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Richard & Noel Fielding's Summer Holiday - Gadget Man: The FULL Episodes | S2 Episode 4

May 30, 2024
Hello viewer, this is Richard's voice. Are you? Welcome to Gadget Man, where I'm allowed to celebrate some of the best


s in the world. What is this? A creator of expressions. It's a joke. It's a microwave right in my suitcase. I'll introduce you to the most amazing and strange technology in the whole world, yes, but you know I like it because it's a device, there's something about it that's very satisfying this time. I'm specifically focusing on devices for travel and vacations. I wasn't happy on the beach, okay, but now I am. You look really good too, so before I do that, it's something that somehow moves forward, let's prepare tools and get to work.
richard noel fielding s summer holiday   gadget man the full episodes s2 episode 4


s are an assault on common sense, a lot of stress, heat and brine, what's the earthly point? Well, that was a disaster, right? I've heard the phrase I'm going to need a vacation to get through this vacation, of course I will, it's a terrible cliché, but that's exactly what I've been doing. I'm now on my 17th vacation. I'm getting more and more tired. My bank balance is in disarray something needs to be done just sorry maybe


s can be my passport to a stress-free


to try this I'm going to the south of France with the north building and a technophobic, hair-owning vote to see Yes gadgets can be the key to the strangest things, a non-trash vacation on a short trip, normally I'll just pack a toothbrush and some animal magnetism, but for this particular trip I'll need luggage, this one claims to be one. one of the strongest suitcases on the market not only emotionally but also in terms of its ability to withstand impacts so I'm going to throw it off a balcony now it makes an amazing display again but I demand a suitcase that minimizes physical effort is this member of the suitcase family will be the answer, it has a pretty clever handle that when you extend it puts 85% of the weight of the suitcase on the wheels making it much easier to transport.
richard noel fielding s summer holiday   gadget man the full episodes s2 episode 4

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richard noel fielding s summer holiday gadget man the full episodes s2 episode 4...

See how I glide like an elegant swan and if you have difficulty pulling it. As you go up a hill, an electric motor kicks in to help you fold one last shirt in the hellishly complicated process of packing. This gadget has special ventilation holes to eliminate static. Folding it neater also means you can pack more now, you know my rep, if I watch the conventions. I have to avoid it so I can't travel to the airport by conventional means. I will travel in this monoplotter, one of the 49 that exist in the world, driven by the captain.
richard noel fielding s summer holiday   gadget man the full episodes s2 episode 4
He chuckles. Half car, half bicycle. This two-seater is undoubtedly the most energetic in the world. efficient high-performance vehicle thanks to its ultra-low aerodynamic drag it can accelerate to 60 in just to have sex immediately after departure a terrible anxiety clause of mine sighs Will I be raped by thuggish thieves? Fortunately I can use this smartphone to deploy a smokescreen. meaning that if any intruder is reckless enough to enter my premises along the way, if he detects someone, he will fill the room once again with thick gray smoke. I must endure the vibrant tedium of the departure hall where I meet my vacation companion. comedian Noel Fielding hello afternoon oh yes I'm furious, don't touch me, don't kill me.
richard noel fielding s summer holiday   gadget man the full episodes s2 episode 4
I just got strip-searched for two hours. Bianca Jagger, yes, yes, it's not right. The airport is a pain, although I couldn't. more agree you have your little one hey I have a solution I have the solution take a look at this and some things that jacket what this dance if you can put a lot of things in the pockets my hand stuffer and it means that you can carry all your luggage with you, You will no longer have to queue to check your bags, this is what they say fits in this jacket, look you have every right to board the plane and say that there is nothing wrong here, yes, that's right. pretty good, yes, I think it's good, look, these are the glasses from the retailer, find a green light in your eyes to restore sleep balance, just wear them for 35 to 50 minutes a day and you will never feel the jet lag, he says. with that look you look like where I am I just feel I feel good about things now the last thing is the Town Stadium is the freedom to urinate whenever you want as you want in a pipe and in a bag from now on you can urinate on the spot that suits you best rather than when the so-called pilot says you can do it.
This allows you to urinate up to a billion because I know you're on the powerful urine when you urinate it's like a riot hose. I know. Yeah, I think that goes to the bottom and then the other thing sticks to you, yeah, and it's sticky too, there's no way, yeah. The French better watch out because then they'll see this coming out of them and they'll know it's right, come on. I pick them up from a £15 sandwich, okay ladies, perhaps the most dreaded and exhausting aspect of any


