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Ronnie Mund and Jason Kaplan Fight Over Free Cookies (2010)

Jun 10, 2021
We get


every Wednesday according to everyone, like Ronnie spends 20 minutes every Wednesday at least delivering


, well, it's a whole thing, the cookies are delivered, you know, there are like boxes, yeah, and he comes to bring them and then he opens the boxes. boxes, spread them out. everything and then he starts making dishes and letting certain people in so they can select. Here's everything, so Jason confronted him because they did the recap show and I agree with Jason, I'm sorry, and who put you in charge. from this person all the morning food moves there open the box Ronnie you enter you are in charge of carrying plates and plates of food why what is he doing why is he handing out these cupcakes I don't know how this evolved because you know that the cupcakes have Been coming for years and now it's Ronnie's Cupcakes.
ronnie mund and jason kaplan fight over free cookies 2010
Ronnie sits down at Scotts to do his morning stretch, shoulder rest, are you coming in? No, it's okay, Ronnie won't come here for takeout. Rick's plugs, no. more, no more plugs, that's it, don't challenge me, let's tell them how it is here, okay, I almost tried to take the plugs off your platforms, take it, thank you, thank you, okay, no more Rick scare me, man, no I can deal with you because you're like a general Custer, well, let me ask you something, you know, let me do whatever you want, okay, cupcakes, shove them up your ass.
ronnie mund and jason kaplan fight over free cookies 2010

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ronnie mund and jason kaplan fight over free cookies 2010...

I don't give a damn about trying to be nice. boy, put down the pot, I'm not touching those boxes, Jason could shove them up his ass, you can have them all, okay, come on, how come when a boy listens, it's idiotic, what's going on with the cupcake , explain it to me, let me hear an irrational adult you are 65 years old that is 60 62 okay everything you are in your sixties that is not like that at all you are not sixty years ahead are you or are you not moving forward what else is okay if the receptionist in front is listening to the forties of Ronnie, yeah, I hear what's going on now the way I imagine it, so you, the way I always imagined your job, okay, I've got some knives I'm starting to sharpen, stabbed in my back, were you so grumpy yesterday if you think?
ronnie mund and jason kaplan fight over free cookies 2010
That fat bastard out there put me over the top yesterday with black and white cookies, well I guess the stupid one is fine, let me get something straight and he's out there laughing now and I hear him. I can hear them through the soundproof walls. He's fine, listen. to me what you don't think clearly go out and spend the hour there you will know why he is in everyone's damn business. I like them good, that's my boy, that's good, he used to be your boy, I guess I'm a piece. from you now oh that's what this is you treat me like a garbage hey you never attack me once whether I was right or wrong you wouldn't care I'm always wrong don't even look at me what?
ronnie mund and jason kaplan fight over free cookies 2010
Does everyone hate you? You know, I don't think so. I have friends, people I like here. They can't seem to like me. They like me. I don't think so, I think we just learned. I'm like my way around here. I guess it's not about me anymore, although I think this is really about you. I have nothing to do with him. He talks to me and then comes back here. Ronnie. I'll take Rick's earplugs out. I will take everything from him. Yes, he is out of control. remove his beard die all I did yesterday was ask who put them in charge of the cookies but that's it and you know what the answer is no one who put him in charge I'm sorry well what happened this is what happened if not you get what you want with 604, it's gone because Ronnie collects it all and scatters it so I wanted to do that so I went there for plates for Hanson to crash, okay Ronnie let's fix this I can do it.
First of all, it's not funny, I never said I was in charge of the cookies Jason, no you won't see what you guys are doing setting up, that's all I did Ron, let's see, would you like that? Would you like him to be able to listen to you? You won't let me see if you wanted me to explain it to you, go ahead, so let me explain it, okay, plain and simple, okay, those boxes come, they're sealed with tape and everything is fine, so a lot of in the mornings you used to come, they just weren't sitting on anyone to open them I said, okay, I'll open them, why aren't you eating it?
It's not right, so why do you expect him? He didn't hire you to beat a cookie. Maybe once, well that's me, I've never had a cupcake, I've never touched one, I had a cookie, it's okay to open it yourself, okay, go ahead, but I want you to stand there in your suit and be the one. voice of the reason why you had to be a cupcake cookie deliveryman. boy, okay, there are several gay people who don't like Jason, that's true, yeah, so why are you crying over him? Because he is hungry, he is fat and he gives away his favorite son.
In other words, once you start collecting cookies and deciding who gets what I do. I need the place away from the people who are here in the morning. Hello, you are deciding. No, how many people do you collect keys for? Yeah, wait a second if you grab a cookie for Rosa and Tracy's ape. Here are the two answers in cupcake boxes. Twelve o'clock arrives, there are still 500 cupcakes that no one touches, okay, so you're saying that no one eats them, almost no one eats well, so why do you come? Why waste them? Wait, the cookies, let me explain the cookies well, okay, are you involved?
In it there is a box of cookies, right there, black and white cookies, maybe there are two dozen, right, I just don't know what's there. Oh, come on, come on, you made a big deal out of me yesterday. Could you? They're not there when You're Not There, I know what a cross country commercial is, so yesterday I took three cookies out of there and put them on a plate. All I know is that yes, yes, the black and white cookies run out at 10 after 6:00 otherwise. You don't understand one right, you're handing them out ahead of time.
What happens if I eat three cookies but you're not passing four plates over the thing? Me and a cookie know anything he says. I'm at his door, so I can do it right now. Okay, stop Ronnie, why are you threatening to leave if you want to leave this time? Please, can I hear it. He's not my boss. I don't have to listen to anything he says, but the guy says he can't get the cookie. just add um Weston listen to me yeah you asked me a question look at me you gave me a whole lecture look at me I'm going to make this easy give me a lecture I said don't take all the cookies before the people here get here . a chance to get you my big


