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RIP The Fallen Legends Of DDK9s | DOG DYNASTY

Apr 29, 2024
none of that so it's like trying to keep her as comfortable as possible but she's uh she's on different painkillers and things for her joints but she's just a big girl today maya took a turn for the worse and um i think this It could be the end Marlon took out a bunch of old photos of Maya so he called me and Steve kids in the office so we're just going to spend some time looking at photos and videos of her and me. You know I gave it to her, that means she means warrior, that's what it meant and she, I mean, you know she was the best mother that ever lived. long life and it's been a long time she's still here I don't know it's too much I never thought I'd be looking at you know going back I never thought I'd be looking at these pictures like my main dog I had.
rip the fallen legends of ddk9s dog dynasty
You know from the beginning and she was like where it all started. She knew this was coming. I looked at him. I've been watching the decline and you know people can judge and say whatever they want, but that's the hardest decision to make. like when is the time so we decided she will be fine overnight and we wanted to spend just one last night with her. We're going to take the mattress into her living room and sleep on the floor with her and just cuddle. with her all night I will be there then if anything changes and I will bring her in the morning.
rip the fallen legends of ddk9s dog dynasty

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rip the fallen legends of ddk9s dog dynasty...

I'll try to get someone to come here to be honest. I'd rather she just went for her. No I don't want her to have to go to the pit, oh, she loves the car, you know, she loves cars, going for a car ride, but yeah, we'll just go to bed, hopefully soon. and we will lie down there. I have to share energy with her on the last night. She seems happier here right now and she loves the water, so I'll see that she might want a little hose, so Maya did well all night, but we're definitely going to do it.
rip the fallen legends of ddk9s dog dynasty
I have to take her to the vet today Hi Christine, I'm Lisa Grenin. We had talked before about the home visit. I was wondering if my husband changed his mind. Is there any way you guys can still come? No, it's okay, no problem, I told him so. He told her it might be no, it's still fine, no problem, thank you very much, it's fine, bye, Marlon is in the hospital to have his finger checked. He should be leaving very soon though, so I hope he makes it to the hospital. vet on time because he needs to be there for this marlon marlon you will be there i will realize that yes we will make it marlon had maya before i met him so it's important that he be there i mean this is like one of his First the dogs, so he needs to be there for her and for himself, she needs him there.
rip the fallen legends of ddk9s dog dynasty
Good girl, come on, come on, Maya, come on, they'll come pretty quickly when this is over, she should be here, so I think she'll leave. to be right on time, I mean, she was just funny, she's a super guilty dog, she was one of those dogs when she got in trouble, she'd just like to completely show you that she'd be upside down in the corner, tail wagging with her line. when he came into the room and you were like, I wonder which one of these dogs is the one that she got into the trash and it was pretty easy to figure out that someone broke something.
Let's see who did it. You? No? On you, she was moving so much that her tail was whipping her sides, her butt was just going back and forth and she was hitting herself and hitting you with it, oh, that tail was a baseball bat, yeah, yeah, she started to receive a much more immobile and then since yesterday, she liked the first time I saw her almost like she fell and just kept urinating because it looks like a really big abdominal mass. There I can help her with her comfort. I can help with arthritis that I can't stand.
That goes away like a cry in the night It's like it's sad Yeah I don't want her to suffer I just don't want her to suffer anymore I love her I don't want her to suffer anymore We brought her and um Marlin, Steve and I were there and we all just petted her, We hugged her and told her how much we love her, hey, these dogs gave me everything, everything in life, they gave it to me, they gave me a lot, they gave me everything. I wouldn't have anything without them so I honestly know I wouldn't know who I was without a dog yeah bro she look real always there bro in the end the kindest thing you can do is let her go she had a real good one It is always heartbreaking to lose a dog in life.
I'm glad I spent a night with her. I'm glad I didn't though. I think she wanted you there. She wouldn't have wanted it any other way. Oh, one of the dogs that could. not having been as well known in ddk but he was definitely the most important is maya she has to have been the sweetest dog to ever walk the earth he was perfect for what he did she was like glue you know she's like the matriarch she just kept it all together her memory lives on and we will never forget her East was an extremely special dog to me my life would never be the same Ice really was an amazing dog and I really never thought it would end like this you know it was a mistake and you know human beings who make mistakes and I can't forgive myself.
