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Rules WWE Wrestlers CANNOT Break

Mar 17, 2024
Hey guys Maven, a few years ago Men's Health published an article on 30


you probably didn't know WWE


have to follow. I'm a former WWE wrestler, so today I'm going to read them and tell you if they're true, true, or absolute nonsense, let's get into this number one: not throwing your opponents over the top rope years ago when you were throwing someone over the top rope, that was an instant discus score, meaning the match was over, that rule wasn't always like that. followed because guys would get Clos' line, guys would go over the top rope all the time as wrestling moved towards a television product, bigger was always better and throwing someone over the top rope It was always a better aesthetic look for the audience now in most matches. that we would set up, we always had an agent and for example AR Anderson was my agent a lot of times and we would set up spots because we had certain timing cues that we would have to hit and if someone was in the ring and needed to get to the floor it was an easy way to get to the floor.
rules wwe wrestlers cannot break
Doing that and selling it as a big move was always a clothesline over the top rope, so I don't want to say we necessarily needed permission, but most of the time we got permission anyway just to make the match make the move look big. The only thing you didn't want to do, the only thing you didn't want to sell early was a big move if it was going to be used later in the show during a raw taping if I was In the first second or third match of the night I wasn't going to make a big move like hanging the clothes or throwing it on the floor because later in the night I don't want a big move like that to lose its effect. referee, I want it to mean more later in the program, it was not necessarily A not to do, the agents usually told us if we could do it or if we should leave it for one of the later matches, so already through the health number one of the men you got that number wrong two don't speak your mind okay this was definitely not a rule per se but you had to be in the right place to speak your mind and I never was if they wanted me to do something that I didn't think I could accomplish, I would speak my mind, if maybe they wanted me to do a move that I didn't think I could do safely for myself and my competitor, then I would definitely talk to my mind, but if I thought about my character , if I thought what I was doing that night wasn't the best for me, I wasn't saying a word now, that was me, take a John Cena, take a Randy Orton, were they absolutely saying what they think?
rules wwe wrestlers cannot break

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rules wwe wrestlers cannot break...

