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RV NEWBIE: Essential Gear & Nice NOT to Haves!

May 13, 2024
Hi and welcome to Kyd, I'm Trish and Mark is holding the camera as always. We're getting ready to hit the road. We are super excited. We can't wait to bring you with us. If you follow us week after week, you already knew it. that, but if you are new maybe you are like on YouTube, please tell me what I need. We thought you'd appreciate a video on what you should have, what's


to have, and what's


not to have. Do you know what's nice not to have? I have all that in everything I had an accident I had worse than the poop it's like the valve wasn't even closed as soon as I took the lid off it just exploded we're going to have to take off those shoes I'm going to have to take off my skin you know what else Isn't it good not to have?
rv newbie essential gear nice not to haves
It's a good thing your tire doesn't completely destroy your entire RV and take out all the brake cables because we don't have the proper tpms system, which we didn't. It is good not to sleep on your side and fall out of bed. It's good not to lose the plastic chalks because they don't work. That's what we're going to cover in this video. We will talk about the electric sewer. water leveling some tire safety all the important


things and a lot of people write and say I saw you using this particular product and I was thinking of buying it but now I see you are not using it, does that mean I don't like it, not necessarily, so we thought about getting started, we thought about sharing with you some of the equipment that we started with, that we like and that works, but we've gotten better over time because you don't need everything to get started, you really don't know, in fact, We recommend that you don't have it all when you start, so that when you need it you know exactly what you want and exactly why you're getting it, so with everything said before we dive in, I'm going to share with you some of the mistakes we've made at over the years and then we have some tips for you, you will have the tractor take you out and then you will go. to try to get into the hitch like this, yeah, and get some traffic, new ground, new ground, but to get that angle I have to get the tailgate out because I won't be able to do it, it only takes a second.
rv newbie essential gear nice not to haves

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rv newbie essential gear nice not to haves...

It broke as is and all the steel straps are broken right here, oh my god you have a lot of them. Wow, you really remember that one time that mark damaged this bumper in that draft, maybe we should slow down, well there it is. It's crazy, what was that? Damn what happened I was here, yeah that was the store, well so much for that, should we move on? Mark, oh, don't you need it to take some of the pressure off by lowering your stand? I'm on the floor now I'm sorry I didn't wake you up so early but it's an immediate evacuation this morning oh my god this is so much worse than I thought.
rv newbie essential gear nice not to haves
Come? Let's toast to learning because we have already learned. long after more, would you like to say I'm ready to clap again, I've learned, I'm having fun, I love sweets, I'm not sure if what you just saw qualifies us to make this video or it doesn't qualify, it qualifies at all to Do this, but as always when we do a beginner RV video, we like to share some tips just to make sure we're in the right mindset so things like what you just saw don't happen or happen less or help you move faster, yes. so you want to talk and I think you've really helped our family in general talk about that rush mentality, there's not just one thing right, but if there was only one thing and there isn't, I tell VR


s the same thing every time. take your time, avoid, if possible, having a rushed mentality because every mistake, well, not all, but a lot of the mistakes I've enjoyed, most of them are because I thought I was in a hurry, right? and it's very important to remember, wait a second, I'm not in a hurry, I'm just trying to rush this, well, I think like a new RV or two, you might feel good, other people do this faster, others people are getting through this faster or better, it doesn't matter if they are or if they're not, the truth is that you have to be responsible for this beautiful equipment that, um, you don't want to damage, so I don't know why everything feels like a race, but that's exactly what it feels like.
rv newbie essential gear nice not to haves
Well, how quickly can we set it up? Yeah, and then when you break something, it takes you four days, right, it slows you down. Yes, that's okay, so avoid having a rush mentality if you can. Yeah, number two, we talk about the fall all the time. That's where your reality doesn't meet your expectations, but let's put it in a new way. You have this new motor home. You're so excited, maybe it's even like amplifying because you have multiple family members or kids and they're all loaded up, the bigger it is. the tree, the harder it falls and then one thing happens, you think it's over, it crashed, it will never work again and the pendulum swings in the other direction, just know that's called a fall, everyone goes through it, the faster you can get over it , don't worry. try not to blame each other for it, although you may know that I broke the windows, okay, the sign came out of nowhere, you know what I'm saying, but luckily, yes we still have that wi-fi going strong, but you know which helped.
Getting over that a little bit better is that you didn't really point the finger at me and say you did this, it's just because it was bad science, it was bad sign placement, trish, thanks, yeah, okay, but we called the bathroom because you know. what happens on the other side, things change, yeah, so it's like Trish was saying, all that excitement, all that energy for this is so much fun, we're going to have such a good time I can't wait to get to the national park when a thing doesn't go as planned, that energy has to go somewhere right and it can spread to your family members or your spouse or maybe even your dog if you're traveling alone anyway, so be careful with the dip and then number three, this is probably the hardest to avoid, but especially when you're new, if you can avoid arriving at night, everything gets harder when it's dark, what do you mean you think it's okay?
I'm pretty good at observing things, I think it's good, why not? has a height does it oh eleven two shoot oh baby how tall are we we're 11. it's work we're definitely over eleven two everything everything is and so we struggle with it because someone's here um, speaking of not pointing fingers, le He likes to make the straight line and likes to go as far as possible every day, but if you can avoid driving at night that would be great, so these are just some of the tips, except there is not one, there is not even three, There are many, we thought these were the important things to talk about with the newest beer, so speaking of you, you are an RV


