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Season 15 Rewind Murdaugh & More | American Greed

Apr 20, 2024
In this episode of American Greed, the reality TV couple has a real-life turn when they are accused of scamming thousands of unsuspecting victims. The couple is accused of luring people with false promises who wanted to be a celebrity couple. LaShonda and Marlon Moore say they want to. to help black communities build generational wealth they call it affinity fraud circulated 33 million dollars use religion we are two God fearing individuals know the buzzwords building black wealth blessings


people will continue to be blessed the moros use zoom and other platforms to sell your plans and recruit members nationwide for your online investment.
season 15 rewind murdaugh more american greed
The community called blessings in a short time, also known as bingeing, what's up, big family?, what's up, big family?, they created this circle of blessings under the guise of blessings for the blacks, the Moors preach the quick bow. returns of biblical proportions and a money back guarantee. This is a very confusing and complicated structure. The FTC says Bent is an old-school fraud. Greed is like snake venom with a modern twist that the Moors tout as totally legitimate. It's always and It will still be strange how you guys do Jasmine Tanisha Sarah Nicole John Gloria Leslie LaShonda and Marlon Moore are participating in a live online recruiting meeting inviting new members to the investment community they call bint short to receive blessings in a short time I thought they were nice young people A couple just trying to help the community.
season 15 rewind murdaugh more american greed

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season 15 rewind murdaugh more american greed...

The new members are impressed by the Moors' prestige as artists and media entrepreneurs. They seem to be models of success in life and giving back to the community they are working in progresses like me and him in his own program. was at 106 and Park the Moors promised that a fourteen hundred dollar investment in bint would generate a quick return of over 11,000 and at the height of the pandemic, bent is spreading almost as fast as the coronavirus itself, my aunt called me from Texas to tell me about this group it's so fascinating but there's trouble ahead the investors are having a hard time getting their money out and the morors are blaming them why it's taking so long they're berating people and that's when you know it's starting to fall apart and LaShonda and Marlon may have to face the music, how to play The Perfect's songs at the perfect time and it would come to life on the microphone.
season 15 rewind murdaugh more american greed
He was born in Shreveport, Louisiana. Marlon DeAndre Maiden later changes his last name to


and comes to fame in Dallas in the early 2010s as DJ ASAP Marlin selects ASAP as a nickname for his self-adopted Mantra, always has a purpose and lands a four-year run on the popular BT 106 music countdown show and the Park that put it on the map is Starlight, which has just skyrocketed. Roderick Pullum buys his first camera around the same time Marlon grabs his turntables and says Marlin's ASAP DJ career begins with a master mix of Hustle and Flow, if the party ends, he was in the corner handing out his mixed CDs and, without However, that's how he did the whole thing.
season 15 rewind murdaugh more american greed
I bet there weren't any celebrities or rock stars in the entire game, so that's what I really wanted to try to focus on was that kind of famous rock star DJ by a famous DJ. Are you one of those people who celebrities themselves? call when they have a party or event Celebrity DJ also means price Videographer Jarvis Minton bonds with Marlin in 2015, documenting his transition from DJ promoting Brands to ASAP the Mogul as Marlon devoted his hustle to his new nonprofit profit. lifestyle accelerator called Mogul Behavior, that's where he was branding himself, simply because people thought all he was was a DJ, I wanted people to know that I'm a businessman, let's talk about something that really is generating dollar signs.
Marlin also suddenly flexed great interest in staying in shape started acting strangely, like he worked out all the time, you know, according to Minton Marlin works out to impress LaShonda stamil Conley, a single mother of two from Conway Arkansas With experience in insurance adjustment and real estate, I was my thing. I'll make sure she likes me more than she likes me. She was just a gym guy. She had her focus and she always said she was going to be the one for him. I take him to the club, we talk and everything and her. It was like you knew you were going to fall in love.
I'm going to make you fall in love with me together. They just created this superpowered couple. They wanted to be a celebrity couple. When it was time to do business, it was time to do business. She was like that cold business woman who said: I'll get my money if I'm in. LaShonda joins him as a lifestyle guru for Mogul behavior and brings her insurance and real estate skills to the table. We do financial planning. We help you. She knows real estate insurance and financing, helps people obtain housing and banking finance. Financial wealth and credit. LaShonda and Marlin announced their engagement in October 2018 and went overboard with their photo shoot, catching the attention of casting agents for either the family or the fiancée. a reality TV series on the Oprah Winfrey Network, we had to go to California and stay in a beautiful mansion with our family, we were about three weeks away from getting married so we basically had to sit down and discuss everything, this weekend was tough.
Despite some primetime drama on August 9, 2019, LaShonda and Marlin's lavish wedding ceremony goes off without a hitch and the cultural map of Dallas calls it the party of the decade. I'm looking ASAP as soon as I walk in, everything I see is yours. The tuxedo hangs and you look inside and everything inside was like the pictures from his and LaShonda's engagement session. Thanks in this episode of American Greed, when


