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SCP-5000 Why? - The Full Story Compilation

May 19, 2024
Gunshots echo through the concrete hallway of Site-22. The screams are the only thing that escapes from each room. A team of men dressed in black combat suits and masks moves from one section of the complex to the next. Pietro Wilson hides in his office listening to his colleagues' cries for mercy. He shakes uncontrollably in fear. Who are they? he thinks. Why are they killing everyone and how did they find us? Moments earlier, Pietro Wilson had been in the canteen having dinner with other members of staff. A group of heavily armed men entered the room. They remained silently observing the area.
scp 5000 why   the full story compilation
One of the scientists stood up and asked if they could help them. That's when the carnage began. One of the masked men raised his rifle and shot the scientists in the head. Chaos erupted as the other mercenaries raised their weapons and began shooting. Bullets flew everywhere and Pietro was lucky not to be hit or trampled as he escaped out the back door of the cafeteria. He ran to his office, slammed the door and hid under his desk. He is now sitting on the floor with his legs raised to his chest, shaking uncontrollably. After a couple of minutes he manages to take a deep breath and it slows down his heart rate.
scp 5000 why   the full story compilation

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scp 5000 why the full story compilation...

He regains control of his body, but is still filled with fear and adrenaline. Pietro crawls face down to the door of his office. He reaches up and pulls down on the handle. There is a slight click as he releases the latch. He opens the door a crack and looks down the hallway. Flickering emergency lights illuminate the hallway for a few seconds before plunging it back into darkness. There's no one in sight, but around the corner, flashes of light from machine guns flicker down the hallway. The screams of the Site-22 workers are silenced. Pietro takes a deep breath and pushes the door open wider.
scp 5000 why   the full story compilation
He leaves his office and begins to walk away from the violence. Unfortunately, to escape the chaos he must delve deeper into the bowels of Site-22. The exit is through the other side, but he is too afraid to head towards the armed men. He stands up and brushes the dirt off his blue technical jumpsuit. The lights go out and the hallway goes dark. He extends his hands and comes into contact with the cold, wet wall. He feels his way down the hallway, swimming in the darkness. After a few moments, the lights come back on. Pietro looks over his shoulder to make sure he's still safe.
scp 5000 why   the full story compilation
Standing at the end of the hallway is a soldier dressed all in black with a mask covering his face. The soldier remains motionless. Pietro turns to the soldier, his eyes are wide, his heart is racing and he can't breathe. The figure does not move. Then the lights go out again and Pietro gets up from the wall and runs, blind in the darkness. He runs as fast as he can when suddenly he hears a loud crack and a bullet whizzes past his head. He can feel the wind barely brushing against his cheek. He continues running. The lights come back on and he looks over his shoulder.
Now there's a whole group of armed men chasing him down the hallway, guns raised. He turns the corner of the hallway and descends some stairs toward Site-22. At the bottom of the stairs is a short hallway with a door at the end. There is nowhere else to go. He pulls a key card out of his pocket and fumbles for it. The letter falls to the ground. Pietro bends down to pick it up, and as he bends over a bullet, he swishes past where his head had just been. The projectile embedded itself in the metal door. He picks up his card from the floor and pushes it against the scanner.
The door opens and he runs into the room. He quickly turns around and closes the door. He is automatically blocked. The last thing he sees is the assassins running towards the door. The lights flicker in the room where Pietro is. The room has only one door, no windows or vents. He is completely isolated. In the middle of the room is SCP-


. He knew there was an SCP in this room designated SCP-


, but he never knew what it actually was. Here he is now, looking at it. A strange looking mechanical harness hanging in the middle of the room.
Suddenly, a loud knock on the door fills the room. The armed men are trying to enter. It's only a matter of time before they open the door. With nowhere to go, Pietro Wilson knows that he is dead. He looks at SCP-5000 and shakes his head. “What do I have to lose?” he says out loud. Just your life, responds a voice inside his head. He approaches SCP-5000 and lowers it from where he is hanging. He is heavy. There are symbols on the mech suit that he doesn't recognize. The only thing he knows about the lawsuit are the rumors he heard from others who work at Site-22.
