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Russia claims downing US missiles | US quietly ships ATACMS missiles to Ukraine | World News | WION

May 20, 2024
Well, the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine has taken a complicated turn with recent events escalating tensions and raising concerns about possible retaliation from Moscow. This when Russia said it began a massive attack on Crimea by intercepting American


. Our next report explains and examines the latest developments. the implications of a possible wider conflict and the possible involvement of NATO member states the battle for control of Kiv rages Ukrainian troops are in retreat as Russia


it is advancing in northern and southern Ukraine The army Ukrainian is under intense pressure for the last week from fighting a surprise Russian offensive in KV while we deal with a critical shortage of ammunition, it is too early to draw conclusions but the situation is under control our soldiers are destroying Occupy who are trying to advance everything is pretty tense Under fire Ukraine is stepping up attacks on Russian targets Russia


to have shot down 10 Ukraine Ukraine launched 80 ACM


at Crea, a territory Moscow annexed from Ukraine in 2014 Moscow has repeatedly warned it will retaliate if Ukraine attacks Crimea Controlled by Russia with longer-range American and British missiles, the Pentagon initially opposed deploying long-range missiles out of fear that Ukraine would use them to strike targets deep inside Russia, but those concerns have now taken a backseat. .
russia claims downing us missiles us quietly ships atacms missiles to ukraine world news wion
The Biden administration says Ukraine can decide for itself whether it wants to attack Russian territory with American weapons, but so far Washington has not done so. We encourage such attacks, we have not encouraged or allowed attacks outside of Ukraine, but ultimately Ukraine has to make decisions for itself about how it is going to conduct this war, a war that it is conducting in defense of its freedom, of its sovereignty, of its territorial integrity. As the West closely watches Russian President Vladimir Putin head to Beijing, the visit will test the boundless friendship between China and Russia. We have warned China to stop supporting Moscow's war efforts.
russia claims downing us missiles us quietly ships atacms missiles to ukraine world news wion

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Office Report. We in the


are one for more about this Matthew droin who is a visiting fellow at the center for Strategic and International Studies joins us live from Washington DC welcome to weon Matthew so it looks like war is turning more complicated. My question to you is: do you think this is because Russia has warned? against the use of long-range missiles and the United States says it is up to Ukraine to decide how to use American weapons. Yes, thanks for inviting me. I think it doesn't really change the equation. On the American side, there could be a turning point in the conflict. language, but there is no official change of position that there is no encouragement to target Russia's infrastructure in Russia with the new long-range strike missiles that are being delivered to Ukraine, so there has been attacks on Crimea, which is a disputed territory but is not internationally recognized as part of Russia.
russia claims downing us missiles us quietly ships atacms missiles to ukraine world news wion
Russia might consider it part of its territory and that's why it alluded to retaliation, but I think that doesn't really change the situation. In that sense, France and the United Kingdom have been more open to the use of the weapons they provide to the Target infrastructure inside Russia and that has provoked some harsh reactions from Moscow when it comes to Moscow, again not very new the fact that they are warning of retaliation for the attacks uh against uh against Russia there has been nuclear noise since the beginning of this conflict and Russia knows that this resonates in some capitals that are wary of escalation, but in others It is capital the fact that that there have been these threats from the beginning, at every stage of escalation since the beginning of the conflict, there is a sense that, in fact, Russia knows that it is not in its interest to start a broader conflict with NATO.
russia claims downing us missiles us quietly ships atacms missiles to ukraine world news wion
Therefore, they can strengthen their support for the Ukrainian armed forces and how do you view Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Beijing? It is at a critical moment, apparently Russia now has the upper hand in its war against Ukraine and this visit is taking place. also against the backdrop of the United States continually warning China not to help Russia, right? I think we shouldn't read too much into the timing that this is a long-standing plan for Vladimir Putin's visit is returning the visit that Xiin Ping made to Moscow, so I think there is definitely a strategic dimension to this visit and the two Countries will certainly reaffirm their so-called limitless partner


, but I think Vladimir Putin's recent statements hint that they will try to show it to the


Especially the so-called Globals who are responsible uh players um so uh Vladimir Putin said that he wants to show that he is ready to negotiate with Ukraine and, on the other hand, Xining was in Europe recently and made it clear that he has no intention. that he will provide weapons, I mean he will directly participate militarily in this conflict, so of course we know that there is strong support from China of non-directly military equipment, so-called dual-use equipment, which is critical for Russia. continue their war, that's why there is strong pressure not from the US, but in fact that was reiterated in Europe when Shiin Ping visited Paris and President Maon and Ursula V Deion also sent a clear message in this regard.
Alright, thank you so much for joining us live from Washington DC, Matthew Dr. I look forward to speaking with you again very soon. Thank you for inviting me to receive the latest


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