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Richard Rawlings' Best Classic 20th Century Car Restorations | Fast N’ Loud

Apr 10, 2024
I love to see it sitting on big wheels with big power, just blowing smoke out of the tires to the sides, you know, not to mention shoving it in Thomas's face a little bit, we do 22. I'd like to do a big LS. I wish I had time to put a good paint job on it too. I don't want to just throw something together in two weeks. It would be nice if we could break down the parts and work on the body while they do the fabrication, so this is the part that Richard always always always tells us all the money we don't have to spend and all the things we can't do to the car.
richard rawlings best classic 20th century car restorations fast n loud
You know, the part where we have to start lowering our sights a little. with this all the time, even on your own time, so oh my god, this is what I want to build in the world, how much money do you want to spend, that's not what I expected to come out of his mouth, we'll spend 50 on hard . parts, I mean, there is no joke between the transmission, the suspension and the wheels. I mean, let's go to SP and then inside. Grant there isn't much but if we want it to not look like an LMC catalog then it will cost a little bit even if it is small okay this is what I'm going to do and I've never done this before and I'm really scared because I know you guys are will exceed.
richard rawlings best classic 20th century car restorations fast n loud

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richard rawlings best classic 20th century car restorations fast n loud...

I want this to be the


thing we've ever done. built spend the money spend the time but I need it I need it in a month okay so okay we'll get it in there and take it apart you just got the Blanch cart from Ricardo okay everyone I know when you ask me, give it to Aaron. a blank check you're thinking wow, Richard has completely lost it well, keep your pants in because old Tricky Ricky has a plan. I think it's good too. You see every year Dallas throws a giant party called the cattle. Barons Ball, now this is a pretty cool Shin dig where all the Dallas Elite come, have some champagne and start spinning money on all sorts of cool auction items, like cars and trucks, and that's where Gas comes in Monkey.
richard rawlings best classic 20th century car restorations fast n loud
I know a few things. about marketing on a billboard, well, it doesn't always have to be on the side of the road. My plan is to let Aaron build his dream truck and then, if I can, I'll auction it off at the Cattle Baron ball. Fill those fat cats with eyes full of gas monkey magic in that scenario. Well, everyone starts bidding and there is only one winner. Well I'll tell you one thing about Texans they don't like to lose so all the other guys with big deep pockets will be lining up at Gas Monkey wanting something bigger and better I have to say this truck seems to be starting with the right foot for a change.
richard rawlings best classic 20th century car restorations fast n loud
I mean, everyone is so excited to get their hands on this build, how awesome is it. yeah, that's sexy, cool, cool, cool, cool, the good thing for us is that it's a great canvas, the sad part really is how little we're going to use, but who cares, because when we're done, it should be


and strong. low, oh, and another thing, it's going to be terribly expensive, but you heard Richard say that we make C Blanc do whatever we want, so I'm going to do it so that our recipe for cooking the C10 starts boiling. Mike and Kiki work on the remaining body work in the cab while Jason is working on the RAC balancer sprocket on the front of the truck.
I'm about to add some glitter to the back, yeah holy are you sure you want to cover? Wow, that's right, that's my new rear axle. I just need a place to put it since we are going to put the truck completely on the ground. The original frame would have butted against the axle, so we're going to put in a stepped notch. on it before the axle lived under the frame and now, due to our dramatically altered ride height and much larger wheels and tires, we're actually going to ride where the frame rail used to be, we've slid the step notches Porter construction over the top. of the frame rail now everything is square, everything is the correct height.
Now I'm going to remove the remaining section of the frame and then we'll have all the free space we need. It will look very clean when it's done. You can see it well. White car. 27 days made it happen so clearly Aaron has no problem with his cart spending my money and since I don't expect to make any money off this truck, at least not right away, I have to find something to flip pretty quickly because I need something. Cashola walks through the door, that's a pretty big engine, man, oh, it's going to be rough, there it goes, I like it, I like it to death, man, these things are so cool they're giving me goosebumps, these things are 35 in I wish I was 35 Oh, it looks good, hey, I'm tired, hey, I can feel the cold up to here, the tire size is perfect.