vacation is the flight, but let's use it to make this flight.
Wow, would they? Take one of these guys, put the seat tray. I didn't hook the bender in any way this way and now this client isn't going anywhere. Furthermore, this is an issue that we will have to bring up sooner or later. I know you have the lower intestine of a small hippopotamus. This is the black Sherman. This absorber has the surface area in terms of carbon filtration of five football fields, really believe me, you are going to need this because this plane is out of control and it not only sucks your own farts, it sucks.
I know it's like that. sucking a lady part in the air of the row, yes it's cool this bar of the man's pants from 50 yards, yes, gone are the days when I used to have to catch farts with my own hand, my problems are due to the farm absorbent. I'll take this with me, come fly with me, let's foil it with a whole hour to kill before we land. I pull out a device to help us deal with boredom. This game console has a 7-inch


touch screen and a detachable dual analog joystick. controller here, grab one, yes little people, whicka pad plus, can also be networked for a multiplayer experience, okay, I have a very worthy item for you now, it's called the fancy Napper, this is Sorrows, right?
Yes, this embellished his name, although his back was turned Jr. So you have that about every band you stick your nose in, I know that and there's a blanket and now you're completely relaxed and you can fall asleep Hey, this is amazing, that fancy man, are you taking a snotty nap? No, no, come. Come back to me No, I have a camp, wow, San Rafael! I'm actually from here, so these are my people, so if you need me to do any translations for you, let me know, boy, sure, yeah, go ahead, what else do you have?
Come on, yeah, you can't write, you have a device, I have an analysis of the solution, I have the s translator, I can say anything about this and it will translate it for me, will you take us to our destination without attacking us? Okay, new, can we govern? I'm not stationed on land, so the news attacks only one Nazi. Okay, yes, thank you. Let me see. Okay, let's get in the car. It's always good to ask that before talking about this. You know, Halla pissing, this is horrendous. It's so hot, it's horrible, it's so hot, why are people?
I think people come here for the sun, right? If we could have tied the sun and brought it to England I wouldn't even have had to make this trip so you think it was hotter in England people would stay there people wouldn't even leave I'm not sure it's true they say this landscape It's superior to Southend, how dare you? how dare you? what Knoll just said makes me think about what I'm doing to say right now there must be a way to stay in England that will bring the weather to England and I've just had an idea that will confirm to me that I am one of the foremost thinkers in my time using the power of the devices I'm I'm going to bring the south of France to Southend starting with the Sun.
Yes, you heard me. I said the word with Hi Anthony. What I would like you to do so I never have to travel again is build the Sun. Anthony, if you can give me. Static about this I don't have time I don't know how to rank Anthony but I need you to build the Sol within a week, otherwise you're fired and you know the redundancy terms I offer aren't very good. Incredible, come on. Let's go, yeah, let's go to the beach, let's go to the beach, yeah, you, David Hasselhoff Nolan. I test the latest in Seaside technology.
I wasn't happy on the beach, okay, but now you look great too and I take San Tropez to South End, which In fact, it's really boiling, he said it's very hot, welcome back. I've been looking for gadgets that can help make vacationing a more enjoyable experience. The freedom to pee whenever you want, however you want, and I've only used my head to think about what. I would like you to do it so I never have to travel again is to build the Sun and that thought is to recreate the south of France in South Bend before Noll and I head to the beach.
I'm asking some genuine French people to try it. Discover the latest in waterproof audio technology. Check out that boombox, it's called Echo Terror, a


