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Shaqtin' A Fool: Bad-Teammates Edition

Jun 06, 2021
They taught us to fight for every rebound, but not like this. I had some bad turnovers, but none worse than this Patrick Patterson blocker save. I said he's a great free throw shooter. Yeah. Hit that one. He's fine. Where are you all going? Ah, I have one more here. Come on, let's count it between Schumer gets hit in the face by Tyson's chocolate, you got knocked out, he just slips on a wet patch, he was fine there, but Frank's Gibson goes to work there, that big man passes the ball off the wire of his teammate's head. at my pain, look at andrew bynum's expression, he is saying daniel, you just got baptized he is too excited in this game with the call yes, the country is his own teammate, okay, he has a little kiss, a family applause for Tony Parker, crusader man, this is ridiculous.
shaqtin a fool bad teammates edition
The Clippers still have some work to do with their team chemistry No, you take it, you get it, I'm not giving it back it's, well, it's going to go down. cj miles happens here, that's cool, yeah, wow, great distance. Dollar plays a prank on Louis. He watches as he pulls. the projectiles in his butt john wall's rotation is pretty funny the funniest part is who they gave it to they gave it to bradley beal who's turn here coach stevens introduced the new play the pick and rollover perfection works every time jason smith he just wants a high five here he's gone it's funny give him a high five he just can't give it to himself there you go one of the two go oh my god he needs to trust the tray not the process , because this game was tough on him at least in terms of dunks I lost him on that one we haven't finished one more oh just that orlando tragic whoa same team man 18 man it's 18 man I got it oh that's good man come on man that's mine let me get it Got it, need another rebound for trouble, ah, big deal, keep an eye on the Lakers bench while Gerald pays attention to the bench, look at it, oh, look at it, look at it, oh my gosh, walk by me and get a rebound for these Phillies. decide to play defense against themselves even though you're on my team, I can stop you from making everyone laugh, first with Gomez's size of Hernan Goldman's jersey, there and then on Christmas, Scott Kristoffs drove him crazy so Maybe I just wanted to play that bismack biambo. big bobcat man gets a pass off his face in this match check out the sound effect uh robin lopez incredibly it's the dime out of the door yeah I love this part so come on in it's basically an assist and wants the scoreboard to know look What happens after Steph Curry hits the three?
shaqtin a fool bad teammates edition

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shaqtin a fool bad teammates edition...

Leave Draymond high and dry. He doesn't high-five you. I don't know you at this moment. I'm in a zone here, ready to go. Draymond of the University of Kentucky. Born in Mobile Alabama, representing Sacramento. reyes this cousin demarcus comes out with a flurry of draft reyes is taking a beating this is not the fanduel we all expected slow reaction time here for superman oh I repeat slow reaction time here for superman what was that ray ray ray hey ray ray ray moves on to dario sarge really didn't like tj mcconnell pouring water on his head we try to play good defense we try you know wow swaggy p just minding his business when all of a sudden this happens oh my god I'll send you a kiss another time here from the nugs right on kenneth reid's head to poincap is an idiot yeah yeah that's always okay, that doesn't count, I know I've done it before, that's fun, although that doesn't count either, too It's a good decision. salam esri meets seth curry oh what's the name of trouble? you travel, he barely picks up people, he says, well, joe came, noah, he gets a little angry, don't get me excited and you're not going to punch me in the chest, no I don't see this, often Timothy Mazgoth is going to catch Mozgov with his own teammate.
shaqtin a fool bad teammates edition
How did Julius Randle put Mozgov on a poster? He plays on the same team. That's just an incredible touch pass to Jordan Hamilton. Oh man, oh, she's been out, she's distracted the


that she was. a suit throws me the ball like this I'm falling I'm swinging he's excited he played very well late so excited he's actually going to throw over his head coach he got a big hit on the head right there bismack finds russell westbrook or was it the singer of anna for her teammate's dunks, four, good job bro, good team win, getting in is usually easier when you have


hello, I'll take the load on the Wizards Cavs game.
shaqtin a fool bad teammates edition
Alright, who will help you? wait someone's wrong, oh we got the crazy guy like this, this is crazy, I love crossed legs, yeah I know it in a nutshell, I'm going to knock you out, hanging here, Paul Crawford with a full handshake of about 15 seconds with Alan Anderson, look at this incredible. screen come pick me but I want lebron to score I want to help you I want to help you move I mean, whip a towel at the end of the game here right on Dario Sarge didn't mean to hit him he apologized he's watching himself fail on the Trump video but no He missed right there and then gives us the worst offensive goal of the year.
Oh, two kids on the bench, what's that? Keep an eye on Rondo, he's there trying to get back to being attentive. oh wow oh wait everyone was fine wow well d of wade who has a big hit starts playing blocking defense on jordan clarkson for no reason i got you i got you oh you know i got you i got you i got you uh robin lopez is talking to the rookie of the Bulls, Paul Zipster, now I don't know, do you think he's giving a defensive strategy here or talking to Star Wars or something? No, he's singing Miley Cyrus' party in the US.
This is called the ass pass, pay attention man, oh you're not. ready to play because i can't hear you can i ask you a question on sunday marcus smart drives but jared sullinger well he's in the way he's trying to dunk on his own teammate al horford called the foul he's trying to give him a little push turns jeff green into jeff black and blue oh that's funny i feel good the city is looking everywhere for a high five here i just need to high five anyone anyone yeah how about you? , yeah, yeah, get into this, come.
Come on, how come no one high fives? We'll kick a man while he's down. Oh, now, oh, scissors, he runs into his own teammate Deandre Jordan, but his name is Jonas Valentine of the Raptors. He obviously has a right to be upset that Jonas called. lack is great, it's amazing, no, everyone was fighting a kung fu flop, so terrible that it actually hurts their own