I can't wait to finally see this thing on the floor, it looks good, very good, bad ass, ready, yeah, make it happen. Okay, get down, can you slow down, Jason? I know I like that she's starting to look like a girl you might want to take home. Let's put a fender on it. I want to check the clearance, so when it comes to the engine bay, we have. A good engine and we would like to keep it that way and we would like to not have reversed the hoods, so the factory mid fenders are positioned too low on the vehicle to be of any use with 22 in air. we're just going to have to remove them, so we'll use SLO tubs, yeah Kung K, what we get out of this is some serious impact both visually and practically, uh dude, that's not going to fit, I don't think it's going to work. someone injected the truck so we tried to put the modified fender on the truck while it was on but it didn't work because the tire was practically on the inner fender so we will lift the truck and try to reinstall it. the fender no bird the firewall eh okay, unfortunately space is a limited commodity, especially when we're trying to fit so many large items into such a small space, much like the SLO bathtub and my firewall, they're both trying to live in the same The problem is I think the front is maxed out, this could have gone better, yeah I know someone wants to buy a set of SLO tubs so I have a couple of options here.
I can remove the SLO tubs completely, which I don't do. I want to do or I can put a smaller tire, which I define I don't want to do, that's a real pain, I really hope we have intermediate fenders, so there is a third option. I can take the time to get it right, just cut it. What's happening modifies the firewall and then regulates the back of the SLO tub, which is precisely what we're going to do. I really like to move forward. I don't want a little piece of firewall to shut me down and if we hang up.
Here that will help us recover a little. They told me I could build the truck the way I wanted and that's what I'm here for. Let's go back B. Let's go back to doing what we know how to do. okay, let's make tire clamps, let's make this work, these modifications will push our schedule back a few days and hopefully we can make it up later, but the truth is, this is a build that none of us want to commit to. I have issues with the fender, but at least it looks good. Well, this has been exciting.
Let's go back to work yesterday. We begin to address some of the fit issues we discovered on the front end of the C10. Today we will start with the back, yes. It's no use, no wonder our big tires are just as problematic there, so you're thinking the circus is in town like a German circus, well not really, but it's still a good day because the little one Voltzwagon van just arrived for gas and my idea is that the boys have been through a lot of big builds lately and it's time for a fun little funky project, but there won't be any fun in funky town if Aaron can't go far to get there a is short T short but it's a poorly shaped soda can, yeah it looks like a handful of Drive, looks like you get some rodeo action if you find a speed bump.
I think this would be really funny with a big Volkswagen monster. engine I think it's going to be funny with a working engine, take a look at this foreign made monstrosity and you know I'm going to love it, I love it, I really, yeah, I get it, I get it a lot, I think I think. It'll work out fine, I'm down, I'm sure Aaron really likes the short bus, it's those red ones, he's that sweet guy and as long as Aaron's excited about a project that makes my life easier, so I'm, I'm down, TRUE? get a special, we get a special so someone can drive this thing on the highway, dude, someone can drive it, what are you talking about?
A truck passes you too


. I'll hold you, I'll hold you to do that. okay, so it's decided, let's build it, sure, bring it, hit the brakes, hit the brakes, me and here we're talking a little bit and I think the smartest thing we can do is build the entire front suspension under the rear suspension . brakes everywhere new engine new workout just go new everything from front to back which isn't too far this one is short but other than that I don't want to spend more than 7500 dollars on it how much is it? fact eight I think it's worth 12 12 five, so I think I have a better chance of selling it if it's cheap, with attractive wheels and tires, and it's reliable if it's just a fun little toy.
I mean, is it really worth spending days? labor to fix the roof, you want to roll it on its side so you can see it tilt, you can probably do it, if it's a huge task it will take us three or four more days. I don't think the juice is worth the squeeze. It tightens, it has it, so the plan is really simple and we have to have a little fun with this, so we will lower it with a new suspension, we will put an engine in there because it doesn't have shiny wheels. Have Casey smooth the top, paint it green and white and blow it up, then a lawsuit will be filed to finish the inside and the monkeys will be out of fun with $7500 in 10 days to finish it, am I going to do it? making money on the short bus probably not, but it's fun, it's cool and if we can have a little fun, boost morale in the back a little, great, you know, and then if we can get out of this, okay, if we can.
