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Richard Ayoade Gets Upset Over Jimmy Carr's X On His Incorrect Answer | Big Fat Quiz

May 31, 2024
An American man tweeted live that he had been trapped in a water stone after staff accidentally locked him in. He must have been very boring. I have no idea how he stayed busy. I just hope he had YouTube on his phone for younger viewers. Our water stones. It's like a really big Kindle that you can walk around with. Robbie Williams recorded himself singing several songs to his wife during childbirth and if you're wondering what he opened with, I think it was a pair of tweezers that you were ready for some important questions, yes of course. are you okay, watch this clip of Bono, what I want to know is why he is apologizing.
richard ayoade gets upset over jimmy carr s x on his incorrect answer big fat quiz
Oops, sorry, this beautiful idea when I got


ied away, artists are prone to that kind of thing. drop of megalomania um Touch of generosity A dash of self-promotion and deep fear Okay Mickey, you know those aren't bad lessons, say sorry buddy, okay, for our next question, it's up to the one and only Lily Allen, hello Jimmy , I have already solved. with his fair share of haters online, but nothing compared to poor old dongwen who retired from public life after being accused of creating something almost as addictive as crack and distracting the children of the world, but what was what he had created?
richard ayoade gets upset over jimmy carr s x on his incorrect answer big fat quiz

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richard ayoade gets upset over jimmy carr s x on his incorrect answer big fat quiz...

Okay, so what did he do? Dongwen created this became unfair, I mean, almost as effective as it was right, it wasn't meth. I can tell you he's fine, so what did Don Wing do to create a crowdfunding website? Kickstarter continued to fund projects from budding entrepreneurs, but what unassuming project raised an unexpected 55,000 this year, okay, Sarah has thought of something dirty, it would seem that Kevin, that's what's quite foreign, that's his job. Okay, this is Japanese politician Ryutaru Nanamura being questioned about his spending at a press conference. His reaction to the interrogation went viral. It's so unusual, are you planning to conquer the world?
richard ayoade gets upset over jimmy carr s x on his incorrect answer big fat quiz
That laugh suggests that perhaps you are planning to do something evil. What Internet fad did Charlie Sheen make with ten thousand dollars? Matt Damon made it with toilet water and Patrick Stewart replaced it with a glass of whiskey so what did Charlie Sheen do with ten thousand dollars? Matt Damon did it with toilet water and Patrick Stewart replaced it with a glass of whiskey. Okay, if you have any