, the showcase that goes wrong is pretty good, double leu, what does it mean near the end of the first half? Yes, stay tuned. the two kings here jimmy butler catches them and they collide yes this is similar to the football game stephan diggs news lonzo joins the big player brown oh i got you brother i got you brother i will help you enjoy his teammate tj mcconnell shouts in markelle fultz's ear and markell doesn't like shaq the legend points to kyrie laying down for no reason what is he doing even though he didn't fail when he did it no, he failed that's why he did it oh harry joseph here under the hoop watch him take it in the face change the name of this segment to reject a


, let's win watch reggie jackson steal it from his teammate I don't see this very often okay, well, they didn't, yeah, they didn't. fumble off the chuck block yeah that's a fumble oh god so mad here at cavs guard andrew harrison for hitting the ball there this used to be a point of emphasis yeah what is it the first one Lebron messes with Brandon Ingram this weekend, this guy is kicking everything he is. good publicity for his shoes backfire after his own teammates steal the ball after this he takes charge like the big baby does in any game and gets a hug with Blake and makes the most of it, yeah I mean, maybe Maybe he's upset because he's not in The viral videos along with Blake and Chris Paul can't catch this pass, it was part of the Nuggets, eight points in the second quarter from Andrew Bogut, you have to keep your eye on the top of the screen, They catch you high-fiving here, come on, driver, literally. it's just going well, i got it myself, no problem, celebration goes wrong, oh you got it all right, here we go, lance stephenson moment, he's finally jumping, he's open, though yeah, he's often already hit it , rockets, grizzlies, dwight howard, hit the three there, get your head back. coming at you fast maybe too fast i like this by the way the new york knicks everyone is waiting for jr smith to shoot including jason smith oh right now we all expected it it was a tough week for the europeans high five another beast high five on sunday but on friday night that's cool that should be an assist yeah oh mate maserati boxes his own teammate for no reason oh my god oh that's funny that's a bit out of his head , you hit all three, pass it off Brooke.
Take those pearls away, yeah, yeah, sweet Lou wasn't very sweet to his team, oh well, yeah, he didn't give, he didn't get Blake, he didn't give Blake or Deandre Dapp, so they had to give the each other, oh, way to go. woody woody woody got all the attention saturday night these early afternoon starts i don't agree with jeff t what's going on with his face the shackton cameras come and smell everything come on man you had tacos today you know what it was, you know right there who was in the wolves game, jimmy butler, they're in the middle trying to high five, he's got like a little piece of hairy towel beard, yeah, Wiggins notices it, so here, take it off, man , give me what he points out. for him, but this is the best part, look at the butler's reaction to the teak, hey man, this is a free kick, okay, then it gets worse, I heard twice which way it was great, murray runs into a big Pata Fish Now, whenever there's pop involved, Manu Ginobili loves to get it. a rebound we go in the opposite direction, okay, oh lópez, right on bobby portis's head.
I've never seen someone foul their own teammate and it actually worked, no, it's not your time, development, not you, that's what they did right, one last part made him say. Which guy are you talking about packing it in? He's pushing Lebron, central bet just wants to get shut down, let's run, anyone, come on coach, you gotta aim. Coach, turn around, quick offense, oh, this isn't these, they're good, his teammate, Patrick Mccaw. turnover maybe i'll just laugh josh hart of the lakers sunday night beautiful pass there's that coming here's the high five kyle isn't paying attention so barbara said they weren't high fiveing ​​out of the way, out of the damn way come on buddy i'll tell you what that is buddy hey hey security oh look at that for the philadelphia 76ers here robert covington or joellen b it has to be embiid because all that happened okay you took that you would do it, yes, always.
It's important to blame the other guy, come on man, come on, double screen, triple mistake, it's Klay Thompson for Charles Barker Cookie, losing some hair upstairs, I gotta come with the bunk, that's what you, that's the ball Quick, man, it made the Phoenix nachos look. Well oh man you got it, I got it, what goes up must come down playing defense, oh he said it's great, you're wrong, he forgot josh hart, high five school, kenny, no coaches won , yes, his teammates, yes, he deserved cultural treatment from his teammates and if you like this video click here to subscribe or right here

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