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Jun 04, 2021
Hello, what's up guys? Yes, today I'm going to make another one of my strange and dark videos and I hope this interests you because it interests me a lot. We're going to talk about some crazy


, so hoax is when something like that happens. It's not exactly what it seems, for example when someone says that a


dies on Twitter but is actually alive or when a YouTuber fakes a pregnancy and it never happened, that is considered a hoax and today we are going to talk about four of my favorite number one, the balloon boy host, so in 2009 the Heenan family was creating a large aluminum weather board.
scary celebrity hoaxes
Richard and Mayumi have been working on it for a while with her family and then one day, she went bad, supposedly her six-year-old son. My son Falcom was inside the balloon when he floated away this became big news. I remember exactly where I was when it happened. He was on my couch. My mom ran to the room. She turned on a TV and we saw the balloon boy. Now it's so huge. The balloon was floating in the sky and people were getting scared. I mean, they thought if this balloon crashed, that little boy would be dead and we were all looking at him.
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I remember moments when I almost hit electrical wires, almost hit other objects, it was really


. it means the National Guard got involved, every police officer in one state got involved, it was a big deal, well when the balloon finally landed everyone was freaking out hoping the little boy was okay and there wasn't a little boy in his place, the little child. He came out of hiding and had been hiding in the attic of his house all day, that's when people started to wonder if this was a hoax or not, this family did it because they wanted to become famous or have a reality show.
scary celebrity hoaxes
Well, all those suspicions got even worse when the family was interviewed on the Larry King show that night. Check it. I hear something? Heard? Are you screaming Falken Falken did you do it why didn't you come out yes we did this to show oh I'm sorry what was that Falcon? We saved it for show, you made it for the show, okay let's show, what are you talking about, are you talking about hopefully a reality show that your parents told you they wanted because that literally makes no sense? I remember watching this with my mom and we were both gasping, we were going crazy, we're like, well, luckily host Wolf Blitzer didn't miss it, we did it together.
scary celebrity hoaxes
I heard what he said. I'm sure not. I'm not. It wasn't very clear what his reasoning was for why he heard you scream Falcon Falcon and I'm sure he heard his mom scream Falcon Falcon, but why didn't he come out of the garage at that time? Well you know when every time we tell him things like go out it's a bad thing he goes and hides now of course after that interview everyone was like who is this family why would they do this? Why would they pretend that his son was in a The balloon almost died to clear his name the next day, the family went on the Today Show and spoke to Meredith Vieira, where they made it much worse.
Check it out anyway, someone had asked if they could show them how she got in. but "okay so he was pleasuring him and one of the guys told me it was for a mommy my guys told me it was for a tv show so that's how it went oh yeah the kid threw up he was so nervous that I was so afraid of him." The lies I was telling are being eaten oh no, no, this doesn't sound like a big deal, but it really is because when you think about it, they had all the police in the state National Guard, they were all trying to help this kid who he was in a balloon, but if you think about it, if they knew the kid was in the attic, even though it's illegal for the police to work on something that you know isn't real, that's not just a hoax, it's a crime, well, the court agreed that it was. a crime and they went to court right after that, well, Richard, the father or the brains behind it all, pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 90 days in jail, well, if you're wondering what the family is doing Hien now that they created. a boy band for his kids called The Kein Voice and their first song is called Balloon Boy, no deception.
I'm serious. I wish it were fake, but it is very real. Okay, our next hoax is pretty


