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Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra - TIPS, TRICKS & HIDDEN FEATURES!!!

Jun 14, 2024
oh yeah, I have some







on the s22


, like auto-framing, some color palettes with pen


and other camera


that you will definitely want to try, but also stay until the end because I have some epic free wallpapers for Guys, let's get into it. There are so many cool features when it comes to the stylus than just writing with camera gestures. If they click and hold the button, the camera will open and from there they can use the Use the pen as a remote control to take photos or even take burst photos by holding the button.
samsung galaxy s22 ultra   tips tricks hidden features
Moving the pin clockwise or counterclockwise will zoom the camera in or out and then double clicking the button will open it. the selfie camera where you can once again take a selfie using just the stylus. You can also use it to switch between photos or videos in your gallery, change songs in Spotify, or even adjust the volume by swiping up or down, as you can see. You can do so much more with the S Pen than just write, all without ever touching your phone. One of the best things about Android phones is that you can customize them to the fullest and Samsung has made it very easy.
samsung galaxy s22 ultra   tips tricks hidden features

More Interesting Facts About,

samsung galaxy s22 ultra tips tricks hidden features...

Let me show you. If you are on your home screen or any screen and you pinch with two fingers like this, click on wallpapers and style, you will see color palettes and this is where you can choose a different color palette that is based on your wallpaper current, you can also choose to apply these colors to the app icons and once you are done, depending on what you have chosen, you will notice the different colors and accent icons, so that every time you choose a new app background screen you will be able to choose a new color palette that will change all the accent colors as well as the native Samsung apps, so this is another awesome customization feature and it basically consists of taking a video of you and setting it as a cool background.
samsung galaxy s22 ultra   tips tricks hidden features
If you select that option, you will be able to configure any video. would like to appear every time you receive a phone call, you can even choose to use the audio of that video as a ringtone and I love this feature. Well, this one is really cool for you to try at night and it's from Samsung. Night mode, so at night or in low light situations, this mode will definitely be the one you choose within the camera. Below you will see the night option and if you activate this option you can simply take photos while the camera is trying to take. with as much light and detail as possible, you can also choose the maximum for a slightly longer light exposure and honestly I was very impressed with the photography, the amount of color and light detail that this camera is able to capture It's definitely worth mentioning not only that.
samsung galaxy s22 ultra   tips tricks hidden features
You can also take selfies and even videos, all with this nightography mode and I'm not going to lie, compared to other phones, it's pretty good, so we have to talk about the s pen again because apart from those features above, there are still a lot of them. You can do a lot more in settings by toggling the stylus with text when you open Google Chrome, for example, you'll be able to type directly in the browser bar without having to type. This applies to pretty much any search bar in any app and it's much easier, you can even use this feature when typing messages like in WhatsApp, but sometimes it can get a little crowded so another option you have is to click on those three dots and select handwriting here, you can just Go ahead and it will automatically convert your handwriting directly to text, whether you have really big font or super small font, maybe you like a little bit of cursive almost every time, it will capture it perfectly.
Oh, and by the way, if you're enjoying this. video then press that secondary button because if you do that I'll just say okay so this is more of a UI feature but it's still really cool and basically if you set a timer inside the Samsung watch , then you click on the home screen or open another app, the timer will appear as a small pop-up window like this and you can continue browsing on your phone. You can move the timer popup anywhere on your screen and expand it for more information if you wish. a really nifty little feature, so if you want even more brightness on your phone, even if it's full within the display settings you can turn on extra brightness, just keep in mind that this extra brightness will definitely drain your battery faster, but At least you have the option.
Now, here's a good tip for messaging your friends. If you want to send a super unique emoji, just click on this double emoji icon, then the plus icon and here you can choose any two emojis and then also the animation you want for them once you do. If you are happy, go ahead and click on the Done button and send this quirky and super unique emoji to your friends. Now, with so many video calls going on, Samsung has made it easier by adding something called advanced autoframing, so if you're recording a video, look at this little icon and if you tap it, it will activate autoframing in a couple of seconds, It will automatically recognize any face and start tracking it.
The good thing is that as soon as someone else enters the frame it also recognizes their face and expands the view the more faces it recognizes the bigger the view will be and it will recognize up to 10 different people, not only if you touch someone's face it will zoom in and it will track them and to deselect you just tap on your look again and select someone else, okay, detail enhancer is a cool camera feature that's actually pretty easy to miss in photo mode, Towards the bottom right corner you will see this little dotted icon and if you tap on it you will enable the detail enhancer.
The name suggests it enhances all the details in your image that you can actually see when you zoom in and with the detail enhancer it is definitely more detailed, it is a little bit sharper but still nice and subtle and you will definitely notice a big difference in the textures. so it's good to try it and don't forget that you can still take those detailed photos and edit them further with Samsung's editor, but believe it or not, that's still not the best you can do with this camera. Well, raw images. they are probably the best types of photos to take just because the amount of detail you get with the raw shots and the ones from the s22


is no joke so what you want to do is open the camera app and make sure you are first in professional mode. then within the camera settings under image formats make sure to toggle between raw prints then you can go ahead and select your selections and the nice thing is that within the gallery you can see which images are raw and which are not for editing your raw images.
I would definitely recommend Lightroom, it's a free app and honestly it's amazing. You can switch between different lighting options, two specific colors to enhance, make your image come to life, and holy crap, the amount of detail you can get out of these images is so amazing that it's kind of like, it's mind-blowing to see how much detail. They can be improved, so when you finish editing your images, you will receive a police hit to object to the race. This isn't exactly new, but it's still a cool feature once you've taken a photo. you click on this little pencil icon and then these three little dots in the bottom right corner, you can select arrays of objects and then from there you can delete pretty much anything from your image.
You can use the stylus to get really specific and draw correctly. around the object and once selected, click the delete button and like magic it will disappear. This feature, of course, is awesome for images like this, when someone accidentally photographs your image in the background. I admit it's not completely perfect and you can't see where the image was blurred if you look closely, but it's still nice to have and I hope it improves over time. Here's a great tip that I really like. If you open Instagram Stories, for example, you'll see the camera activated by this little green dot in the top right corner, but if you swipe down on the notification panel you can cancel access to the camera immediately and turn it off, You can also do the same with microphone access. for a while, but maybe you didn't know that inside the notes while you draw a shape, if you wait and hold at the end, it will automatically correct itself so that you have the perfect shape and not a weird, shaky one, so if you want to hide that clipping from the camera inside the display settings, if you select full screen apps right here, you will see the camera cutout here, you can select exactly which apps you want to hide the camera cutout in so that in the future when you open that specific app , the camera cutout will be


and this is especially good for apps like youtube when you watch videos and this is exactly what it looks like, so did you know that there is a battery protection option within the battery settings, right on the bottom, inside more battery settings, here you can toggle? in battery protection and toggling this feature on your phone will never charge above 85 percent and will help extend battery life as mentioned.
I have some really cool wallpapers that you can download for free from our website a link in the description box direct to these wallpapers and there are six different ones to choose from overall don't forget to screenshot your home screen and tag me on social media at halesworld so I can see how amazing they are see your home screens, yeah, so give it a try with these wallpapers, but definitely check out these videos here and I'll see you in the next one.

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