It was definitely when you're one of the best in the company, you've earned your position and you've earned your right because they're making money off of you, but most of all, you're making money for yourself. I wish I had gotten it. Men's Health never did that place, I'll probably give you a good check mark on that number three and I have no idea where they got this one, it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. to go to all the shows I love I love to know where you got that Men's Health number four no low blows most of the time low blows like before we talked about big moves low blows are definitely one of the big moves and it's It's not something that is a gigantic or difficult move, but it is a move that will provoke a reaction from the crowd.
rules wwe wrestlers cannot break
Think about wrestling matches you've seen in the past and when you see your heel, your bad boy will take a nice low blow or a shot into the crowd. he always reacts and that's because, hey, what we're trying to do, we're trying to act like we're in a real altercation in 2005 on Monday Night Raw after WrestleMania signed Dean and I had a segment with Steve Austin and during our Ruckus. I find myself on the ground and Steve as he picks me up says look at The Mule Kick, he turns around and hits me with a low blow and at that moment immediately something as simple as that to which the crowd reacted perfectly and why because they hadn't seen it all . night and the fact that you, Steve Austin, were doing it meant so much more, a low blow would also be used when a wrestler is warming up, that is, when the bad guy, the heel, is taking control of the match over the baby, he stands up to the good guy and when You're a bad guy You want to cheat You want to poke eyes You want to pull hair You want to do anything that can give you the advantage He gives you the advantage and you want to do it in a less than honorable way Nothing says better than Nothing tells that story better than a good low blow at the right time, so Men's Health, good for you, you got number five right, no swords and if you're interested in knowing how we make swords, concerts or color check.
rules wwe wrestlers cannot break
I put out my video where I talk about the secrets of wrestling and show you exactly how we did our shows, but if we were going to have color, if we were going to bleed, it was definitely something that the agents were going to do in the office. okay and approve approve beforehand sometimes we get red and bleed the hard way and by the hard way I mean maybe a chair maybe we fall one time I was fighting The Undertaker for the hardcore championship and he punches me in the head top of the head. with the lid of a trash can, it was supposed to be colorless.
He wasn't supposed to bleed, but the cap caught me on the top of my head in the right place and the next thing I know he was sitting there bleeding, obviously. I'm not going to get in trouble for this when I got backstage because it wasn't something I wanted to do to get color, it's big and they don't want to waste it, they want to make sure someone is going to do it. being out there getting color was at the right time on the right show so good job Men's Health, you got this number six right, no pile drivers, we all know Austin hurt his neck on a pile driver so it was one of the moves that It was just phased out of the business because the pop you got from the audience wasn't worth the risk the wrestler took in receiving it.
They never told me not to do any pile drivers because it wasn't a movement. I was going to do it anyway, it was common knowledge backstage, just leave it out, it's not a move, it's not a move worth doing, it's not a move you need to put in your arsenal, well, unless let your name be Kane Undertaker or Lawler, so I'll actually do it. I agree with you on this Men's Health issue seven: get your own car, one of the biggest misconceptions and one of the questions I've answered over and over again is how do we get from city to city, show to show, most of people think that promos You know you know how to fly in a limo, you know you know Ric Flair from the 1980s, when he was cutting that promo.
Most people think that's really accurate and it's not when we landed in a city, it was our responsibility to rent a. The car was our responsibility to get from city to city, so I agree with him on this, we always had to have our own car, but we want to save everyone money and we want some company so the guys always got in the cars. cars and boys. I always teamed during the time I rode, you know, at the beginning of my career, I started riding with Al Snow, then I rode with Devon Dudley and the last person I rode with regularly was Randy Orton and on the occasions where we had In the middle of a circular flight from one city to the next, we kept the same configuration and when we landed in a new city, we just rented a new car, so I agree with you.
Men's Health, number seven is accurate, fighters have to do it. get your own number eight car, no third party interference, now what they mean by this is actually physically get the fans and involve them in our games and you know what I know, a lot of times you see maybe a police officer, maybe to a paramedic or someone. It looks like they are involved in the production, if you see that know it's a person, usually it's another wrestler, another worker, maybe an independent wrestler from that area that has been booked for that night to be part of the show, there is no absolutely no Granny gimmick that we are incorporating, there is never a time where we are going to attract a respectable fan and bring them on the show, now this doesn't mean we don't want fan participation many times when I was a heel or a guy bad.
I would definitely pick out individual fans and criticize Jack and promote them and have a good time at their expense, but there was no way I was going to involve them physically. I was never going to do it. touching them I never was, I was never going to approach them in any way that they would think was okay to touch me remember we are putting on a show and it's a show we want everyone to have fun. Let the fans have fun. I want them to feel part of the program. I wanted them to feel a part of hating me in that moment, but never at the expense of a physical altercation with anyone.
So Men's Health. I agree with you on this. Number nine, wearing heels was a requirement for female superstars during my time, when I started and I was touring, there was no dress code, we showed up and they didn't care, we flew on planes and I cut my shirts off. and sweatpants a few years into my run with WWE, they stopped doing it all together, they made sure that we represented the company and represented the WWE brand as best as we could, it meant pants, it meant button down shirts or polos, they basically wanted us to They wanted us to look good when we represented the company, but at no time did I hear that clothing and heels are required for