and it's actually one of the most. famous horror stories of all time and I'm sure everyone has heard of The Amityville Horror Story. They have made so many movies about her, documentaries and TV shows. It's the story of a guy who murdered his entire family or they would wake up all night and then when the next family moved into the house, the ghosts of the previous guy started haunting them and eventually possessed the new owner to kill his family. .
This is one of those stories that everyone knows has been talked about forever and I. I've always believed it, but it turns out it's all a lie, so this is what really happened on November 13, 1974 to a man named Brown Jr. killed his entire family in the middle of the night, that part is true, they found him guilty and sent him to prison and then the house was put up for sale, then the Luxe family moved in with their three children and supposedly that's when the family began to be persecuted. cabinets opened, doors slammed, objects moved around the room, glowing eyes and demon faces appeared in all the mirrors, there were large paintings painted, salt of the city, blood on the walls, of course, The family moved out of the house because the hauntings were too scary.
He eventually wrote a book about it and it was later made into a movie. Well, a lot of paranormal experts were saying, Smell, here are just some holes they found in story number one. The Lutz family said they saw a demon imprinting in the snow. some kind of demon, but when the experts investigated it, they realized that there was no snow at the time they said it happened story number two, the family said the doors were damaged, the door handles were torn off and there were holes in the walls, but when they entered the house everything was fine everything seemed intact and number three during this 28 day nightmare the family never once called the police I'm sorry if you're in a house and the doors fly off and There's shit everywhere and your daughter is possessed and people are raining blood on the walls, so you call the police literally right away, well, even though all these scientists and experts were telling you that this story seemed like that the family didn't care and his book made thousands of dollars, this is what Nothing of that really happened, yes there was a family that was murdered and yes the guy was in jail, but the house is not haunted, so what happened was that the murderer was in jail and there was a chance that he would face the death penalty.
His lawyer William Weber obviously didn't want that to happen and the killer told stories to his lawyer as if he was hearing voices and someone else was telling him to kill his family because everything is going well. That gave William the great idea of ​​what if he could go to the current owners and say, hey, let's say this house is haunted, would you like that? That way we can create a story, sell a book, sell a movie, we'll all get rich and maybe my client won't look so crazy. maybe people will think that he really was possessed and that the story really is real and then maybe you won't get the death penalty, years later he will have admitted that that's exactly what happened, he says that he and the Lutzes created the whole story or some few. bottles of wine, says the house is never really there and all those crazy stories that happened we're all made up the craziest part people don't know this I didn't know this people still to this day believe that Amityville The horror is still real and the house is still haunted today and they are still making movies about it.
Another one with Bella Thorne will be coming out soon. It just shows that no matter how false a story is, if it's interesting enough, people believe it now, this next hoax. It's not very scary, but it's kind of funny, but also kind of funny, and that's the deception that Ciara, the R&B singer, was born a man. Now the rumor started in 2005 and spread quickly. I remember hearing about it when I was younger and thinking it was one hundred percent real and this was before the internet was super popular so you couldn't really research things too much if people told you something you believed it.
Now there is a rumor that when Sierra was born she had both. male and female genitalia and her parents decided to go to the female and cut off his cock. People were posting pictures saying, look how manly her body is, look at her man's shoulders, look at her man's stomach, look at her face, doesn't she look like that? a boy, in a way I remember, at school everyone responded and always mentioned the Oprah Winfrey show, so supposedly the proof was that the psychic was on the Oprah Winfrey show. I did an interview talking about her being born.
I'm Afra. died now when this rumor was spreading Sierra wasn't saying anything about it she wasn't saying it was fake or it was true which made everyone even more think it was real and then a couple years later she was interviewed on a talk show and she said this, something to my world, so we didn't give you a love buddy, there you go, it wasn't real, it was just a hoax, but we all believed it, some people would still believe it to this day today, which is crazy because she actually had a child like she physically gave birth to him, so it's not real, but hey, it's fun to think about talking about celebrities.
Here's our latest hoax and this is one that I truly believe in and just a few years ago I discovered how incredibly unbelievable. It was weak and the host of Blue's Clues died, so in 1996 there was a show on Nickelodeon called Blue's Clues. It was about this little dog running around the house and leaving little footprints and then a The host Steve was talking to the dog and talking to the audience and singing little songs and the show was becoming incredibly popular and Steve was becoming quite famous and then he disappeared. one day viewers tuned in and saw a different guy, his name was Donovan Patton and he. he was replacing Steve of course, everyone was saying where did Steve go and Steve didn't talk, he did interviews, he didn't just talk to the press, so people started making up rumors and one of the biggest rumors was that he had died. of a drug overdose and Nickelodeon didn't want anyone to know about it so they replaced it.
Now I remember when this happened, even my mom believed it. I remember one day she came home from work saying, "Oh my God, did you hear from Steve?" Blue's tracks, oh my god, I just saw a magazine and I was devastated. I remember crying all day. Well, it turns out he's not dead, he's very much alive and here's the truth. So supposedly Steve was tired of being on a children's television show and he didn't want to do it anymore and one of the main reasons was that he was going bald. This is what he said about it in an interview.
He knew he wasn't going to do children's television mainly because he refused to lose his hair completely. children's television show and dancing was happening so there you don't just die crying while he was on the show he was doing his best to hide the fact that he was going bald in some episodes he wore a hat and in some episodes you can even see his receding hairline and that really bothered him, so you're probably wondering what Steve is doing now. Well, he's still around, he's a musician and a comedian and he talks a lot about Blue's Clues and he's pretty. funny when the mail showed up I got scared he would jump in the air and start playing like a lamb he would sing this crazy song and freak me out and then he would scream like pee pee Herman in the yeah so there They say Steve Burns isn't dead and that It's another hoax that fooled many of us, including me, so here you go, that was me talking about some of my favorite houses, if you enjoyed it, want more of these videos let me know. give me a thumbs up and also leave me a comment below telling me if you ever believe any of these


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I make new videos every day and if you want to see more creepy videos, if there are conspiracy theories. or deaths I'll put a link to a playlist right below okay guys I'm going to go read about more hoaxes and you should too and I'll see you tomorrow or I will. I'll probably replace myself with someone. younger and more attractive and you won't think I'm dead, you'll know I'm just on my couch eating, right? You wake up like a little Kylie thing, like a little bit of a drip, little drips, oh yeah, oh, we're so cool. we are so rich

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