So it's going to be another one of those losers that Richard left us to load up this little VW bus, he said to have fun with this, so the way I see it, I'm just going to follow orders for once, what are we going to do? destroying yourself you just arrived and you already broke something I like Vans but I hate this van yes, this Van is one this B is sad I'm very sad because I'm small I have this problem, okay, let's put the LI, how? Everyone plans to put it on the lift, this is going to be a chore, now what I think is going to happen no, I think it's too rotten, we're not going to go in because no, we'll take the tires off, put the arms on and just do it that way , I mean, we have no choice to go back, forward, forward, continue against this rotor.
N of them in the next episode of Fast and Loud will learn how to lift the bus. Aaron, do you have any ideas on how? we can raise this, the biggest problem is that there are some damaged frame rails in the rear so we don't trust its strength and then the other thing is that Jack Sands really has to be in front of the rear wheels and they really I need to be behind the front wheels and then it's like the worst heater in the world, so first job is to lift the stupid car, too bad we don't have leg extensions for the forklift, we do it right there, we sure do.
This is, but it is 100% real. I'm talking about welding the skate to the robot, in the center of the bottom of this thing, you slide the forks underneath. Shall we do a test right now? Yes, we have the


bad idea, which is where we just weld sticks to the bottom and lift the whole truck with the forklift, thus giving us an all terrain automatic lift anywhere, it may not be a good idea, but it's cool, yeah, it makes a lot of sense, soldering him being the leader of the ring. A circus is like being the King of the Monkeys.
Do I look too much like Lii or more like Vicente Fernández? Anyway, animals don't always behave as they should. Casey is always late for work. I can never find Aaron. You know you've got your backflips. and you have to make sure you accomplish all these things Christy never knows who's boss, leave and you have to deal with a lot of egos. I can do anything, even the one who gives me trouble from time to time, that's my favorite monkey in the At the end of the day, there's still no business like showbiz. I am a star.
I am a star. A shining star. Come on, shorty, it's show time. Children don't speak with their mouths. Okay, I give up, no matter what happens. The show must end. Come on, ha ha, get close to your televisions, ladies and gentlemen, because you are going to see the weirdest, craziest, shortest Volkswagen van, this thing would even fit in our elevator, we couldn't put it on stands, it barely even fits in the floor jack, so I welded some sticks to the bottom and picked it up with the forklift. We don't build trucksVolkswagen every day at Gas Monkey Garage but we can build anything hey that's my shirt these dealers are crazy and because we don't know anything about German parts we rely on air cooled wheels transmission and brakes no they're just cute, they're awesome, West front suspension, bug rear suspension and a nasty little 2L motor, this thing should work.
You stopped eating my shirt since the C was so rough we had to jump right into the bodywork. We begin to spread the plastic. We finally shaped this thing. I told Casey what he wanted to paint vibrant colors, something weird, something weird from the 60s. and he painted it baby blue and white when I put in the word I was looking for a pink 55 of course, well, Thomas found out. He knew I saw one somewhere secluded in the woods. Well, Thomas must have had a better memory than me because he snatched it from me right under my nose.
They are not very expensive cars. I just hate spending money on layoffs. in the garage I hope the car is a total piece so we don't have to buy it so Thomas said he would be in the shop and show me the car and Aaron and I brought the trailer because it probably won't. it's going to work well, that's pink, like a four door and it's an amazing tail, I mean pink, sorry it's ugly, I want to go Thomas Weeks, I'm here to buy this pink KAC, maybe it's ugly, let's go yeah he already know it.
I need the car, it's going to cost me more than it should. Thomas is not here. What do you mean? Thomas is not here. Then Richard and Aaron show up to buy this Cadillac. They think they're going to deal with Thomas, but they have. to deal with me and Tom today Thomas only paid 15,000 for this cart he wants us to get 20 for it he said he was going to be here he wanted to show me this car because I told him I need one he is willing what do I do? Everyone knows, it's pink, Thomas happens to be here and I have to deal with my two favorite boys, Tom and Jordan, and they're not really my favorite boys, but you know they're here trying to be entrepreneurs and that's okay.