Supposedly, he first appeared in a flash of light in the containment chamber of a Keter-level SCP at Site-62C. The designation of this Keter was SCP-579. The only other thing Pietro knows is that everyone at Site-62C was massacred when containment was broken. SCP-5000 was found deactivated next to a pile of corpses. He puts on the harness and says if he has a life of his own, SCP-5000 begins to adjust to the exact dimensions of his body. The suit grows and snakes over his skin, encasing each appendage in armor. Then it starts to tighten. Pietro Wilson begins to scream as SCP-5000 envelops him.
The suit goes up the back of his neck and covers his entire head, silencing his screams. The door to the room bursts open due to a controlled explosion. When the dust and smoke settles, the masked men enter the room. Their flashlights move back and forth as they search for the elusive technician who has just entered. There is no one in the room. All there is is an empty shelf in the middle of the chamber. The men fan out, but there is no other way out. The room is just a solid square of concrete. They are bewildered. "Where did he go?" one of them screams.
Pietro Wilson had fainted from the pain of the suit stuck to his body. He is still standing in the middle of the room. Around him are men dressed in black combat suits. They are looking for him. He holds his breath and closes his eyes. But the shots never come. He opens one of his eyes and looks around him. Why haven't they killed me yet? he thinks. He slowly turns his head as the men walk past him with their weapons raised. He hears someone say, "Where did he go?" I'm here, he thinks. I'm dead? Pietro looks down to see that his entire body is contained within SCP-5000.
He raises his hand and waves it in front of his face. It is evident that he is still alive, but it seems that the assassins cannot see him. He approaches one of the mercenaries and waves his hand in front of the man's face. There is no reaction. The suit made me invisible, he thinks. Pietro looks at one of the men to see if he can figure out who they are and why they have killed everyone in the base. The words Zeta-19 are written on the sleeve of the man's jacket. He had never heard of Zeta-19 before, but they must be part of an organization that is trying to undermine the SCP Foundation.
The men continue searching the empty room, clearly confused as to where the technician went. Pietro pushes his way through the group of men and exits through the door he had entered through. On his way through the rubble of what used to be a door, Pietro Wilson trips over some rubble. He reaches out to steady himself, but he's falling. He closes his eyes knowing that as soon as he hits the ground, all the men chasing him will be alerted by the sound of him falling. But the impact never comes. When Pietro opens his eyes it is as if he is floating just above the ground.
He looks at his feet. The tips of the suit are firmly planted in the ground like powerful magnets on iron. SCP-5000 has prevented him from falling and is holding him in place using only the feet of the suit. He extends his hand and gently places it on the ground. He pushes himself to his feet. He turns to look at the room, the men are still there looking for him. Pietro returns through Site-22. He passes by his office and moves towards the exit of the facility. Passing through the laboratories and other rooms of Site-22, all he finds is carnage.
They have all been killed. An extra bullet has been placed in each person's head to ensure this. It seems the only mission these men had was to kill everyone and make sure they stayed dead. He continues towards the exit of Site-22 which is guarded by two men. As he approaches the two heavily armed men, Pietro makes sure to stay as quiet as possible. This is not a difficult task as SCP-5000 has granted him stealth capabilities. He notices that not even his footsteps make any sound. It's almost as if the suit allows him to slide across the floor.
He has almost reached the exit, then he will be free at home. Taking a deep breath, he turns sideways and walks past the two men guarding the door. Just as he is about to leave this nightmare behind, one of the guards turns around unexpectedly. The man's shoulder collides directly with Pietro Wilson, causing him to lose his balance. He is knocked into the second guard, both men begin to scream. "What's that?" one of them screams. They begin to point their weapons at the invisible object that just crashed into them. It is then that SCP-5000 takes over Pietro's body.
The suit raises its arm and grabs one of the men by the neck. With one squeeze, the man's larynx is instantly crushed. Then the suit twists slightly and breaks the man's neck. He turns to the second man. Even the black mask the man is removing cannot hide the terrified expression on his face, but Pietro has no control over what he is doing to SCP-5000. He had never killed before. The suit throws Pietro's body into the second man, pinning him against the wall. He then grabs the top of the mercenary's head and slams it into the concrete again, and again, and again, until the man's screams are silenced.
