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Selena Gomez on Only Murders, Working with Meryl Streep & She Does Martin Short’s Makeup

Jul 02, 2024
It's funny being in the cab here tonight because the Kimmel show wouldn't send a car. She was thinking what it's like to be friends with Selena Gomez and I'll tell you she is intimidating and not just because of all the guns, but let me tell you. I'm not just friends with Selena because she's successful or Rich, it's because she's both and I'm also proud to call her my co-star, let's see a little. I didn't know Kimber was here nor did we guys have. to make her talk can I trust you? Do you even know how to talk to someone my age?
selena gomez on only murders working with meryl streep she does martin short s makeup
I definitely don't know and you don't count because you have old lady energy oh she 72 is where I put it maybe 75 that's flattering but I'll do this part I can


talk about girls can you? Yeah, oh, I don't think so. Actually, just go look for clues in Ben's dressing room, but he keeps his dressing room locked, don't worry, I brought my Jimmy Keys, look, I can be. helpful guys, it's okay here, hey mom, yeah, we're like uh, yeah, at work and killing and yeah, over here, like yeah, the fourth season of just versions in the building, premiering August 27 on Hulu, Did I mention that?
selena gomez on only murders working with meryl streep she does martin short s makeup

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selena gomez on only murders working with meryl streep she does martin short s makeup...

I think so, please welcome Selena Gomez. You look beautiful, thank you, you look absolutely beautiful, you must be in your element, all eyes are on you, I know, can you imagine this is that exciting and let's be honest, you know you work with Steve and I, yeah But who do you like more? oh god, I mean you must have a little favorite. I don't think there are any old favorites. I just love them both exactly for who they are and where they are and what they've taught me, okay. You know, a lot of people who have done our show say it's one of the coolest, easiest, most fun sets, and I think you remember I remember the first day we filmed.
selena gomez on only murders working with meryl streep she does martin short s makeup
I've never met you because of Covid, we were just able to You know, I go over scripts on Zoom and I'm driving to work and I'm thinking Selena Gomez could be a nightmare. You know, she's been famous since she was 15 years old. She has 18 billion followers on Instagram. What if she is late? What if she is bad? Yes she and then I greeted you in the creator and said, yeah, I thought, oh my God, I'm already in love and it never takes me a second to know every line, the greatest professional you've ever worked with. Really thank you.
selena gomez on only murders working with meryl streep she does martin short s makeup
Do you remember? Do you remember being nervous that day? Of course, I remember being terrified. um, I knew I was already walking into something so rich and fun and


with two icons, Geniuses, and I remember maybe on the third day we would all sit in our chairs and take breaks and you two would be next to each other playing whatever game play or whatever and I remember I sat down and asked them and said, do you mind if I sit with you just so I don't? I don't feel alone and they said, "sure" and since then my chair has always been in the middle. of the two of them and you are having fun.
I remember I asked you. I said, did you know Steve before this? You said sure. Said. how you said I googled it you know and you also have to admit the guest stars we have on the show. I feel like we're very lucky, I mean especially last season, which obviously we can't say much about, but I'm I'm very excited for everyone to see it, yeah, and I think it was, you know, I would say out of all the guests. we've had a lot of cute guys yeah but I think Paul I didn't even get that I was about to Di but Paul rdd yo Paul rud now you said you were always in love with Paul R yeah first clueless , hello and then, you know friends and then you know everything, he's cute, he's so nice and he's always so ridiculously nice.
It's ridiculous and then how about Merill? Merill was a dream, a dream. As an actress, you can


dream of


with someone as cool as her, but she just entertained herself like she was part of our family, she sang songs. Barefoot and talking to everyone and that was classy to me, that was real class, no it is. I remember the first day we were filming with her and I've known her for years, but I was like I was a little nervous today, I wonder. Well, that's true because she has 21 Academy Award nominations and you can't tell when I don't have that many, yes, I know, but and also, but this season we have so many amazing guests, the one that made me laugh. most were the ones you couldn't get through the scenes with, there's a scene where Molly Shannon comes in and has to curse out all the actors in the scene because she's drunk and in the Final Cut I've seen you're laughing too, no I mean, Molly is hysterical in every take, it was different and you just see your head turning to the side, what was that?
What was she? She looks at you, you're crying right now, she said to Merl's face. I like what's happening here and Mar likes that. I'm just changing every take on every take. Very sorry. I don't even know for our editors if there's a good take because she was in every take I broke. improving and just giving it your all and it was perfect every time it was perfect no, it's just that, but those are the best moments when we work with those people and you've worked with so many fabulous people, I mean, it seems like a weird question, but how Is it strange to have been only 31 years old and to be so famous for so long?
How strange was that? I don't know if it's strange. I think I just like hanging out with people. who