, you may be in that phase where you are looking to digest as best as possible. as much information as possible so you can get started on the right foot and that's why about a year and a half ago we created the e3 camp association which is your on-demand education because when you start it says yo all the products I need a place to finding them you might be like micro focus so it's there for you so you can get what you need when you need it and go deeper because it's more than we can do here on the channel for sure after 307 episodes if you want to start from the beginning and learn what not to do, that's a very good way to learn, but if you want to learn sabbath step by step on your own terms, then e3 camping might be for you.
So go to and check it out. This is our personal invitation to those who join. E3 Camping is, of course, about on-demand RV education, but it's also about events and discounts. Events that I particularly want to chat about real quick because that's where you find our viewing community, that's where we meet new people, that's where you get real-world education. We just had a leveling up event in Texas. Love Love Love and the national RV training academy and Todd Henson, they are partners of e3 camping, yes, and we. we did it at their facility, it was amazing, from seminars to people hanging out at night, wine tours and all kinds of things, and then we had an event where we hung out at the Marist adventure park and that's where we're going to have the e3 campground, real rv sites, and an off road training school, so a lot of fun things happening there.
We wanted to invite you personally and also share it because some people don't know what e3 is, now that you know, there's a landing page. You can learn more about it, but if you're new and you want to give me the products, that's a great place to start, so okay, so head on over to and check it out, we'd love to have you and just get started with all this


