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Sequential on the Streets: Ken Gushi’s 1JZ Swapped IS300 Street Car

Jun 06, 2021
You say you put this on a tram? So, Paul at Furcon. which is their US distributor for Samsonis has always been helpful on all my builds especially from the 86 to the supra because this transmission was actually on the supra oh so it had miles of formula drift yeah yeah from 2020 covets the miles of formula drift. on that so what transmission is in your pro car now so the pro car has a geforce gsr now? It's okay, because these boxes of course have prices and it was cheaper to buy two gsrs instead of a Samsonis, but the only reason this is here is because I blew second gear on the factory w series and didn't want to spend, you know, two thousand three thousand on a mediocre like the cd009 or a w series replacement because we all know they are going to break again, yeah, and I wanted something that was bulletproof and to fulfill my dreams of childhood of putting a


on a tram, it was perfect timing right now, oh my god, you don't even need to use that clutch, look at his foot, what and you'll be in six years. so wait with a g force, it's only four gears, although yes, g forces for speed, will you miss the two extra gears?
sequential on the streets ken gushi s 1jz swapped is300 street car
No, the good thing is that I have a quick change winner on my supra so I can change gears. ratio to suit the track or you know the rpm changes or whatever, so just for that certain track, this one I didn't want to do that, this is the best I'm at, I'm blown away, I'm so blown away. far right now from how casual you are you know I love it and on top of that, on top of that, guys, look, look, this man is watching TV, this man is watching TV while we're, oh, I just hate it.
sequential on the streets ken gushi s 1jz swapped is300 street car

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sequential on the streets ken gushi s 1jz swapped is300 street car...

He works? It's cold for those of you who don't know when you go to Japan, when you're stuck in traffic on the highway or even on the


, you look at everyone, you just watch TV, that's all you do, I don't know how you do it, I don't know how they can do it, I mean it's not like I'm constantly watching, it's just a nice background noise, yeah, yeah, and very jdm, yeah, it's very jbl, but this is to be expected, so just pull it reverse to shift up, yes it has a load sensor on the shift linkage inside the trans tunnel that cuts the ignition so the same way dog ​​rings work you don't need to have power to turn it off completely . and then turn it back on, but it's basically so instantaneous I can't believe how fast it switches, it's like thousands of seconds cutting off the ignition and that's all it takes to disable the dog ring in any way and then always the you set the parameters are also like for example if you just wanted to shift above 5000 rpm and set the shift window to maybe 300 of a second or something like that's all programmable via the ecu link god does it do that ?
sequential on the streets ken gushi s 1jz swapped is300 street car
Are you trying to like it? move it and put them first when you drive, but you know what's funny because I'm so used to driving this in a race car that I'm always constantly looking for my hydraulic basket to stop, yeah right, because when you're in your race car when you need to stop or slow down you use the handbrake yeah sometimes I think oh wait I forgot that's okay but you have to use the clutch to start right so it still has a traditional clutch you know it's a clutch triple plate but it still has a clutch, I can still disengage the clutch, get it into gear, so obviously when I start or start to go I need to slide the clutch to get it to work and then once it gets into gear the dog sounds . are in gear, can I use the flat shift function, do you need to use the clutch to put it back into neutral?
sequential on the streets ken gushi s 1jz swapped is300 street car
It does it on every downshift, it is recommended that you use a clutch only because I don't know why it damages. the dog sounds louder I have it on deceleration going at different uh going at lower speeds my mind is so blown right now like first of all the air conditioning works amazing it's just so loud the whole car shakes when you shift I love it and It The sound sounds like a racing car, have you heard how it sounds from outside? Is it very strong from the outside? So I was asking you, do you know a couple of guys that were following me and they said no, no, no, no.
We didn't hear it, oh, then some guy saw me on the


