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Sadhguru's 10 Tips To Sleep Well & Wake Up Well

May 10, 2020
Sadhguru: You can incubate many negative or positive things while you


. This is getting too easy: just


sadhana, eh? So waking up to an alarm bell with a sudden onset is not the best way to go about your life. Sadhguru: How many of you find that one day in the morning when you


up, for no reason, you feel ugly for no reason? If this happens at least two or three times a year, then you should do certain things before going to bed, it is very, very important. Because unconsciously, you must understand this, you can incubate many negative or positive things while you sleep.
sadhguru s 10 tips to sleep well wake up well
Whether it is the pleasant or the unpleasant, you can incubate it very effectively and uninterrupted during sleep. You can also incubate it in the day but there are so many interruptions. It doesn't happen very efficiently, but if you tend to go to bed a certain way and


up in the morning really sick for no reason, that means you're incubating things during the night very efficiently: bad eggs. It is not just about psychological alterations. It can cause significant physiological problems over a period of time. It is important that you eliminate these things from your life. Superscript: Tips for Sleeping Well Before you go to bed at night, there are certain things you need to take care of.
sadhguru s 10 tips to sleep well wake up well

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sadhguru s 10 tips to sleep well wake up well...

Superscript: Tips for sleeping


1. Meal times and sleeping times It is best if you eat meat and other types of food at least three or four hours before going to bed, since digestion will have finished. Before going to bed, drink a certain amount of water and go to bed. You will see that it is solved like this. Superscript: Tips for sleeping