yeah let's go outside I feel like steve martin of the idiot I have this is all I need but you know what actually this is all I need this is all you might need too if you have a total RV You definitely need something to tick off chalk your tires something good and we'll talk about that and then like it's nice to have this, but something for leveling, but these leveling blocks, I mean, they work as leveling, but they also work for your your stabilizer feet have a dual purpose so Great that they even work to level your picnic table which has been very helpful.
Speaking of chocks, this says x-chalk and I love this stuff if you have a dual axle towable trailer, but in my opinion, you really should. it's going to be called stabilizer you need. and voila, everything else that we're going to talk about in this video really falls under nice to have, but there are some things that are a couple of things that are really nice to have, maybe even recommended to have. like a surge protector on tpms but when it comes to just getting up and going this is it so let's dive into everyone's favorite topic first which is the black tank wait let's not dive in yeah look the sewer when you're new. the scariest area of ​​the RV and I get a lot of emails about am I really going to do this and how does it work and I will tell you it won't be long before you are a pro at maneuvering this and if you have the right equipment and you know what You are doing.
I don't want to say that you will never poop because that happens to everyone and it has happened to me, but it won't be a problem and I want to talk to you a little bit about the sewer hose. I use some of the changes that I've made over the years and then of course the black tank treatment preferred the black tank treatment, but let's talk about how to avoid poop first because that might be what you think, Chances are these airflow valves are one of the few RV manufacturers air valves that actually work. We have had six RVs, these are the only ones that have worked and when I say that I mean when they are closed.
It's closed when I take off this cover nothing comes out here oh my god what happened? What happened? Did you see what that water was? I hope I can remember that for the rest of my life. I think you could do it in other RVs. I've had when I take that cap off, I don't really know what's going to happen and one time there was an incident that I don't talk about anymore, so one of the terms to say it's not nice to have, but you really should. Consider that the Valterra's twist-on lid is that last layer of protection and let me tell you, it will save you from a traumatic event in your life and you want to avoid this.
They're very inexpensive and when you put it in here, it's just the last little piece, so I recommend it now if you have a class A that has really good valves or a draft may or may not be necessary. I don't have one on the Airstream because I trust this valve, everyone else seriously considers it so that's one way to avoid poop and then what I've changed over the years is I got tired of going through all of these disposable gloves and then, and then, the disposable ones. the glove container would get wet and then it would be a little weird putting them on and then I would run out of them and I wouldn't have gloves for a while and then all the comments would start coming in, you know, I can't believe you're doing it without gloves, I'll tell you, you can do this cleanly and hygienically without getting a pink iron infection if you take your time and are very careful, so last season I bought these gloves and I'm a big fan of having permanent sewer gloves and then in terms of the treatment from the black tank, you know the black tank treatment that you put on those things that you put in, they come like 12, 16 or 20 little capsules and you throw them in, they're actually designed to break down the material and it turns it into kind of a sludge and it's not This is really how these systems are designed.
It's not really a septic tank, it's a holding tank. There is a big difference between a septic tank and a holding tank,You don't want it to break down that material. In that way, I have had many re. I really like these things. This is the third one we bought. I put a tablespoon. I don't have to do it every time because we have been working a lot and this is just the I bought the third one so this is the highest value, there is no smell. You sprinkle it in water and it dissolves. If you just throw it in there it pools up and falls to the bottom, but you sprinkle it in the water and it's fantastic. think about value this is the way to go and then let's talk real quick about sewer hoses so this is the one I've been using the most for the last seven years I guess and this is not the premium one it's actually the most cheap. of one, but I like it because it is easy to store.
The premium one, I think bends more easily and I suppose it's probably a better material, but I find that it doesn't collapse in the same way and overall I find that it will be harder to use and costs more money, but over the long term Over the years people have been saying, "You know, Mark, you really could have avoided that whole situation if you had waist control and that's really loud. Wait, this is not sponsored. I bought it on Amazon to try it, it was uh when I opened it when I saw the box that said the last RV hose you'll ever buy and then I realized I actually have to adapt the RV to put it on so I realized it's really going to be the last RV hose I ever bought because I'm going to retrofit the RV so my initial thought on this is that this could be really good for a class A that has a large wet bay or maybe a 5th wheel that has a lot of space but for me where do I keep my hose in the sewer containers under the RV or in the back of the truck, I'm 50 50 on this, but we like to try things and we like to share how things are going, so I might give This is one more chance for coming, but I just wanted to show you some different options you could have for sewer treatment gloves for sewer hoses and the almighty Valterra twist cap, so a pro tip is if you're only going to stay somewhere for a night or two bring your sewer hose connect your sewer hose on the way out, not on the way out, that way you only have to touch it once, so we'll be somewhere for a night, I'll turn on the power and water, not the sewer hose and then, when we leave, I'll get the sewer hose, hook it up, throw it away, put the sewer hose back on that way, my gloves only go on once, I'm not going to play with it anymore. more than once and I also always connect the sewer hose at the end so that when I'm done, even if I'm wearing gloves, I go in and wash my hands and I'm done, is there water there?
How much, um? I would say it's full up to here oh okay let's see here you want to give it to me fill it up okay fresh water let's talk about the hoses and then I want to talk a little bit about water filtration and just the basics. things you need obviously when you start, you're going to need a hose for your fresh water and you're going to need an alternative hose to empty your black tank, which would be your gray water hose. I'm a big fan of zero gravity hoses. I know last year there was a hose gate, there was a debacle: are these hoses more susceptible to mold?
As a result, I turned on the hose and found no mold. Had a lot. of people in the kyd community cut their hose and had the sacrificial zero g hose for the benefit of the entire community and opened it and found no mold. I came to the conclusion that maybe if you live in a humid environment and your hose is wet and you tied the ends like this with traps in the moisture and then stored the hose for a while, so maybe it creates mold, like this that although sometimes I tie my ends together like this I just throw them in the motorhome between one side of the motorhome and the other when I store them I try to store them in a completely open dry environment.
