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Ryan Chalk Painting Messy Fun!!!

Jun 24, 2024
r-y-a-n welcome to


's family review hello guys today we are going to play with the


outside where am I going? who am I okay what you guys have here we have giant


here we have some shots of chalk what is that thing that looks like a shovel shovel chalk Wait, wait, this is called jungle chalk, no, it's a roller and then this one you can, it's like a ball, you bounce the chalk, it's when you put your feet and step on the chalk, that's cool, yes there are so many different versions and this one for spraying chalk.
ryan chalk painting messy fun
Alright guys ready to go now let's open up a giant chalk it's a jumbo marker it's a jumbo yeah what color do you want Emma it's so big again I can't even look at the Rosa, do you want to open? I, oh, and then she just pulled out the green chalk, oh, you did it, good job, emma, okay, here's a giant purple chalk, okay, let's see how it works, let's put some water in here, now we have to add water, yes, to the chalk, try it. this is really stable, okay, so you close the lid again, yeah, and then you shake it and the other packet that we pour in, we actually have to mix it with water too, oh, the monster came, look, it's working, it's dripping, that's how you use it. it looks like a star or something yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah emma there you go my good work wow see if you can draw your name Ryan thanks for that idea good job oh everyone's coloring .
ryan chalk painting messy fun

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ryan chalk painting messy fun...

Ryan just drew a r i. I don't know, it's like uh, yeah, whoa, what's that, Ryan, it's hard to do, why, well, good job, I want to try it, how do you do it? Emma, ​​it's okay, I can give Emma an e. Good job Kate, she's just flying all over the place, somehow. of art, yes this is a work of art, eh, emma with two, I'm going to do the giant rolling pin, okay, oh, so I don't have the giant rolling pin, oh, I have to cut it a little,


, okay, now here there is the baby. brush well, so while we wait for dad we will use the baby one, what color are you going to cut with?
ryan chalk painting messy fun
Can you see the clouds? Yeah, you're just rolling, you want to put color on it, then you can roll it, oh, you're going to try it. This ball has a lot of little holes inside and once I put this powder and squish it on the ground, it should turn a color, oh, do you see anything, almost nothing, okay, you want to throw it, there you go, you can throw it away, yeah, yeah, well. It looks like you are


the painter that looks green, yes, look, you have to press it hard. It looks like an a, but what is that?
ryan chalk painting messy fun
Yeah, I was trying to make an r. See my r r greener, greener, yes, lowercase? nice it's supposed to be lowercase nice ryan r and a now you need it I'm going to change the color now to yellow okay r and n why don't you draw a circle? There is some art here. What's going on here? I'm doing something. It is a cat? We'll let Ryan color, we'll come back to see what color he has. We also have the sprinkler that we also need water. Let me show you how to use this. Okay, just press this recess.
Okay, look, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, let's try the blue one. oh look at that, look at the blue oh yeah, so dark when you spray it so much now we're pouring chalk on this little shoe and we're going to try to walk in it I'm going to walk in it whoa whoa, let's see I used to have shoes like this, yeah, it's okay, let's see if it works, you see the stars that are left behind, look here thanks for watching the video on our channel, bye and tell us which talking toy you like because some work and others.
None of them worked very well, bye dad, and I'm going to draw something with the chalk, oh yeah, so we got some chalk so we can draw something on the driveway, let's see, I'm going to work really hard and try. to draw a splint like I mean oh the beyblades yeah you wanna throw that I know yeah okay open up what are you drawing with the orange? No, I'm not going to do anything with the orange, I'm just going to draw something, okay, yeah. dirty, okay, what color should I use? It's broken, I know, I'm sorry, dad broke it, so I'll wear blue because it's my favorite color.
I'm going to try to draw this. I'm trying to draw a Beyblade, we'll see how it goes. dad's closet I don't know what I'm going to draw maybe a car that's almost finished with its car I just need a tire does it look like a car? Do you guys look like a car? Do you see I have one? tire, yeah, what do you think Ryan about my car? I can make a better car than that, yeah, rude, let me show you, okay, Ryan is going to test drive the car, I'm not trying, I'm trying to look at it because I can't do the same thing, yeah, you sure are looking very wrong. fence online, don't copy mine, no, I'm just adding more stuff to my car, okay, I need the windows, what's that wheel?
It's a wheel, you have an orange wheel line. That's how I am and mine shows my car well and then the light flashes under the light that comes out of it look at my car look at my car that's cool it's very long it's like a tow truck no, it's just a truck okay? if I add a whip oh yeah yeah like a laser like a cannon hey pirate car I'm crying like that like a laser cannon yeah and then it shoots a laser dad so Ryan's adding a weapon, wow, what kind of weapon? It's just that it's super tall, that's too heavy for him to carry, aha, it's still going, dude, how far is it?, oh my god, that's way bigger than the car itself, that's a gun, Are you sure the truck can carry a batch of weapons?
God, it's a big cannon, no, what is it? It's not a big cannon, it's a giant box, so throw it on top of the bad guy. I always say it's a heavy box and I'll crush them. Wait, that looks like a cannon too. a giant cannon yeah oh like you could get more lasers ryan it looks like it's like a house carry a house now my car looks super small compared to ryan's big gigantic cannon oh and something is Coming out, it's like a cannonball, yeah, that's cool, mine. Normal, I'm going to draw a cloud because today we saw a very pretty cloud in the sky, so let's leave it.
Hey guys what oh my gosh did you keep going? Yes, can they only step on the one, the only, the only? Cannon with one foot on the barrel and then when you go to the next step, you will go to the next barrel. You can do it? Oh, easy, easy, easy, easy, easy, a little harder, how about we make a rainbow? Yes, but then there are no two purples, okay. Let's try what we can, let's draw a nice bow and now we have to pink daddy, why are you doing it? I wanted to make the line a little bit thicker, so okay, now it's your turn, I'm drawing oh, up, right, above the purple one, oh yeah, right here the purple one, yeah, so daddy, we're probably trying to make a blue, next one, well, well, next is green, green, your favorite color, ding ding, next color is yellow, good job, well, well, well, well, red, good job, ryan. and now we need two clouds, okay, cloud, yeah, do you know what I'm drawing?
Ryan, uh oh son, trying to draw our channel logo, does it look like our channel logo? No, this looks like the sun, yes, we have a son in the channel logo. I borrow uh black please oh yes you look like your usual channel logo but can you make my face? Your face is difficult. Hello, welcome to Ryan's Bars. Review all Ryan's, a family friendly review. Ryan is adding to my uh Ryan Toy. Check the channel logo. What are you going to do? Are you actually going to write a review for Ryan Toys? Okay, let's do more drawings.
Actually, this is not a truck, actually, this is a train, oh yeah, oh, it's a train, it will be a train. Okay, great, bye kids, have a fantastic day. Don't forget to subscribe for more videos from Ryan's family at Buttermilk.

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