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School Board Pres Tries To Shut Down Dad Reading Aloud Book From School Library, Then Dad Responds

May 10, 2024
Next up, Jay McDonald himself, so I'm Jay McDonald. I'm here to talk about diversity inclusion and equity. So we hear a lot about diversity and equity inclusion and how it's one of the biggest threats. The main objectives of the


. The


and the


district don't often see specific examples of what equity, diversity inclusion looks like, so today I brought a great re


entation, it's like the archetype of diversity inclusion and equity stuff, which It is one of the


s that was recently purchased. for our libraries it's on Romig and Bartlett, it's called Let's Talk About It by Erica Moen, so one of the chapters here is about sexting and I'll read some of the text here, so before you start sending out your naughty masterpieces.
school board pres tries to shut down dad reading aloud book from school library then dad responds
Around the world, take some time to familiarize yourself with photo editing software and applications. Digital photos are permanent and impossible to retract once they are available, so keep your recognizable features out of them before sharing them. This is a children's


, don't do it. forget to tell your wait, crop your face, hide your birthmarks and scars and edit your previous edit, remove your piercings and tattoos and don't forget to tell your darling how attractive they look, let them know that you appreciate the little gift they They have sent you. Mr. McDonald, yes, yes, I'm going to interrupt you at this point, it seems like he has a concern about a book.
school board pres tries to shut down dad reading aloud book from school library then dad responds

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school board pres tries to shut down dad reading aloud book from school library then dad responds...

I would love to contact the superintendent of his team to follow the appropriate process. I would appreciate it if you would do so. Please do not interrupt my time Mr. McDonald, I have asked you to refer to your team superintendent if you have any concerns about a book, we have a procedure, a process and a team ready to help you if you wish, Mr. President. I don't think he's broken any rules, I mean, he hasn't used pornography, I mean, he hasn't shown any pornography, he hasn't shown any bad language, a lot of words, Mr. Donnelly, you can accept the chair decision if you want.
school board pres tries to shut down dad reading aloud book from school library then dad responds
I would like it to be my decision to ask Mr. McDonald to go through the appropriate process. I understand why that is suggested to you. I think that's fine, but I don't think he said anything that would cause us to interrupt his testimony at this time. I think we have a precedent in this


room that would support my decision, you're welcome and I support your right to appeal the


ident's decision, sir, well, yes, I would appeal the president's decision based on that, I haven't heard it. anything that specifically violates our current rules for public testimony, got it, there's a second, a second, okay, I don't think there's going to be a debate, so we'd go straight to voting on whether we're going to uphold the president's ruling, um, miss. ,uh.
school board pres tries to shut down dad reading aloud book from school library then dad responds
Foster, can we vote? A yes vote would be to defend a decision of the president. One vote would not be to support his general. I guess you remember Higgins, yes, remember Donnelly, no, Chairman, Bellamy, Chairman, Bellamy, I think you're married, yes, thank you, Member. Holloman no lessons from member yes member Wilson yes remember Jacobs yes okay my 105 to 2 the ruling is affirmed um so Mr. McDonald, if you have other elements to testify about, you can do so uh well, yes, of course, I mean, I keep getting cut off I was baffled when I finished


these books that there are still purchase orders for these books as if they weren't old things that just rotted away on their own as if they were things that you are actively acquiring by putting in class the first book I read.
I'm going to bring some of the foia documents I have next time I'm here, but there are teachers who are actually using it on their


list in their classroom as part of their class material, so I don't want to hear We are not going to give this to the children. I was at the police department today and I was talking to them about this and what it comes down to is that there is a gray area where they say that because you have to understand that the distribution of indecent and pornographic materials to minors is a class C felony.
I hope that people understand it, so if there's an argument that it's vaguely covered by the First Amendment and that's what you're doing, that's what you're hiding. behind to get this to students at school, so how can you say I don't have First Amendment rights to simply read this to adults at a school board meeting? Is it or is it not a First Amendment issue? I don't understand how it is appropriate. for children and it is not appropriate for the school board I didn't even say a bad word, it feels like you don't want parents to see what is given to children, you are happy to give this to children.
I've seen you, I mean, you even organize reading times on the weekends, we'll post it. What is your reading list? When you post weekend reading times with Felix, you're happy to give these books to kids. It sounds like you're terrified. Give them to the parents and I think it's an absolute travesty that you cut off my time and don't even let me have my three minutes. I think you're breaking your own rules. Thank you. I think your three minutes are up. Thank you, Mr. McDonald's. I don't see any other people signed up for Testimony Mrs. Foster, it's that right.
I think that's fine, thank you very much. Let's take 10 minutes at ease. Thank you.

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