The suit releases the man and his lifeless body slides to the ground as Pietro passes out. When he regains consciousness, he is outside Site-22, standing on top of a hill, looking at the facility below. He looks at his hands and then at the rest of his body. It is still contained within SCP-5000. There is a flash of light and a warning screen comes on. He doesn't recognize any of the symbols, but as his eyes move from one area of ​​the screen to the next, the symbols highlight. Before his eyes, certain symbols begin to translate into words he can read.
One of the symbols now says: Journal Entry. Not knowing what else to do, Pietro begins to tell what happened to him at Site-22. He makes his way through the desert towards the nearest SCP Foundation safe house. He knows that once there he will be able to ask his superiors for help and receive more orders. Maybe he can even find a way to get SCP-5000 to release him. As he walks, Pietro Wilson notices his brain telling him that he is thirsty. But the vital signs on the suit's screen indicate that he is in good health. In fact, he's better than fine, his vital signs are perfect.
The suit seems to provide all the nutrients his body needs. He even repaired the broken knee he injured while playing football in college. The joint itself has healed somehow. Pietro finally arrives at the safe house and opens the door. It's quiet and dusty. It looks like no one has been there in years. He approaches the communications station and tries to contact the Foundation, but all he gets is static. He gives up and walks over to the TV. He presses the power button and the screen comes to life with a hiss. What he sees makes him gasp.
SCPs had been unleashed all over the world and were killing millions of people. What's going on? Pietro woke up startled from a nightmare. He was hyperventilating, but his body recovered almost immediately and his breathing slowed. A display screen appeared in front of his eyes. Pietro Wilson was still contained within SCP-5000. The suit didn't let him go. He instinctively went to rub his eyes, but the suit's metallic hands simply collided with the helmet covering his head. He wanted to take off this suit! Pietro got up and walked over to the TV. He reached out to turn it on but stopped.
He thought: Do I really want to see how bad things have gotten since I fell asleep? But he had to know. He was filled with dread when the television turned on and he saw the first images. It seemed like the world was ending and it seemed like the SCP Foundation was responsible. How could this be? They were supposed to protect humanity, not destroy it. Pietro needed to find out the truth behind what was happening. SCP-5000 had a log entry function that he could use to record anything he discovered. Even if he didn't come out of this alive, maybe one day someone would find the suit and be able to access what he had learned.
The date of his first diary entry was February 1, 2020. As Pietro watched the massacre unfold on television, he began to put together the pieces of what he himself had witnessed. He knew that a special operations squad had executed everyone at Site-22 where he worked. He knew that the SCPs had been released. He knew the world was ending... but whyfor days without seeing a living soul. But he passes by thousands of corpses. He tries to ignore them, but one stands out inside a house while he searches for supplies. It is the body of a recently deceased child. He couldn't have been more than eight years old.
He was very young, Pietro thinks. He bends down to pick up the body and bury it outside. When his hand touches the body, the child's skin begins to move. It's as if hundreds of tiny creatures are sneaking just under the skin. Then hundreds of small pale worms emerge from each hole. each one with the child's face. They all laugh as they crawl off the boy's body and fall into a drain a few feet away. Pietro jumps back and runs. That's the last person he tried to bury, he thinks. Pietro advances, the hundreds of laughing little worms tormenting his thoughts, until he puts significant distance between himself and the boy's body.
Pietro continues walking towards Site-62c. He passes more corpses, but decides to stay away from them. Although the suit means that Pietro doesn't need to rest, he can't go that fast. He enters a small abandoned town that looks like something out of an old western movie. A tumbleweed crosses the dirt road. Pietro sits on the wooden step of the local hall and takes a break. He looks at the briefcase in his hand. He has not had the need to open it, only to hand it to SCP-579. Pietro puts the black briefcase on his lap. He stares at it and slides his hands along the leather, stopping with his thumb on the latch and pushing.
