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SB Movie: Shark Puppet plays Roblox It Lurks!

Apr 27, 2024
go Go. I just need to find these generators wait, I think so, come on, four out of six generators activated, okay, I just need to find two more and I'm done, I just need to find two more and I'm out of here, I just need to find two more and I'm out of here here wait yeah, that's the fifth, that's the fifth yeah, five out of six generators activated, okay, I just need one more, I just need one more generator and I'm out of here, I just need to find one more generator and I'm out of here where is that last generator? where is that last generator? and I'm about to run out of time, I swear to God, I swear to God, I better not run out of time, bro, there ain't no, oh yeah.
sb movie shark puppet plays roblox it lurks
I'm dead, there's no locker nearby, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, oh I'm not dead, there's a locker, wait, I think there's a generator in there. Okay, we're getting there, come in, hurry up, go, I think, I think I remember, I think I remember seeing a generator in this area, I remember, I remember, yeah, here we go, wait, this is the last one. Yes, yes, this is the latest generator. I found it six out of six generators activated, okay, now let's get out of here, I think we have to run for an exit, but whatever, let's get out of here, let's escape, let's wait, I think you have to continue there, I think you have to continue with this thing what do you have. to continue with this thing press the red button press it press it oh don't tell me it has to charge oh my god why can't it just pick me up?
sb movie shark puppet plays roblox it lurks

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sb movie shark puppet plays roblox it lurks...

I'm done, let's get out of here. I'm about to do it. kill this muskrat oh my god I'm about to run out of time I'm about to run out of time I'm about to run out of time yeah I'm dead I'm about to run out of time I'm about to run out of time run out of time dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, I'm dead, come on, come on, two, yeah, yeah, I'm dead, die, yeah, I'm dead, I'm dead, wait, get in the locker get unlock what's that wait close close was I was in the locker that doesn't make sense long after the old narrator got tired of waiting and they had to hire a new one okay, this is the last try like I swore God, it's been like an hour and I'm still stuck on this chapter four and yeah, I've been recording for over an hour trying to get through this okay.
sb movie shark puppet plays roblox it lurks
No, this is my last attempt. If I don't get through this, I'm done. I'm done with this game, if I don't win it, I'm done with this game, two out of six activated generators, yes, to the third you added six activated generators, okay, I just need to find three more and I'm out of here. Wait, I guess I think that when you don't get into the locker in time, a different monster comes and tries to kill you. Oh, okay, this is the fourth, yeah, four out of six generals activate, so if you don't go in. locker on time you're basically dead because even if it says die and you're in even if you're in if it says zero and you don't even make it to the locker even if you're in the locker after that time you're still dead because I think that monster that killed me last time was different and he can go into lockers and kill people, he can go through walls and kill people, so yeah, I think that was going Well, let's get out of here, let's get out of here, okay, okay, now I just need to find, I think two generators more, right, oh, I think this is the fifth, yeah, this is the fifth.
sb movie shark puppet plays roblox it lurks
Five of six generators activated. okay, one more generator, one more generator, I need to find one more generator, I have to find it, come on, where is it? where is? where is? where is? oh shit, time is about to end, let's get into the locker. I was getting the locker. let's go okay I just need to find that last generator and I'm out of here I just need to find that last generator and I'm out of here it's the last generator here somewhere oh my god okay let's get in there let's get in there wait there's a generator here, I remember that yes, that was the last one.
I found it, six of six generators activated, okay, I can't lose now, I'm just hanging around the locker and wait until time runs out, I can't lose now, okay, come on. Come on, let's get out of here no no no no no no let's go in there let's go in there let's go in there you're not going to kill me I swear to God boy you're not going to kill me I swear this monster says breathing down my neck won't leave me alone He doesn't want me to get away He doesn't want me to get out okay let's get out of here let's get out of here but I don't want to stay in one place because I don't want the monster to kill me, I'm sorry guys, I had to do it, time was running out , but anyway, come on, come on, come on, let's get out of here, oh, come on, we're out of here, finally, come on, we beat. chapter four we're out here okay, I think we're on the surface now okay, so wait, what is this? where I am? is this some kind of what is this I've never seen this before what is this okay this is the end of chapter five final wait for the phone to ring wait I think this is the last chapter of the game because it says end but I have to answer the phone no I know if I should the monster could be there it's 6 11 in the morning I did I spent the night but I don't think it's safe to be in this house.
I think I should probably move to a better house. Sit in a safe neighborhood. I don't know if I should answer the phone. You know, I'm just going to answer the phone. whatever, pick up dad hello jr75868 you're still at home right look you need to get out of there I have an experimental teleporter in the basement I couldn't let anyone find out that's why I kept it a secret for the last six years my friends will tell you how to start it wait, wait, you'll just need to press a couple of buttons hello, I'm your dad's friend richard, I'm sure you've seen me before okay, to begin, to begin with the machine. you need to give it enough time to charge it, press the blue button on the control panel once everything is ready, press the red button to turn it on, you really need to hurry, some creatures are on their way to where you are now. oh shit ok wow the basement looks so different ok where's the charger oh there it is there it is come on ok let's charge it now I'm just waiting ok am I hiding the locker because no Do I feel safe here?
I'm hiding a locker because I don't want to die. Oh, the power is back on. What's that? I think it's just a water generator or something. I'll wait here a little longer. Alright. Let's go out. Well, let's see if. someone's coming no I don't think there's anyone here what's here oh I think that's the teleporter over there okay wait the teleporter doesn't run on electricity? Why do you have to charge it? It doesn't run on batteries or whatever, let's just charge it. I have to carry it first what I already did what I hear footsteps I have to carry it three times oh my God I hear footsteps wait is the monster I'm going to just stand here I don't think he knows where I am I'm in I don't think he knows where I am.
Okay, it's almost full. It's almost full. Oh, it's full. I have to charge it again now. Fail-safe systems. We did the basement. We did the main load. Now we just need. fail safe systems come on it's going to load oh it's loading fine it's almost almost ready it's almost ready come on the teleport is working here we go what's that? That's the monster, come in, come in, go. go, go, go, come in, let's close it, we're out of here. What the hell didn't work? Oh, it worked. Oh, I'm at the beach. What the hell, oh damn, I think I got knocked out.
Oh, I think I'm safe at home now, oh, I've got the end, Richard, you're awake, we found you unconscious on the beach, how long have I been there? I would say at least one day a day. Grimm and your father are looking for things that should come back. soon oh I'm safe I'm safe in this foster home oh okay, I'm going to go back to sleep oh then I have the ending well I have the ending I have the ending oh oh this is the end of the game Wow, this was scary, I hope If you enjoyed me playing


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