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Safemoon Tokenomics MATH EXPLAINED! Mathematical Analysis + LOGICAL Price Prediction!

Jun 04, 2021
What's up, Safe Moon Army? I'm making this video to help clear up a lot of the misinformation circulating on Reddit and stock tweets about how highlights and burns work and to help provide some




on the


and supply of Safe Moon to help us. to give some hints of what we will probably see in the future, but to begin with, there are too many incorrect theories about how safe moons work and how reflections work, how, how and when the tax is applied. There's also some buzz going around about swapping pancakes. users are not getting the right amount of reflections due to more and more users joining other exchanges, but that is also wrong, but to start, let's review one of the main features of Safeway, the transfer function.
safemoon tokenomics math explained mathematical analysis logical price prediction
I am a software developer and have a good knowledge of the solidity programming language and after reading the Safe Moon source code, it is pretty clear how this feature works to get started. There is no difference between buying, selling or transferring on the blockchain. There is no buying and selling. There is only one transfer. wallet to another, what users and people consider they are buying is a transfer from an exchange wallet to a personal wallet and what users consider they are selling is the opposite, a transfer from a personal wallet to an exchange such as pancake swap or bitmart every time this transfer function is called, which you always have to call to buy anything, sell anything, transfer anything, a ten percent tax is deducted from that initial transaction, so If Alice gives Bob one hundred dollars in Safe Moon, Bob would only receive ninety dollars. ten dollars that bob doesn't receive is divided and halved five dollars five percent of that is sent to liquidity, which I will discuss in another video because that is a topic in itself the other five dollars the other five percent of the the transaction is split between all the holders, we refer to this, uh, splitting it as the reflections and that's what we'll delve into, but wait, what about the burning?
safemoon tokenomics math explained mathematical analysis logical price prediction

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safemoon tokenomics math explained mathematical analysis logical price prediction...

Isn't there some burning function that burns the coins? No, there is no recording function which does not exist in the code; instead there is a recording address which is a wallet like any wallet but the only difference is that this wallet does not have a private key associated with it and for people new to crypto or blockchain it basically makes it impossible to access those funds. or send them anywhere else. This wallet can't be hacked because the trace hackers are trying to get is your private key and this wallet doesn't have a private key so that's the end of it, but this burned wallet does count. as a holder you also get a part of your reflections and this is fundamental: how much participation at this moment, almost half at the time of making this video, the burned wallet has 416 billion tokens, which is 41.6 of the total supply of one? billions of moons sure a common misconception is that the more supports we have, the fewer reflections we will receive.
safemoon tokenomics math explained mathematical analysis logical price prediction
This is false, this would only be true if the reflections we received were the same and never changed from one medium to another, but that is not the case the larger it is. a bag you have the safest moon you will be rewarded with as the burned wallet holds 41.6 percent of the supply that will eat, burn whatever you want to call it 41.6 of our reflexes or two dollars and eight cents of those five dollars that were split for example, you own 27 billion tokens, you have 2.7 percent of the secure moon supply, so you will receive 2.7 of 5 or 14 cents from that transaction, what this means is that the wallet burned, like everyone else's wallet, gets bigger and bigger over time, every second, in fact, relatively soon, the burned wallet will have 990 trillion tokens and that will eat up 99 of every reflection leaving us with our poor lunar army for sure. only one percent of the five percent that we once loved is not that bad no, it is not bad at all the reflections we receive will not change or slow down it is exactly the opposite, they will speed up and everyone makes mistakes The reflections you receive are based on two things and two factors, just the volume and the number of safe moons you own, as long as you don't sell your reflections in US dollars, they will only grow as long as the volume grows or remains constant because you are safe. the lunar stock is constantly increasing, what changes are the reflections in the luna secure tokens and this is due to the