The silver padlocks snap open. Pietro opens the briefcase... a bright light comes on and he passes out. When Pietro comes to, he is miles closer to Site-62c. There is a warm feeling that envelops his body. He looks at the briefcase which is now closed. Wow, this is like my own skip button, Pietro thinks. He holds the briefcase, opens the locks, sees the bright light and passes out again. He wakes up once again miles from his last position. So it wasn't just a one-time effect. Pietro continues walking through the country, alternating between using his own legs and whatever magic was contained in the briefcase.
He now he is progressing faster. While walking through a dense deciduous forest, he encounters a pack of wolves who eat the remains of an SCP agent. Pedro is undetectable to the wolves thanks to the SCP-5000 suit and heads towards the pack, silently grabbing a laptop that was lying on the ground next to the agent's body. Pietro grabs the laptop and walks a little further into the forest before stopping to turn on the computer. He hasn't forgotten the horrors the SCP Foundation has unleashed and he needs to know how the world has fared in recent months. What he finds is...not good.
The SCP Foundation has caused the Yellowstone eruption by destroying SCP-2000, which, unbeknownst to Pietro, contained the failsafe to rebuild human society in the event of a doomsday scenario, which was beginning to look more and more like . It was only a matter of time before soot and ash spewed by the eruption blocked the sun across much of what remains of the United States. The Foundation has also found a way to get SCP-2241 to do its dirty work in the refugee camps. Most likely, the brown-haired young man is being manipulated by the Foundation under the pretext that they are only doing what is best for "their" son of his.
It has caused entire groups of refugees to turn against each other, causing a massacre. The latest entry says that the young man is being sent to the Global Occult Coalition on Ganzir, to help destroy some of the latest threats to the SCP Foundation. The Foundation has sent a number of other SCPs around the world to continue the destruction of humanity. They even managed to use temporal anomalies to make it Christmas time around the world, so that SCP-4666, the brutal Christmastide creature lurking in children's homes, is free to cause chaos. Pietro had seen enough. He slams the laptop shut, throws it against a tree trunk, and opens the briefcase again.
He wakes up standing a few feet away from a group of Global Occult Coalition soldiers who are sitting around a campfire. Maybe they know why the SCP Foundation is trying to end the world, he thinks. He decides it's too risky to show himself to the soldiers, but he finds comfort in sitting around the campfire with other living humans. The soldiers are sharing stories about what is happening, one catches Pietro Wilson's attention. He's strange, but he may also give a clue as to why the SCP Foundation is trying to wipe out humanity. One of the soldiers recounts an event he witnessed before leaving the Global Occult Coalition headquarters in Ganzir.
They just captured an SCP soldier who was trying to break into the base. The infiltrator's name was Samuel Ross. They had tied him to an interrogation chair and interrogated him. The interviewers got nowhere until Ross was threatened with torture, to which he responded: “Do whatever you want. “Once you realize that you should not feel pain, there is nothing to fear.” Pietro straightens up and begins to listen more attentively. He remembers running into SCP soldiers on his way to Site-19 who exhibited the same "no pain" mentality that this Samuel Ross seems to have. After that strange statement from Samuel Ross, the sound of the wind was heard.
At first it started slow, then it increased until it was howling like a hurricane. That's when the screaming started. The screams grew louder and reached a higher pitch. Then the room fell silent. The last thing Samuel Ross said was, “I really liked you guys, so I was trying to be nice. We're very nice to you, you know? “We fight in the light so you can die in the darkness.” Pietro sits on his haunches and rocks back and forth. He has the ominous feeling that there is a connection between the SCP soldiers' lost pain and the reason the Foundation declared war on humanity.
The soldier who told the


of Samual Ross stands up. “After that interview was when the destruction of Ganzir from within began. This is why the Global Occult Coalition no longer exists. God helps us all." The soldier, finished with his


, turns away from the others and begins to walk away. As the soldier heads towards the forest, Pietro can barely make out that he has taken his pistol out of its holster before disappearing into the forest. darkness. The world has really gone crazy. Pietro opens the briefcase and faints. Pietro slowly continues on his way along a rocky path in the middle of the forest and his will to continue is slowly running out.
