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Send Your Friends To The Netherrealm In This SMASH Custom Map!

Jun 06, 2021
Hey guys, today we're going to be playing with more Smash Brothers last time we tried some of the Get Out of My Head or Get Out of My House series out there, but they're really cool. These are a little more original and a little more twisted, so we'll start with a recently made one called hypnotherapy and we'll basically be trapped in a spiral that's sucking us into a painful vortex of fire. We will try to escape. There is a portal in the center.


ing you to the lower realm, which will cause you a lot of pain, the painful lower realm, oh, and the way it spins it keeps pushing into another one, yeah, yeah, and now that's the idea that's bringing it closer.
send your friends to the netherrealm in this smash custom map
This is a devious map we're going to hang out here to feed each other for a while yeah oh damn King Dedede so we jump through walls you have to do it manually you can't jump through These walls, you're trapped in the plane you're on, oh no. one is gone, there is another room, but I know that no one has dared to venture there. Well, I see on the map where I'll go if I go there. I also make another kingdom. Oh no, there's a small chance you'll fly out of the abyss. kingdom and you die, which you experienced most of the time, you just go back to the portal to the spiral, I got you, oh my god, I almost moved on to the other fight, you don't want to go there, I'm Caroline, I'm back to us.
send your friends to the netherrealm in this smash custom map

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send your friends to the netherrealm in this smash custom map...

They're good guys, let's be honey, no, I couldn't talk about my mmm, I don't think you should, I want to go, I think you should come closer to my Toon Link explosion, oh my god, I almost touched it, the portal to the abyss . realm buddy you don't even think you're doing anything and then you're close to the lower realm you say


little jump technique outside yeah which seems twisted but the whole acid jump army now


is the final stretch. We're in the home stretch, guys, Ruth is the home stretch, oh, I'm back in the picture, oh boy, look, that's what happens if you don't move, well, look, the thing is, if you're not paying attention, you will like it. two levels closer if you're not actively moving outwards, yeah,


is a really smart level, kid.
send your friends to the netherrealm in this smash custom map
I wonder if this will require their GATS, it does, they give us NetherRealm or like a really intense balance to get you out of here. whoa whoa Oh No Oh, come here Sam, come on, piece of this oh no, they're


ing me to the lower realm I barely got out of that life oopsies oh, get out of here You went to the bottom all night can I still? Don't wait so go there, survived the trip, survived the trip, that was great, oh boy we're getting B P here, that's for Nico, no I'm here I'll get him out of here we go.
send your friends to the netherrealm in this smash custom map
Get out of here I'm fed up I almost got you I was so close to it it almost took me out completely Yes, don't touch my little boy body. It's like the dialogue of all those all games. Yeah, buddy, King. Dana can't get her hands on me, no one has been thrown out of the spiral, but yes, surprisingly, Rome never kills. I'm just kind of an idea, no, I'm not going to go in there, go in there, but he came back, he came. back with stories back what's