I'm sorry. Men's Health, you failed and I missed a lot in this number 10, zero punches, the fact that a fist from Clos in the past could require an immediate disqualification, they are implying that punches were a nogo in our business, but I remember fighting with Ric Flair a lot of times and he would get me in the corner and he would mark the spot and his spot was one two and what that meant was he would throw a punch one and then I would throw a punch two and we would do this over and over again and it's one of the things that the crowd loved one of the things that the crowd would come for there's a lot of guys that hit it was part of their Arsenal and it was part of their Arsenal at the beginning William Regal was a guy that was who was known for his punches and he, I mean, he would stand up and this is how he would stand, this is how he would look menacing in front of you in the ring because R is known as a brol and that's just part of his character, sorry men.
Cheers, you missed the mark on this zero, the punches, the punches, they were always part of the part of our business, we are fighters, we are Brawlers, we are having a fight per se and in fights we hit our Throne, our business is not a different number. 11 there are no props without approval, you're not going to just grab a trash can lid, grab a chair, grab something without your agent pre-approving it, but we're also out there on the spur of the moment and we're reacting and you. I know that every action Newton says there is a reaction and sometimes that reaction includes accessories.
Here's an example when I started my career. I was in the WWE Heartland Wrestling Association development and I was wrestling a guy named Just Awesome. Our fight spilled out. out and as we fought along the ring apron Justin reached out and grabbed me and hit me with a water bottle, the water went everywhere and it was a great sight, obviously we had no idea we were going to go down to the floor and get this bottle of water, but did we get in trouble backstage for that? No, that doesn't mean you're just going to be opening, crawling under, digging and removing trash can lids or anything like that, ever.
This is going to happen, we definitely want to get the props approved, but we don't want to not do something we can think of if it's going to make the match better, so you're half right on this with Men's Health issue 12, no posts on the social networks. without permission, well this is one my age and the fact that it's been years since I was there, I think they don't want you to obviously reveal a story on your social media, but I don't think they care or I do. Don't even think they can control someone taking over their brand or someone outdoing themselves on their social media using their social media.
I guarantee you that WWE wants you to become a big name, they want you to become a big name, so you help them make it happen. more money and bring more eyes and more viewers to your product I think they monitor social media? Probably not. I think they don't want you to post without permission. I think it's a train that already left the station. I don't think so. I think they could stop people from posting and yeah, I don't think they'll ever be able to. Men's Health. I'll give you credit for this being partly correct, but not entirely correct, and for number 13, oh, get out of there. here the number 13 is not cursing and Men's Health is actually on something here a few years ago WWE wanted to bemore family friendly and they wanted to target more of a younger demographic, definitely not from the attitude or the era of aggression like I was there. a little more we could get away with when it comes to the salty language, the fact that they are aimed more at a younger audience, the fact that so much is posted on these and through the feeds that they don't want it to be a festival For lack of better words, I don't think not swearing is an absolute rule, but I guarantee you that behind the scenes they limit swearing and don't want you to have a dirty mouth any more than they want you out there doing their business. mouth like the one I have, that's for sure and for the next issue 14, there are no real names, they assume that when we are in public we only use fictitious names.
I have to be completely honest with you, there are some guys that I'm not even sure what their real name is in the government. Maven is my real name. My ID is on my birth certificate. My name since I was born years ago. Al introduced me to the Godfather as Dad from his Papa Shango days. I called. Him, dad, every time I've seen him for the last 20 years, if I see him tomorrow, I'll say hi dad and shake his hand. I have no idea what his real name is to this day, some guys use their real names.
Test was an example of this. I remember when Tess told me to stop calling him Test and start calling him Andrew so he could use his real name, but other guys, if I see Taker again, I'll call him Taker. I'm not going to call him Mark now if I'm at a WWE sanctioned event maybe Smackdown your vote when I did it with JBL I wasn't going to yell hey John I was going to hey JBL or if I see Hunter I'm going to call him Hunter, I'm not going to call him and Paul, I understand where they are coming from and I will agree with them on this. real names, leave them out, obviously, keep anonymity, keep the names clever. going so well, a good one, Men's Health number 15, don't steal moves, you steal someone's move, you're out of here, they, actually, are 100% right about this, but sometimes guys would maybe take a move that you had has been made popular by someone else, modify it a little, repackage it, call it something else and make it your own now you run the risk by doing this and as long as it's not anyone's finisher then there will only be a limited amount of moves per there, except someone's. signature move someone's finisher that's not up for discussion don't even try it unless you want to get out the door Men's Health, you got this number 16 right, no more fighting with Ling after a cut, now what they're implying here is that it was once someone's open once someone is bleeding, that the match can't continue until it's sealed or until the bleeding stops, it wasn't my experience that once you get color or once you're bleeding, any match would stop and, in fact, quite the opposite.
If someone opens up, we want it to be a good picture, we want to get as much out of that picture as possible, so I've never seen any matches stop because of blood, in fact, quite the opposite, if someone was bleeding, actually we were. I'm going to try to make him bleed a little more, now I recognize that the times are a little different than when I was there and I know that during Wrestlemania with Edge and Finn Bálor, when Finn had a very nice decent sized Cut, they stopped the match for a time and they took care of him, they didn't want him to faint, they didn't want him to lose too much blood, so I recognize during my time every time we saw blood, that was a happy accident. there whereas now it's a little safer and they serve them so you know when Men's Health I'll agree with you you're not right you're not wrong you're right in the middle in this number 17 don't rope during the innings and I'll even read what they say though this rule is not strictly enforced, it supposedly exists unless times have completely changed since my time, there is no rule, so many people use the ropes or use the ropes during my time because when we go out, when our entrance music plays and we go out to the ring, we want to look big, everyone at that moment is looking at you and the cameras are focused on you and there is no better way to get your trick or get your character over instead of standing on the second rope.
Now I know that Brian Myers mentioned that there was a time in a phase where only a few could use the ropes during his entrance and I understand what he was talking about and I agree. with him they don't want everyone on the card to do the exact same things in their entrance and they want to save those bigger entrances, those, those, more elaborate ones for Randy Orton, for John Cena, for the bigger name guys, so it's definitely something that was never applied, although they got the part right where it was never applied, but I understand that things evolve and you don't want everyone using the exact same input and you want to save the really big and good inputs for your 18th stars, casual of business.
It is necessary for events. I mentioned this one before and this is actually one that started during my career and to be completely honest with you, they came to us with the idea that they wanted us to always be in business casual. of us thought it was going to last looks like the joke was on me because 20 years later it's still a rule Men's Health, you did this I agree with you 100% number 19 no chokes and I'm going to read This one, word for word, wrestling values safety and that is why colds due to suffocation are a no.
I'll be honest with you. I'm not as familiar with the product today as I was years ago, but in my day, I mean, I was in almost every fight, maybe. They don't make them now, I guess so. I have no idea where they got this from. Sorry Men's Health, ah, nonsense number 20, certain words are not allowed, there are always certain words that, for whatever reason, they don't want to use. like they didn't want to use Ed, the word hospital, they wanted to use local medical center or they didn't want to call it wrestling, they wanted to call it sports entertainment, that's always the trends and how the business is always. evolving and sometimes it evolves forward, sometimes it evolves backwards and there will always be trends like that, there will always be words that will be accepted and words that will be avoided or looked down upon during my time, there weren't many words that they used.
They would prevent us from saying it, but if there were, it would be more for the announcing team and the king and Jr had to worry about them much more than us. The 21st appearances must be approved now, they are not talking about the dress code here. We're actually talking about in-ring attire and how WWE takes pride in the appearance of their stars and they're actually right that they don't say all attire is approved, but you definitely won't go out on their show when stage without his During my time, there was a guy backstage who did a lot of wrestling teams and I always did trunks once I got off my black trunk stage, I always tried on my trunks and then I made sure. and I would come over and make sure everything was okay for the show, it was usually just me changing my toe colors and I never had anything that wasn't approved, but I know a lot of guys and girls had much more elaborate outfits that I knew that every time they were on WWE programming, that outfit was approved by someone backstage before they came out.
Men's Health, you actually got this right. I agree with you 100% number 22, there are no blue pants, it's shorts on Wednesdays in North Carolina. To be completely honest with you, this sounds a bit like an urban myth to me and I've never heard this. I certainly don't want to, I mean, and North Carolina I have the blue tar state. I get it, but you know what I don't. I even know where they got this from, in fact, I'm in, I'm listening to you, if you know where this came from, put it in the comments, educate me, tell me why they added this number 23, without sneezes and again.
I'm going to read this word for word according to reports. McMahon supposedly hates sneezing. I'm not sure. I know someone who prefers someone to sneeze near them and people will avoid doing that if they can. OK. I don't know if Vince is a germaphobe, maybe he is, maybe he is. one of his mistakes, one of his ticks, one of the things he can't stand and if that's one of the things he can't stand, I guarantee that if you are around him regularly, you will do everything you can to do so. Do it outside of his presence based on my experience while I was there.
I never heard anything about this and a lot of times, if there was something or if there was a way you were supposed to act with Vince, the word would get around that this was definitely not the case. something that happened backstage or something I've never heard of, so maybe they're right, but from my experience, I can't confirm or deny number 24, no high heels allowed in the ring without a permit, okay, this one is pretty specific, so again. I'm going to read it in a town in California called Carmel. High heels are not allowed in the Rings without a permit.
I'm listening to you again. It's really the rule in the town of Carmel, I can only talk about my time and there never was one. a time when I heard about any stay in any town or anything that was prohibited. What I do know as far as high heels in the ring maybe it was a safety issue maybe it was that they didn't want to damage the canvas, they didn't want to tear it and the high heels maybe could tear the canvas which then could cause someone to trip or who knows maybe someone