y waterproof speaker system that encases your smartphone or mp3 player and this revolutionary underwater personal hi-fi system doesn't play music through your ears, it looks like sound waves through his cheekbones. Instead, the Akka Eye in the Water uses Bluetooth to stream tunes from an MP3 docked on land to its waterproof, ball-shaped speaker from up to a hundred meters away. I now address the French in their native language. Thank you for trying these objects.
What did you do? think about them so my favorites Neptune because the sound is very clear he told me that I prefer this one in the water Salma it's amazing you like the echo Terra the volume yes good volume I think it's better than the water seesaw it hurts me to hear that's better than the water seesaw, so the one you liked the most was Neptune, yes, Neptune, okay this is good news, thank you, thank you, my poolside research is complete, but my journey continues, come on, come on, Yeah, go to the beach, go to the beach, yeah, who are you?
David Hasselhoff I'm like a younger and more attractive problem, no one is more attractive than Hasselhoff. That's true. Is it an absurd statement? although it has capacity for two people it is a traveler to go alone why for balance reasons and also I don't like you touching me great see you down there thank you thank you Lord God so only you have the head I'm not happy why not I'm in a beach, so no, the beach is a great place to farm, it's a disgusting collection of ground up sedimentary rock. I know you have to make the best movie.
Look at me. I'm goth. How do you think I feel? I'm all exposed look at the minutes yeah it monitors the UV light Wow it tells you when to reapply sunscreen really that's right what is this sitting on? I'm sitting in the lounge bag, well you're in your little red towel from the sixties. it has a good color in the lounge package, our steak, let me think I have two speakers on each side, what for Stravinsky, yes, so I can put on Prokofiev when I need to make things a little more Russian. It also has detachable beverage coolers and If you need to get off the beach quickly, the whole thing falls into a portable suitcase on wheels, watch your towel, yeah, thanks for the sand.
I have sand everywhere, that's why you need the sand. Sand maps developed by the military. How is this better than the towel? Well the sand goes through one side and it can't go back up, so if you take a little bit of sand, yes it can only go through directly, not directly, yes, okay, the consumer test they wanted, what else do you have? okay, I'll be honest, I like it, I'm not sure you're going to put some cream with this piece, it's pretty powerful, I'll tell you how you're going to put some cream, put some cream here, on that pad , in this. pad, yeah, and then you can apply it to your back.
I wasn't happy on the beach, it's okay, now I look great too. I'm going to go see if I can make friends on the beach, yeah, see him a little. I have another significantly more impressive device to show that no one is laughing and I love this. I'm into the barbecue donut. I can rock the barbecue donut. Yes, how are you doing? Fit. It's good, oh, one of the things that are not very good about being. in the middle of the ocean it's the inability to have a barbecue but you don't have access to a barbecue when you're in the ocean you're a little hungry you haven't barbecued until you're seasick it's for some of the best barbecue you'll ever make, It's a creation of this man's eye, hey, Sebastian Schmitz, a real man.
Jason Statham just came aboard. Constructed from heat resistant plastic to prevent your very hot charcoal barbecue from melting through the hull. Its donut-shaped chassis holds eight meats. Diners, do you have a travel rotation? Yes, I'm always ready to eat meat in the ocean. Yes, devices have made this vacation a little more bearable, but I'd still rather not have to travel at all, so I'm going toprove that there is no need. To never again leave our shores in the gadget man's workshop, my engineering staff is creating a phalanx of devices to help me do just that, including an Ubergizmo that seeks to replicate a ball of hot plasma in tissue with magnetic fields, i.e. the Sun Bienvenue Southend well.
How on earth am I going to transform this humble bit of British beach into a Mediterranean paradise? Well, I know the question was rhetorical because I have all this. I have my fan with an almost supernatural power of 40,000 revolutions per minute that generates an instant relaxing coolness. I also have an automatic suntan lotion dispenser that measures the UV rays I've absorbed and periodically sprays me with suntan lotion so I never burn to ashes to recreate the Riviera I want to launch my olfactory senses south into. the sweet aromas of the Mediterranean let's be frank South End smells like South End which is nice but it is an unmistakable smell let's use the smell machine I have here this device was first designed for the US military to prepare soldiers for the smells of the battlefield. with a menu of smells I can choose things like cheddar, fig, that's my uncle who still owes me money, but actually I'm going to go with sea sea, yes, it's a condensed block of smell and we drop it in this, it put.
I turn it on and close it and relax knowing that my nasal cavities will be satisfied from now on and for my audio needs, I am listening to sounds through these smart speakers that ensure that my music does not disturb my beech companions. Bloodhounds, now of course I can listen to my music through headphones like all those other saps, but I have the audio spotlight that uses ultrasound to create highly directional sound two meters on either side and you can't hear anything, check this out , nothing, nothing, yes, something, my comfort. It is in hand only one thing is missing, what keeps people away from the coasts year after year, what they desperately seek here comes the sun and a Beatles reference suspended from the arm of a giant 50-foot crane, the sun.
Not the Beatles' reference to this quarter-ton device, the sun's halogen lamps emit forty-eight thousand watts of light, twice as powerful as the real midday sun, instantly raising the temperature of the ambient air. at five degrees Celsius and, although the real sun is more impressive, it is not everything. being readily available in Southend is a delight there is no need to hang around airports complaining to the cabin boys we will be back to crushing the knees of a washed up businessman well it would seem rude to keep this wonderful spectacle to myself so I must do it as it is It is a public beach that allows the public to enter it using their mouths.
The best thing about the artificial sun is that it never sets, which allows you to enjoy the discomfort of high temperatures until well into the night, although the day before it has slipped In tonight's bright embrace, it is still 25 degrees below the device. The sun and its tanning UV rays have activated the automatic sunscreen dispenser. Well, the device. The sun was really cool, surprised at the amount of heat and light coming out of it, which was actually scalding hot if it was really hot and it would give me a good tan. So that would save me money on fake tan and the money will go overseas, so I kill two birds with one stone.
So what have we all learned this time? Yes, gadgets can make even a holiday abroad enjoyable, but it's better to bring it to you. and when possible, build a replica. I'm going to walk towards the sea now and see what it does to me next time. I will look for devices that can help eliminate the hassle of blinking when doing home improvements. I love not falling. I am never happier than when I am not falling to my death.

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