achieve anything they set their minds to and that there is nothing that can stop them. The next step is a convenient way to take the campfire with you. Hello.


s I'm Brent and I'm Brian and we're excited to show you our new product. We are looking for $50,000 for a 20% stake in our business.
shark tank us top 3 products for campers
Campfires have been a crucial part of man's life since the beginning of time. Yes, but. campfires are hard to start, keep clean and let's be honest, stumbling around in the middle of the night looking for firewood is never easy, but we solved that problem, check this out, it's fire M fire, meet the irradiated portable campfire, the most convenient way to making an irradiated campfire is easy to light is easy to store is easy to transport and leaves no trace take it to the beach camping nearby even using your own backyard emits heat light and the need to sing campfire songs yes, but if Robert is going to do it start singing or uh Mark, you want to finish the campfire quickly.
shark tank us top 3 products for campers
Slide the cover back. Oh, so M is ready to make a smoking deal. Smoke. Can we see we got samples? I have some samples for you. Yes cool. Is there a difference between the cans? like scents or anything, ABS absolutely, everyone is getting the original, thank you very much. That's heavy, yeah, you want to light it, oh, it's wax right on the side, right on the briquettes, oh, you just have to hold it for a little bit there you go, yeah, oh cool, hit a couple, this is there go W it's really cool what do you do it for 57 wholesale $150 retail $25 how many hours does it burn so it will burn for up to 6 hours how long does it last how much?
Is this a 4B 4 lb? Does this create shipping problems? The fact that it's so heavy, so it costs about 950 to ship to the US for one, but it's only about $13 to ship too. I want to go back to burning time. because it's $25 but you only get 6 hours of burn 6 hours okay yeah that's our instaf fire it burns indefinitely it's long so how does this compare to the instaf fire? A deal Lori and I made. Instafire is meant to, you know, make a traditional type of campfire in a fireplace. I buy. I can bring a can with my cookies.
The fire is an amazing product, there is no doubt that it is designed for families. Okay, if you want to have a bonfire in your backyard, pull this out and throw away. Why could you just grab a can and put a couple of fires inif to save some money? Convenience is a more important factor. Outdoor people use instafire. Okay, this is a product for a lot of people who don't necessarily want to be outdoors. days at a time, break down the numbers for me we've been shipping for 30 days Rohan we sold 1100 units oh wow we crowdfunded 400 units okay how much what was your goal $1,000 we're trying to get a proof of concept we've done, just you've been in business for essentially 30 days and it was a crowdfunding campaign no no just wait a second once we tested the concept and people were interested in it we sold 600 traditional wholesale retailers where what kind from surf retail stores Camp stores with good stores uh my wife and I were on vacation before we even shipped.
I had samples, we went to Kawai and we were wearing them, taking pictures of them and people were coming up and saying, Oh my God, where is it? Do you understand that? Where did you get that? Well, before you guys hear, we're starting to get a lot of smoke. Can you put a lid on it? Yes, sorry in areas where I can't light a fire, like a beach or a forest, sure I can light this, yes, in most cases, what you need is a contained fire, okay, this is a contained fire , so yes, you can do it, you can turn it off and on like I demonstrated here so you can. make a bonfire and literally get up and leave and no one knows you were there.
What are the other scents? It is a mosquito repellent. That's right. It has eucalyptus and lemon oil to repel mosquitoes. And the last one is a soror kit. About, one concern I have is the heat of the can. I don't see any warning on the can as soon as you open the can, there is a warning label and an instruction manual inside, okay so I'll make you an offer. Well, I'll give you $50,000 for 25%. Thanks a lot for the offer. Well, you're not just going to say thank you because I'd really like to have an answer. Okay, great, you want to tell them that the other outlet, yeah, leave it.
Yo, this is a yes or no. It is absolutely necessary to educate yourself once again on one more feature. One more feature. She just made you an offer. What else do you need to educate her on? We want her to know what she's getting herself into. Mark, come on. Well, that's how you do it after you close the deal or it's closing time, right? Let me tell you something. There's a part of me that says it would be too annoying to work with all the