s their leg when they don't perform a baseball slide correctly, but I'm not 100% sure if this rule actually exists in Caramel walking in the ring is quite difficult in baseball boots. put fight.
I can't imagine how difficult it would be with high heels. Next on the list is number 25. Photo shoots are required once you become a wrestler, many things change and one of the things that changes immediately is the desire to have your photo or image. Now this is something that is actually quite exciting. I remember the first time they took me aside for a photo shoot for my first 8 by 10. It was a normal day. and he wasn't even in my wrestling gear, but they told me, Maven, go get your gear and find out exactly what you're going to wear in the ring later tonight and they told me exactly why you're going to wear your first wrestling session. photos and I admit I was elated, I was on top of the world because everyone had seen 8 by 10 fighters, I mean I had seen them for years, I knew exactly, you know, the look I wanted to go for or the look I was hoping for. accomplishing was just one of the things I could check off and be told I had accomplished.
I was actually living my dream, so the only time I would think someone might have a problem with a photo shoot is maybe the company wants a look that they're not comfortable with, so I guess the start of negotiations It depends on how big your name is. I would think the company wins unless it's a big name and has some clout, but most of the time I think people are excited to have their photo shoot taken because they know they're a new 8 by 10 coming out. soon, number 26, they don't support other franchises, they don't want you to put any.
On other shows they don't even want you to talk about other shows because even though we are independent contractors, we work for WWE and they want us to be loyal during my time there was only one show that considered Vince B, CW and Blended. Both organizations, but towards the end of my career, TNA was around and they were becoming a bit more of a household name and even then it was a nogo to mention them or do anything with them or even think about working for them. I know we're independent contractors, we should be able to work for whoever we want, but that's not how Vince saw it and that's not how WWE saw it.
Men's Health, you are 100% accurate with this number 27, there are no relationships between full time and part time. The full-time employees here are considering the wrestlers to be the part-time employees and the full-time employees to be the production staff or crew. I don't know what it's like now during my time, there weren't any


