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Sending Empty Tesla Autopilot Through Drive Thru!

May 30, 2021
welcome future nerds, we want to find out what the heck would happen if we sent an


Tesla through the





and a $20 bill, let's investigate, we'll be completely autonomous, that's not a word, we also have this thing that's for webcams it's a snake they call it I don't know like a snake shaped webcam mount that's a snake arm they don't have arms buddy we got the twenty dollar tape for the snake arm check this out what It's easy, I hope everything turns out well. Today we are fooling some people. They're going to think this bad boy pulley robot.
sending empty tesla autopilot through drive thru
I'm bad at English. Let's do it so far, very good. Basically, what we're going to do is try to get the car on a straight road. You can see that car over there, the red car. I think that's what we're going to get out of. Hopefully you can't see us at that point, but we're going to get out of the car and do this summit. I'm literally going to get the cheapest thing on the menu. Hey, how are you doing? What is your cheapest menu item? I'm looking at carrot cake, it's just that the cheapest item said yes, a little false, we'll get a bean and cheese taco, you know where? to get to you you convinced me of that it's going to be a Judas trip like I know I can't believe he literally said Erica is trying to make a profit off of us okay guys I'm nervous I'm not going to lie , I just don't do it.
sending empty tesla autopilot through drive thru

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sending empty tesla autopilot through drive thru...

I know if it's going to work it's going to be embarrassing and I came to smart summon my vehicle so I guess you can't turn with this you can only go forward and backward smart summon okay here we go forward three two what's not going to hit , baby. baby, yeah, she called her Billy, he, Billy, I don't think I should say that, probably one of the coolest things I've seen in a long time, my life is very dull, it wasn't intense at all, but it was cool to say. At least I can get a classic chicken sandwich just by playing hey Jana, can I order?
sending empty tesla autopilot through drive thru
Can I order a plain burger? I sure didn't see it coming. I'll make the cheese. I'll make the cheese. Do not you know that? Let me ask for a. chicken fajita taco no chicken just cheese and tortilla whats up? Oh no, sorry, this con is


at the moment. This is a voice note. Actually, I'm not a real person. There is no one in this vehicle at this time. I do all I want is this chicken. fajita and actually, let's double that, let's just double the order, well, no, thank you, hello, that's going to be a cool pull-up.
sending empty tesla autopilot through drive thru
Thanks Hello, what is your cheapest item? They are food shoes. You know, I'll get the rolled chicken tacos. I will buy three. I'll hook you before there's no way I can get a ten piece McNugget, no it's not a meal just the Nuggets and Honey BBQ, well it's your smallest McNuggets set or piece, okay I'll do all four pieces and then, okay, that'll be it. I think we'll take number one with just cheese and ketchup and that will just be the second window of the burger and also the pilot. I'm saving the climate. My Tesla is GI, but my test appointment is lush.
I'm making that noise. I'd be surprised if he sticks to the lines I'm not going to lie, okay, it's literally just playing in some bushes with a Tesla, nice crazy, it's existential kwame, having a crisis right now during the trip, did you see this now same, summon more like Bummin, what's the point of this? They can't reach for the money, right? Dude, you need to learn how to


this Tesla properly. Why does it spin so much? My heart is literally pounding from ingestion. We are trying to make a Tesla on


. self-service right now do you think we have a chance to achieve this?
We have a $20 bill taped to the door right there, do you think they'll take the bait? Hope it works well, action time, good luck, how is it? Thank you. You see the pure excitement on his face when I threw it I just want to see a bag of food fly towards this door that's my only goal come on I just sat on it yeah he's drinking out there why is he spinning why is he spinning? well, thank you, you've been working here for quite a while, what's in the burgers, it's real ingredients, it's lamb, you're fascinated by the tool and I feel like we need to document the document, it's documenting this, look at these documents, those, oh, It's leather, I hate it. how you're as tall as me but more muscular than me, it makes me angry that you like to hit yourself in the body and, oh, okay, that's it.
I just realized something if I ask a friend to drive another car in the drive-


. in front of us we can use the actual smart summon features so we don't have to just go forward, just the smart summon literally brings the car towards you in your direction. This is going to work. Hello how are you doing? Can I get a number? a Doritos Locos Tacos like two of them just meat and cheese after we order and I get in right away we get in your car and it's going to go ahead and we have to go it's basically going to follow us so we have to get three. in front of us this time we have to get in his car without being detected by the people in front of us Ryan drive it let's smoke a shot to aim for the money I love it hey getting ready yeah keep going why is he where he's going?
It's turning, it's going towards the road, let me know if it's setting, it happened, it's fucking running, look at it tough, oh my god, this is crazy, they're probably in their pants right now because I'm fine, no, I should go, I should go to look for it. I'm gonna get, oh my god, dude, that was crazy, oh my god, bro, that was crazy. I'll be able to tell if the Tesla crashes, it crashes, I'm not going to say that so casually, I'd cry my eyes out if it crashed, we just have to get in Ryan's car without being suspicious, hey, how's it going?
What's happening? Oh my God, don't do it. Don't worry, do it for the next person, I was the next person, oh my God, come on, there's no way out, I have to move it up a little bit, right there, boogers, but they get the money, yeah, you , she is grabbing the money. Is working? Oh please, she get the money. Can I get a chicken sandwich? We're just going to check my heart rate because it's literally at rest, that's what sixty is. I'm sitting and my heart rate is 118 beats per minute, no. Don't come out yet, don't come out yet, let's stop a little longer, oh yeah, get it Ryan, don't leave yet, do this, literally park in front of us, oh, that's Oh P, so if you want, go. on the right there's literally no one in that car who's who's there man dude she's gonna stop soon she's trying to throw it away why are they throwing money at each other she keeps the change.
I think I'm going to start moving a little. You got this, come on, you got this no way. Okay, no action. It should be noted that this is our last attempt and I hit a hundred dollars on the car. Yes, a $100 tip. She was very excited about who hurt her as if she were saying. she was going to knock me out, who scared her? Have you ever been in a fight before? Yeah, not really, since the McDonald's lady was so mean, we decided to end the night at the most pleasant place I could think of, Chick-fil-a, just for context, they say my It's a pleasure when you say thank you, for That's what I said promise, so I had a 100 dollar bill taped to the door and I noticed this gentleman saying, Sorry, don't worry, I don't mean to throw anything at you, he seemed like a wonderful guy. so I gave it to him, it was nice, who's healthy, Ben, we're a fil-a girl, a little huge, but I hope I still have that status. 50 cents, sure, okay, it's going to be a really uncomfortable escalator ride.
Jolteon, my boy. enjoy the voice note just say it say what you want Taco Cabana rocks or something like that

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