Have you touched it yet? Yes, what did you do to him? I looked at it, that's it, yeah, well your team will be happy, you actually bring a car that runs and has no rust. God, it's a mess under here, man, that's what it's all about. supply and demand and uh Richard has been searching all over town for this little painting. I think it's a Cadillac Bo. He is thinking a lot because he is ugly. I need the car. It is not too bad. We're going to do our thing anyway. Now I just had to buy it, he told me what he wanted for it, how many dollars is that 35 grand, it's not worth 35 grand, he has the dagars, Richard, he has the dagmars, there you go, the deals were made right there to Let someone like Tom point out Dag Meyers.
I mean, I think he has a Dag Meyers game himself. I just think the car is worth around 20k. I know Thomas is going to inflate the price. KN. I'm going to come here. What if you ruin it? I need the car, so how about 25 grand? We can do 25, okay, great. 25. The excellent big brother. Thomas said he'd take 20 grand. Richard said 25. Let's put this on the trailer and put it back in gas. We sold him that Cadillac for $55,000 more. Tom and I can split up, that's our severance package, they said, they said I'll drive, I'm not driving, go for it, tell Thomas I'll send him the money, see you later man, you look good with that aspect. well all in all you don't need a falcon race car you need a pink four door cadillac thank god you already sold this here's the plan this should be a quick build just give me give me a list of everything you really want ready pull the engine and Go ahead and build them, clean everything up, give it some gas monkey attitude and run.
I already paid 25 grand for the car, so I'll just give the monkeys another 25 grand to build it. I have too much money to compensate for my association with NH, all we have to do is give it some love, we will rebuild the engine and activate it with the air suspension. We'll keep the pink of course but adding a little gas flare with some metal flake if the guys finish it all in less than 2 weeks well my favorite color is changing from green to pink Bove well the problem It's just that we have other things driving it here, that's how it was.
I got here, but this transmission, I know, is gone and the engine is not very happy, but we'll see how deep it goes. Is it as bad as the Rambler? Well, see, I win one. I'm not sure it's a win, in fact I don't think it is at all, let's start tearing this thing up, get it up, this will never make any noise, hey, let's go buy new wheels and tires and, uh, I think so. Well, well, well, so Richard wants this build to be done quickly and maybe a little cheap, so on this one we're not going to tear it down to the last B, in fact, quite the opposite, let me tell you a little fact about the parts of Cadillac.
They're not easy to come by so we have to work with what we have and after digging into this I'm really worried about working with Richard's timeline, he wants to see all the details at the bottom but the painting doesn't show up. adheres. this because I think it's 98% oil yeah okay let's take the engine out of this thing and the problem with the Cadillac is simple you can't dry out so almost every major system needs to be taken out of this car and rebuilt right? TRUE? Look, wait, something's breaking, well, yeah, we're dragging the tranny, hitting the firewall.
B is about 6M long. I feel like I have a hot dog package on the back of my neck. Those are Ballpark style hot dogs in the back. my neck right now um, that pool needs to come off, even though you're going to take the FL course. I hate this, let's say it caught fire, throw it outside, leave it there until we're done, hey, drop, drop the Jack, that's it. What is holding you back? Okay, be careful because it can go back like this. I was afraid of the shadiest engine group ever. It's heavy, hey Chris, I need you, please, Jonathan, please, you got it.
Yes, it was Dy bar. Okay, you can lower it. Dustin and I took the engine out finally, literally, we stood up and down almost now, what we're going to do is separate the engine from the transmission, take the engine to Jamie, the transmission to our type of transmission, too we will do it. send all the power steering, brakes and water pump, uh, a lot of the various systems on the car need to be sent out to be rebuilt, which of course now we have to wait for all the major parts of the car to come back. so we can finish the build, in the meantime we're going to finish detailing the underside of the car.