first strikes, the US government turns on the money spigot today. I do not do it. I didn't sign the largest economic relief package in American history, but that package leads to what is possibly the largest fraud in American history.
Estimates start around $100 billion. A staggering amount of undercover aid money disappears into the hands of criminals. Scammers dare to buy luxury. cars flights on private jets mansions and among the crowd of criminals a scammer Richard stands out devices aimed at family fraud Factory designed to steal Millions of coveted cash to spend on houses watches and gold you know, in a crisis most of us turn each other and there are some of us who attack each other it was cruel to their fellow Americans people who really needed that money to survive American


enters the assembly line of fraud inside the Avazian mansion it was what they called a trial her dream house inside her private home conversations, she's not saying that because mom and dad are coming over for dinner, there's an intention behind that and inside the decision to leave her kids and run away, Richard He tries to justify it as if he had no choice, but he had a choice, they chose to commit fraud. they chose to steal money and chose their place on the FBI's notorious most wanted list tonight over 16 thousand dead now Across the United States New York alone has more cases than any country in the world looking back to the spring of 2020, It's painful, we're just discovering what Covid-19 can mean, hospitals are overflowing, ICUs are running out of ventilators, more than a hundred thousand Americans have died, entire cities are closed, tens of millions of Americans are suddenly out of work, and for some that's it. means a chance in Tarzana California in his three million dollar mansion Richard Abasian is delighted with the coveted cash.
He is making money. He texts his sister-in-law. Tammy Douglas. how much they send you Tammy asks like over 500 so far, later it will become clear that Richard is firmly dedicated to a principle that will never be caught. Richard Devassian's story begins in Yerevan, Armenia, at a time when the Soviets were still ruling when he was 10 years old. His mother brings Richard and his brother to the United States to start a new life, leaving behind his abusive father. They settled in the Los Angeles area, where for years Armenian immigrants found a welcoming landing spot. When he came to the United States, he didn't speak at all.
He started English in fifth grade and learned to assimilate to the culture of the United States and he loved it and in the country he loves he found the love of his life. Her name is Marietta Tarabellian. They married in 2004 and have two sons and a daughter. one of the things he said is that he really wanted to be the father that he never had, he wanted to be the father that was going to be there, be a provider and a role model for his children, yes, he will be a role model a role model to turn a crisis into an opportunity to steal in 2007.
Richard Avasian's astute business strategy begins to become clear. He's working in real estate at a time when easy-to-get subprime mortgages are flooding the country, so Richard sees an opportunity he knows. the real estate market knows how to use the system to get the money out of it it's time to try your luck with bank fraud he knows that many banks don't verify income and so on an application for the home equity line of credit he gives you a boost from six thousand dollars a month up to forty-four thousand dollars. Bingo, the loan is approved. Richard gets half a million dollars and then Marietta comes into the game, this time they use her as a borrower and she inflates it. income and at that time she was earning Zero To None and using the fake W-2 forms and the fake tax returns, she gets over a million dollars just like that, but unfortunately for them, the couple who steals together is charged together to bank fraud charges five months later Richard and Marietta plead guilty and Richard writes to the sentencing judge asking to avoid jail time.
He says that he is very afraid of being separated from his family. The most important people in my life. I will never do anything in the future to cause them. pain, it works, the judge believes him and the court gave him a flyer and said: okay, I will make you do community service. I will not separate you from your family and I hope you have learned from this, but the lesson, Richard. and Marietta learn that Crime Pays eight years after their felony convictions Richard and Marietta live in a multi-million dollar home in Encino, presumably they can afford it because Richard is successful working in a number of seemingly legitimate businesses.
Richard de Ozion introducing himself to the world as a serial entrepreneur and angel investor who was primarily interested in the technology industry may be misleading despite his prior convictions. Richard and Marietta actually expanded and refined their mortgage fraud operation; They essentially had a well-oiled machine to commit fraud, we call it the fraud assembly line that assembly line was made up of a wide variety of stolen identities, falsified documents and bank accounts created for the sole purpose of stealing millions of dollars in loans that They never intend to return Just a few blocks away are their co-conspirators, Richard's brother.
Arthur and his sister-in-law Tammy Dadyan this is a criminal enterprise that is all in the family, not only do they have the relationships that most American families have with their spouses or with their brothers or sisters or brothers-in-law. but everyone here is an accessory to the crime and this was a family business and that business was complicated and their best business opportunity is about to fall into their laps in this episode of American Greed, the $81 billion business of mass incarceration in how they represent the bosses. Chris Epps triumphs in Lock Em Up, Mississippi State. Earl Berry has had a career in the Kremlin.