The reason he hasn't sat down and given up is because of the overwhelming need to get the briefcase to 579. He really wants to focus and discover the reason why the Foundation released the SCPs to humanity, but the need to get to 579 won out. Don't let him focus on anything else. However, he has noticed that every time he opens the briefcase to move forward, he moves less and less. The warm feeling of the first transports has been replaced by a headache with nausea every time he leaves. of trance Pietro comes out of the forest into an open field.
The wind blows over the tall grass like green waves, and scattered across the field are statues. As Pietro approaches, he sees that they are statues of soldiers from the Mobile Task Force Foundation. He slowly approaches the white marble statues. He reaches the first one and looks at the frozen soldier's face, his eyes have been gouged out, the only thing left are black, empty sockets. The soldier's arms have been carved from leaves, like a praying mantis. He walks past the first statue and moves on to the next when he hears something moving in the grass behind him.
He turns to look at the statue. He could have sworn he was in a slightly different position. No, that's crazy, Pietro thinks. He continues to the next statue. It's another carving of a soldier from the DM, without eyes, with swords instead of weapons. "This is really creepy," Pietro says out loud. He advances across the field. He climbs a small hill and turns to look at the field of statues. What he sees is terrifying. All the statues have been moved and are now in different positions. It seems as if they are traversing the area looking for something... or someone.
Pietro continues up the hill and encounters a group of refugees. They are roaming the countryside in search of food. The fog begins to appear and the wind carries it across the meadow. Pietro watches from afar as the fog envelops the small group. Suddenly there are screams and the sound of blades piercing flesh. The screams stop almost immediately. Pietro runs down the hill towards where the refugees were. The fog dissipates. The group of people has been torn into pieces. Standing in the midst of the carnage is one of the DM's soldier statues, blood dripping from its bladed arms.
Pietro knows what to do...he runs. After a few kilometers, Pietro slows his pace to catch his breath. “Those statues must have been created by the Foundation,” he thinks, “It's like they're frozen in place, but as soon as you take your eyes off them, they can move at incredible speed. Even with the suit, my sight can stop them... but they can't see me... they must know I'm there since they can't move.” Pietro Wilson opens the briefcase again, because what he didn't know would be the last time. When he arrives at this point, he is near Site-62c.
He can feel himself being pulled harder than ever toward his destiny. He walks down a deserted road past the remains of burned vehicles and at the end is the door to Site-62c. There are no guards or security of any kind. It appears that the site has been abandoned for a long time and the door is wide open, inviting Pietro Wilson to enter Site-62c... where SCP-579 awaits. Pietro Wilson enters the dark hallway that he somehow knows leads to the crypt of Site-62c. The walls drip with what he hopes is water from leaky pipes, but it has a metallic smell and is too red to be water.
He starts to feel nauseous. He becomes more difficult to breathe. Not even the SCP-5000 suit can keep him calm. He turns and runs up the stairs out of Site-62c. He stops a few feet from the entrance, bends over and vomits. Pietro begins to sob uncontrollably as memories of everything that has happened in the past few months stifle his will to move forward. Then, as if an invisible force that refuses to let go takes control. Pietro feels like a gun has been shoved into the small of his back. They'll send him back to Site-62c whether he wants to go or not.
He's not sure if what's forcing him to return to the base is the inside of the briefcase, his own uncontrollable urge to know what's going on, or SCP-579 itself, but he can't help but re-enter the door. and precede the Site- 62c. He doesn't know what SCP-579 looks like, but Pietro has the ominous feeling that it is watching him. He reaches the bottom of the stairs and walks down a dark hallway. The power went out a long time ago and the only light in the depths of Site-62c is the faint glow coming from the helmet of the SCP-5000 suit.
Pietro notices long gashes along the concrete walls, as if someone took a giant knife and dragged it from one end of the hallway to the other. There's something at the end of the hallway that Pietro can't make out. As he approaches, the lights on the SCP-5000 suit begin to flash. The thing at the end of the hallway seems to move slightly every time the suit's lights go off. The lights in the suit go out completely and the entire hallway is plunged into darkness. Only for a second, though, and when the lights come back on, a statue of a DM soldier looms over Pietro, his eyes empty sockets, his lips pursed in a grimace, and his arms They have been sharpened into blades. "No!" Pietro screams.