Thanks Richard Dustin, when you're done can you give me a hand with this? So we are 5 days away from our big build and to be honest I thought we would be further along, but Richard's little pink princess has turned out to be a real pain in the ass and everything is taking longer than it should in this so-called quick build that Richard you need to finish paying. his race car then you get well you want to be taken care of yeah that's fine we are still waiting for the engine and train to come back after being rebuilt we are also waiting for some rare parts and while Dustin has made some progress in getting With the front airbags installed, it's time to take on a completely new, challenging and complicated task of installing the rear air suspension system to the rear of this car, let me know if you see any problems or anything good, stop for a second, usually every time we hit a car.
As low as I want this means going through the floor for the driveshaft and some of the suspension components, but since we only have 9 days, we don't really have time to do the sheet metal work, so we're going to have to simulate the back and see if I can keep everything under the floor. Today the Ford 5 womit 34 is fine. A lot of times, you know, when I'm checking the Internet, I also check my email and people. I know I buy a lot of cars and this one actually came to me supposedly All Steel. He said he didn't know anything about the fenders for sure.
It doesn't matter, I don't care what it is, yeah, exactly, this guy sent me some emails. Pictures of his '34 Ford five-window and, uh, I liked it, so Aaron and I jumped off the plane. We're here driving somewhere outside of Atlanta, Georgia, this is what's on the back that says turn around. I guess if it snows you won't go. to work that day, they had a very good start, good morning, how are we guys, well, how are you? I'm Jim Harrington and this is Melinda Harrington, we get to Georgia, we got the guy and the decision maker, that's all here together at the same time amazing, well let's take a look at this 34.
I'll take what's behind garage door number two, yeah, cool, everyone steals the '34 Ford, so when Linda threw up from the garage door and there was a '34 Ford there, I fully expected that I just didn't expect one to look that good, so what? what is the full story? My dad got this about 35 years ago. He's been in the barn. I took him out and did some work trying to find a new home, someone. that will redo it the way it should be done and uh when my dad passed away he left it to me we don't really have the storage space to have it here it's exactly what we want I mean we cut our teeth from 30 to 36.
Ford, I mean, it's kind of a gas monkey, it's one of our strong seats, no doubt, the 1934 Ford is a very popular choice for hot rods, the appeal of this car was timeless, I'm talking about features like suicide doors with a tilted body and a noisy seat, which makes it better. On top of that, Clyde Burrow was a big fan of Fords. Bonnie and Clyde had some fun and some people think it was bad news, but he lived and died in a Ford that works for me. I definitely like the hood which is cool, it's air conditioned, it's heated, oh yeah.
It starts, yes it starts, the engine is a little street rotted, but it sounds healthy. The Stance is good even though it has a fundamentally Corvette rear end, this is a really solid car, you know, the body looks to be in great shape, steel, fenders, steel body. Suicide door 534 This is a really good car Is that you? What's that? That's me. It's actually me when I was five years old in this car in that car in that Fender. One of the interesting things I saw was the photograph and it showed Jim lying down. on the fender when I was a kid, which was really interesting because we can see how long it's been in the family and cars that claim to be from one family tend to be better cared for than the ones that get passed around, well, I was Looking to get 30 for that, I have to take it back to Dallas, that's a long way, it's 1,500 dollars there, um 22 and 2, what do you think? 27 by the time I get it back, I'll go back to that 30 number and fix it, uh.
However, I'm here and I like it, I like the fact that it's old looking, man it's cool, 25 grand right now, make 25, cool, okay man, it was worth my trip here. Jim and I settled for 25. Great, that's well under 30 when I get it back to Dallas, it has a nice lacquer paint job and an old school interior. I mean, it's money in the bank forever. I mean, it can stay there in the store or we can sell it or whatever. It's like having a savings account, we have a flag to catch guys, thank you all so much, great again, thank you so much.
I'm excited for it to stay that way. I will miss him because we have many memories. in this car but I'm happy that Jim is okay with letting it go because he hasn't been for a while and he finally is now so yeah that's good so right now we're unloading my 34 Ford from Georgia I have This is a pretty good deal, I think the keys on the floor are no problem. This scar comes with some pretty good family history. I mean Jim Harrington, the guy I bought it from, grew up with this five-window Ford and really didn't want to part with it. on the other side, but his wife needed the parking space and, as the band Jay GS said, playing down Love Stinks, yeah, I wouldn't give up that carburetor, but I won't get married anymore either.