I personally have not had any experience with mold. I love these hoses, the ones that follow kyd week. week I know I'm a big fan because they don't kink but there is one drawback that I know of and that is in the shoulder RVing season like March April then September October depending on where you live these hoses are more susceptible to freezing outside , so if you travel in those climates it's probably a good idea to have an alternative hose for the shoulder season and then let's talk real quick about the water filter, but I don't want to get into this too much because we'll be doing a video here soon that will cover everything related to it. with water filtration and I don't know if you saw in the last video that we installed the akuva uv water filter.
We did it because we wanted to have something built into the RV that I didn't have to set it up, but we had it all, we had it all since we started with the blue Camco water filter, which I think is 100 micron, just to put it in perspective. , a human hair is 70 microns and then We move on to the green Camco water filter which is just the inline filter and then we move on to the 10 micron single barrel also made by Camco and we use that for a long time and then we use the clear fountain, three chains, two and three cameras. system that goes down to less than 0.5 microns, which is crazy, but all of these things require additional configuration.
Oh, and in the berkey we used the berkey this last season, um in the draft and the bird, the berkey was great for motorized RVs. because we could leave it on the counter, but in the draft we have to put it in the sink or store it under the dinette because in an RV everything behind it bounces, that's why we finally moved to the UV filter, so we're going to share more information about it, just know to start with where, with what you can and then as you get more experience and you're not overwhelmed with all the things you need, you can start doing. improvements based on your priorities because some people prioritize water and they are different, you know everyone has a different set of needs and then you can go with that, but that's the basics of water, fresh water, okay, okay, let's talk of chalks when it comes. for a towable RV there is probably nothing more important than chalking maybe other than the tires they are right there hand in hand and the reason I say this is because most of the time if you are a vehicle site recreationally, you are on a level site and Some new explorers can become complacent about using chalk because it is not necessary most of the time until it is necessary or maybe you are on a long site and don't notice how tilted it is back and forth. rear and you can have a nice one.
A bad accident or your tongue jack can come off the leveling blocks you have in front, so it's probably best practice, no matter what the conditions are, to always chalk correctly and know, As we have mentioned, they are not actually shims. They are really stabilizing chocks to keep your RV from rocking back and forth and they really work in that regard. That said, I use them as chalks from time to time and that's when I'm leveling and I might be on top, let's say. two blocks or if I'm using these Anderson level levelers that I really like and if I have them pretty high then what I'll do is I'll go ahead and I'll use these on the side that I'm high on before I go offline to help chalk out so to speak. , this side of the motor home is high because I can't put a truck because it's on top of these now these act like a truck in themselves, but I guess I mean more like do I have this under one or one of the tires and I have two more under the rear tire and then I disconnect the front one and it rolls a little, it can actually come off. the block and under those applications I use this before disconnecting the trailer if you're following me on all those important things, don't waste your money on the plastic chalks.
I have used the plastic shock absorbers before and when I forget to take them off and I walk away and hear a creak and come back. I'm just looking at a little pile of plastic, so sometimes there's nothing more expensive than trying to save the money that would apply to something like that, so these rubber trucks. They are not much more expensive and you will not be able to drive with this sitting in front or behind your tire and then of course these levelings. We're going to do a whole video on how to level with these things and the Levelmate Pro because I love it, something that's nice to have that I didn't have initially is this little rubber mat.
This is an option when you are leveling in gravel because of the design of these that, when you turn them back, they dig into the gravel. having a little mat like this is pretty handy so speaking of leveling let's jump in and chat about that on a scale of 1 to 10 how important the level side is to you depends on your view leveling can make or break things things, it's the little things that count when you're making the egg and it just fries in the middle of the pan or everything gets squished to the side or maybe there's more hugging oh yeah, yeah, that might be good, that might be could be good, okay, this is my um this is my one-night level and this is my multi-night level, that's when we take out the big man and then this here is the overtime, this is a fabulous upgrade, though you can get addicted because Mark is a little addicted to the big hashtag should look green That's made me a bit of a perfectionist, yeah, stop it, Trisha stops at 1.5 inches.
I say no, I should say green light, my secret light, but this right here is the Levelmate Pro and I have it installed here. then when you get it, you just set it up, make sure your RV is totally level and say, hey, this is level and then you just use your phone. The reason I have it so far forward is because I wanted to reach the cab of my truck. because the idea here with this is that you can level like you're dry camping and you're not even going to disconnect, you're going to like a boondock somewhere, you just want to line up perfectly, yeah, you just drive and look down on your phone you see green you stop you're level you're level you're ready to go and um easy access to change the battery and stuff like that yeah, now Trish doesn't like when I say this, why what? but this, combined with the Anderson levelers, makes leveling up a one-person job, so why don't I like that?
Because sometimes you say hey, hey, hey, because Trish should help so much. Come on, I'm out there, so no. Sure, when doing this one-person job, that's fine, but if you're traveling alone and you can tow, that's true, so and you have the level that the Anderson leveler is paired with, then just lower the Anderson levelers. put your phone down, back it up, it's a wonderful thing, I think we're done here, okay, let's talk about the surge protector and the importance of having one and what exactly they do, we get a lot of emails where someone writes and Hi, I don't know if I should buy a 30 amp or a 50 amp surge protector and that all depends on your particular RV and what type of services you have.
This because you have two air conditioning units and it is a 50 amp RV so get a 50 amp surge protector, if you have a 30 amp RV then you will get a 30 amp surge protector and then the important thing is that sometimes it will be a 50 amp RV, but it will go to an RV park and the only place. What they will be left with is a 30 amp site, that is not a problem. I just plug my 30 amp adapter in here and plug it into the 50 amp connection and then make sure it only uses AC or not. exceed 30 amps when I'm on that panel talking about adapters then we'll get into surge protectors it's not


