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Ruining the NBA with the worst player ever

Jun 06, 2021
Hi friends whats happend? My name is Kevin and today we will play NBA 2K15. I know, please don't close, look, just give me a chance. Okay, I realize I'm not appealing to anyone here because if they aren't. If you're a basketball fan, you probably don't want to watch this, and if you're a basketball fan, I'm not a basketball fan, I don't know anything about it, and I've n


played one of these games, and also the game is like five years old, I think. 2020 just came out, I understand you're worried, but the reason I want to play this one is because I saw a video that we're going to watch now.
ruining the nba with the worst player ever
I only watched a small part because I wanted to save. most of it for this video but I saw some of the voice acting and I really thought this was the one I should dive into instead of 2020 so let's take a look at the video real quick that's right we all have the attitude is like they n


read the line beforehand, they just look at it and read it exactly as it is there and that's it. Who has thought that a young book like you could do the right thing and prevent it again? I don't realize how much you need those subtitles until they're gone.
ruining the nba with the worst player ever

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ruining the nba with the worst player ever...

I have no idea what you're saying boy again. Sorry about the books, he just talks. It's like he's heard enough. I love that man. I love what he seems to have put in there. There's no effort in this, the


s, on the other hand, oh well, he's back, he's back, time will tell if you can help or not, what's going on tonight, oh, this is a new guy talking about making sure let him receive my touches, his mouth is I don't even move, I think it's intentional because he's just mumbling a lot, boy, get out of my face with that man.
ruining the nba with the worst player ever
I do what I do with the rock for the good of this team, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about, get over yourself man. it's like he's trying to say it to get back at him, but he doesn't really want to be heard because he's afraid to come back, so he's like, oh, that's the shoulder guy, I've seen enough, let's jump in and he actually plays being god it's weird that the initial character creator almost seems like something I'd end up with, like what's going on with this guy, why can't I just use my keyboard?
ruining the nba with the worst player ever
Why are you forcing me to use your virtual keyboard? of me actually using it oh for love his name will be I don't know why but hands is the first thing that comes to mind so that's his name his favorite team will be jazz he thought people were asking him what his favorite music was and he just said jazz directly about sculpting Can I use my controller for this god? I think this guy has been telling some lies. His nose sticks out something fierce. It looks like something that should be sitting on Easter Island. Here we go. it looks a little more normal from the front, there we go, braids, oh my god, that's how it's like the head is completely flat and it kind of reaches right below the ears, it's very strange and like it has its own style it just happens to be the heroin addict welcome to the team yeah wow we're so excited now he's ready to play I'm ready to play I'm ready to play he's ready to play Jesus Christ how heavy It could be, oh my God, look. he's going through withdrawal symptoms oh my god he really misses those cocaine hands he says there's my boy how did you get here?
Your boy is supposed to be in New York with the rest of those girls look how tall he is if I can eat him This only affects our time Why is he looking at my crotch? They didn't fit. If you turned your


into a giant. Can't you stand at my table because of the way I look like a kid begging his dad for an allowance? My career is Starting hands are very dramatic six months later, okay, great, can I be in the league now? I want to hear this voice acting from the players for freedom of choice and all that.
Great, how many times do I have to tell you to please stop standing on my table? Utah Jazz is 99% interested in me, well it has to be 100 for me to be interested in jazz, who is the least interested in me? These people, yeah, I want to prove, oh, I belong, okay, I have no doubt, coach, come on. on take me on the team coach oh god how do you play basketball? Okay, it's running in the opposite direction. I'm afraid of balls. You run away. He's coming straight towards me. 69 hands. I am open. I am open. I'm on the wrong side. but I'm open I keep asking for the ball but I refuse to get involved how do I slide the tackle? just take his legs off he has the reactions of a peanut he's not going for it at all okay yeah I got the ball on the first touch the ball okay come on he's just running on the spot what was that?
Oh, you can foul. It's okay, you can pretend to be fouled. Oh God, the ball could happen to me. How do I shoot? Wow, look at that, that fight to keep her. in play but he says wow, I look striking as a referee. I had a heart attack. The screams are brutal. I'm not used to playing on a polished floor. I really want the ball. Come on, give it to me. How do I jump? Alright? kind of setup, I think they just put me on the


