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May 29, 2021
Hey guys, oh my goodness podcast memory newbies. I'm so excited. We talked about beauty bloggers. We talked some. We talk a lot. We talked about morning routines and how Jess just drinks and poops. It's amazing, go see it. You're going to love her. You're going to see a side of her that you've n


seen before Hey, what's up guys? Yes, it's time again for another creepy video. Now I will start by warning you that today's video is extremely graphic and some of these stories are very, very intense because today we are going to talk about deaths that occurred due to online dating.
scariest catfishes ever
Online dating is a multi-billion dollar industry and it is becoming more and more popular


y day. More than 50 million people have tried online dating, but because A lot of people try it, but sometimes the wrong people try it and it can become the first time. We will talk about a death that occurred because of Tinder. This happened on August 8, 2014 in Australia, there was a 26-year-old girl. named Maureen, oh right, she was a tourist from New Zealand who met up with the bodybuilder she met on Tinder called Gable Toasty, so they matched on Tinder and met right away, ringing a right gable, Tosti, our virtual strangers when meet and Central Surfers Paradise only hooked up six days before on Tinder, let's get drunk together I'm a porn star after a few drinks now, after having a couple of drinks at the bar, they left and went to a liquor store, had a few drinks and they left. sold out again now it was around 2:00 a.m. and they seemed to be having time they were taking a lot of selfies they were hanging out things seem to be working out pretty well and then something changed now the details about this are a bit unclear what exactly happened but they supposedly started fighting and she started to getting aggressive and trying to throw things at him and then he tried to pin her down and then at some point she became so aggressive that he pushed her to the ground. balcony and locked the door so of course he banged on the door begging to get back in and then moments later the balcony of the Gables apartment was 14 stories high and he fell to it now of course immediately when the police come, everyone assumes that gable pushed her or that he did it, but interestingly he recorded the whole night why he recorded the night, i don't know, but he did it and there is a 3 hour recording that is kind of scary, very intense, there are even moments on the tape where she says things like this, you're lucky, I even kicked you off my balcony, you fucking psychopath and then right before she fell to her death, you can hear this now, this is where it gets really strange after she fell.
scariest catfishes ever

More Interesting Facts About,

scariest catfishes ever...

Gable left her apartment to go get pizza, walked for a while and then called her dad and said: hello, he's dead. You could have a situation. I met the girl for a date tonight and she started getting very aggressive. because she was very drunk and I forced her out on the balcony and I think she might have jumped after she missed all that gable, he was acquitted of murder, they said he didn't do it and he said it was self defense. Anyway, this is a Tinder date, well now the next story is incredibly topical and that's because it's about online dating and also about a sex slave who locked up in 2012, a man named Graham Dwyer was a A successful architect and father of three, he had an obsession. with sexual fantasies that were mixed with severe violence and he was trying to find someone to be his sex slave and leave him well, he found his perfect lover and victim and her name was Elaine Valera so Elaine O'Hara was 36 years old and she she was a childcare worker, she had a pretty good past and a lot of mental problems, she also had a history of self-harm and suicidal tendencies.
scariest catfishes ever
She now also really liked BDSM. Now when she met Grandma online, they started talking about how they both really loved EDS em and then it had started to take a better turn. Now some of the things they wrote to each other were crazy. It's only a few months here. I'm your secret killer. My need to rape, stab and kill is enormous. I'm still dying. stab someone stop stop stop rape kill it will all be worth it when it kills you smiley face now Elaine's coworkers started to notice that she had some marks on her body and bruises and they were worried that she was in the store and stretched. to get something and she had bandages on her stomach and I left her passively I said Elaine what have you done to yourself you know what you're doing to yourself and she said oh okay it's nothing Caroline, it's nothing Caroline, but in retrospect Now move, You know, it doesn't seem like she was the one doing it, like a friend even explained why they think Elaine fell in love with Graham.
scariest catfishes ever
What Elaine was looking for more than anything was someone who would love her and have a partner. She was a very lonely and vulnerable girl and he couldn't have chosen a better person, a more vulnerable person to take advantage of. Over the course of her relationship, they met several times to have sex and he became very intense and would hit her and cut her. He even stabbed her once, but she survived all of them until August 2012. The grandmother asked Elaine to meet him in a park and while he was having sex with her, he started stabbing her, but this time he didn't stop, he continued stabbing until she.
She died now due to her history of suicidal tendencies. Her plan was that when she found him in the park, she would leave his car empty and people would think it was a suicide. Well, a year later, a dog walker found Elaine's bones in the dirt. and now Graham is serving a life sentence in prison, so I just can't believe people like that exist. Now the next story is less violent but almost more disturbing and this is the story of one of the