He dodges the statue, the moment he loses sight of it he hears the sound of blades against concrete, as the statue of the soldier comes to life and begins to make its way down the hallway. He can't see Pietro, but he knows he's there. He cuts everywhere, trying to connect with whoever is there with him. Pietro runs to the end of the hallway and reaches a door. He presses the heavy metal door open, struggling against the weight of it as the blind statue continues to slash, getting closer and closer. The door is almost open, but then Pietro feels a blade lacerate the back of the suit, cutting deeply into the skin of his back, missing the spinal cord by millimeters.
Another sword enters the back of his shoulder and pierces him. He somehow makes it through the cracked door and kicks the metal door shut behind him. He can hear the banging and screeching of blades outside the metal door. The creature has not given up and is trying to enter. Pietro turns around and sees that he is in an observation chamber filled with instruments and screens. Blood runs down his back from the wounds inflicted by the statue. He walks slowly towards the window, on the desk in front of him is a file labeled SCP-579. He looks through the observation glass toward the chamber below.
It's too dark to make out anything, but Pietro can sense that SCP-579 is down there watching him. Pietro looks to the left of him and sees a hole in the ground. He walks over and looks down. He leads directly to the containment chamber of 579. "Let's get this over with," Pietro says loudly. Holdsthe briefcase over the hole and tries to open his hand. His finger doesn't move. SCP-579 wants you to personally deliver the briefcase. Pietro Wilson takes a deep breath, closes his eyes and enters the opening of the hole. He falls. In the moments before landing in SCP-579's containment chamber, something occurs to him.
He realizes that he's not going to be a hero, he's not going to find out why the SCP Foundation is trying to wipe out humanity... and he's not going to survive. He lands hard on the ground below. He is completely dark, except for a moving shadow in the corner of the containment chamber. Pietro Wilson creates one last record: “If anyone ever reads this, please find out why. Explain it to me. Someone whoever. I don't understand. I just don't get it…” SCP-579 enters the glow emitted by SCP-5000's suit. Pietro Wilson looks at him. " that's how it is." he says before SCP-5000 creates the final record of him: SIGNS OF LOST LIFE.
SCP-5000 appeared in a flash of light in SCP-579's containment chamber located at Site-62C. Researchers monitoring SCP-579 had no idea where the suit came from or why it contained the body of Pietro Wilson, a foundation employee assigned to Site-06 and who is very much alive. Wilson appears to have no knowledge of SCP-5000 or memories of the events recorded in SCP-5000's databanks. Although it is believed that the suit was at one time capable of a number of anomalous functions and abilities, the damage it has suffered has rendered it inoperable except for storing data files, which have now been archived and stored on secure servers. the foundation.
But is that really the case? The fact is that the story of Pietro Wilson and SCP - 5000 is one of the most complex and mysterious events in the SCP universe. You have questions and we have answers. Why Pietro? What was in the briefcase? What exactly happened at the end of the story? And perhaps most important of all, why did the SCP Foundation abandon its mission and make the destruction of all humanity its new prime directive? Whenever fragmented realities and hallucinatory nightmares are involved, there are likely to be several interpretations. And we can't wait to explain one of the most popular ones right here.
Soon you will know everything, but to discover it we must start at the beginning. Our hero, Foundation employee Pietro Wilson, was spending his day at Exclusive Site-06. However, normal operations were interrupted when a mobile task force turned Foundation strike squad broke in and began executing employees left and right as part of their larger plan to wipe out humanity. However, Pietro got lucky and managed to find SCP - 5000, making it undetectable to the invading MTF squad. This brings us to our first questions: Why Pietro? And how does killing Foundation personnel help advance the O5 Council's goal of overthrowing humanity?
The answer to both questions has everything to do with the place where Pietro and his co-workers were when the attack occurred-ExclusiveSite-06. Exclusion Sites are a very special type of Foundation site that uses the same technology as the Scranton Box, a container used to protect important items from reality warpers, but on a much more ambitious scale. Due to the use of this technology, these Exclusion Sites are essentially resistant to CK-Class Restructuring Scenarios and Temporal Anomalies, those where reality or history itself is changed by a powerful entity. This makes them a perfect place for, say, staff who want to stage a revolt when their leaders have decided to wipe out humanity.