team, that's the problem, they're playing too close to me, okay, I'm enjoying this too much, I have to stop, but not yet, I'm on an f, now I've started I eat a c and I'm up to an f, what do I do?
I'm scared I don't know how to shoot I'm doing some little spins to impress people wow that was close I just jumped at them I was hoping my body mass could intimidate them well you did your best son but sometimes that's not good enough , What are you talking about? I'm in this league, you spend half the game on the court, okay, let's play. a little jazz I just need a break I'm more than ready this here is my destiny and I'm getting ready to grab it and take it into my own hands yeah this is my destiny just because the other one didn't work like the other one had worked that would have been my destiny give me the ball I'm ready to prove myself now okay I'm already in c minus can you finish the game now because I will be accepted if it ends now did I score?
Yeah, that's going to count for something, right, give me some points, why am I still a C minus? Why are you throwing over my head like that? It takes effort. I'm six foot three, oh my God, I've got the ball. Run all over the court. Run all over the court. Get out of my way, oh my god, I almost did something bad, shot selection, what not, that was great, I'm just trying to run out the clock. I figure the more time goes by, the more mistakes I'll make, so I do run the clock. watch, that's probably for the best.
A wiser man than me once said that excellence is a habit. Yes, I have that habit. Something you do from time to time. We saw some flashes of greatness. Where did you see those flashes? That's it, I thought. they would accept the d-plus as if that's not a bad grade, it's a scratch pass. Jazz has offered you a 10-day deal. Awesome, that's like over a week. Why am I so blurry when I sit like this? Oh, that's it. Better rat hole, this is all I can afford because you didn't draft me, yeah, blame your agent while you're lying there on the floor, I'm finally in the league, now I can meet the real players.
Great, I'm ready and willing. to allow you sir, you see, get out of here, what was that handshake? It's like he was right about shaking hands so he didn't realize it was up and down, he was just waving it around I guess. jazz really feel like they can get something out of it i think it was worth anything someone would have drafted a loser hashtag i wish you could respond like hey i don't see you here getting down to business okay it's sitting there like i think i'm going to delete Twitter. I have more than anyone on this team.
I'm threatening my teammates for some reason. Really? Yes, I'm in the building. That's good, make enemies with your team after you've I just joined, here we go, yeah, the coach is putting me on. Come on, I want to fall a little and go back to the locker room and talk to my friends. Where I am? Oh, I'm there. Okay, pass the ball. What scope? Fell. No, I just wanted to show you my hands. Okay, he's trying to catch some butterflies. This guy's righteous sword for continuing. My coach is watching me. Yes, I regret everything. Pick it up.
I could use some help. Yes, I could use some. Help, that's everyone else's fault, I fell, damn, these damn shoes fell off, he blew air on me, come on ref, why didn't he see that? I did it, I know it, I didn't do it, I missed, it's okay, it's okay, the ball just hit Me and I didn't do anything, it's okay, I'm going to shoot, I'm not allowed, it's okay, just pass it, wait, oh Come on, I needed time to think. I don't know how to play basketball despite being on the team. It's hard to doubt that. guys, I scored, it was all worth it, you're welcome guys, it's okay, I'm a star player, now I'm down, this guy can score, why do you think that about me?
I scored one and the points we got in the paint has also been a very important factor, let's keep hitting it hard. I don't even understand half the things you say, coach, I'm sorry, oh my God, I almost kicked him in the face, that's what I don't know why my boy jumps so high like he has a foot on most of them. the other players. God, that's an unflattering image, it's like the photos people take of me and put on my subreddit. I want to have a half-court shot. Let me. Come back wait what the hell let me show my stuff my coaches got mad I'm going to go kiss my coach's feet and hopefully he'll forgive me oh god I'm not just going to kiss him there we go now I'm kissing his feet mwah wait no my coach is here.
I've been kissing the wrong guy. What the hell was that? Look at it. It's called basketball. What is this attitude? I'm just going to make eye contact with people, you sir, I'm going to stare. You, he just stares back at you, he's not even here for the game, he didn't even consider where he was going. I just threw it, it's called basketball, look it up, oh that's what I want to do, how do I do that, just jump at people, wait. Why didn't he catch the ball? He just slapped her back and just let it happen.
Tackle, he just kicked him in the face. Come on, oh I did something, I stole it by accident, I was just trying to attack it, damn I don't. I don't know what happened there, the guys felt like I was more like butter hands than hands that couldn't keep up in that arena tunnel after the game, let's see what my team has to say about that performance, let's put this behind us, let's learn of it and let's move on. Okay, you're making awkward eye contact with the camera. I need the ball more, that's the problem, that's what's wrong.
Well, maybe if I had the ball in my spots where I could do something with it, we would have won the game and we wouldn't. be having this conversation I don't think it's maybe that's final I don't have social media I'm not nice I think I chose the wrong team I wanted really really bad voice acting but I just have that kind of awkward voice acting damn No I think I could have been selected on another team, although these are the only people who were willing to accept me as I am, but yeah, I guess we'll end there.
My basketball career is over, I don't think so. It was very successful, but well, I think we all knew it wasn't going to end well, but I hope you enjoyed it, I appreciate you seeing me as always and I hope to see you next time, bye for now.

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