He is normal, playful and happy, and he is likely to make a lot of jokes. You're not making many jokes today. What he controlled was simply incredible. Epps controls as state prison commissioner it's a $350 million a year gold mine that Chris Epps gives if AF says a person should get this contract he would do it and record that he deserved to wear a Rolex watch, he deserved to drive a condo Mercedes Benz. On the Gulf Coast, why would one business partner be paying the mortgage on another business partner's home? That's not out of the goodness of his heart, it's not an accident because Chris Epps knows that everything from a bag of chips to a phone call, your house has a price, everything.
These service companies are competing and they are worth a lot of money and he is running one of the largest pay-for-play schemes in Mississippi history. Chris Epps touched everything and it turned out that almost everything Chris Epps touched was corrupt. Chris Epps likes to say that he is the tallest pig in the trough, at some point we reminded him that the pig is usually the first to be slaughtered at the FBI office in Jackson,Mississippi, the feds have called a friendly meeting with Corrections Commissioner Christopher Epps, head of the Mississippi Department of Corrections. We came up with a scenario for them to meet.
He is used to going to meetings with public figures. He didn't necessarily think anything was wrong. Our initial interaction was very friendly and then we just wanted him to see something real quick because today. The meeting is, in fact, a carefully constructed ruse for months, the feds have been tapping his phone and collecting covert video, the results of those efforts are queued up on the video screen and ready to roll and now they tighten the screws and that was enough for him to go, oh no we have a video of those who had been paying bribes to Mr Ebbs by handing him cash and having missed out on apps, just flipping through the cash, it was routine, they seemed to be invisibly upset and when I say upset , sweating, trembling, there is no better persuasion. tool than a video recording, he's not a good guy right now, no matter what you thought of him before this, he's been in business for the last seven or eight years.
This is a story about the big business of locking people up. Not a day goes by that I don't think about several times and how he made Chris Epps very powerful and rich, yes, understanding Chris Epps helps you understand where he was coming from. Epps's life would have been seen almost as an American success story. I mean, he grew up in the poorest county in America. Holmes County, Mississippi. Raised with his grandparents, he remembers picking turnips and feeding the chickens every morning before school. He applies that same hard work ethic to earning his degree in education before accepting a job with the Mississippi Department of Corrections.
Start from the bottom, said one episode of a humble guard. In the past, he was initially terrified of being surrounded by so many criminals and no wonder the State Penitentiary known as Parchman has been famous since 1901. It established more for-profit than rehabilitation, according to Jerry Mitchell, a journalist and MacArthur genius who has investigated Mississippi. The prisons for years, the parchment was a plantation that they essentially turned into a prison with the inmates working in the fields and, by the way, they not only worked their fields, they basically distributed them to nearby plantations, in other words, it is a plan for profit. they had these inmates working in the cotton fields from sunup to sundown and the state was just collecting money from this and they could whip them and they actually used that whip until the '70s, which is hard to believe, but it's true in 1972.
The federal court reminds Mississippi that slavery is over and forces it to abandon its Plantation-era policies, but reform in Mississippi is a difficult path once prisons start costing money. Mississippi, in turn, didn't really want to fund these prisons, so there really were horrible conditions civil lawsuits on behalf of inmates signed sewage backups extreme isolation and dehumanizing conditions look at the flow prize in the flow man there is no running water paint coming out of the wall brother black mold man that's black mold Don she asked us to use only her first name has a husband who has served time in Pergamino since 1998.
She says that in the summer the temperatures inside the prison reach 100 degrees or more and you watch the older animations no matter their crime, you just watch them one by one, just nice. of dying because they can't take the Heat scroll. I think it's the worst of the worst. Rising through the ranks to head of security at parchment applications. He witnesses these transgressions and more. He saw the hungry inmates fighting madly. He saw the clogged sewers. She saw the leaky roofs, so she knew that abuse is commonplace for him, as it is shocking. Mississippi became one of the first prisons in the United States to have conjugal visits.
Is it humanitarian reform that allows inmates to connect with their loved ones? It's not exactly like that. a money making scheme that turns the guards into pimps the prison officials had someone type up the fake marriage certificates and they brought in prostitutes and then the guards of course got a cut of it. Mitchell's sources suggest that the scroll is cultivated in corruption. Twisted Epps' Moral Compass. I have talked to people who are in prison in the 1970s in Pergamino and they told me that Chris Epps was corrupt back then, it was something that had been going on all the time, but apps have learned how things work in the prison of Mississippi. system and has a gnat for politics, flies through the ranks collecting a number of awards, says former Mississippi Attorney General Jim Hood, is in the National Guard, served our state and our country, was president of the Association American Correctional Facility and you know I love to see someone rise and run from below Jimmy Gage covered State Politics as a journalist for the Clarion Ledger in Jackson this man was unique in a sense what his people were, his style, you know, almost everyone He laughed at Chris' footsteps, you know?
