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Ruby and Bonnie fun cops stories for kids

Mar 17, 2024
Time to get up is 6:00 a.m. wake up hello wake up why do I have to get up so early because you're in jail uh in jail mhm come to the bars and say your name um my name is Ruby well and you know? Why are you in jail? Well, I just went to the bank and took out all my savings. Now grandma can relax, let's fix your hand. she happened or la la, that was very bad, Ruby, I'm hungry, excuse me, hello, what's wrong? I'm hungry so can I have some pancakes with a side of fruit and some BAC and then some watermelon juice with a dash? mint this is jail it's not like a restaurant I'll get your food I can't believe she thought this was a hotel there's your food don't enjoy what is this W I'm not hungry anymore I'll just drink the water there nothing to do in jail I'm bored what's going on I'm bored there's no train in jail there's no toys in jail what am I supposed to do here are some books you should study study it's good to study yay I'm already tired I'm going to take a nap, sorry, can I have a blanket and a hot water bottle and maybe some more milk in your dreams?
ruby and bonnie fun cops stories for kids
You get this, good night, uhoh, okay, time to wake up. I already got up. Lift them up. it's time to exercise exercise yes an hour of exercise follow me are you ready 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 okay okay stretch my back much better now it's time to jog what's okay good work good work faster keep going keep going delicious great job Good job, great job wow woohoo yeah that was really good welcome Ruby Yum Yum Yum uhoh official official Do I have visitors today? Oh, let me check it. No, no, you don't have visitors, but you do have one. Ooh, maybe I should take out Ghostbusters, no.
ruby and bonnie fun cops stories for kids

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Uncle grandma jail hello grandma hello it's me Ruby the tease oh hello Ruby how's jail? I just want to say I'm so sorry for what I did and I promise I'll make it up to you, well maybe you can help grandma tidy up the house, yeah I can do that every week, well it looks like you learned your lesson, bye, bye, ah, she did a lot of lessons, okay, you're free to go, thank you, you're welcome, oh stickers, more stickers, uhoh Dy. let's put color on it eh eh my car I'm calling the police hello police I need you to come to grandma's house for wo no no no no no don't stay with me the police another uhoh oh no bunny oh no, let's try that one's not here Hi H H, have you seen this girl?
ruby and bonnie fun cops stories for kids
No, are you sure you haven't seen this girl? No, guys, I need to change my clothes. Yay, who is she? This is the police, open up. Okay, Bonnie, right? I am a princess. H, I need to check it. Daddy princess, are you sure you haven't seen this girl? No, I'm sorry, it's okay, no problem, grny, grny, grny, can you help me? Good job Bonnie B, what did I do? I know, Bonnie, I'm sorry to bother you, Grandma, I can't find any money, do you know where it is? Maybe not, dear H, are you sure you don't know where she is?
ruby and bonnie fun cops stories for kids
No, I don't know where. Pony it's Sho Sho get out of my house Sho sh shake shake sh ah I'll buy it now I just have to wait wow yay wow yes it's 11 wow where's my gift? I need to call the police please, hello police, yes I need you someone. I stole my gift okay, I'm coming right now thanks what's the problem look police someone stole my gifts we need to solve this crime let's look for clues the first observations an investigator makes are the details of the environment they are looking for ordinary to collect evidence are you wearing lipstick Bonnie no there is a stump the body left kiss marks that is our first clue we need to write it down it is important for the investigator to write down his findings what next we look for more clues the investigator carries special powders and brushes to give us the best chance of finding fingerprints at the crime scene, What will the detective find?
Nothing yet a clue Bonnie, is this your print? It is not that big. Track two fingerprints. Every fingerprint is unique if you leave your fingerprints on almost anything you come into contact with such as glasses, tables and doors etc. the oils and sweat on your hands create the print so when there is a scene of the crime to solve, the investigator should be able to identify the fingerprint and trace it back to whoever left it, let's see. If there are more clues inside guys, I found new evidence mom, let's investigate our evidence, it's the best clue, let's take a closer look using the microscope, this looks like human hair, guys, this is what human hair looks like up close. under a microscope.
Samples are one of the most important resources in crime forensics because they identify the suspect. Let's do a DNA match. Grandma, let's get ready. Yes, officer, you stole my current grandmother from me. I didn't steal from your current grandmother. I have carried out an investigation. and we have evidence that I took the gift but I was wrapping it for Bonnie, yay, grandma, thank you very much. WoW, well, I guess this case is closed.

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