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Jun 07, 2021
Today Preston and I are competing against each other as we


the most


and amazing subway. If you want to see more


s from Bill, I want to see at least 150,000 likes on this video, let's start this


by refreshing, are you ready to


the most


one? Underground


ment sometime I think I'm ready to win jelly beans Oh, ready to win okay, I mean, you're a Minecraft pro unlike me, but I've got a couple of years on you, jelly, yeah, look, I don't even have a mouse, that's an unfortunate thing. Well, that makes you feel better.
secret underground base build challenge in minecraft
I have no eyebrows, okay, listen, the rules are pretty easy, you have 30 minutes to build the secret



ment and that's okay, you can use creativity, okay, okay, break it, okay, don't do it. copy my construction jelly I'm not copying anything Preston already ruined my very impressed friends, so first I have a pretty easy but solid way to cover a nice entry. I just have to think about where I want the entrance to be. and I think hmm somewhere here in the corner, okay, so let's dig in because the first thing we need to do is build a redstone contraption, yeah, that sounds really complicated, doesn't it?
secret underground base build challenge in minecraft

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secret underground base build challenge in minecraft...

It's actually quite easy, it's just a three by three. Put some stone on, we grab some sticky pistons and put on the sticky pistons we connect them all with some red stone and then if I'm right this lever should work, oh I messed it up, here we go, uh yeah, It works hahaha, all good. the dirt block right there oh it's solid it's so solid what a look let's cover this up wow I'm impressed with myself so obviously we have to hide the lever so let's connect the lever with some red stone for a good trigger point right here, yeah, that's perfect, let's grab a sapling and some bone meal and then we can start working on creating a nice environment here, you'll know that, aha, but mix it up, go, I say, okay, put some red stone in there. plug it all together, okay, and I think that's what it's about, it's working, let's try it oh oh, it's solid, perfect, so let's dig in here because we're going to have to make a nice little landing pad with water, of course.
secret underground base build challenge in minecraft
Okay, look, we have water and I'm starting to open this place up a little bit now, obviously we're going to have to make some nice rooms here, but we'll work on that later. I'm just making a nice little base, yeah, look, okay, that looks good, let's start working on the collage of the top area. Now I was thinking I could use the bone meal to hide levers and stuff, look you can barely see it, obviously we need to plant some more. trees down to hide it even better here we go, could you look? It's actually perfect.
secret underground base build challenge in minecraft
Now let's make a small hill area here. That's right, it's going to be a cool little hill. You won't know where these secret entrances are. Well, maybe a little. The waterfall well looks perfect, okay, so I was thinking of a really good idea, wait, why doesn't it work anymore? The idea is to put a sapling there and build a tree. I want a giant tree, so we have to do it a couple of times and you see what I did. I put the tree on top of the block, so now, yeah, nothing really happens. because it's locked, but ladies and gentlemen, if we put a trap door like that and I trap myself and get rid of the bottom block, now we can enter my secret base, that's the best entrance I've ever seen, guys, okay, so the entrance is done. now let's work on the interior so if we're working a little bit on the interior now I changed the ceiling yeah the ceiling is now green it looks great the floor is white and I added some truss supports it looks beautiful obviously We are going to have some secret rooms and some very visible rooms.
We have a prison I want to work on later. We'll add that one over here somewhere and a control room that will be right here. I actually found a cave and I think it looks amazing, so I decided why not continue with your blast. You can see it well. Jell-O time is up. No, I'm not done yet. Preston, I'm not done either. Jelly, but it's time. Well, thirty minutes isn't enough, man, oh no. It's not okay, it's okay, it's okay, buddy, come with the f-dog, it's okay, we're going to have to drop the wall. Preston, okay, wall, well, too bad we don't have a gelatinous world, so I'm just going to make an entry, okay, get rid of the wall, perfect, that looks interesting, thanks, you know, it's not great, but I try to make it look kinda pretty, oh yeah you did it, it looks good, hello jelly, the moment you step on my grass, that's you.
I'm really trying to break this whole thing, you have to break it all Preston, come on, my God, one of these people, I know we have a guy in Tyrell, okay Preston, that looks pretty cool, but I think you should try to find my secret base first. Are you ready? Good luck. I don't need lucky jelly because I have a smelly belly. Alright. Where is? Oh I got it, you gotta find it, man, you got water, water, how do you know that? Come on, quickly. it's not in the water Preston yeah I'm sure jelly I'm sure uh I'm looking to get on the parkour master and I might be using my third person perspective if there's something in the tree but I don't see any secrets. buttons or anything, well, I found our secret lever, well, what's that, Preston?
Oh wait, it's not the water, it's not in the middle of the gelatin, come on, real quick, buddy, are you in right now? So I'm using a custom resource pack. right now, so there's a picture of my wife on your base that's not a custom resource pack, man, it's not on me, I'm dying right now, man, oh my god, this is so funny, bro. I have to say this is a really sick bill so I can. Do you want to give you a little tour, Preston, yes, can I give you a little tour, please? So you obviously fell in here using that trapdoor with a secret piston entrance, now these here are my armor mounts.
I killed three warriors. and I stole their armor and this is yeah this is what I'm putting here you like it you like it I look amazing three rooms connected to this the first one you already saw is the chest room which is right here jelly is there a secret behind? Hey, there are no secrets behind it. I have a PSD where I see painting. Sorry, yes, that's true, I'm trying that. Diamond who loved iodine. You know what you know, what's down there right there is justice. You see those diamonds, but what kind? this what is what but but what is jelly where is what does that do what did you do what does that I can't tell you I'm sorry you can't just click on it you know it's not there press there jelly what is it like that normally I'm you built a path of secret escape that's right you can use this escape in case of danger you see this the piston opens the doors that discharge it yeah that's the lever you press it's basically connected to the ocean you like it buddy that's cool . about you know there could be a fire and the secret


