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Saint & Greavsie On George Best (1988)

Apr 22, 2024
We were all footballers, but he was a little special because he could do spontaneous things that only a genius could do and I feel very aggrieved that George couldn't handle the situation he found himself in and play for his entire career because we As my teammates Players at the time missed him when he left and I'm sure millions of fans not just in the UK but around the world missed George Best on the big stages of the world, you know, and looking closely, it all went wrong. for him, Jim. Do you think he was unlucky for being a handsome Irishman with a twinkle in his eye?
saint greavsie on george best 1988
There is no such thing as a handsome Irishman. Jack, look how you said that. No, he may have a twinkle in his eye, but that's all. I'm sorry now. uh, with George Bess there was a problem with the offer. You see, I have a feeling that there are a lot of people who can't bear the burden of being a genius, and I think George Bess was one. a good genius, I mean, you look at the great plays today, the Maradonas of the world, I mean the pressure that boy receives, I mean everyone, you know, I mean he walks with a dozen guards security, uh, but he's able to drive.
saint greavsie on george best 1988

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saint greavsie on george best 1988...

George was a born footballer who came from Ireland and I don't think he could live with the situation within himself, not with anyone else, but with the pressure built up in his own mind and his own body. Let's talk about the testimony of Ifá. He said no, public opinion at home generally said yes, what is his opinion? Should he get one? I would have said that if public opinion is on his side, then I would say yes, why not. I mean give someone a testimony if it's warranted as As far as I'm concerned, if there are enough people willing to support the situation and enough supporters of the man on the street who obviously wanted to see it and has been deprived of it, then I would have said yes, give a testimony to George. but testimonials are usually for players who have really put something into the game and this is a testimonial, it's a thank you, right?
saint greavsie on george best 1988
You couldn't say that George really put a lot into the game for his country or his clubs because he packed up when he was 27 and during that time, I mean, he got quite abdominal and gave a lot of people some irritation, you know. , including Matt Busby and everyone else after that, so in that sense I can't say this. For you, if the people who are posting his story and who came up with the idea did it as a nice little student for George. 100 grand for George and themselves, so I think it's wrong if they wanted a testimonial for George that said, George, you were a great player and all the other great players in the world will come and play in a testimonial match of your greatness. , why didn't they then say okay, the money goes to belfast children's hospital?
saint greavsie on george best 1988
Do you think the fa would have changed that? down, you think you have the support of the people, I'm sure what they don't want to do is see George Bear profiting from something they feel he didn't actually do. obviously you put a lot into the powers that be to be there, huh, doesn't it seem like the general public is upset, you said what you say, I mean George has had a lot of opportunities in life, I sure appreciate everything you're doing . By saying ian, all I'm saying is that when you say he didn't give much to the game, you know, I saw a George Best game is equivalent to 10 years of mediocre performances from another player who also gains a lot from the game and he really gave very much back. little what is that for George Knight what is left for Jordan I don't know, I mean, as I say, and that's what bothered me about this, I think people saw it as a nice little A few quid, where I think after If we had said that we had a testament to George's ability in the world of football and that the money went to charity, I think we would all have supported it.

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