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RY X live from Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in Brazil for Cercle

May 22, 2024
I would probably like to work with people of different, completely different genders. You know the whole sound movement in Pakistani culture, for example. Like Nusrat Ali Khan or like the classic ragas of India. There are so many amazing things I would love to do. But I don't think they would be more composers and creators than any other singer. I feel like we could get in each other's way a little bit. - Yes, okay. And a question from Christina Mokanu: you move us with your songs, but what is it that moves you, moves you? That's a great question.
ry x live from len is maranhenses national park in brazil for cercle
You could take that many ways, right? I'll stay away from the sensual side. You know, I am moved by the human experience and I try to delve deeper into how life feels in my heart. Love, sensuality is huge for me. Those intimacies, those connections that you have. My experience transcends beyond that to more of the spiritual realm, you know, and as the Sufi poets spoke, you know, they spoke of God, but they spoke as of a beloved. They said "my love", "my beloved" but they speak of spirit. I guess the inspiration between nature, spirit and the feminine are probably the most influential in my work. and in my life.
ry x live from len is maranhenses national park in brazil for cercle

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ry x live from len is maranhenses national park in brazil for cercle...

And I have also delved much deeper into the community and found a beautiful connection in my community of inspiration. Good, excellent. Well Ry, thank you very much for this beautiful moment. - Thank you. I also wanted to thank the—I'm sorry. Oh yes, I wanted to thank the whole team: of course Cercle, the Cercle team, but also Lucca and Leo and their team, the SNTS team, for their great work. As we said... - Absolutely. —It was like the most difficult show we did. After a first attempt yesterday, we achieved it today. So many thanks to them.
ry x live from len is maranhenses national park in brazil for cercle
Also, a big thank you to Heineken for their support and to SES, which is the satellite company that helped us get this up and running and




. You are watching us live. We also have a little tradition at Cercle: it is the mystery box. A small gift from our local promoter here. It is a very special craft. - Here we go. Wow! What are these guys? These are some very local special crafts from here. And we have something for everyone on the team, like for the whole team, and also some local improvisation from here. - Yeah!
ry x live from len is maranhenses national park in brazil for cercle
Give me that one. Thank you so much. You know, one of the things I noticed upon arriving in this area was that there is some kind of connection between the people and the land, right? You feel it. I just heard that there are people living here, who have been living here in the National Park for a long time. There is a quality of healthy isolation that I see in people. Where is this... Not influenced by the rest of the world right now, and I was actually thinking about the moment, and I was actually thinking about... Look, there's a Brazilian flag too! - Of course.
I was thinking how much I would love to explore here. And how much I would love to visit this beautiful country again. This is my first time here in Brazil and I have wanted to come here for a long time and I just want to thank the entire Brazilian community and the fans. It's an amazing country and I really want to come back and play some shows, and I'm honored to have them. They will travel with me to Europe on tour. These will be small figures. I will place them as if they were a small altar.
Yes. And I will take care of them and they will come with me, so a part of this place, a big part of this place will reside in my heart. But a part of the town and the creation of this place will travel with me now. I think we will remember this forever. Thank you very much, right? And thank you all for watching. Yes, I already said it. Goodbye everybody. - Thank you!

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