base, you can't be down here when a fire breaks out, exactly that's going to be a little dangerous, so yeah, it's just a secret lever.
I added it for fun, you know you like it, that's fine. It's a bit silly, so what shape is this Preston? He's like one I was like I don't get it jelly now. Sorry, I'm really bad at pictionary. Okay, we have two more rooms. Preston. Okay, we have two more rooms. prison what we have a prison yes this is a very very bad person he is in the bathroom we are not okay I'm not going to look I don't want to see that young man so yes this door actually connects to the back of his uh, his prison is because you know that every now and then you need to clean that toilet.
Know? Can I punch him? Hey, leave him alone, oh yeah, but he's not a bad person, well he's a bad person, oh no, you just broke his toilet seat. I like it. a great solution from Saget I can fix some tea bags and I can fix that and I fixed it No, how is he supposed to do his stuff now, practice? Hello, a lot of suppression, that's the prison, the bad person will stay there forever and we have the control room. there we have it we have to go this way again you see, I found a barrel jelly inside the park yes, I will explain it later, then I will explain the Ender pearls, so this is my control room, so these are screens and this .
It's live TV, that's right, it's live, wife, it's so we can see everything, don't press these buttons, wait, wait, don't wait, can I take a break from any of these? No, I with this one, especially not this one, Preston, don't push it, but he put it. so tempting, gotta do it Jane, why did you put a button there loaded with TNT? It's my seat, okay, number two, man, look, it's connected to this cave, look how many secret escapes jelly - Minnie, oh, I'm sorry, will you ever know then what you're in danger of? I need a way to get out, you know, okay, except for the fact that yeah, so when you get here you just don't get it out right.
I brought a pickaxe, okay, I think that's it, apart from the last thing, which is how do you get out, yeah, how do you get out? So you already took one of the Ender pearls, all you have, I did it to stand in the water and aim. Wow, okay, you overthought it. I'm jealous. Okay, you're good, if I could qualify. your base would give it a solid 9 out of 10 9 out of 10 which is 9 out of 10 Thanks man, now let's see the amazing jelly, I'm dad, so you can feast your eyes on my face, press it. I could get it.
I would. I really have to do it, yes you have to do it, jelly, now I have a better secret. There could be an entrance here in the lava or in the water, maybe under a stupid wait, why she you're just ruining it with such a cool notice, so you call? This is my generator, but remember we had an unspoken rule that if you don't have to break anything to get into the person's secret base, so it's not this fire that makes you hot, it's actually cold. Hey, you're lucky. replenish gelatin there must be a secret way in there's a secret way in okay there's a lock wait a minute oh I found something oh we found a trap door what's this going to do door oh wait a minute oh it's abandoned too friend funny friend Oh, doing clicking jelly, clicking OH, clicking that button wait, you heard that, I heard that jelly I made, there was something that had wait-wait-wait-wait jelly, you have to go and survive in game mode for this, OK?
Now I'm in survival, okay, now it's you instead of everyone and I'll show you that it's possible, okay, that's it if I open it by clicking the button yes sir, wait, you killed me by saying no, no, no, this . It's part of my defense, okay, and it's hard to understand that it worked, you have to use the momentum from jumping into the lava to make it without dying, here it goes, give me armor, give me armor or something that will keep my armor. I, okay, I give you, you're my father, apparently I suck at this game.
The diamond bib is incoming, okay, there you go, brother, okay, jump, jump, yeah, there you go, we have to make my death faster if you want to see the Preston base. I have to watch it on his own channel. I left the link in the description below so be sure to go and check it out. Thank you all for watching this video like I said. 150,000 likes for more invoice challenges. Also go to Delhi, so don't do it. Don't come and click here to watch another video, do it right now.

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