I bought the car for 25 grand, but as it is, I think it's worth it. 30, so I'm going to look for it on the old networks and make some money on the movie. Tony, grab your camera and make this osela, byby, because we need to put some daero on elban, so this is a 34 Ford five-wind kit, it still has lacquer. The paint, really great, has a kind of madness, almost like a patina, but not suicide doors. These are a really cool feature on the hot rod. It also comes with a roll-up rear window. They had a


seat for the back seat passengers that you can roll over.
Roll down the window towards him or you can roll it up, don't talk to him. This car looks like it has some nice touches. Some different headlights. A little bigger. They look like commercial headlights. It looks like a jumping greyhound or dog hood ornament. He just made it the original owner's car. I knew it was his car when he pulled out into the parking lot a while ago.couple of weeks. Some of the guys that used to work here at Gasm opened their own place and called it a lit garage. Well we got the old workshop cooled down, well Richard and I thought we were done with Tom and Jordan, but we weren't so lucky, buddy, do you feel what I feel?
Yeah, go that way last time you went around one of Richard's cars, they fired you. Well, you can. You really don't fire me this time, what are you doing? I will ask you to remove it. I can guess what you are doing to separate a wheel and tire. Yes, the last time we saw Richard, he told us if we ever needed anything. What we do is we come there, you go. I didn't know we needed air conditioning, but it is quite elegant, very elegant. It's the first store I worked in that had air conditioning. It's nice to be here, good luck guys. to that man that sweeps and cleans, look in the front where the offices are, I have a guy that does that uhoh Scott McMillan oh yeah Rich, hey boss, this Scott, hey man, what's up?
Tom and Jordan were in the store the other day, you guys Air conditioning, yeah, we just plugged it all in and, uh, it's a nice comfy 72 degrees in the cold of the store, it's really cold, you know, it cost a ton of money to put air conditioning in that big store, it only cost a little money to put in air conditioning. In this store we thought that, being a respectable owner, you could put air conditioning in here for us. No, I'm more like a poor neighborhood. Sir, you're not getting air conditioning. You're starting to irritate me a little.
I want some air conditioning, man, and I want it like yesterday, well listen, we have an old unit we can install for you, we'll send it to you. I paid 8 grand for this car and when we're done playing with it, it should run north of 50 for my money. The early '60s was when Detroit got it all right. The fins on the B air were large but not ridiculous. The lines are clean. The car just looks smooth. Hell, if I could go back. Over time I would sell you a 60 B air. They do everything for this car.
The suspensions are bolted to the new Camaro. The engines are LS 3, correct or original, yes, I think that's a wonderful place to start, yes, and then you know, the modern transmission. Modern. Engine fuel injection, interior, all we're doing is the seats, the cafeteria table seats have to come off, so what's the plan for the paint? I mean, it looks good, so let's not play it right. I do not want to do it. and I'll tell you if you think it can be cleaned more. Honestly, I don't think it can be done. I think we can polish it.
I'll have John look up some parts, but I'll tell you right now. I believe we can build. this car in a couple of days look at Jordan's face, what no, he listened to this whole song and dance before we don't have to build anything on this one. I'm 100% sure I'm going to leave the wheel wells in it. and I know that's where we have to stop, so right now we're going to give this one a move. Do I have you oh in my ear in my mouth? We have shipped thousands of cars. This is the first to appear with gasoline inside.
The crankcase, God, we turned it on practically had a full tank of gasoline inside the engine. If it had sparked once in that truck, you could have turned it off. Hey, at least the inside of the engine will be clean, oh boy. On the back of this car we're going to hang the Tech control arms, we replace everything with a strong arm kit, so it's the top link, both lower links, bag mounts, we're going to use Fox shocks on it, we replace the stabilizer bar basically. get rid of all the crap of this coming down we are smart enough to use the right things we may not look like it but we are smart the deal is we have to make money because


bought a nice car and we have to make this car compensate for everything, but what we're not going to do is we're not going to mess with things that are going to destroy the car.
