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SECRET ROOM Mod In Among Us!

Jun 03, 2021
Welcome back to Among Us today. We have added a



. When you go down there you gain access to a special camera that will track the location of another mark and player on the map and also change people, so if you stay long enough you will be able to keep track of anyone to go down to the



. . We use a special ability that allows us to climb a ladder. I know it sounds weird, but it's really cool now, before you enter, click the "Like" button if you want to go to a secret room. right now look it's right there we can go come on oh you did good let's go to the secret room hey we're here this is a weird secret room anyway if you want to catch the merch head over to the slogo. com, I just released it and I'm really proud of it, so check it out anyway, let's get into the video.
secret room mod in among us
Has this always been here at home? This wasn't here before. Oh come on, come on up, wait, what am I? Come on, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what happens if I open it again right now? I can see two of my turns, but oh wait, I'm following the saplings, wait, so this is a security camera, wait, racism is happening, oh wait, it changed, how? change it timmy walk walk around go away so this is like a camera um wait but it changes every second this is mastered okay we should probably get back to the table to start guys okay let's go good luck everyone okay guys okay that?
secret room mod in among us

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secret room mod in among us...

Are we all going there right away? Yeah, yeah, I mean, come on, look at it right now, of course, we'll go right there. It's a completely new room, we see that we are watching like in the camps, you can see that they are being watched. oh, I don't know, look at the security, okay, I'm looking, trust, wait, I'm still looking at you right now, now it's changed, okay, guys, well, I'm going to complete the tasks, I'll see you later, I guess . Okay, have fun, I'll be watching bye. Okay, so we have a secret room and we have things to do.
secret room mod in among us
Obviously someone here is an imposter. I am not the imposter. Val. Are you going to kill me now? I guess that's it. Jelly and Crane are going to spend most of their time in that place, um, but if they leave, I guess that's what the imposter would do, but that's what we're doing. The camera is on. Does that mean I think that means that that? They're being watched I guess I hadn't really thought oh my god a body oh my god wait who was the one that just ran I'm not really sure if you just saw josh in a dead body no guys I saw you with a dead body no, no, No it's okay someone came out of my screen they were dark skinned so it was steve trance or trans maybe it's okay I wasn't looking for the cameras and I didn't see anyone looking why would we trust you? you did it, what do you mean, if you were fighting with the cameras you would have seen that I didn't kill anyone, where are the body communications?
secret room mod in among us
Well, I've seen someone walk away from me, so I'm pretty sure they were like that. darker skin with a hat so maybe it was stereo transmission but I didn't see it kill they just walked away but maybe they were coming out of the thing I don't remember the orange color darker skin I'm confused. no I just meant it was just I can't remember I was looking at the body I didn't see oh that solves the problem someone just left so I offended him to the point where he left Joshua well that means he's not the The imposter didn't finish, so now he's trans Josh or Steve.
You see, I'm really Josh's gravy because as soon as he was that guy he was following, you know what I'm going to skip this time too, Josh, but I'm going to keep going. My eyes are wide open for you buddy yeah I'm literally going to be stalking you on camera Josh that's my reason why I'm not doing anything wrong. You reported it, found a body and took the evidence. This is problematic. Silly me, maybe you've spent some time completing Tarzan so you don't sing for the cameras all the time? Okay, I'm going down there now. I'm trying to think about who I saw.
Obviously, you guys can go back to the video. and that's great for you, but I wasn't concentrating, I was looking at the dead body, um, so yeah, let's lose this thing and see if we can find someone, so we're following Timmy right now, um, I think, I think. the cameras show okay now we're following the trance um so this is one of the people we're thinking about steve uh oh steve is right next to us he's going to kill us we're following timmy crain he's right next to us in this moment oh, jenny is here too oh, hello everyone, how are you doing?
Hey, she's following us, I can't see anything, I mean, if they constantly update it, a new person appears, guys, I have an idea. Steve is outside. How about I go out like you? guys like a spy doll and see if I can meet up no no I'm not staying here with josh wait a second no way wait guys who was there with us I don't remember I know what I did navigation vi to steve outside are you yeah, I don't know what you're talking about you're just being you're trying to set me up very I mean, I want jello sauce because they're selling it like you're made by me because Wait, where were you guys before you came down?
Steve, what do they have to do with it? They were Ukrainians. Well, they were jelly the whole time before they came down. No, but in the first round, in the first round, no, in this round, no, in this round, I wasn't. I literally knew, I remember seeing Steve and Trance, yes I know, and Steve reported it and the trans is still here now. I mean, I think Timmy is too dumb to be the imposter, to be honest, Steve was with us. I saw Steve outside. Steve lied. There's no point in making fun of the imposter because it wasn't him, Jenny, can you please stop?