s that are still on Brent and Brian has one. the offer at barara's table for your campfire on a tin product radiates however brent's personality may jeopardize the deal there is a part of me that says it would be very annoying to work with you so don't show me that i have right in that instinct, guys.
I'm going to make it easy for Barbara. I think the product is too heavy. I don't think it's original enough. I think it's a little expensive. I'm just not very excited about it and for those reasons. okay, thanks Mark, I'll make it easier too. I like the concept that Mark and I made instafire and it's a great product. InstaFire burns indefinitely and is safe, all-natural and non-toxic. It burns only for 6 hours so Sorry I'm out, thanks L. Sorry to hear that, Rohan, what are you going to do? Well, they haven't given Barber an answer yet, so I mean, well, I think they're waiting to see what you're actually going to do. are you out or not I'm waiting to see what you're going to do I'd like a response Exclude I feel like no, no, he has an ulterior motive, he wants you to respond so he can give you worse treatment, you know, barber, I want to work with you and you won't.
I take it personally that you think I'm annoying because honestly I'm not annoying, you've heard it before, I just do what I do and I understand. That's how things are done, I don't find it annoying, I just find it honest, I'll tell you what I feel and I hope you tell me, uh, you know how you feel, I find you a little annoying, it's okay, it's okay, it's okay. But at the end of the day, if we're working together and you need me to go out and introduce someone, you'll want me to know all the information before you make a deal.
Honestly I have complete confidence in you as an entrepreneur you have that fire in your belly that I'm always looking for all my great entrepreneurs are annoying in some way when I ran sales the staff always knew who were going to be the best because they drove me crazy, right? OK? I'm not opposed to that, I actually like your attractive personality. I like the fact that you have, you've bullied the hell out of Robert, he hasn't said anything sitting in the corner, Robert, you're a boy scout, you've been a kid. Scout, I was thinking that didn't go well, that didn't go well, that in Canada Scout you could be a Scout queen, so she was like an eagle scout.
I just wanted to figure that out anyway, keep going anyway, so um. I think I have a bigger network than Barbara does. I feel like the


I have go into a lot of those areas, so I'll also offer you $50,000 for 25% and if I could add anything else, I have no hesitation. In my opinion, this is a winner. The portability of this. The size. The weight. You can stack it. It is easy to display in a hallway. You don't need a final policeman. This is a phenomenal product, it makes money, honey, no. I don't just see it in camping gear or sporting goods.
I see it in gift shops. I mean, you've done an amazing job with Mark, but I have this at several clothing boutiques that have been selling it to order. Absolutely people pay for convenience, people pay. great, I can't find you, Robert, is there an offer there? I find you, Robert, make your offer. I find you peculiar. I'll also offer you 50,000 for 25%. So the key to this game is for Buzz to build and lay out two areas that I can bring to the bear better than anyone else here you just need some key connections and some great ideas and you guys have the energy to get through this Rohan is a great guy.
I'm sure he can invite you to the best parties and you can hang out, it's a business. Robert has to give you that treatment because he doesn't have the distribution network to help you. That's ridiculous. Now you're pissing me off. I hate losing and I want to invest better with you. guys and win with you I will give you the 100,000 for 25% I have doubled my amount I am tired of this this product is going to be huge 100,000 with the Scout queen you have the passion for the business we would do I would like to make a deal with you the Scout queen It wasn't even how you would like to tell congratulations guys you would have gone up thank you very much oh please goodbye friend this is how you do it show the waters a little we went with Robert because he gave us the best offer he was the one passionate about the product and he made it known with his offer was easy to say it was the right choice no Scout Robert I like it good job come on come on come on I'll give it to you I'll give it to you Rohan at a certain point you just get pissed off you piss me off I don't respect him desperate that's what I'm saying desperate that was annoying to me you are annoying you are annoying you are annoying

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