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May 02, 2020
Chickens in the road, all the sugar cane is turning. On paper, it's okay, because that's the smartest decision I've ever made, no, no, no, no, no, no, look at me, look at me, no, I got the seeds, look at me, no, chicken, what are you doing, look at me, look, you have to look at me because you? you're going to die if you don't it's okay look at me look look look look I have seeds why is my brother screaming you're ruining everything now he's looking at you you want a mess because every time I go after you they say oh no there's no more seeds oh yes yes over here look and see I'm going to get more thank you very much sir okay um wait korea I see people I've seen


rs with crossbows and axes oh my God go outside die kill him kill oh I have the banner amazing did you get the crossbow oh there is one of them this guy has an ax that I like once you hit him he likes Korea I'm taking this banner I'm going to put it on my new shield no don't do it put on the shield hang it why rub the bed hang it right there right next to the cutter beautiful I don't want to put on my shield now we have to hang it up the car they caught fell down they come in three so where is the third one?
saving the village from pillagers
I don't know where the third one is. Am I wasting my arrows? Do I have any arrows? You don't have any arrows. Oh, I shot like two. Oh yes, you did. I picked up one of your arrows. I just don't I don't know how to shoot there we go we have two chickens I'm going to kill them no I'm going to make baby chickens make sure you leave the door closed closed cold oh where's my top seed? Where are the cows? Yes, okay, beautiful mom, Moonwalk, there's a raid. what is a raid a raid that means things are the blue things are attacking the


but I don't know where they are there is more of the village there are more blue things I don't know I just see a raid on the Above mine that means all the villagers that came in and are being protected I'm going to and I think there are so many, I know, oh my God, one of them dropped an amazing emerald, we have to protect the village, it's called a pillar, what is it? the name is it's called pillar i need to get my weapons i need a shield oh no oh my god oh everyone's aiming at me okay don't aim at me i'm just minding my own business getting my stuff oh my god you're chasing me oh god okay , where is my stuff? give me my things I need a shield I need a shield okay shield field guilt I don't know why I have a stone sword five shields by accident okay, what do you think?
saving the village from pillagers

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saving the village from pillagers...

