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SAND WORM: The Movie

Jun 23, 2024
foreigner, let's start today, we have come to this forest to look for valuable mushrooms. This little pig can sniff out mushrooms for us, yeah, oh what is it, little pig, does it have a smell? I think you found a mushroom, oh it's really there little pig, huh? I found one, a valuable mushroom, here it is, look, take a look. I think we can sell it for a hundred dollars. Hey, that's nice, they only grow in this forest, right, yeah, okay, let's spend the day collecting a lot of mushrooms to earn a lot of money. yeah, we managed to find a lot of these expensive mushrooms, what a tour we had great, what, piggy, got another scent, good job, piggy, this way, come on, so more mushrooms, huh, what's up, Mikey, what's that, Wait, what happened, wait, that's a villager?
sand worm the movie
Oh, it looks like something incredibly large is in the top half. Sheesh, we have to tell the village chief that you are right. Boss, we must stop mushroom hunting. There may be a man-eating creature hiding in the forest. We find a villager. What was left. uh without mushroom hunting our economy will collapse Juris someone else could be eaten so you won't I don't want to be eaten like this oh well Mikey let's stop mushroom hunting this year who could be so early? go ah it's bad GG, come on, hurry up, eh, what's wrong with all these people?
sand worm the movie

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sand worm the movie...

Oh no, again, someone was attacked. That's why we told him to put an end to it. The same giant monster hidden in the forest. This villager was devoured in the same way. Be afraid of the monster, we can continue hunting mushrooms now, oh, but why? Because I think they caught the monster, uh, apparently this zombie was a really bad monster. This nice and strong person caught him. Thanks for protecting the closed village case, now we can hunt him down. mushrooms again in peace let's come back soon JJ, it's safe now mmm wait, this little zombie is the monster that caused all this this is not right, what's wrong?
sand worm the movie
Think about it. All of the victims have had their upper half bitten off. in one bite I don't think this little zombie did it, the real monster is going to be much, much, much bigger, oh that's a good point, but everyone in town thinks this zombie did it, no, that It doesn't suit me, oh. could this be the culprit? No, let's wait longer to return to the forest. Okay, Mikey, you worry too much. I'm going to start looking for mushrooms on my own, then enough mushrooms for both of us. JJ, who could that be? Oh, terrible, Mikey, what's wrong?
sand worm the movie
I found another victim another person bitten in half exactly the same as the others you were right GG it wasn't the zombie there is a bigger monster in the forest let's go talk to the boss we can't let this horrible thing happen again everyone needs to do it stop hunt mushrooms right away, huh, you want us to exterminate the Beast, wait, but we are doing it, huh. Hmm, this village will face an economic collapse if the Beast is not dealt with, it is the only way it is understood that the two of us will find the monster and eliminate it Mikey, let's exterminate the monster for the good of the village, let's go well Mikey, Let's prepare to fight the monster, let's take from our homes everything that can be useful for the fight, understood, I'm prepared for the worst.
I am very afraid. I don't want to do this, but we're going to get through this together. Are you ready to start searching our homes? Yes, I have some things saved for a time like this. Oh good. I'll start by searching my house for something useful. To exterminate that monster, I'm thinking that this Beast will be gigantic and wickedly evil, so we will have to be fully prepared for anything, first things first. I'm thinking it would be unwise to fight this thing head-on, so I'm going to grab a bow instead of a sword. It's okay, with this bow I can attack from a distance and not be bitten in half.
You should also bring some armor. My diamond armor. The next thing that could help take down this enormous Beast would be some poison. poisonous potions It turns out that I have the ingredients using spider eye. I can mix them to make a poison potion yes, that's perfect. I have three vials. It's possible that poison can eliminate a monster no matter how big it is, so what else do I have? Well, I'll take these arrows and a shovel, maybe some wood, what else, wait a second? I have an idea what I can do. I can use this to make a large amount of TNT, that's perfect, a TNT explosion should kill even the biggest monsters we make. as much TNT as I can to make it I need gunpowder and