It takes a lot more time, a lot of money to fix it. It is black. The car looks good and will always look good. Almost all of the work we are doing will be done under the car. When we finish, it will be



on top and 21st


on the bottom, so we have our Bell Air 60 practically completely torn down, at least all the mechanical components, we take out the driveline, the front suspension, the rear suspension, all the steering Hey, the good thing is that we are going to replace everything, so the entire front. of this car, the entire rear end of this car, the entire suspension rolling, stopping up and down, will be brand new.
We're putting a big engine in the Bell Air and when you have a lot to do, you need a lot of whoa. So we have a set of 14 inch brakes here, so what I'm doing right now is installing the rotors on the hat and then we're going to tighten them all up and then we're going to use a star pattern just to tighten them. down just like you put a nut on and then you tighten them and then we're going to connect the safety cable, which one did you want on cylinder 60? Here we are upgrading to a huge sway bar so that when you go into the corner and you dive really hard, you don't make the body roll, it falls into the ditch, you go into the corners much harder, much faster, it keeps the body straight, stabilizer bar, yes, thanks for stopping by in the second installment of our brakes.
I've already finished the two rear parts and I'm working on the front part, it's actually the safety wiring from the hat to the rotor. The reason we do that is because the brakes get very hot when stopping a big, heavy car going fast in the Heat and Vibration can cause the bolts to literally unscrew, so we attach them with safety cables in a pattern that prevents them from coming loose. Make sure the rotor stays attached to the hat because if not we lose the ability to stop the car, so I bought this car. In a big nest in Illinois I thought the quickest and fastest money was going to be the 68 Cadillac Coupe Deville, turns out it wasn't and I was wrong because in the end it had a lot of rust for the only thing it was good for.
It was a few donuts and a ride, so after getting off that one we can finally put our money where it belonged, a black Bel Air 60. There is nothing better than this. Richard let us loose for the checkbook. Someone had put in a 327. I have a 65 LS3 4L with fuel injection, so we have all the electronics, a new engine, then we go fast, naturally, we had to control this, so we need to have a good suspension, it's automatic, in turn, the key got the car. short and compared to how tall and dumb it was before, there is a big difference in terms of appearance, I think it's pretty obvious, we usually paint a car, but this one already had a very good paint job, it was just a little old and it needed a little touch up, I gave it a good polishing job, a little polishing, this car shines very well and since we already have a black exterior, black wheels, we probably need a black interior, what Sue came up with is a huge mass.
Upgrades on the old seats, on top of that the gauges are amazing, we don't have a high tech engine and low tech gauges, everything on this car is brand new except for the sheet metal you see at the beginning. You're not even going to know what it is because it's short, it's skinny, it's mean, then you realize it's a Bell Air 60 and you hear sounds and you see how fast you're going to park your little Mustang and I just went home whining, It was very difficult for me to throw all the money, time and effort we had into the '68 Cadillac and try to put it aside, but Aaron assured me that if I let it do what it wanted.
To make this Bell Air 60 we can go back. I think he's right. We still have to sell it to prove you right, but this is one of the sweetest vehicles we've built here at Gas Monkey so far. What's happening? The brakes get stuck. The entire drivetrain is almost complete DUS finishing the radiator man fuel systems getting completely close to a possible fire no joke this looks good man the only big problem is it has to be done due to events this weekend and if I'm going to put Leave it there and let them auction it. I have to commit you.
You think maybe we can make it, but the problem is, even though the engine isn't tuned and I don't have any upholstery yet, I think we can have a truck by then, yeah. but working properly, I don't know, we got over 100 grand on this and I'm not done spending yet, this isn't just another quick spin, I mean, I'm investing a lot of cash like in Breaking Bad. this C10 truck if it doesn't get the kind of exposure it needed to Cattle Baron's ball, well, maybe I'll just have to turn the lights off now. I'm thinking if I put that room, I'm in the room.
With the richest people in Texas, one guy will get it, but six or ten more are allowed than they want. It's my target audience and this is one of the best things we've built so far, one of the cleanest. You're still hauling trucks, let me tell you what I know about Texas and it's truck country and we know the trucks are 1976 C10s and we have to travel all over to find the right vehicle that we're going to build for Gas. Monkey Garage and let me tell you, it was a long 200 yard walk. To our surprise, we found an almost completely original 76 C10 short bed.