The Foundation wanted to eliminate the personnel stationed in these protected locations as a precautionary measure, before moving on to the main phase of its plan. But this attack was only part of the Foundation's broader plan to purge its ranks of dissidents before launching its final mission. To ensure that there were no internal threats left that could pose a threat to the new prime leadership, the Foundation murdered all staff at the Exclusive Sites, hunted down and murdered employees who resigned, and eliminated any humanoid SCPs or human sympathizers. . , leaving no one who could stop them. Or at least they thought there was no one left...
While all this was happening, Pietro got dressed and left the place. So why Pietro? Because he got lucky and stumbled upon SCP-5000. He was not the Chosen One, nor was he in any way exceptional, beyond his willingness to see his search for answers to the bitter end. Pietro really could have been any of us if we were in his situation. When Pietro escaped, he found the world in disarray. The SCPs had been released on a global scale, destroying infrastructure, massacring civilians, and assassinating key political figures. The Foundation had even made public, for the first time, its new intentions: to destroy all humans.
Pietro decided to head to Site-19 and get to the bottom of his madness. On the way there, he saw a group of Mobile Task Force members performing a strange stabbing ritual to see which of them could feel pain. Remember this, it will be important later. Like many small moments in the history of SCP - 5000, these are pieces of a puzzle that can fit together to create the true picture of what is happening out of the chaos. At Site-19, among dead-eyed Foundation workers planning mass murders, Pietro found a treasure trove of vital information. There he learned about the existence of the PNEUMA Project, an initiative approved by the O5 Council to map the human psychosphere, also known as the collective unconscious.
He also found a unanimous vote drafted by the O5 Council and the Ethics Committee, as well as a series of drafted directives sent to senior staff and site directors, leading to a wave of suicides and resignations. During the search for him, Pietro also discovered a second set of directives sent to the remaining site directors and senior staff, including the phrase "harden your heart." These directives are known by some as "The Cure." While Pietro didn't yet have the context to put all of this together, these are more vital clues to what happened. The PNEUMA Project is what spurred the Foundation's motivation to destroy humanity: killing humans is actually secondary to eliminating something hiding within the human psychosphere; again, that is the collective unconsciousness of all humans.
The O5 Council and Ethics Committee were unanimous in approving this project, which was like deciding to burn down a house to kill the inhabitant inside, except in this scenario humanity is the house. So who or what exactly is the inhabitant? You'll find out soon. The next thing Pietro knew, he was sitting on the other side of the country, with no memory of the previous three months. He also carried a briefcase without knowing what was inside except that “it wasn't round.” He also had a strange compulsion to hand the briefcase to SCP-579, for reasons he didn't


y understand, but he hoped doing so would lead to some answers.
Pietro may not have known what he was holding, but we did. The clue here is "non-round", which is the only confirmed fact about SCP-055, also known as The Anti-Meme. This is an SCP with the main anomalous property of being literally unknowable. People who watch it forget what they watched and don't remember even looking at 055 in the first place. That's why the briefcase was able to act as Pietro's personal "Skip" button. Pietro was physically covering the distance he traveled, but every time he opened the briefcase and looked at SCP-055, he forgot that period of time, making it seem like he simply jumped forward.
What he was targeting, SCP-579, is an equally mysterious and highly dangerous SCP contained at Site-62C. No one really knows what 579 is, only that it is such a dangerous anomaly that the entire Site-62C was built to contain it. So what's so important about bringing these two together? That, and the vital importance of Pietro's final mission, will become clear very soon. Pietro continued his journey with the briefcase, encountering more horrors and countless deaths along the way. He finally found some solace when he encountered a group of Global Occult Coalition soldiers discussing the interrogation of a captured Foundation staff member named Samuel Ross.