catfish ever. named Natalie Burkas who had a very strange habit, she liked to steal identities of beautiful women online and get into relationships with vulnerable young men and she created multiple characters and spoke with different voices, that seems very creepy but sometimes it gets even creepier . kills the characters like she's talking to the guy who had a crush on her and then calls back the next day as a friend and says "OMG your girlfriend died which would depress their credibility and these men actually thought it was So". real, you really got lucky, yeah, that's not really real, yeah, that's not true, sometimes she even talked to them like she was the five year old daughter of the girl who was pretending to be so creepy, what did she tell you?
I'm just saying that Betty liked telling me what happened during the day and everything that got her high with a monster again. Now this is where it gets very dark. One of the men she was fishing with was called Peter Russell. fell in love with the fake person she created named Laura West, he even sent her a video on her 21st birthday asking her and fell in love to the point that last year on her 21st birthday she saw a video message asking her to marry him, then Laura completely broke up with him and he committed suicide three months later because of this and also all the other lives she ruined if she was sentenced to two years in prison.
Now her answer to why she did all this is very disturbing. I have never felt attractive and I knew it without love Misa I literally didn't like who I was I hated my life and that's when I first created Amy, they were the puppets and I was the puppet master and I was just pulling the strings. and sit and watch the show I was the puppeteer and I was the audience, you know, and sometimes I liked that, so this last one that we're going to talk about is so crazy and fascinating to me because this involves Someone who was very obsessed with the Dexter series and they took it too far, so there was a man named Mark Twitchell.
He was a pretty normal guy, husband, father, and he really wanted to be a filmmaker, so he started making short films in his garage and the one he was working on was called House of Cards, so here's a clip of the actual short film he made. It's a psychological thriller that he said he was just making for fun, but it's believed that Twitchell may have recreated the film of it into a disturbing case of life imitating the action of art, so here's the plot of destruction . A man who is married and has a seemingly normal life is a secret serial killer who seduces his victims online by using fake female personas when they appear waiting for a date and kills them. in the garage while wearing a scary mask, now the


part, this wasn't just a short film plot, it was his, so after making this short film, you know, he created a fake female character and found a guy in line that The guy's name was Johnny Altinger now as this fake woman, he invited Johnny to come see him and then this happened on the night of October 10th.
Altinger went to meet who he thought was a girl he had connected with online. She gave him a southerly direction. Edmonton garage, but when Altinger got here there was a man waiting with a stun gun who said he was making a movie about a man the police believe is Mark Twitchell, yes the scariest part of the mask he was wearing was the same mask he wore in his shorts. That was the last night they saw Johnny and his body has not yet been found. Now Mark Twitchell is in prison for 25 years to life and you're probably wondering how they sent him to prison if the body was never found safe.
This is where he gets even crazier. The police found a document Mark wrote called Serial Killer Confessions where he explains in graphic detail how he killed Johnny and what he did to him. He talks about stabbing him, dismembering him. It's intense now in court. They asked him about. This he confessed and said that he killed Johnny and when they asked him where the body was, he said that he wouldn't know. Oh my god, that one is so disturbing to me because he's like a guy making a movie and everyone in his life is his. families friends everyone says oh he's just crazy you know making his weird horror movie but he all lets us go those were some of the scariest dating stories of all time and I hope this video helps you be more aware, I mean, everyone. online dating I did it online everyone I know is online please do your research if you mean someone find out everything you can about them if you have a weird vibe please leave the date right away always have your friends contact you during all day to make sure you're okay and don't come back to someone's house the first night if you have a weird thigh all those things can save your life well there guys hopefully go to a spooky video record if you want more creepy videos. please give me a thumbs up to know and make sure to subscribe to my channel just below and hit the notification bell because I make new videos every day and if you want to check out my other scary videos I wanted about deaths happening on other apps and I did the scariest things.
The Colts did a lot of that about creating a playlist right at the top of the description. Moving well guys good luck around the house oh my gosh and by the way I just found out if I don't. Finish it, spank me in front of everyone else. I'm not drunk enough from this.

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