and he was filming my car, oh, here's my bad, and I guess when I'm at it, yeah, it backfires like crazy, yeah, okay, should we start coming back, yeah? yeah, yeah, oh yeah, I'm excited about this, I'm so impressed right now, the seats don't slide, it's okay, don't worry, fixed, well, you're taller than me, okay, and then just pay attention to the indicator that tells you what gear you are in. I've got it all right and now I can oh this is so weird okay so now like this it's such a weird feeling oh my god I'm literally only going 25 miles an hour and I'm having so much fun this is better than a broadcast manual oh my god if you can turn left let's turn right it just doesn't feel right not using the clutch it just doesn't feel right I'm like floating over I try to hit it but it doesn't feel right at all oh my god , it feels like a video game, the joy in it, oh my god I can't believe how good it is, actually the brakes don't feel that bad.
It's not that bad either, yeah, so they are a little aggressive for the street, hence why they talk so well, but do they need to warm up at all? For track driving yeah it's like you want to put a little bit of heat through them before finally so for neutral oh you have to move this hole up push up okay got it this is a race car racing, this is a racing car right now, I'm just so impressed, okay, so come back I know I have to like to think there's a lot of things on my mind right now.
It's just amazing. I'm just as glad I got to drive both cars as I would be if I got to drive Charles Wong's R34. He did not do it. It's not programmed, yeah, okay, so I had to use the clutch, but it was still crazy, it was so loud I can't believe it, so you must be when you drive this on the street, you must always be. I'm having fun, yes, I feel like I'm about to start the next market. Should I get here, here? Okay, so grab the third one, actually the next one, sorry, oh, the next one, yeah, okay, I'll try the same thing later. when I get in my car and then I just blast the transmission okay here just amazing okay neutral oh I have to say it in my head while I'm doing it it takes me a lot to get used to oh wow it really feels like I got my race car on the street, but with a full interior, yeah, air conditioning, full stereo system, geez, like all the luxury, I just like even this stuff, all the suede in here, it's like, did you get new stuff? and old or is this game factory, yes? like I was intentionally looking for something that was decent inside, no broken seats, that's really good, it's needed, I'm seriously getting used to it, like I can't believe how loud and you know, how much power it makes.
Have you made this wheel? that's all 280 is all you need really yeah, but yeah, I mean, I wish I had. My goal is 350 for now okay just because a little bit more I can use better grippy tires because there are some guys on the track that have like You know the faster cars and I want to be able to keep up with those guys like Kazuya yeah , he has this 180 that has like 400 horsepower. I have a hard time keeping up with him at Apple Valley Speedway, yes, but he doesn't have many questions. Yes, oh my, it's so loud.
The only thing about a


on the street is that you can't go from six to neutral. You know what I mean, you've got the gears right, I mean, it's the same way when you're using. like a tip or a dsg, yes, yes, the same basically, oh, there is joy, there is joy, a lot of joy happens, as well as fuel, everything works, yes, everything is precise. See, this time I didn't even think, I just did it for some reason. and I like it, it's starting to become a little more natural, yeah, it's intimidating at first, yeah, because all the sounds it makes are clanking noises, huh, I wonder if they could potentially make one that doesn't have spur gears and is quiet um.
I'm sure they have helical cut gears in some applications but straight cut gears are stronger yeah and the exhaust is actually very quiet pretty supreme it's pretty impressive yeah I don't really hear it much dude , this is so crowded. It was so loud that it really changed my life. I mean, as a car enthusiast, you know, I love being able to experience so many different things and, like you too, yes, I did, to the point where I had the opportunity to drive Charles. you know, their r34 in Japan, which was already crazy, but honestly, this is more of a tram version, I feel like it and uh, it's driving it on the


where I grew up around here, too cool, that was almost, yeah, and then.
You start to forget that what it actually has has a full pro level Wisecap kit on the front, which you probably didn't even realize, yes you know the steering also felt very very precise and tight but that's because has it all. spherical bearings, but usually people think, oh, why break it on the street? I don't know, that's overkill, it may be a little sketchy, but totally manageable, it's like you know I've never separated myself from the fact that I wanted to be walkable and comfortable. and luxurious and nice and you know, keep all the amenities so that's endless though like it's not over yeah I can't wait to see the next evolution um but yeah thank you so much for having us let's shoot .
Lots of stills, but yeah, see you in the next episode. Thank you so much. See you.

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