Two quotes from Ross's enigmatic speech are of particular interest here. The first, in response to the threat of torture, was “Do what you want. “Once you realize that you should not feel pain, there is nothing to fear.” The second, after witnessing the death of his captors, was “Look what you have done to yourselves. I told you you wouldn't like it, right? That's why you hear your voice. But you wanted to know so badly. I really liked guys, so I was trying to be nice. We're very nice to you, you know? “We fight in the light so you can die in the dark…disgusting.” Do these quotes sound a little familiar to you?
The first because, as Pietro himself recalled, the DM members who were stabbed earlier also did not seem to feel pain. The second, because describing people as “disgusting” is an adjective favored by another infamous SCP... SCP-682. This brings us back to "The Cure," the document released by the O5 Council, which instructs people to "harden their hearts." Whatever the Foundation discovered in the human psychosphere, it is apparently the cause of all pain, and therefore when the Foundation discovered it, they were able to train themselves to be free of pain. And as for the SCP-682 reference - This is a being that despises life, and some believe that the reason 682 holds this belief is that he has always known about everything the Foundation recently discovered through of the PNEUMA Project.
Decrypted text records in the Foundation's archives confirm this in a documented exchange between O5-1 and Tejani, the head of the Foundation's Ethics Committee. In their conversation they confirm the existence of The Cure - which deprived the staff of everything from pain to empathy - being spread among the staff before the massacre, and of the Foundation's sudden ideological alignment with SCP - 682. And there were also found something else. , simply called IT . Whatever it was, it was the reason Foundation Command decided to wipe out humanity. But what is this? What could be so bad that it would be worth killing all of humanity?
Perhaps most surprising of all, Pietro stumbled upon the creature's physical manifestation, and barely considered it, because he was busy avoiding the statue's attacks like mantis-wielding "Blinkers." However, Pietro made an entry in his log, describing the strange entity and described it as “a stretched person… as if the space around them stretched, and they stretched along with it… Its body went from the ground to the floor. clouds, and his jaws swung at right angles. There were also these spaces, black spaces in the space around his body, like wings.” The Foundation personnel were fighting him, shooting at this strange entity but his weapons had no effect.
This creature, this IT, is a being that inhabits the human psychosphere, meaning that it exists within the minds of all humans on some level, driving and manipulating them for mysterious purposes. What can you do? What does he want? It seems that the only people who know are the O5 Council and the Foundation's Ethics Committee, who were aware of the PNEUMA report. But whatever they saw, they believed it was worth killing all of humanity just to stop it. As the unanimous vote of the Ethics Committee indicated, omnicide was a more ethical option than the alternative. IT's influence was also likely what gave Pietro the strong subconscious desire to unite the briefcase containing SCP-055 with SCP-579, even at the cost of his own life.
This brings us to our final questions: Why was it so important to unite SCP-055 and SCP-579, and what purpose did this act serve? When Pietro, wounded by the Blinkers and near death, finally delivered the briefcase to 579's containment chamber, he acknowledged the fact that he was no hero. But that's where Pietro went wrong. After the destruction of SCP-2000, Pietro was in control of one of the only remaining ways to save the world. The combination of the anomalous effects of 055 and 579, as set out in the Roget Proposal and article for SCP - 2998, is the Foundation's final trump card in preventing a Class XK doomsday scenario.
If the two join forces during said scenario, the universe resets to a time before the start of the Class XK scenario and prevents this from happening. In this case, Pietro brought the two together and created a new reality in which Project PNEUMA was never launched and IT was never discovered, thus preventing the apocalypse. Poor Pietro's corpse and the badly damaged SCP-5000 suit he was wearing were the only evidence that this alternate reality existed. This means that the collaboration between Pietro Wilson and the suit he stumbled upon literally saved the universe as we know it from a Foundation that had gone rogue.
In this sense, he is one of the greatest heroesthat the universe has ever known, even if his actions were not entirely his own. After all, she received a helping hand from the suit and another from IT, which still lurks in our minds, thank


y undiscovered, to this day. What was IT's big plan or purpose that sparked all this madness? Anyone who ever knew this for certain resides in a universe that no longer exists, and we can only hope that a story that never happened is somehow incapable of repeating itself in ours.

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