, okay, okay, I made 64 blocks of TNT, my preparation is complete, I will be able to kill the monster with this equipment, no matter how bad and scary it is, okay, I will come back to meet up with Mikey, okay, oh Mikey, you're here, yeah, sorry to keep you waiting.
I have a bow, and poison potions, oh, I did TNT too well. I brought swords today, oh, swords, hmm, can you have one, oh, thank you, I brought too. slime blocks with me a lot of them oh slime, look at all this hmm oh, it could be useful I guess I also brought little pig oh, he has a good sense of smell so we can know where the enemy is, right, little pig? Good idea, looks like you brought swords, slime and piggy the pig, yeah oh I also brought some burgers. Then when we get hungry, oh delicious, that's a very good idea, Mikey, thanks, yes, oh that's right, I brought diamond armor, there's a set for you too. oh thanks, let's put it on, okay, let's protect the piece by killing the monster, are you with me?
JJ, the forest is suspiciously quiet, be careful, our enemy could be hiding anywhere, huh, is he around here somewhere? oh, says the monster. He's not around here huh, well I trust Piggy on this, let's go deeper into the woods, what's up? Wait, I just heard a noise behind us and then Mikey, where's Piggy Piggies? No Piggy, this is what's left. This meat came from Piggy. In this hole there is a. giant pool oh what is this? A giant hole and a little pig Oh Mikey, hurry up, come with me, what is it? This is bad, we have to get off the ground, we can't stay here, come on, why take this and go to Higher Ground now?
Hurry up, okay, this might be high enough, Jake, why do we need to get to Higher Ground? Tell me what's going on, where did Piggy go, oh Mikey, now I know who our enemy is, what is it? It is a terrible monster that moves under the ground in which we find ourselves. Oh, it attacks from below, so being close to the ground is extremely dangerous. Does that mean this thing ate Piggy? JJ I am very sad and scared. I'm sorry for Piggy, but Mikey, we know what our enemy is, we can kill him, but. How we first have to see what we are dealing with.
I'll try to throw away one of my burgers. The monster should appear and eat her. I'll try. Let's see the monster that ate Piggy. Well, huh? No, wow, the monster, wait, oh wait. on Mikey, I knew it, Mikey, that's a



, what a monster, calm down, Mikey, stop thinking about it, attacking a monster that size with a short-range weapon is too reckless, but what do we do? Oh wait, you brought a bow and arrows. There will be a debate while you shoot, oh okay foreigner, the sand


is trying to eat me, but I'm safe as long as I'm here.
Okay, I'll kill the sandworm while he's focused on Mikey, he's still squirming, so this. It may be a difficult shot, but take this again, eh, wait, wait, what not, come on, come on, what arrows have no effect. Sandworms' skin is too thick to pierce. I'm right, JJ, so stay where you are. Here I came. ready i made poison this has to work oh let's kill the sandworm with this poison i made it especially strong okay three two one yeah take that poison attack come on it's working there's the poison huh well i don't think it's working oh nothing I tried it it worked , poor little pig hmm, he stopped trying to eat us and went back into hiding, but how are we supposed to fight that?
Mikey, I'm running out of ideas, oh wait, you have TNT, a big explosion could kill him. I brought a lot. of TNT with me, but that monster is huge with incredible defenses, if we could hit it with all the TNT at once, that should do it, but I'm not sure how we could hit a monster that moves so much, although it's impossible hmm, like this that that is. How is? What are we supposed to do now? All I brought with me is this stupid slime. What was I thinking? Slime, oh, I want to get revenge on Piggy.
Hey, can I have some hmm, wait this slime? Might be a good idea, hmmm, Mikey. I came up with a plan to use this slime, oh Mikey, it's night and the sandworm is asleep, so let's build a trap above the ground using this slime, but the slime is useless, it's just sticky, but Mikey, that one It is the best part we can use. slime to stick to things oh look it's incredibly sticky if the sandworm moves on it it should slow down it will get stuck in the slime that's true once it's stuck we'll blow it up with TNT oh wow , that will work, let's hurry Get up and build the trap, then let's start building, we'll start by digging a hole over here, okay, let's dig two blocks, Dean, oh, we'll have to stay quiet so as not to wake up the sandworm, take your time, okay, now we'll dig one. hole like this over here okay, quick before the sandworm wakes up okay Mikey I'll put TNT all over the bottom we'll need a lot of it yeah okay looks good cool moving on to the next layer , it's slime.
Also, this slime is very sticky and difficult, uh, even more so, for the sandworm it will be stuck without hands or feet to free itself. Looks good, yeah, wow, next let's do the activation switch. I'll use wood for the detonator. now over here a little bit of this and here yes, that's right, I'll put the button here and I won't press it yet, okay, our trap is complete, yay, let's lure the sandworm into this slime, the stickiness of the slime will keep it from move. then we will press the activation switch and blow it up with TNT tomorrow we will kill the sandworm where is that worm?
It's already morning, let's be patient Mikey, our collapsed observation post will come. Focus Mikey you have to be the bait and lure him on top of the slime just run into the trap whoa look Mikey he's on top of the slime okay Mikey now what's the button? Can we press it, go run, my game works, oh oh, it worked, we did it, yeah, if you enjoyed it. On to today's adventure, be sure to like and subscribe. Plus, you can visit us on Twitter, Instagram and Tick Tock anytime with the links in the corner. Thanks for watching, see you next time.

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