of luna secure at each moment during any transaction, the dollar value will remain the same or increase, but the arbitrary number of luna Safe Receiving will change depending on the price, whether you receive one million today or 200,000 the next day.
safemoon tokenomics math explained mathematical analysis logical price prediction
This is based on price and volume. Your participation in the market. This doesn't change. It is described as the percentage of the total supply you have and the total supply that is not circulating. so it's a quadrillion, the burn wallet's market share is again 41.6 percent because it owns 416 trillion of the 1 quadrillion tokens, so to calculate its market share, take the number of safes that has and divides them by a quadrillion, followed by 15 zeros, so if you want to calculate how your reflections would occur under a certain volume and a certain number of safe moon, you can calculate it as follows: take five percent of the volume, which is 0.05 times volume multiplied by your market share and your market share can be rewritten as the number of safe moons you have divided by a quadrillion, which gives us a nice clear equation.
The reflections are equivalent to 0.05 times the safe moon multiplied by the volume divided by a quadrillion. Now remember this is the exact same equation we used to burn wallet we apply this to all the transactions that occur in a safe moon contract now let's rewrite this a little bit put that 0.05 in the denominator and we get a much better equation of reflections equal to volume per safe moon divided by 20 quadrillion 2 with 16 zeros by rewriting the denominator we can see that the reflections are nothing more than volume times the safe moon multiplied by a constant 1 over 20 quadrillion that part does not change, but the beautiful thing about this is that tells us exactly what we need to know and shows. the direct linear relationship between highlights volume and sure moon if the volume or your sure moon bag increases highlights they do it too linearly to calculate for example how much volume do I need to make x thousand dollars in highlights just do some algebra to isolate the volume and substitute in whatever, how many thousands of dollars you want for reflections and solve solve for the volume is fine, we have said a lot to summarize all this is not good, we have our equations, let's apply this to what we see day by day, so the standard volume What we have seen lately is around 50 million dollars daily and to calculate what a person with a billion tokens receives from this 50 million dollars, let's simply substitute it into our equation, of So let's put 50 million for the volume and one billion for the safe moon and that gives us a clear answer of 2.5, what is this number?
This is the US dollar value of your daily reflections If you have a billion coins and the daily volume is fifty million dollars you get two dollars and fifty cents How many security men are there like that? Well, that depends. about the price so let's divide our answer by the current price of luna insurance at the time of writing its five zeros with a five at the end and our two dollars and fifty cents is five hundred thousand luna insurance or half a million luna insurance so if you have a thousand million safe moons and the daily volume is 50 million dollars.
You should expect to see 500,000 safe moons at the current price, which is about right. I personally have two and a half billion moons for sure and have been seeing about one and a half times. a quarter of a million safe women a day and yes, no questions asked, I was obviously getting closer to the all-time high when the volume was higher, but when it's around that 50 million mark, around a million a day seems about right to me in our all-time high. Our volume reached $500 million for a top-tier coin. This is unfortunate. Volumes in the billions are common for most coins and the difficulty in buying and selling Safe Moon has a lot to do with this gap going forward I think. we can easily see volumes of billion and more, let's see how much money it is.
If we substitute the values ​​for one billion for volume and one billion for coins, we get 50 as the answer 50 per day for one billion coins that belong to me sitting at two and Five hundred million which would give me one hundred and twenty five dollars per day or about forty and Three thousand dollars a year just for keeping the moon safe and a billion dollars in volume is kind of a floor in my opinion if all of these things come to fruition. They are promising to think big as one does, what if the volume ever reaches Doge levels?
Doge is the king of coins, so why not compare ourselves to that which seems reasonable and not too far-fetched? Doge has seen it and is at his peak. Volumes around $20 billion, which is a lot, I'll give you that, but I think Safe Moon can easily reach $20 billion in daily volume with the exchange, wallet debit cards are purchased through of USD via simplex and if any of it Gambia ever pays. off so if we hit doge level volumes by substituting 20 billion secure moon 1 billion uh sorry 1 billion secure lumber 20 billion dollars we'll get 1000 per day for every billion secure luna you owns or I personally would get one hundred dollars a day or nine hundred twelve thousand dollars a year this is ridiculous it doesn't make sense the


blows my mind and I think people are starting to realize this so exactly how much security depends on the price It fluctuates, we know. but what is certain is the amount of dollars you get in relation to your market share and volume, and the whales know this, the whales with a trillion coins are making fifty thousand dollars a day right now just by holding for billion, which is one million dollars a day. if it reaches doge levels per trillion coins, our main whale would be earning 27 million dollars per day, that's why he held on through thick and thin, he has more than 200 million dollars in a safe state of mind, Well done, at our all-time high, it just kept holding. he knows money is smart, he knows once the public can realize what a hidden gem this is there will be nothing stopping the demand for a safe moon and that's when we'll see these exponential profits that I don't even know if I'll sell . so the daily income we could receive from this is like nothing I have ever seen and I think you should stock up now because once the price explodes it will no longer be possible to get these millions or billions of sure moves unless you are already It's very rich right now, it's only about eight seven thousand dollars for a billion safe moon, okay, I don't know, I think it's going to blow up quickly, let me go over my honest price