story I saw a beach and there's a lime there were always girls in bikinis and like Khurana from high school oh my god oh he goes sounds like a really good time you actually died I don't know I must have blinked I really don't I have no idea how I died I saw you I see the damage Beckinsale is here We just have to kill me Go ahead win every guy thing Yes, you're absolutely right Why can't you get it? in one thing B can't let me win all the games God, it's so hard to get I know they're out of the spiral we're going to get out of this get out of here I'm not going anywhere just make me tears from my eyes are of joy and winning balls I'm not blinking oh god oh god oh god ping I got hit on the outside spiral swing I can do about it you have to do something save yeah I think we need maybe I need to join together get the power on I need to make this map like it needs to loop less spiral.
I think of it that way, like people fly away, actually fly off the map from time to time, he finally has a dog at this point, now nothing can hurt me. I didn't care, you don't even care what we do to you anymore, you're like, oh cool man, that'll do now, where everyone's like, please, just kill me. One less loop in the spiral would really help weed out the people who are putting in. that inferior we always get another B I'm trying to give you a hook, it's you, oh my god, you get me out of the ring, damn it, never, kingdom, don't hit me, get out of my spiral.
I'm trying with all my might to make you move. Also, what does this change? Can a man stand it? Yeah, how much damage could a little anime do? Oh man, I fell through the wall before once in a while, while you fall through the floor, it's thin enough in places. I guess so, Marty playing in the lower realm, oh. I'm with him, I'll make sure that guys, oh, hello, with you, no, he's back, you're back in the portal, how are you back? That's all. I told you it's all about Tekken. I'm playing Tekken right now on the spot.
Nico is still alive this is so you guys just don't die motherfucker so get out of here get out of our fucking spiral clearly my spiral I need to make it so the lower realm is like who really died instead of coming . back, yeah, there should be no chance of coming back or like a 1% chance that no, someone left. I went to another L for a second, believe it, what an occasion, we should make it a full occasion, not another realm, damn, let's hang out. right here jump to the nether realm and kill yourself if you really want to be a good player there you go that's good for me okay I need to make it a little easier to die on this map.
I think so, one less spiral loop and the lower realm needs to have one more obvious hole that you've already gone through now, just like you actually saw the technical pipeline, yeah, all we have left, I don't know what, you are a little counterattack guys, you just literally counterattack. of whatever I charge, dude, it has a mix, you do half the damage and charge my guy, who always appears as an avatar, yeah, it's like Sam, where things work exactly wrong, yeah, the NetherRealm. Uh oh, that really messed them up, it definitely hurt them some. I've been there before, okay, I want to go back, yes, you'll take it out, yes, I dare you to jump right there, you'll take it to me, you'll take the underworld to D, that's impossible, clearly, yes, I can't wait to see who really win. this for a terrible formal game, Sam, maybe you could also make the spiral spin the other way, no, I love how it takes you to the center, how do you organize this?
Sam, it's like a bunch of similar pieces that you can play in the Spiral or you dress with line, you drop line and there you go, your ability to come back, well, the underworld is below and yes, we could, he has this shadow demon of something like a long talk hat or something weird, no, you're fine, we're fine. It was probably pretty sweet in the end, although it's like, man, this game is going to sell out, it's going to be crazy, one night it kills me, you go, do you get this? I definitely have a feeling that Dee is going to the lower realm next, no I don't.
I don't want to go there next time, yeah, the prophecy, oh boy, the kaga speaks Japanese, yeah, he's very sick and you come back, oh my god, you have a fourth trip to the promised land. It's okay, we're okay, you guys touch your sores with your thumb for the first time. I also played any of these maps, by the way, the fight goes well, you don't need to charge, that lit up, breathe in time, here we go, fly, so yeah, that's because this is a knife, it looks like you touched up a bit. it's so much more fun than yes get up with my pom pretty life you're right oh my god I can't wait oh my god this is so painful the clock just died Nikko I don't know what else to do besides keep hitting you with my sword it's like being part of a little one now in the lower realm, yes it is, oh, it's already full of smoke, it likes it, it recharges it and makes it stronger.
Hello, I think Enders are great, but not you, it's like you definitely kill things. winning this one, why do you get that cool ending? I don't know, I'm doing crushing attacks maybe and a taste of that inferior, oh my god, I can't believe none of what I said happened, but come back for more, come on, come on you. You're gonna eat your moment, yeah, that's right, you go, so many wibs, whips, the city buries their dodges, we're dodging attacks, it's perfect, perfect counters, ooh, nice little shoemaker, we got a low knob, it's ready, You just can't stand it. more damage oh never around finally Oh you're coming back oh yeah oh damn oh my god why did I do this?
It's such a bad map, well we managed to die every time I went to the bottom. I didn't die every time, oh God. God, so come on, what's going on, just keep jumping there, these Nevin are over there, these clothes that let me stay here, the women's fight here, in the other kingdom, come on, he's gone from here, don't you believe that means like this. if Nikko dies, even if it's not over yet, don't even take any damage, the vegans already do damage there, damn, I think they just need to make changes here in 999, don't stop bouncing Mercer, we fight to end this.
I don't know, I'm trying to get over the outside bug, you need to get to the outside jump, well, yeah, this is what's not made for this guy he knows at 9:09 to be unique, are they together chasing him around? I'm trying Kiwi Camilla boost yeah, here we go, okay, here we go, no, we're back to the same bad thing again, boo, so close, little boost, give me a boost, oh, here we go, oh no, but now look, we were going in circles. Almost tonight, I know let's do that again, how long was the maximum launch speed fifty nine hundred kilometers per hour?
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