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SCALELESS Rat Snakes Hatching!!

May 30, 2021
following you come here oh it's just coming up here and oh my god and now this guy is getting jealous because here I'm getting the attention wait why am I not getting the attention? oh my gosh that's so cute for now until the last baby is born we're just going to put them here just to give them a little more space well look at all these scales hello cutie. Oh yours, you don't look stupid, you're cute. We decided to leave a climbed baby here with a flat bottom because we hope it will encourage him to come out.
scaleless rat snakes hatching
We'll see, oh, he has a smiley face on his head. Yes, no wonder she is so happy. Well you just want to see the camera now - uh and on top of the camera it goes it's climbing onto my hand that's holding the camera come here I just love you you're so cute with your happy face and everything you have one - nephew oh god I You're checking out You're coming, this is like night and day compared to babies, okay guys, it's been a day and oh, but the baby is flat.


, look at it, well, you're going to be a beautiful look without scales , what a cold head, stamp in his head.
scaleless rat snakes hatching

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scaleless rat snakes hatching...

I'm not sure what form he would be, he's like a father, a club, a club. He was thinking like a club. in a deck of cards so it looks cool it'll be beautiful oh but flat baby I'm so glad you decided to join us and say hello don't worry about your brother he's just trying to bother you it's okay I'll tell you we will give some more time to go out on your own, buddy, okay, this will be my last update on this bag because look, what came out baby? Hi, actually I haven't seen it yet, how are you new?
scaleless rat snakes hatching
Ah, isn't he just adorable, I think? He is smaller than the others, but only a little. I wouldn't consider him a dwarf. I think he's just small and cute and precious and all of the above, confident face, okay, but the flat baby has a cleft lip look, so it might actually be a reason why he didn't want to be born so quickly. like the rest. I realized that he just came up - look at this - he was born with what looks like some kind of cleft lip. I don't know, I think it's a deformity that he just has maybe weird, I'm sure that won't bother him, yeah, yeah, he'll adopt this guy all over his head with curves a little bit to the left, right here , depending on how you look at it. he had some problems that could, probably why you didn't hatch as fast as the rest, but he still managed to get out and this little cleft lip won't be a problem for him.
scaleless rat snakes hatching
I don't think it's a minor problem. I mean, he's wagging his tongue, he's responding and looking around, he's acting like a completely normal little rat snake, so I'm not too worried about him, we'll adopt him after we hold on to him for a while to make sure that of course. Like the others, he eats regularly and can pass food on to him. I'm sure if he can eat he will do everything else fine, but we will keep him for a while before they adopt him. Beautiful, well, there you have it if you stay until the end of the video.
I guess you'll get this little reward of seeing a little special needs scale, rat snake look, yeah, his whole face curls up a little bit and he's got that little cleft lip, you're really cute because I'm not going to lie, but we'll find him a very good pet, home alone of course, something that has a genetic defect like this is not an animal you want to breed and have that pass. to future generations so whoever ends up going or being adopted will be sure to keep it as a pet, it's just that this happens sometimes, when you breed


you occasionally get a snake that has some kind of birth defect, wow that's crazy.
I have never seen a small baby snake, it looks like it is only missing a small piece of its upper lip, giving it a sort of cleft lip. Yeah, other than that, it's a really nice


rat snake. I grant you that you have very few. he has scales on the sides and the dorsal side so on top of course he has those belly scales like always but he looks great overall other than you know he has facial issues so when Breeders produce


that have genetic deformities like this. They always approach us with the question of whether they are going to use something good or not and really, if it was a problem that I think would cause problems in the future, whether it be problems with the food that were digesting, then we would probably be done.
I'm determined to put him down, but just a little glimpse is that she says this isn't going to bother her at all and I don't think she'll slow down. She shouldn't stop him from eating normally so we'll just adopt him to a good home, well this was a surprise ending to this video but thanks for sticking around so you could see this really interesting baby hatch from the egg. Thank you all for watching and thank you to our Patreon supporters for supporting this channel. We'll keep you posted on how this little guy is doing and we'll see you next time.

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