Ace was absolutely a super pitbull, I mean she was the most amazing trained dog I had ever seen. my life my birthday he was always one of my favorites just because of his looks from day one I mean he always showed off from day one from the beginning he stood out like a shining star all he wanted to do was bite and he would be se he stuck his pant leg to your leg and he was crazy he was there until the end a good balanced dog he is not afraid of people he is perfectly fine he is perfectly friendly he does not bark at you first in the ace the honest story about the first time at the age The First time I met Ace and hung out with him, he bit me on the arm, it's so funny, people looked like this guy, he let the dog well, I don't know what was going on, but he said, "Oh, I'm going to turn the dog on here for a second and he was like he was going to put my arm in his in his mouth uh yeah, he bit him, he bit him an ace, I'm still to this day, you know, I can't feel my arms In.
Generally, who he was is something that will never be found again on the morning of the incident. It seemed like everything was just like a normal day in the ddk-9 house. I was sitting there having breakfast and then I started hearing something so I told him. Marlon and Lisa you know I heard something in the backyard I don't know what's going on I called the dogs the dog doesn't respond so Marlon ran off and then Lisa followed him it was the worst possible situation you can imagine. in three male dogs and a female dog coming out of heat she realized she had let out crying and netflix with ace and all she could see in the backyard was just ace's foot, they did nothing wrong and were just reacting like The animals would react to the situation and it was my fault for allowing them to be in that situation.
I failed them after we washed Ace off the Marlin and Lisa went straight to the vet and when they came back they said he just needed to rest. and I was a little in shock and everything would be fine I took him to this bed and suddenly it was like a scene of panic like he was going into cardiac arrest and there was nothing that could be done and I just hugged him, just held his face, I told him I loved him and hugged him until he stopped, so the justice was horrible. I will keep that memory to myself.
Do you still feel guilty about that? I mean, of course. I don't know, I mean it was my fault like it wasn't um, I know for a fact that he hit Marlon pretty hard um, I know he definitely did, he's definitely not the same now, he definitely changed, it was like you knew me. and a dog's body. And uh, my whole world is upside down. I found a place online called Dog Mountain. We'd never been there before, but I've heard about it several times and it seems like a really nice place. They have a very nice chapel there. people can go and put up pictures of their lost pets and I thought it would be cool to take the kids there and put up a picture of my ace, the door dial, moving rain, did you see the sky, moving rain, yeah, oh , it's still very difficult for marlin, um. really talk about it or even say his name, but I think it's important that you know that the children are part of something to say goodbye since they weren't there, it would be very nice to bring the children there and say goodbye to him as a family the chapel dog's is a very special place where people can come and leave memories of their dog in the form of a note or a photograph jordan what do you think really good place my favorite memories of ace is any The time he really got good credit was Like people thought he was all mom, get out of the car with his hands up, sir, like half the time in the video of him jumping in the car saying, "I think everything's okay, let's give him a break." Here it is, oh, here it goes, here, well, here we turn on Amaya at home.
I also like my house. It also instilled fear in many people. You know, so I think to them it didn't seem so cute. You know, I guess. but he is the sweetest bully as always, he is beautiful here, this is pretty heavy energy my dog ​​passed away. I just wanted to be around the living energy of the dog and going to the dog chapel was pretty powerful to be able to be in the kind of Person, I'm, you know, dog, person, animal, person and I felt like as soon as I opened that door , all these people's dogs were just surging all over my body, oh, just reading all these things that people had written and like a dome of sadness, but at the same time, people's undying love was a very strange experience , it's overwhelming to see all the notes and images as if they were everywhere.
Return to basic. Return to what made me world famous. You know, what is my love and passion for dogs and dog training. so that's what I feel like the world did to me here we are with ace so I'm going to show you again how wonderful this dog is I'm going to remember him in so many different ways that he lives lunch this is ace meet the super dog super baby baby from the canines of the dark


my son is going to put him in now he has done well today yes, I know, I will know soon, he is that murderer, he will never be good, oh, god forgotten, oh, wow, oh, do you want to come . all the way to you

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