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Robert Shaw on The Actors He Doesn't Like To Work With | The Dick Cavett Show

May 22, 2024
oh oh no, yeah, Robert's been telling me about his, you have, um, he's doing these two plays, tell me, give us a little clue about the plot of the one that you said was about violence and various, oh, well, my play in London is About 1819, in England, 10 people tried to assassinate the entire British cabinet, assassinate them like assassinate everyone, you know, and what they didn't know was that the main conspirator was a government agent, let's say, a man of the CIA. I gave them all the money, all the grenades, they didn't understand how to assassinate the entire British cabinet at once, so they put an advertisement in our famous newspaper about when there was going to be a dinner organized by everyone. of the british cabinet there was no such dinner all the poor lads went there they were all arrested and every one of them was hanged and quartered that's what the play is about vanessa redgrave plays the main uh conspirators there the agent lured them in I have 45


in that cast , so one day I went from watching the first movie to my own playwright with 45


and then I went to um as an actor now to the Harold Pinter play from the old days where there are only three of us in which I play a man who gets drunk and is worried about his wife and best friend's relationship and then at night that's why I'm so tired because I haven't slept in five days with that damn strike at London airport at night I had to go to shepparton studios and finishing little bits of lord randolph churchill oh how do you listen?
robert shaw on the actors he doesn t like to work with the dick cavett show
I'm not asking for pity because I know that businessmen have to do this and all kinds of people have to


very hard but that's actually what's been happening the last week I don't know if it's worse in the acting profession not to have


or three things at once like that is always paradoxically bad anyway when you're working it's terrible because Normally you're doing rubbish and when you're not working it's worse and then if you're also stuck in a play with someone you can't stand , Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever been once?
robert shaw on the actors he doesn t like to work with the dick cavett show

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robert shaw on the actors he doesn t like to work with the dick cavett show...

Yes Yes Yes. I always pretend they're my kids, you know, I have nine kids, yeah, I always pretend they're my favorite son or daughter, depending on the gender of the person in front of me, oh, isn't it a little embarrassing if they're 50? and you pinch their cheek no, you just look at them like you like them like it's me now you see, you just look and smile all you have to do, what have I done right? That's what I mean, I've played a lot. There's a famous actor I know about tricks like that, but I'm not going to mention him because Robert Morley once told me that you can say anything about actors you like in private, but there's a limit to what you say in public and I left it. .
robert shaw on the actors he doesn t like to work with the dick cavett show
Well, tell us about the one you don't want to mention and how ragged he is, no, I just pretended he was my oldest son. That's it, so every time I look at him in the photo I'm smiling and it's charming. Has there been someone who can't stand you and you knew it and you didn't know why they can't stand you frequently frequently now I know in two seconds if a woman likes me or not if they like you they laugh at your jokes if they don't like you they never do That's my absolute proof you laughed you liked me that's fine yes I always know and that's true I think so and to a large extent what if the world should hate me?
robert shaw on the actors he doesn t like to work with the dick cavett show
He never left him. he just realized that he hasn't forgotten it even once. He is serious. My wife laughs all the time. Well, couldn't you have a humorless woman who loved you? If you did, you would never know. I guess it would be a big relief to know. They're your apples, well, I've moved, that's an old American expression, no, you have an apple orchard, I know, yes, Richard once came to dinner with me in England, at my house, and I loved the gardens, so we planted three thousand five hundred. apple trees, but I left England and now I live in Ireland and right on the west coast you can't see a single house from where we live and we have 75 acres there because I have to get away from this American television. raids and you know, coming to the cities I have come to hate cities to be serious and you can't see anything there and it is the last virgin coast in Europe.
We have this house where there's a lake and they caught a 16-pound trout, brown trout there unpolluted on Sunday and there's 50 miles of this lake, go as far as you know, you can't on a foggy day, you can't see the mountains and You can't see a single house and the road is a mile long. It sounds and then Ireland too, but you have to commit suicide by making two films and two plays, then you pay for that right and you're not there now, no, I'm not there now. There are three Irish guys, I hope you know they help you and hopefully they.
We are not members of the IRA because I am a perfect hostage. I mean, you know I'm English and maybe they've burned it right now for all I know, but I hope not anyway, by the way, we should get out of Ireland. We should get out of this, I think we should get out of Ireland. Well, I hate to side with one of the candidates, but you know he closed the big tent in England and, yeah, oh, they hate, but they won't, they won't listen. In fact, I think we're doing more harm than good by staying.
It's going to be a murder, a terrible and bloody murder. It's a terrible situation, but the south of Ireland is ruined economically. Now all the hotels are closing. Americans think it's just one island and that was fine. you know violence is everywhere but it's spreading south they rob the banks they pretend to be men anger, you know I'm sorry, we're cut off for this message, we'll be right back, so

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