that we knew about, although it was probably a better idea not to do it, that there were other people out there and he obviously didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize his job, his work environment, the workplace that said life takes over, things happen and attraction wins. a long time, so while they probably want this rule to exist, it's hard to enforce this rule when two people really want to date, so I'm going to say Men's Health, you're right in the middle on this, you're probably not wrong. probably not right in the middle number 28 not touching Vince McMahon supposedly snatching ERS have been punished for touching McMahon without permission I remember meeting McMahon I remember meeting Vince and I remember seeing him backstage I remember seeing him when he was cool gregarious humor he, I'm not saying he's a hugger, but he'll definitely approach, you know, Rock Austin or whatever and I didn't realize they were avoiding him.
I didn't realize that people weren't approaching him andagain. just like before, I don't know if he's a germaphobe, maybe he is, maybe he doesn't like people sneezing or touching him, and if he is, I'm surprised he decided to start a company where he has people under him. around all the time, but what this could refer to is the 2016 incident where Titus O'Neal grabs Vince McMahon and Vince wasn't too happy about this when I heard and it actually led to a suspension of Titus, so I get it and maybe this was over the top. a little bit, but maybe it wasn't, maybe Vince doesn't want to be touched by anyone coming into the business, just stick out a hand, shake his hand if you find him and that's it, don't grab him when he doesn't know He expects it and definitely don't act like you're leading him in any direction.
I understand that he doesn't like that number 29. There are no political posts. Okay, politics has changed a lot since my time. No one really cared what affiliation. you were which side you would vote with so it wasn't even mentioned and now unfortunately people do care it's one of the things that has changed in the last 20 years yes I don't think it has changed for the better so Men's Health I don't know if you're right about this, although I hope so and for the last issue 30 pronouns are not allowed, well it's not. What you think they're referring to is that WWE is a brand and they want their talent to be branded, so instead of saying he shoots them and gives them a clothing line, they want their announcers to use the names they want. their names mean something so instead of saying he enters the ring they want John Cena to enter the ring instead of you know he hit a good super kick they Shawn Michaels with the super KCK that's all they want to say with that, even during my time it was the exact same thing they wanted guys they wanted Batista to be larger than life they wanted Ric Flair to be the star they wanted Kane they wanted Trish Stratus they wanted those names to roll off people's tongues without effort why if you say their names and know their names instead of using a pronoun it will help the show as a whole, so number 30 and for the last one, men's health, you got this one right and you did it right, so, what?
What do I give to men's health for its 30 rules you probably didn't do? I don't know about WWE, I actually give it a c minus because some of the things you did right, some of the things you did wrong and hell, some of the things I didn't even know what the hell you were talking about, but you made me think . about some things that I have never considered or thought so good for your men's health. Now if you want to know some things that will really get you in trouble in WWE, click on this video.

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