He was beloved in the black community, you know, he was beloved in the white community, you know, at that time, I think he saw himself as a public official, you know, maybe even governor, one day in 2002, Epps is elected to the number one position. at the MDOC Commissioner of Corrections in this American Greed special this is such a crazy story The unsolved double murder of a prominent lawyer's wife and son is making new headlines an unprecedented story of small town power you had a problem they can make it go away but then you owed them and greed big time Alex prayed for his victims who were his clients are right in front of him for a century the powerful Murdoch family of lawyers and prosecutors has a strong grip on a large swath of Carolina of the South, you don't want to be on the other side of what they were working on, but behind the aura of respectability, prosecutors say Alec Murdock hides a trove of devious schemes worth nearly $20 million.
Have you ever heard of a case where the defendant and the plaintiff's lawyer get together and say, let's take all the money. Prosecutors say his crimes spanned eight years of money laundering and a years-long charge of painkillers. Murdoch seems untouchable, but when tragedy strikes, his alleged crimes come out of the darkness. He never looked like that. The type of person who would do something of this nature and it coming to light is another twist in a shocking series of events that devastate the well-known family and the once-powerful lawyer finds himself linked to one death after another.
She has a fracture in her head and there is blood. in the concrete after death now Murdoch's victims and those who face him in court take American greed into the story it's almost impossible to believe John Grisham's nonfiction work you can't make any of this up because it's all it's true oh strange in the Early morning, in the foggy winter, the dark security cameras record as 19-year-old Paul Murdock emerges from a boat, sets up shop in a bar and quickly fires two shots at Alec's son Murdock, a prominent lawyer from a powerful legal dynasty based in Hampton, South Carolina. is used to getting and doing well what he wants, the Murdock family is just a legendary name in that part of the world for 100 years and essentially we are the power brokers not only in Hampton but in the region for a long, long time.
A moment after strutting out of the barn, Paul is seen arguing with some of the five friends who joined him for tonight on the water in his father's boat, two other members of the group, the gravity of the moment not seeming Sure, you see Mallory and Anthony, her boyfriend, you know, laughing holding hands, it's very moving because it almost gives me chills thinking about it because you know you're watching the last moments of this young woman's life. It's hard to wash, honestly, it's an emergency, but we're in a boat accident. There are six of us on Arthur Street and one is missing when the authorities arrive.
The missing girl's boyfriend, Anthony Cook, lets them know how unlikely it is that Paul or any Murdoch will face justice in this deadly incident. Everyone knows Alex Murdock, that's his son, brother driver. Good luck Alec Murdock may seem above the law to people who know him but the death on his ship starts to shine a light on his family that could bring him down, I can see him sitting there and the walls start to close in because now he and his entire family. the family was under a level of scrutiny they had never experienced in that family's life in the month that said, after their son's boat accident, an unprecedented story of power and greed will be revealed, but it has a family drama, It's biblical, it's Shakespearean, it's just everything.
Stranger to Murdoch's real-life Southern Gothic tale feels like something out of a novel. Hampton County is in what we call the Low Country. It's a different world in a very real sense. It's almost a trip back in time to Mayberry. The largest building is Alec Murdoch's former law firm, everyone knows what the firm is for many years, there was never a sign out front and guess what it still isn't, not needed for almost nine decades, three Generations of Murdochs served as prosecutors, also known as attorneys for Hampton and four surrounding counties. The work makes them the main power brokers in the area.
Berg is an attorney who will represent many of Alec Murdoch's alleged victims. I didn't want to be on the other side of what they were working on or what they wanted, you know, I mean, they've run the 14th Circuit Solicitor's Office for a hundred years, wiretapped, linked, that's law enforcement, that's EMS. , those are all the people who could make your life difficult, it's a type of power that comes in handy at the Personal Injury Law Firm Murdoch's career in conjunction with the lawyer's office 34 is a Wall Street reporter who is now writing a book about the Murdoch family.
The lawyer decides who will be prosecuted for a case where you had a problem or had a problem with the law and you went. to the Murdock firm, sometimes they can make it go away, but then, according to lawyer Justin Bamberg, you owed them the ability to decide how and when the law is applied, since the lawyers give the Murdochs an advantage in their firm of private lawyers when they try a case. before a local jury, what do you think people are going to do? You're going to pick your jury and there's this kid's mother who the attorney's office could have dropped the hammer on and she didn't because Attorney Murdoch took good care of her, the people will pay.
Then the cases came to the Murdoch Law Firm because if you had a personal injury lawsuit you were going to win and you were probably going to win more money than anywhere else. Stacy teaches here feeling greedy for more videos like this, so be sure to Like and Subscribe right here on CNBC Prime

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