2. Take a shower before sleeping A simple thing can be, just a shower. Always showering before going to bed will make a big difference. In this weather, cold showers may be difficult, so opt for warm showers.
sadhguru s 10 tips to sleep well wake up well
Don't take hot showers at night, opt for lukewarm showers. It makes you alert. Then you'll think, "Oh, I can't sleep." It doesn't matter. You will sleep fifteen, twenty minutes or half an hour later but you will sleep better because it will take away certain things. When you shower you not only remove dirt from your skin. Have you noticed that if you're very tense and anxious, whatever, just getting out of a shower feels like the burden has almost been lifted from you? Haven't you noticed this? So it's not just about washing the skin. Many things happen. When water flows over your body.
sadhguru s 10 tips to sleep well wake up well
This shower is a very rudimentary Bhuta Shuddhi because more than seventy percent of your body is actually water. If you pass water on it, a certain purification occurs that goes beyond cleaning the skin. One more thing if you want to do, just light an organic oil lamp, a cotton wick, a little bit of oil, anything. What do you use here? Regular cooking oil, fluff seed oil, rice bran oil or sesame oil, what do you have? Participant: Olive oil. Sadhguru: Olive oil, good. Any organic oil with a cotton wick, just light a small lamp somewhere in the room where you sleep.
You will see that these things will disappear completely. If you can bring a chant or there are night practices, yogic practices before you go to bed, sit on your bed and do this practice. If you want to do Isha Kriya, it is available online. Generally in India they told you, you should not put your head towards the north and sleep. Are you aware of this? Participants: Yes. Sadhguru: If you put your head towards the north and sleep during the night when you are... when you are in horizontal positions, then slowly the blood will be drawn towards your brain.
When there is too much circulation in the brain you cannot sleep peacefully. If you have any kind of inherently weak aspect to your brain or if you are elderly, you could die in your sleep. One can have hemorrhage because there is more blood trying to enter the brain, where the blood vessels are shaped like hair, something extra is being pushed due to magnetic attraction. When you are upright, this is not the case. The moment you get horizontal, this pull on the head is so strong that blood slowly tries to move towards the brain. So, to avoid this...
This is true only in the northern hemisphere. If you go to Australia you should not look south. If you are in India you should not turn your head towards the north. You can put it another way, okay. Keep this in mind that you are truly a mortal, okay, not with words, really. You could drop dead right now. You may be young or you may become old, it doesn't matter. You can drop dead right now. Yes or no? Before you go to bed, sit on your bed and think that this is your deathbed. You only have one more minute to live.
Just look back and see if what you have done today is worth it. Just do this simple exercise and you won't know when it really happens. Whether you're sitting on your deathbed or in a hospital, all kinds of things stick with you. Who knows how it will happen? But enjoy this every day that you will sit on your deathbed, look back and you will see that the way I have handled these twenty-four hours is worth it today because now I am dying. If you do this you will live a life worth living, believe me. So every day at night you all should do this before going to bed.
In the last three minutes, everything you have gathered: the body, the content of the mind, the things, don't ignore the small things, these small things are big things. I've seen how people carry their... their own private pillow, you know (Laughs) because it's very important. So your pillow, your shoes, if you have sex, everything you have gathered, put it aside, sleep. If you sleep in these conditions you will wake up with much more light, with much more energy, with many more possibilities than you have imagined possible. Simply sleep as life, not as a man, not as a woman, not as this or that.
Keep everything down. Simply. Some... this is getting too easy. Only sadhana to sleep (Laughter). At least this you should do. So the type of sounds you wake up to will determine the context of the day and the future of your life in many ways. So waking up to an alarm bell with a sudden onset is not the best way to go about your life. It is better that if you need a certain amount of sla... if your body at this time due to the type of food you consume and the type of thoughts and emotions you process within yourself, consequently, you can... and the level of vibration that What you have achieved within your body will determine how much sleep you need.
Let's say you need three... Sorry (Laughter), let's say you need eight or twelve hours of sleep. I was saying the wrong number (Laughs). Whatever amount of sleep you need, you know how much you need. So you go to bed early enough to wake up naturally. If you are awakening naturally and you suppose that you have doubts whether you will awaken or not, if you have a certain chant, if you have identified one of the Vairagya chants, you can use it. Physiologically, an important aspect of you is your heart, the pumping station for blood circulation that pumps life throughout the body;
This doesn't happen, nothing happens. This starts from the left side. So we told you… you know, in India they have told you that when you wake up you should turn to your right side and get up. Have? Left side if you roll and get up, bad things will happen to you. Did they tell you? The bad thing is not about that, when you are in a certain state of relaxation, when the body is in relaxation, metabolic activity is low. When you wake up there is a certain flurry of activity. That's why they told you: India, look, all these things are integrated into your life and you are wasting them.
A whole science of life has been incorporated into your life. They told you in the morning before you wake up, you should rub your hands and see like this (Gestures). Hmm? To not see like this, you must place it over your eyes. If you do this (Gestures – rubs hands), you will see God. It's not about seeing God, if you rub these two things with all the nerve endings, there is a huge concentration of nerve endings in your hands. If you do this, the system is activated immediately. You feel sleepy, you feel sleepy, just do this (Gestures – rub your hands) and see.
Everything wakes up. So in the morning, before moving the body, you first wake it up and then place it over your eyes. A whole series of nerves connected to your eyes and the other aspect of your senses are instantly awakened. Before you move your body, your body and brain must be active. You shouldn't wake up stupid. That's the idea. Do you understand (laughs)? So do that and then turn to your right and stand up. Today, if we all go to bed tomorrow morning, almost a quarter of a million people will not wake up. Natural death in the world.
Suppose you wake up tomorrow, are you guaranteed? Did you come with a warranty card? No warranty card. So, suppose you wake up, let's say, do this, I'm telling you, this is a simple first step to your spiritual process. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, check: are you really awake or are you dead? If you're awake, you need at least a small celebration. You don't have to get up and dance, at least you can smile, still! A quarter of a million people died, they were like you and me, pupp (Gestures), they're gone, right? Everywhere you look they are not there.
I'm still alive here. A big smile, do you want? I mean management (few laugh). So if a quarter of a million people died, at least three to five million people would lose someone they loved. Check in on those three, four, five people you care about, all of them alive today. One more big smile? Hello? Will you do it or not? Alive (Gestures). If we put a gun to your head right now, would you think it was a relief? No. You'll be terrified, right? That's how precious it is to be alive. It is not like this? That's how precious it is for you to be alive.
So tomorrow morning, a quarter of a million people died overnight, but you're still alive, don't you deserve at least a big smile, I ask you? And all the people you care about are all alive today, one more big smile!

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