when you start having all the adapters but I will say the more RV's the more likely you are to come. in a situation where you're going to need every possible combination, maybe this has happened, we got to Vermont, the only place left was a 30 amp place, but the only place we could get the airflow was, I think , 100 feet from the panel, so In that case I had to go from 30 to 50 and then I needed to use my 30 amp extension, so maybe I just used that one, I just did 30 amps and went all the way through, but anyway So you get the point, sometimes you end up with these really strange setups because when you travel you come across a lot of unknowns, so it's not a bad idea to get all the possible combinations, but it's not essential to get started, but let's talk about search protection and what what are you doing.
I wish i could do it. I'll show you mine, it's the 50 amp surge protector. The reason I can't show you is because it's built into the airstream panel. I got tired of having one more thing I liked to plug into the panel. But the importance of these electrical devices. There are a couple of things, one is the panel behind me right here. It's okay, sometimes you can get to a parkmotorhomes and plug into a panel that has a problem and if it does, it could burn out the circuit boards in your motorhome and it can really mess it up or there could be a storm, a lightning strike, something that would send electrical current through your vehicle. recreational and I would break your boards when I say switch boards I mean all your electrical devices from air conditioning units, a boiler, a water heater. refrigerator, all of those things have a circuit board, among other things, but at least it has the circuit board that, if it gets fried, you will replace all the circuit boards in your RV, so it's a very good idea to have some type of electricity. protection, we have partnered with techno rv, they do a fabulous job of providing education on these devices, so you can learn a lot about them there and there might even be some promotions, offers and things like that, and if there are any, we will list them here so you can take advantage of it, but we're fans of the Surge Guard brand just because we've had a lot of luck with that particular brand and I think now Know the importance, okay, tire number three, the last OEM tire, so right there, all right team start the clock we have work to do okay now let's talk about tire safety and I'm not going to go into detail in this video about tire safety because it's a video in itself but you can expect that one will appear here on the channel very soon.
And if you're new here, click the subscribe button because there's a lot to learn as we actually travel where we don't. I like a specific instructional video, but we come across a situation and then we learn and as a result everyone in the kyd community learns, but I just wanted to talk about the importance of understanding psi and making sure that when it comes to tire safety, it's properly inflated and you know we can go into detail about how to properly inflate a tire based on the load and the weight of the tire, but if you don't know all that information, the best thing you can do is just be as cold as possible and that is, in the morning, before towing your RV, it has maximum inflation.
Now a lot of people get confused and think that max cold is the psi that the tire should not exceed and that's not what max cold is max cold because as you use your tire it usually warms up and as it warms up the psi increases so if let's say you have a standard trailer tire like a D rated tire that has 65 psi like you? towing it will go at 65 it can go up to 70 75 and up higher so some people mistakenly lower the psi to make room or a shock to go up to max cold well what happens when you have low psi? in your tire is that it starts to sink on the sides and when it sinks on the sides it generates heat in the side wall and when it has heat it causes failure in the tire so if you don't know the load on the tire because If you don't I have been to a cat scale, the best and safest thing to do is inflate to maximum cold and to do this you must have some type of psi gauge, this is a cheap digital one that you can plug in, this is really all you need. you need, the problem is you have to remember to do that every morning, you have to remember to check all the psi of your tires and if you're like me you don't want to do that and then you move on to a tpms. system this is the tire minder i-10 uh I really like this for those who follow it week after week, know that I am also a big fan of the tst um tpms system, but one thing I recommend that you do not do this.
Going back to what I said before, sometimes the most expensive thing to do is try to save money. We bought a hundred dollar tpms system during the first season, but we didn't have the strength to go back in a total RV until the end. travel trailer to tell us, tell us there was a problem, so we really like this i-10 again. Give this one a techno RV. You can also get it in our Amazon store. I like the form factor of this one where I can see it. all the tires, even on the nose of the truck and the motor home, when we used this for the bird, we had the six class a tires here and we had the four tires on our tow vehicle all on one screen and then if we just you press this button at the top it goes through all the temperatures and a lot of people ask what the proper temperature for a tire is well you don't have to worry about that as much if you have four tires and and three of them are 95 or above and one is 105.