We love the C10. I mean, pretty much everyone in the shop is a truck driver, so the opportunity to take a two-wheeler. The C10 option drives very well and hits the ground well. I could not believe what I was watching. They are in such a good mood. They are so excited to work on it. So I said you have the white car. Aaron took it to heart and just took it. We have to motivate this big son of a gun, we wanted the granddaddy of them all and while it may not be an LS9, it is an LS7, which is a 427 cubic inch small block LS engine, so we have the guys in Scag and Dickies actually installed a much larger cam and then backed it up with 4L 85.
We just wanted to make sure that that much torque and that much power wasn't wasted lying all over the road and if we're going to go fast, we have to be able to turn it off, so That's why we turned to Willwood brakes for the front and rear, we still needed a rear axle and since we were so happy with all of our Curry axles, we decided to go there one more. time, yes, and it is absolutely beautiful, this is the baddest vehicle that has ever turned out at Gas Monkey Garage, period at the end, it is perfect from bumper to bumper, top to bottom, if you can see the bottom because it is completely in the ground, just us.
We wanted this in the weeds that we called porter built. We built a complete front end built by pter, the four link rear built by pter and we put it all on air suspension and to control the air suspension we have used ACU air suspension which completely Automates the air system. Well, let's talk about the interior. You know we like Sue. She does a good job for us, but I want to do something really different. Really crazy. The inside smells as wonderful as a Wilson's Leather store, but it works so much. much faster, the paint looks fantastic, we went with the factory green but decided to add a white stripe which really makes it stand out after all the kicking, screaming and complaining about sanding and spreading plastic, the paint looks absolutely great, we like. this truck for over 100 thousand dollars and I'm going to donate it to the Cattle Baron dance for Showcase Gas Monkey Garage boom Have a beer now it's time great so here we are 2014 cattle free dance is one of the biggest charity events for pretty exclusive fundraiser, they are the richest people in town and they come here to have a good time, drink some beer, especially buy some things, you see the truck, but it's on the other side of the stage if you have the chance, so I've already been. mingling and everyone talking about the van.
I have a 724 Bronco that I thought was the baddest thing on the road until I saw this. Is incredible. I'm playing along. It has been donated and I hope it brings a lot of money for cancer research. Then I got a couple of clients. What's wrong with everyone? How's Dallas doing tonight? Rich R. Well, this is where you get your wallet out. We built this truck in the last 4 weeks and it is absolutely perfect. It is the most incredible car and the most. perfect, we've ever built a Gas Monkey Garage, this truck looks like the $102,000 I shelled out on it, the bidding should go up quickly, give me 50,000 and we'll go 50 up front, give me 60 60, continue at 60 60,000, could you ? let's go 60 here we will do it at 60 60 down 70 80,000 now 880,000 now little 80 back 90 990,000 80 back now 90 880,000 now 90 90 90,000 there is no money for this at 90 there is no reserve, I mean, the hands have to go up in the air and the money has to be there I don't know what happened but the big fish aren't there I don't know if they're not paying attention I don't know if it's the bad color $90,000 what are we talking about here Have you seen this truck?
It's a once in a lifetime opportunity 85 Grand goes once goes twice last call ladies and gentlemen I sold it right hereat $85,000 we are going to a good home Dennis is my friend and he collects a lot of cars he knows the value well bought Dennis funny thank you sir Well it turns out the smartest guy in the room was my best friend Dennis He knew what was in the truck I know what it takes to build a truck like that it literally costs $200,000 a piece I just stole your truck some might think I misjudge the audience here's the problem when Dennis and I go to car auctions they're guys who buy and sell cars they have fun they drink beer I misjudge this because of the fact that everyone brings their wives, those guys wanted to raise their hands and their wives or girlfriends were standing there and they said no, honey, no B, no, you don't want to maybe these guys At the cattle dance, Sean is missing one thing or you raised your hand and bought that awesome truck, it's one of the best things you guys have ever built and I stole it, so what do we do now?
Well, since the barons are still playing, yeah, I say we go after it. go dance a little

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