-3 cookies in two and a half dozen okay, okay, listen to me plates of food, you have a security job, right?
You're supposed to be the voice of reason, you should stand there like a streetlight like a streetlight watching everything without getting into situations you ever see I don't ever want to hear Buckingham Palace yeah, where is it? I don't know, you don't even know where Buckingham Palace is and look in Switzerland, I don't know. I don't know, okay, there are guards, are they standing outside, buckin brightly, the most professional, yeah, they won't even smile, I won't even smile, in fact, you see, the uniform is one of those, I'll get you the uniform, I won't do it? a red jacket the hat the old ways will remember you you even have a beard like no, that's what I was trying to do this morning, but I'll break my balls, I'll break your balls because you get in trouble out there, I'm not going to do it . strange your personality is too much everything was no one said boo about everything it's okay obviously it's causing a problem it's causing a problem with him because he doesn't get enough cookies you don't want to give this up do you love yourself?
Yes, I No, no, I don't care, I don't care, you still want to let you know that you don't touch me. So how come these people don't survive? Do you know what everyone can know? They are just children here, no one is going to die of hunger. to death because you won't hand over this fine, that's fine with me, so what are you doing? Now you're not going to deliver such a good one, I'm even touching those boxes, a good one, if you want a cookie, I won't. touching it I don't even want a cookie I don't want your cookies and who's your hero Buckingham Palace, right, and I have no heroes, don't resist, Tony Stewart is my hero, okay, okay, go out and be a professional now.
Eddie goes, we're done, okay, okay, did you learn anything? No, you didn't know. I just found out about that, go ahead, have some lunch, yeah, I learned what you learned, don't put it in my head, my own head, that's what you need to get out. and process what you learned no, okay, no thanks, general, sure, that's right, your general is telling you, consider this a pep talk, cookies, fat man, whenever you want, outside, a very angry limo driver , cut the security guy, cut your meals. -boy on wheels, did you throw something? someone, yeah, it's happening to you, what's happening, what's happening, stop it, let's get your boy, your blonde boy, here, put them here, Ronnie, it's not funny, no, I know it's not funny, right?
Okay, I'll talk to you for two years. No, you're not just talking to me. See, because that's the problem. I'm going to talk to you. Do you know you're going to talk to both of us? what to do and I'm going to tell you I'm going to talk to you off the air about it no and we'll have a discussion we're not talking about that well, you're going to have to talk to someone good you're going to talk to me no, I won't, yes, you will do it. I get up every time I'm sitting there minding my own business and everything I hear and his big fat mouth comes out of his mouth on me.
What did he say? But I don't know Here's my name and that's all I need to hear You can't throw something at someone in this place It's not cool buddy Don't put all the blame on me What did he say about you? I have no idea. So why would you throw something at him? Do you hear how I believe? Leave it today. What I said. Leaves. Did he say my name out of your mouth and everything like you weren't? Stop saying it. Scots to mind my own business. It's okay, Ronnie, I don't care if you hear your name, I don't care, you can't throw something at someone, what's their problem, don't worry, why did you say what's the instigator?
You'll probably come see me. About knowing that I've been all I've ever been is nice to this damn guy Ronnie now let me tell you something What did he say about you? You don't even know, just keep my say, don't keep my name out of your mouth, you're allowed to say your name, I'm sorry, you can't work in this environment if you can't stand hearing your name, you're out of control, I don't know what's going on. Passing by here, everyone's losing their minds, what? You did it? I don't know anything bad. Ronnie came back red-faced. Do not talk about me.
Don't mention my name, but on the screen I'm saying that my father was out of control this whole time, so I stuck out my tongue. I didn't understand, I thought I was stupid, he accused me, grabbed me and threw a real trash can at me and uh, I'm not happy about it, I stopped being funny now, that's unacceptable, okay, now I'm like the big one. when he said no, no, you have to talk to him, that was like a child talking to his father saying no, no, my older brother or my younger brother, you have to stop blaming me for everything, yeah, I'm not following Ronnie everywhere.
He was sitting at my desk, he was trying to keep me out of his way, he, can't he?, went back there. I don't know, I don't know how I'm going to handle it, and I'm leaving here because I don't have, I have so. much aggravating my life now I have this I'm sorry thank you yeah thank you guys I'm sorry it's okay daddy you'll take care of it

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