s for safe moon, giving a probability modest and a


of the moon. each with dramatically decreased odds by the end of the year and the end of three years, but before I say my predictions I would like to quickly explain the market capitalization.
Market capitalization is a term used to describe the valuation of something that the entire market is worth. For a particular asset, this cryptocurrency value is calculated by multiplying the number of coins in circulation by the existing price, giving it a total value of what, for example, all Safemen coins would be worth collectively. There are approximately 584 billion Safe Moon coins in circulation at that time. making this video and the price is around 005, which gives us a market capitalization of just over three and a half billion the price of an asset is arbitrary it doesn't matter saying that bitcoin is worth more than ethereum doesn't mean anything when comparing the two since there are over five times as many ethereum coins as bitcoins in circulation the market capitalization is the way to classify these coins into these assets again, it accurately describes their overall value, sorry for any experience market traders note, There are many first time investors so I want to clarify that first again the market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the price by the supply and we can rewrite this equation like any equation and we can better understand how the price is inversely calculated by dividing both sides of the equation by the supply, we can see that the price is equal to the market capitalization of a coin divided by its supply and there are many interesting conclusions and paths to explore from this point when talking about safe moon because not only the market capitalization has a lot of roomto grow but the supply is constantly reduced. and as we see in our equation, when supply is reduced and market capitalization remains the same, the price can only go up.
The fun thing about safe mode is that we can talk futuristically when we have x billion tokens because it will happen at some point in the future. the burned wallet is consuming tokens at an exponential rate and this raises some really fun hypotheses when thinking about how long it should really hold out and what price predictions are actually possible. Okay, so starting over for my year-end price predictions, I have three categories. modest likely and modest moon being a modest approach probably is what I think is likely to happen and the moon is what I would like to happen, but I'm not going to throw all my eggs in that basket, okay, so for my modest approach, I think we will have a market capitalization of around 15 billion, a supply of 500 billion and a price that would leave us with a price of zero zero zero zero three or a change of six hundred percent from now, I think the likely solution is that we are having a market cap of forty billion dollars will burn a lot more supply up to 460 trillion and we will get a price of zero zero zero zero eight or a 16 times jump from where we are now, okay and what I would love to see and It may happen or not, it is not out of the possibility, it would be a market capitalization of 250 billion dollars. everything is going well investors see this as a competitor to bitcoin the entanglements announced everything is chaos 50 billion 250 billion dollars market cap 360 trillion supply all that burned volume that burned those tokens to a crisp leaving us with a price of zero zero zero six nine four or a 138-fold jump from where we are now zero zero zero six nine four that would make anyone with more than two billion certain moons a billionaire, well those are my year-end price predictions, now I'm going to make my three-year price predictions for a modest and probable moon my modest three-year prediction years would be a market cap of 20 billion dollars, a supply of 160 trillion, which would leave us with a price of zero zero zero one or 25 times what we are now, that's about a hundredth of a cent, my prediction most likely in three years would be a market cap of a hundred billion dollars and a hundred trillion supply, leaving us with a price point zero zero one or a tenth of a cent or a jump of two hundred x from here and based on the prediction of the moon for three years, matches bitcoin as a store of value, a huge global support used throughout Africa, if all this were to become a reality, we could see a trillion dollar market capitalization for a safe moon and, if We say, if we can reduce that supply to 50 trillion coins left that would leave us with a price of 2 cents or 4000 x from here and this is not even that incredible because we have seen trillion dollar market caps before we have seen any more great for bitcoin's stores of value.
Part of the reason I'm so optimistic about the moon being certain is why I think we could see a penny; It is possible, not this year, but in the years to come there is no way we can surpass the trillion dollar market cap with the With the way the market is now, this will take time in the short term, although I am still long-term optimist, I'm even more optimistic. I think a trillion-dollar market cap might be possible, but even if it's not, we don't need it. Over time we will reduce supply to where we get the prices we want.
It's just a waiting game, it's who has the stronger hands, but thank you, thank you everyone for watching this was my first YouTube video so if you don't mind go away. a like and a comment and subscribe. I will be posting a lot more safe content about the moon and cryptocurrencies, all content about currencies in general. My next video will cover why prices differ between exchanges and is going to put the foot down on people who use the exchanges and Those thoughts don't count for users on Pancake Swap because they are false, so thank you and stay tuned.

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