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Sadhguru makes a foreign anchor speechless | Best reply

Jun 11, 2024
please welcome satguru welcome to the programs thank you uh I wonder about the title Guru is it a protected title or could someone become a girl uh satguru is not a title it's a description that is uh if you want to have your eyes checked, you're not going to your gynecologist. I see, yes, you know where to go, yes, so when you say a satguru, it essentially means an uneducated guru, that means if you want to know the scriptures, don't go to him if you want. to know the religion don't go to him if you want to read your future don't go to him there is only one thing he knows, he knows this piece of life from its origin to its last absolutely, he doesn't know anything else how important it is It is to have a beard excited by me All men grow beards Some men only had one remote control taken away here we should ask him why he took it away.
sadhguru makes a foreign anchor speechless best reply
Do you have a good reason? It's just that we are teaming up here. I see, I'm sorry for the question. You know that no. Not to make him a guru, that's his choice and I should start our conversation by talking about your father because he, Paul, passed away so my condolences, what kind of inspiration will we see for you, he was definitely a symbol of extreme sense of integrity No I know if it is because of him, but I believe that becoming a seeker of Truth Integrity becomes the most important thing in your life, so at a very young age I try to improve my vision, improve my hearing, trying to see and hear. things that others don't normally hear and see essentially what I realized was ignorance is a consequence that has come because most human beings ignore everything around them is a consequence of that so I paid attention and I paid attention so we're here now what what Are you paying attention to what can you feel like I can uh this is that people are always thinking that paying attention means that something magical should be happening, but the most magical things are happening right now.
sadhguru makes a foreign anchor speechless best reply

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sadhguru makes a foreign anchor speechless best reply...

We are sitting on a small ball of clay called Earth, it is spinning. in the middle of nowhere no one knows where this creation begins where it ends here we are sitting and talking like this isn't this something magical and I am paying attention although I am a microscopic spec in this universe I still have an individual experience I can see this as I and see this as she see this as someone else this spec should be nothing really but this speck of thing has individual experience a sense of individuality that is something so tremendous that I think most people don't do it I appreciate that they always suffer from that and Loneliness has become one of the biggest problems in the world because they do not appreciate their individual nature.
sadhguru makes a foreign anchor speechless best reply
So would you say we get bored too easily in our own company if you're bored when you're around? You're alone, obviously, you're in bad company. The fact that we, as a species, are aware and perhaps more aware than the animals of our time, so limited, we know that we are going, we are going to grow old. We know that we are going to die something that really most people think that other people die, but not ourselves, yes, most people think that other people die and they do not understand that for each of us time is running out back as we sit here.
sadhguru makes a foreign anchor speechless best reply
It's not the clock that's running late it's our life that's being taken away from us as we sit here if we knew this we wouldn't have time to do stupid things with ourselves we would do what means the most to us not stupid something everyone should do before they leave to bed for a few minutes if you see your bed as your death bed just see that the next minute you are going to die in these last 24 hours have you lived these 24 hours the way you want if this is the time? last moment every day, if they do it, they will come to their senses.
You know, some people find comfort in religion. And you? One must look at this: the real thing is that you do not know where you come from and you do not know. You don't know where you are going, you can believe what you want if there was no belief in the world, if there was no religion in the world, many people probably wouldn't know how to handle themselves. I would say that it is a very economical psychiatry, it is not. a solution, but at that moment it solves them, which I think is important, it does a certain part of the work, but those who seek to know life to know the very nature of their existence, then belief is of no use because believing means that you are assuming something that you don't know how to seek the truth means that you are not willing to assume anything that you don't know what you are thinking I was just thinking you say that believing that is not a solution but what is the solution if so do you understand what?
I mean, they're telling us that if you believe in something that's not the solution, what is the solution? So you know that in different parts of the world people believe different things in one part of the world, what they believe seems ridiculous to people in another part. of the world, so belief is a consequence of social influence, it has no existential meaning, only what you genuinely perceive, that's all you know, the rest is all your imagination, but how do you sharpen your observations or perceptions? This mechanism, the human mechanism, is the most sophisticated. mechanism on the planet everything that has happened to you pain and pleasure joy and misery Agony and ecstasy even light and darkness only happens within you physical pain is a natural phenomenon mental pain is something you do to yourself because of The way you think and the way you feel is entirely your choice, I can say that you choose to feel sad or you don't choose to.
I mean, if so, is there a magical shutdown somewhere like my son dies? It's not my decision, so I don't do it. I don't know how to move around that pain and you're not somehow. I just heard you both say that it was translated for me. You were saying that when you think about him you are happier thinking about all the wonderful things. things and that's how it should be because a life that entered your life and left for any reason you respect it and life comes and goes, it's not that we make you value that life for what it has been for you, it's the only reason The reason you evaluate is Somehow it was beautiful, okay, you should appreciate it or breathe it well.
This is not a philosophy, let me get to that, but right now, whether there is joy, pain, misery, ecstasy or bliss, all of our emotions are not. that happiness is an emotion miseries and an emotion Joys and emotion suffering is an emotion Agony ecstasy everything is different levels of emotion like or dislike now I am asking you a simple question please listen to this carefully if you could choose between being pleasant or nasty inside yourself what's your choice I accept gifts that's all so this guy is straight you're all thinking because you're thinking there's something to it no, it's as direct as this he said that everything that doesn't kill us


us more strong is It's not that's also the truth look if you want to live according to mottos it's okay let's explore something good you have it for you thank you but for the pleasure of your body for the pleasure of your mind emotion and energy is 100 your business if you have excuses unfortunate there is no excuses it's just that you are choosing to be that way are you always nice to myself?
Absolutely the question is not whether you always present unpleasant what happens inside me something else cannot determine that is all Guru of the South where Where do you think your father is now? Is his soul now? Do you believe in an afterlife or is it death? Is it true that you slowly gathered this body over a period of time? So this is just a work of art. what you gathered if it's that much if you have to gather something more fundamental it should be there sounds good it was wonderful talking to you thank you very much

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