n't treat me like that, yeah, you know what I mean, like I love you, but even hearing you say that, I'm like, don't say that you, well, I wouldn't say that we are, don't you think I would say that you? You're doing it for the cameras, I guess, but what I'm saying is you know, Selena, pass me a Coke, that's not even true for me, no, but I appreciate that I'm very, very lucky and you're one of them, but it's fun.
Although because you know, sometimes we're mainly in the studio, but sometimes we shoot on the streets and when Steve and I do a scene on the streets of New York, there's like six guys taking the shot and it's like 20 minutes. and they don't even have film in their camera, it's just Selena, we make a scene with her, there are 120 paparazzi and they are there all day waiting for it to fall on her face, you know exactly, you're right, they actually do. They do it, oh it's ridiculous, no, it's amazing, you know that and then, but to actually have it, it was 426, it's crazy, yeah, I don't know, no, but I think it's been great.
I do what I can with what I have and I'm so grateful and I want to say that my grandparents are here I just want to make my family proud and I'm happy that she's very close to her family, they all come to the set, her, her sister, probably not healthy, but no, no, no, no, no. It's, it's, it's amazing, it's absolutely, um, you know, and she helps us there a lot of times when we sit there before a serious scene and she's like, oh, you haven't heard the lyrics to what, let me, uh, and wow, could you? go, come out, they had just left and I thought, surely they have an opinion on this moment, I wonder what Steve was really saying, is that on behalf of my beautiful lady, it's okay more with Selena Gomez after I'm here with the lovely Selena Gomez, how do you pronounce that last Gomez?
Okay, no one once Steve said Gomez, it's not Gomez, write it down below, congratulations, miss can winner, oh, thank you, Elia Perez. I got an 11-minute standing ovation on the can, that's amazing, and then you won. the best acting award yeah I won with um actually the other actresses in the movie um and I'm so excited for people to see it it's so weird so um she's also the executive producer of a reboot from Wizards of. I'm so excited. What's your network? I'm so excited. Is incredible. It's basically something you know. I don't know about your life.
You don't know about my life. But it is a program that means a lot. I know. It is because you start on that show and also, but you also appear on it. Yeah, so I'll be in the first episode. I'm an executive producer and it makes me cry because that's the beginning of where I started. and honoring it in this way has truly been a blast and I can't wait for people to see it. Can you imagine how old I will be when we restart just


in the building? Let's cry. You know that, do it for as long as you can.
I know I don't think I would be in every episode. What do you think? Just sometimes. What


Oliver think? That's my life every day. Yes, you have it too. this amazing beauty line, yes, and you achieved your goal, but still I'm a victim. I haven't met my goal, but yeah, my goal with my brand um Cosmetics is to raise 100 million for mental health every year, so basically we're, you know, We've been doing all the exciting things that we're doing in the world in the mental health space, but yeah, no, I'm proud of it, it has meaning and it's also very practical and you use it every day. use it because uh no no they don't, I mean, I don't use a lot, just street stuff, you know, no, no, but we use it on the show and I think you've got something here, right?
Do you want me to show you one of the new ones? Yes, show me something new. Alright. Okay, but you know? Alright. Maybe you need to end com. I have aged well. Maybe you need to contour a little more. Yes, if that is so. Could you no, then this is but then this is men's or women's


see like here yeah a little smile don't make a kissy face like there you go we'll do a little outline here I'll give you a little bit of brown wouldn't you make me You look stupid , I would never do it, but it is actually very combinable.
It's like I've been lifted up. It's very matchable, as you can see, hey, actually, you know what I look like best. No, no, no, no, well, you know what it is. It's a little sunburned, but um, but I look like half a trump, let me fix it, open my eyes, okay, okay, okay, I'll do some blush and, oh, do the blush, do the blush, but be careful. because look one, well, I'm a circus clown, yes, no, I look like you're a little kid. I want to stay up after 8:30. It really took you about 50 70 years. I love you, oh, I love you so much.
Selena. Gomez's fourth season will only be in the building on August 27 and we'll be right back.

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