It's just your sauce, it's okay, Daley, there's no way you're still going to find it. Salsa, I don't understand, he's been there for too long. Fantastic. To do this round, I didn't, I didn't do anything you said at the beginning of the round, do your time, yeah, because I wanted you guys to run away so I could appear on camera, well, I don't have one yet. all josh lies outright about what he's doing i know it's not josh i know it's not jello i feel like it's josh he's literally lying he was confident enough to throw a boat at you josh i know it's small brain now i'm thinking it's like Jelly, but it's okay, there's nothing better than goodbye, look at the cameras and I'll be your eyes up here, it's okay buddy, it's okay Karina, well I really don't know what's going on here, why is Jelly bothering me? so much?
I don't get it right, let's go up to the chambers, let's see, so we're following the trance right now, so we can update it, okay, yeah, we can, so we'll just go to Crana, this is um, yeah, this is a little strange, okay? Jelly is in the camps normal cameras oh, here's Steve, so we were a little suspenseful. Steve is actually fine, here's Crainer just walking around. I don't know, oh no, these guys come down. Okay, wait, these are the two guys he was mad at. I'm going to die? the train is on comms oh let's get on and see what we can find I guess it's jello let's go so Steve was one of the people we were aware of so I guess we could keep going for a bit and see if anything happens . maybe where is Jelly will still be in the camps Jelly's left caps okay wait Jelly why did I think you were on the cameras?
Where is the body? Guys, I think I know who it is, you were blaming me, Jelly, who do you think it is? Accuse me, I was in the secret room chambers the whole time, basically, what are you seriously going to blame me for? Right, are you serious right now? Jenny, I saw you on the security cameras and I was leaving and suddenly you're in a dead trance. listen to me very carefully, steve, you're too timmy, you too, josh lies, you killed crainer's boys, steve can literally cover for me, steve can come with me because I was a steven timmy, like I'm clearly lying, okay, timmy , I was in front of the camera.
I saw you going in and out of the med bay you see I was in the chambers but it killed oh jelly jelly jelly don't listen to me it's true it's true no it's true trance can you cover me up certain trance I'm so confused no I don't think it was you but you have tried to confirm with me that you can cover for me trance trance I think we know who Trump's action towards me is it's trans wait what are you changing your mind now do you have any? Idea of ​​what you sound like because I just wanted Josh to die, dive first, okay, jelly, I think you just sealed your fate there, buddy, how come anyone is in this little crater?
Shut up, I'm sorry, but this is shut up, Crana, I know the trance killed you. okay i saw her, i saw it on the crane cam okay guys don't go near the trannies because you'll die okay here we go I'm so confused about what's going on right now um let's go to the room Is it gelatin? I'm so not getting it right, so Jelly is down here with Steve, he could have killed Steve. um I don't even know, okay, I'll tell you what, let's walk around a little bit and see what we can see those guys, oh and. that will end the game if we're not careful, okay, steve is up here, jelly is up here, oh no, we have to go down, okay, come up, no, oh, you're such an idiot, jelly, okay, no, this is over, okay, I just need to get that. one there, come on, we can't lose with this, that would be embarrassing, okay, it's done, okay, okay, and obviously Jelly is following me, he probably really wants to kill me, okay, I guess we could appear on camera like that once or something, I guess it's okay, that's how it is. old school cameras yeah I can't see anything oh are you kidding me?
It wasn't jelly, he was trans the whole time. I was right, oh no no, Jenny is such an idiot, why would she blame me? Where is the gelatin? Where is the gelatin? and now. I bet Jelly will be eliminated because he will look like he just killed me. Are you serious now? Oh oh my god, oh my god, guys, it's just me. Slogo and Cainer are dead threads and Slogo were in the chambers together last time. I saw them together, so I was right, Josh is dead, which means trance is the impostor, yeah, and he's dead, isn't he Timmy, he's dead, are you stupid?
Can you hear this is what I'm saying? You know he can't hear me right now. he dies and the game doesn't, i think they're going to kick jenny out, he's not an impostor, that's how the game works, oh my god he can't hear you right now, but he's an idiot. Yeah, I saw that too, but then I thought. You were going to kill Steve, but you didn't and I have no idea why I have a feeling Jelly might get kicked out right now. Are they going to expel me? This is how this works. I have no idea what's about to happen.
Well, only Timmy voted. Jenny sounds so sad, I don't know if she realizes that Steve is the last person to vote, who does she vote for? Okay, it's the same, seriously, we have two and two, this is not going anywhere, guys, this seriously doesn't work, oh. my friends are dead, I'm just talking to myself, well Jelly is still alive somehow, I really thought they were going to expel him there, I really don't know what's going to happen now, can we use oh, can we use the camera? like a ghost, oh we can, oh, and Jelly is down here.
Hey, Jelly, we can literally follow this camera. Okay, we don't need to follow Jelly Steve. You walked by Trent and killed Timmy. Oh my God, Slogo Crainer, I avenged your deaths. Wait here. welcome oh you finally saved us but we died thanks for watching the video it was a little strange. If you want to get some merch, is the place to go and if you watch another video, there are videos on the screen. go and click on those videos and it will take you to the next one, enjoy

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