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May 30, 2021
painting I don't know the candle my bloxy tail I found a saw, ah, good job, friend, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, what does it have to do with that thing, use it to cut the sandbag, the sandbags here, do it, do it, careful, careful, careful, okay, oh, don't worry, I nailed it. yeah GG I hope he's dead well I mean I don't know that hostage oh that's this one here what was that wait what wait where was that another kid hostage get me out of here if we go down there Come on, oh boy, they beat me up hey brothers, I used to be a park ranger, the clowns took everything from me and suffered here for years, why are you looking?
roblox circus trip story
So, hey, no, don't cut his face off, he's been suffering for years. I know my aura around the


, please, please, put me out of here, okay, please, at least look out of my misery, at least put me out of my misery. I don't think we should kill him. I'm only helping you because you said you know the way out of the


. Give me your saw, okay, give it to him. No, wait, thanks kid, okay, show us the way out. Yes, after I kill you. give me a second it's like an elephant like its little huge it's like an elephant right okay I'm ready yeah sure what's behind the mask okay they'll know where we went once they see I'm gone I'm gone I'll contact the police using what's left of this crime scene what crime scene okay, following you okay, walk straight to the tape, no one kicks, okay, you go first, buddy, home sweet home, the place no It's changed not a bit.
roblox circus trip story

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roblox circus trip story...

This is where I used to work before they took me away, okay? Oh friend, oh my God, you can see his face, holy cow, yes, I don't like this at all either. 9:01 was a human resources emergency. Whoa, hello, I'm listening, what's your emergency? We are being chased by assassins, what is your location? poor. Portwood crime scene parts what I'm looking at tired make sure all the doors along short notice are up we need a barricade the cabin now okay I'm on it I'm on it how do we do that? maybe maybe give me something Oh dude that's great he pushes the couch okay I'm going to push the couch over here wait please let me use the fireplace wait I can't push this okay what Do you mean what are you going to use it for?
roblox circus trip story
What does that mean? You'll go down like Santa Claus, okay, what was it? What are you doing? Oh, don't hurry, Woody, hurry up. I'm chinese. I'm trying to push this couch like he did, but I can't. Is there something else we're supposed to do? Push it, I can't, I mean work, don't forget to leave that door, boy, I'm trying, I don't know what to do, wait, oh, he does it, okay, do it, yeah, push it, push it, push it, yeah, Alright. Let's now push this friend, what about this one? Nobody pushes this one. I can't, I'll kick it, it doesn't work.
roblox circus trip story
Wow, how are you? Okay, yeah, they're here, man, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. wait. Ranger, please don't take this the wrong way again, please, no, wait, but we wanted to play. I feel like I don't know, no, don't go, no, buddy, don't eat it, no, oh my God, he ate it, wait, wait, use. the keys to the circus to escape what keys I can't I can't wait what keys what keys the keys I don't have I don't see the keys where they are they weren't I the jammed doors come on buddy hurry up they just hate that guy oh buddy , wait, let me see his face, John, he's all messed up, go, no, no, no, run, okay, we gotta go, we gotta go this way, this way, you know where to go, buddy, I think went. in a dead end, oh my god, I can't believe it, it's the epicenter, I don't know what he's planning, run, run, you're the bacon, Mike, my god, what, what, what, what, no, no, no , no no no.
It's not like that I don't like this no it's not oh stop hitting man this is okay this is actually getting scary man okay I don't know oh geez that's disgusting who would want that who really I would like that, okay, uh- uh, where are we going? I don't know where to go, it's weird, eh, use everything you can to defend yourself, okay guys, I have a tail, what are you talking about? wait, we really have to like it, wait, what did you get? Oh, give me. that gives me like that too I don't have anything I need a gun I have a deer tag yeah I'm going to stab you do we really have to fight where where where are you wait no that's really bad yeah let's go? a wrench a wrench I think it's better yeah, cut them off buddy, cut them off, oh come on we have to hold them until the SWAT team gets here okay do you need a light for that?
That'll help maybe oh dear oh dear oh my gosh, okay, you know what? whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa buddy no, don't kill my buddy ah, get off of me, get off of me, bro, come on, hold on, oh dear, hold on, let's go get him, I'm going to hit him, buddy, come on, come on, bro , go Go. Come on, get up, no, don't hit me, brother, come on, come on, oh, we had an answer to, I had an answer, they both killed us, these diseases are not nice, here we go, come on, come on, okay, come on, come on in Here, friend, come. in it you can't, you can't because the boys on the road ah fire, what are you talking about?
Fire, yeah, a lot of my boys light 'em up, come on bop bop bop, yeah, catch it, keep rockin' it, am I supposed to go? Can I keep hitting this guy maybe maybe? Oh, oh my God, make that one dead for sure. Can we all? We're leaving, we're leaving, oh my God, he's dead. Hey, in, in, in, okay, abroad, are they coming? Get in the truck, now. I only have 20 more seconds. I'm looking for everyone. There's the SWAT team. Get it. SWAT team. Alright. We didn't even do it. I don't even know where the truck is.
The truck. Oh, gosh, okay. I'm coming. I'll come in, guys. that's the slide dad, come on, come on, yeah, wait, I can't come in, I can't come in, can I come in? Not sure, wait, I'll try there, yeah, happy, I never want to play this again. another end in my whole life yeah, those who are brats for me national news Hey, oh, how many subscribers do you have, you better have more news, so wait, he escaped, is that what was all that, I know, the camper me left to do, you are the best Jane 1000 EUR yes, I like the credits, but that was the most intense, dark and terrifying


game I have ever played on


Do you know of another one that is as scary and dark and all like this one or scarier posted in the comments guys I really want to know also if you are new here please subscribe for more videos like this and I will watch you again soon thanks for watching and Of course, new line.

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