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Ricky Gervais on England vs. America | Big Think

Apr 04, 2024
No, I... I don't change it. I mean, the difference, you know, if we're talking about the big two, Britain and the United States, sorry, the rest of the world, that's not true. It was a joke. But the difference between English or British humor and American humor is usually in the production, not in the final core and how... how it is transmitted. But if there is a difference and... I guess I'm not an expert, it's all guesswork, but just take the... the kind of transfer that I've been involved in with "The Office," the remake, the American movie . remake, well, it's different.
ricky gervais on england vs america big think
They are a little smarter. They have better teeth. They have more ambition. They are a little wider. But the big difference is that Americans are more optimistic. And that's due to the fact that Americans are being told they can become the next president of the United States. And can. The British are told this will not happen to you. And they carry that. They carry that with them. We... defend the underdog. We defend the underdog to the point where they are no longer an underdog and that bothers us. I, somewhere, had this strange and unjustified belief that everything will be okay.
ricky gervais on england vs america big think

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ricky gervais on england vs america big think...

Maybe I was born American and always thought everything would be okay. I just thought everything would be okay. I always knew I was doing what I wanted to do and... and I was. So I don't really know. I'm not saying that I don't have fears and anxieties and, you know, that I'm not nervous about things, but I always know that everything will be okay. I do not know why. They brought me from fairy tales. I mean, I guess, you know, I... I like underdogs. I like... I like the story of "Cinderella." I like the story of "A Christmas Carol." I...
ricky gervais on england vs america big think
I like "The meek shall inherit the earth," you know. In reality, "The Geek will inherit the Earth."
ricky gervais on england vs america big think

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