You're doing great, I put the looter on my shield, no, the one that was hanging, no, oh, you got everyone, okay, well, this one is dead, okay, this one should be dead too. Wow, yeah, I killed them all. Oh wait, apparently there's one more. I think oh, nevermind, wait, the beat is going, the raid meter is going up again. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. It's something good. Korean. No, it's bad. No, there are more bad things. I mean, oh no. They have to protect the village, why do we have to protect them?
saving the village from pillagers
They have garbage trays anyway they don't protect the village the golem leaves the golem leaves the golem is open oh I'm dying the ones with axes are the best because they can't shoot you away this guy is just leaning me oh this guy has a ax with um uh emerald oh never banner you want it yes oh god I'm almost dead I did like five fights the pace is picking up again what's going on I'm in half a heart eat something where can I have a banner? I gave it to you I don't know what's going on the ball well things are both things those things caused a lot of damage oh God we're in DC I'm all bad where's the debris?
saving the village from pillagers
You did not do it? You didn't even pick up the banner you're running everywhere please there's a bull thing there and it costs a lot and they cause a lot of damage to run wait right? leave your stuff, I don't know, I never killed one before, all I know is that they, oh God, we'll run away, we have to run for our lives, forget the town, we have to run, don't pick up props, are you crazy ? We're not here to farm we're here to run, run, they'll kill us all, you got shots, oh God, what are we going to do?
Are you a moose? Things are going around. Karina is doing spins. I'll hit it to get it off the tree. Very stupid idea, oh God, she's going to attack me, run, wait, I think she might kill him. Hopefully it will show you a health bar. Oh wow, you're dead, son, what are you doing? You run all over the place shaking your little butt around here. Here, let me hit you, let me hit you, hey, come on, fight me, fight me, what a fight with me, do this, I'm still doing little turns, I don't know if that's good or not, he's running, oh my God, he's charged , is charging at me again. raid remit raiders remaining one oh God can you can't you protect him oh yes I have a shield I forgot it's not you I'm killing him oh okay, it's for me rage ra now we forgot about all these all the villagers so they will be very happy with us, where are all my things here?
They should really be, ha, yes, they will give us better deals, yes, for a limited time, they will give us better deals. Well, it's not very good, just a little better, I have two amazing emeralds, okay, where are the villagers, the villagers, and if you go up to them, they will start nodding their heads and say, yeah, we You saved, that's what. How strange, I think they all died, no, they didn't die, yes, where are they? We're all villagers, so they'll hit our heads like, you saved yours, where are they? We destroyed this village so they had no protection yes we took all their food and blew up their houses so they had no protection where are they hello they left maybe they won't maybe they died I think they died I mean do you have any food? oh yeah, i have food, i actually need to put all my armor back on oh, do you have that thing? oh I see a villager from the town who was tied here because of the water, wait he is still naughty with me he is shaking his head he is supposed to be happy with me I just saved your village and you are on the line you are about to die you didn't shake your head they're supposed to nod their head like happy oh it's when you right click with him no, he's shaking his head he doesn't look, i stopped right clicking he's not shaking he just looks not very good well, what?
I can actually have the sign that I gave you where when well I picked it up again because you were running you were running I was running because there was a bull thing, okay, thank you, oh wow, that's incredible, I bought a shield with your face on it, Okay, let's go back to our cabin and congratulate our shabby little thing, so shabby, I'm stealing your crops. Why am I a crop thief don't steal my crops those your crops oh they are they are crops I hear I see a rolled up wedge witch we have to fight the witch calm down we have to fight the witch the witch will do it I must die it's not that strong She's a witch, of course she's strong, oh easy, actually it was pretty easy, okay, at the door, certain zombie, how dare you fight the zombie?
We have to run, we could die, okay, um, sleep in bed, okay, sorry, relax, he's asleep, we're done. the village challenge hero, that's pretty good, okay, hello chickens, there's like wait, what the hell there's like an emerald strap around in the top right corner of my screen, I know it's the oh, I don't know, In fact, that is the sign of victory. no, that means they give us better deals or stuff, yeah that's me, they give us better deals, let's go back to the village maybe they're out. Did you take your emeralds? uh no, I don't put them in the chest, okay?
Understand that I'm wrong, I think they give us emeralds, no, they don't give us months, they give us better offers but only buy one, I saw videos of them and they are better offers, just for one, buy one than emeralds or whatever, a cheap one, a cheaper one, yes, but I don't see a farmer or someone who sells life and now they are barely giving us better offers. Where are all the villagers? I don't understand where they are, I don't think. they die like it happened oh wait I hear sheep oh sheep okay I'll get rid of this water because obviously this is like killing this villager because he can't wait.
A villager might be able to trade with us, no, he can. "He's not, he doesn't have a job, he doesn't have a job, I'll kill you, don't kill him, he's a villager, you know, he's ungrateful, he's still a villager, five minutes later I see a road that goes up here, calm down, oh God." mine". you're so cute be my friend please be my friend love me my little llama oh I have a saddle oh yes, you can oh you can't oh you can't right, you can't um tame llamas, well, you can' I don't write to them, they're just going to where they want, oh that's sad when there are planes here and there's probably a horse here, we could tame a horse, oh yeah, let's take a rider, come on, that was the most embarrassing thing I've ever done.
Okay, ron, could you wait? for me, please, I didn't mean to do that, I wanted to, I wanted to be cooler and more stylish when I do it, but it wasn't like that, no, don't leave my stuff, you have to keep an eye on it, make sure you never loot a looter. He doesn't take it I don't know what pills I just can't take your stuff, but hey, I don't think they can, I don't know, I'm going to steal your egg, you little chicken queen trying to be Justin. Smart Dot io and I'm a fish, okay, how about you go explore airplanes?
I'm going back to the cabin and I have to do something, what Brighton, give me the saddle because I want to get a horse, okay, sure, one, two, three, here we go. I'm counting saddles, no, I'm putting my things in the right places, okay, horses, horses, horses, I see cows, I see a lot of cows, should I kill them, kill them, look, oh, I see oysters, I see horses, I'm going to tame them all. oh no, you have to go on top, okay, my sword broke, so I'm not going to kill any more cows, but I have a two letter potion that says infinite, really, yeah, if you look in your inventory, it says here de a villager, then. infinity is not in my inventory oh because I'm not in town it's probably okay what horse there are little horses but I can't accept them I can I want this is you're all mine you're going to be all mine oh he loves me, it's a dream come true, okay, what? where's home?, uh, I think it's this way, do you think so, horse, what should we call it?
I loved my diamond selection, amazing, okay, what should we call our horses? What should we call a horse? uh your horse, my horse can you put chests on horses, I guess I don't know, maybe it's just on donkeys, I don't know, can you do it with donkeys? I think we need a leash. Do you have a leash? because my little horse is going to run away. No I don't have these, I'm going to bury him in the ground, well he won't let you, would he? No, I never killed a spider in my life. Should we wait until nighttime and I'll go out and kill some?
Spooners uh okay it's boots because I need to make fishing rods because the moment this video ends we'll start fishing okay so then if we get a fortune book or something we can combine it but we need an anvil so we have to go mining next time when all these chickens are running away all the chickens ran away why did you leave the door open? I don't know, don't you escape from him too. I didn't know that yes, no, he's my horse. Alright. my bitch, hey guys, comment below what your main idea is, name my horse and I will name him the best, say that one more time, how poissy and you will see them later anyway, I hope this video if you press that button and by The way the next episode of the series will be on Ronald's channel, so stay tuned to Ronald's channel and I'll see you next time, bye.

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