You know you have a problem, so it's probably a good idea to stop. These also detect leaks as you go down the road, they will detect a slow leak, so essentially. In short, a tpms system can prevent tire failure and the problem with tire failure on most towable RVs is that when it blows up, it can knock down all the wood you know about the tires and all the cables, electricity and propane. All of those things can leak, so tire safety is essential, like I said, it's probably one of the most essential things for a towable RV and a lot of that comes down to making sure the tire is properly maintained. and the correct psi is understood and there is even more.
We're going to talk about this, so stay tuned for more information on tires. Well, with so much talk about things and equipment, you might quickly get overwhelmed by the technical terms, but we just want to bring it all back home and say what our topic is. always start small, start now, it doesn't necessarily mean a small platform, it just means with an idea, if you get excited about something, it's probably something you need to pursue well, yeah and um, to move as fast as you can and get better at the way. One thing that has reduced our anxiety about our being is that we don't have everything, we don't have all the answers, but we know that we are going to learn and through that learning process, we are all going to become closer as a family.
Hopefully, we just want to encourage you to go out and do what you can right now because the windows are closing and I hate to say that, but we get emails that are wonderful and nice to read and that are about how they went out and how we did it and we also received emails about how someone's window closed and it was long before they thought it should. Yes, that's why we want to encourage you to go out and do what you can now. Yeah, and like we said, I mean, you know. We've covered a lot in this video, from sewage to electricity to water to tires and all sorts of things, but as we said from the beginning, there's just the essentials you need to get started and then everything else you can improve along the way. path.
I think when we started, I don't know what it was, but we felt like we had to have absolutely everything before we left, I mean, like we did, like we couldn't get Amazon to send us anything to the RV. park or we could just walk into an RV store or something. I don't know why we feel this need to have it all, but we actually encourage you not to have everything like we said and then live with a little inconvenience and say you know, be very kind, be very kind, we had this and then when you have it , you will appreciate it and say: oh, this is great and it makes your experience more fun, but sometimes a little inconvenience, a little pain, is not a bad thing. thing, yeah, there are things that you can't leave without and tick them off to cover them and then there are things that are nice to have and you can find all of those things in the description below of some of the main things that we talked about and then of course , our Amazon Page Manager,, amazon, and we have all kinds of different categories that you can look through, but the bottom line is where you'll find most of the things we talked about today and then again if you're new and if you want To get started on the right foot, we invite you to visit
We would love to see you there. There are tons of discounts too. We have many partners that offer discounts that are only available to members. Interesting events. engaging events and on-demand education because we understand what it's like to know a trip is coming up and you need answers. Did we mention you should take down the awning when it's windy? If you are an RV newbie, remember that I have to go pick it up. the awning inside, that's a tip, never leave your awning outside when it's windy, but that's going to be the last tip in this video and we hope to see you in the future, yeah, we'll see you soon and we're leaving. traveling to really interesting places, like the big American circuit this year VR style, so until next time, we're happy you're here, thank you so much for joining us and we'll see you soon, bye for now, one, two, three . iPhone Box is the first CD my office tries to get.
What the hell? They're just dreaming of some life on the road. A 12 year old boy, you're crushing him. Carson Bleach. Thank God for boxes. In all his hometowns. It was amazing to dance. They're shouting out the window It was really good I guess I forgot He's waiting for his bed to be made He thinks we're making his bed Oh my dreams come true I never dreamed I could see Call I'm in the middle of nowhere and I'm still giving myself a hot shower, but I've forgotten what it feels like to chase a dream. I think we now have an airtight seal.
Okay, I love you guys and I love this bus, sweetie.

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