s, Kevin Terry, yes, yes, okay, Richard David, you have


s, yes. thanks, yes you saw a clip of Bono apologizing, why was he apologizing? Because they basically put their album on everyone's iPhone for free.
richard ayoade gets upset over jimmy carr s x on his incorrect answer big fat quiz
That's what I did because I woke up in the morning and I was like, man, I'm not going in today. I've just saved seven quid twenty What did you think was a good idea Mel? I thought it was a great idea. Yes, I think Peters allowed people to go through the left squares. Alright. KevinSarah. Do you understand this? Yes, forced, underlined, the world forced too. forced his album, did you write hello Jimmy and then draw a dick, oh separate man, hey Jimmy, hey Jimmy? Turns out he's dressed up as elves, hey, David and Richard, do you get this?
I mean, what he says would apply to a new aftershave, whatever it is. it was personal importance a little taste of self promotion little little aroma of Gaff you know their new aftership must have an aftershave it has dog food right? Bono doesn't have dog food that's polio when you know it's funny okay? then free downloading his album is the right answer Apple uploaded the YouTube album to everyone's iTunes account whether they wanted it or not. Next question Lily Allen asked you what Dongwen created that distracted the children of the world. What do you think? Well, we know we went. a little old school, I think we might be a little out of control, because I was saying Bejeweled, something might have jewels in it and then you said the remake is Angry Birds, no, I, no, I said Flappy Bird, Flappy Bird, yes, Angry Bird is quite old.
It doesn't say Angry Bird is pretty old Mickey, I'll give you a point because you knew it, you knew it Mickey, yeah, yeah, you knew it, you said Flappy Birds, it was a bird doing something, okay? What did you get? David and Richard. for this one, yeah, I had no idea, but you have fluffy chicken, well I'll give it to you the same way they got mad, you have Flappy chicken, it's Flappy Bird, okay, what did you get Kevin? Damn, something was a bird thing. and it was a game, okay, everyone can be right about that, uh, Dongwen was the creator of Flappy Bird, he pulled the game from sale because he said, I don't need the attention, I don't need the hassle, the attention, yeah, and even so.
We mentioned it at one point where he wants everyone to stop talking about who compiled it to crack in terms of how addictive it is because you would surely need someone who has tried crack and played this game. Can you imagine if it's really more addictive than shit? that people addicted to crack forget to take crack because they are so interested in playing this game that would be brilliant and they played it for two days. This guy has invented a cure for crack addiction and now he's taking it off the market thanks. alright, next I asked you what unassuming project raised over 55,000 on Kickstarter, what did you all think?
Well, I didn't like this one, okay, we had no idea, so Mel kept saying that he wants a glass of wine. I thought I'd take this opportunity to ask what you got David Richard and it's already crossed out on the thing, so I know you read it, I mean, I'm tired, I'm depressed, we're completely demoralized, so you put in a cake pan operated by pedal, yes. Okay, Kevin Sarah, what did you get? Hey, that's the right answer. How much did they raise? Raised 55,000 for a potato salad. He used the money to hold a festival called Caldo de Papa 2014 with fans. food and potato salad, of course, to raise money for charity, in the end you know we'll do something good with it, so you saw, you saw a photo of a Japanese politician, uh, Ryutaru Nanamura, who was asked questions about your expenses, what was unusual? his reaction to the interrogation, yes, he was getting very angry and crying, it was something extraordinary, yes, he was crying, but as I remember, it seemed like he was really trying to cry, it was that he had done something that was obviously wrong and he was trying to look


That's why so that people take pity on him.
I think he really seemed


, but I mean, you can judge for yourself in a second. Did you understand this Kevin Sarah? um yeah, either cry would take out this cop because either one would be unusual. that's unusual that's unusual I don't really do both at the same time I have a very specific order that I work well in. I asked you what Matt Damon did with toilet water Patrick Stewart with a glass of whiskey and Charlie Sheen with ten thousand dollars, did he? What do you have the ice cube and I did that? Did you do that freeze?
Yeah, um, Kevin Sarah, what did you do? uh we have the ice bucket challenge, lovely, uh, David Richard, and we also put on the ice pack challenge, we should have done that. a look at the biggest ice bucket challenge of all time let's take a look tomorrow I'll do it until nothing we say tonight is that funny so this is the show where I host a mystery I guess everything What you have to do is guess who they are and how they made it into the news this year, they can only ask yes or no questions, so ladies and gentlemen, my mystery guest S, I don't want to say too much, uh, they will ask you questions just questions of yes or no and he will reveal yes or no there are yes and no questions or questions whose answer is yes or no, can I ask if you won Eurovision?
Did something happen to you or did you do something that pleased you? Yes, did you create something unique? No, was it some kind of protest? What you are on the right line is what is not deliberate, but yeah, well, that's exactly what I mean. I won't give you any more clues. Incidental protest, yes, did you get stuck in water stones? No, that could have been a book protest, they arrested you for something yes, criminal, no, yes, they got the high rank, yes, okay, I think you've asked enough questions, yes, okay, let's take a look and let's see what everyone wrote okay look Mickey and Mel you have a camera down Danny straight on Chief go there I didn't tell him what you tried to kill the prime minister okay with sport David Richard what did they push you against David Cameron, the prime minister here, should we take?
A look at you in action Yeah, thanks, well we've got it on camera. Excellent, so tell us what happened. Well, who are you and what happened? My name is Dean Farley and I met the Prime Minister. So what is that? He was running on his way to the gym. I tried to go around this group of men in suits and then towards the Prime Minister and then towards the back of the police bag. What kind of contact did you make? I mean, what kind of contact did you make? were you properly or probably that was it was pretty firm no you're securing Godzilla and then presumably they just said oh just a misunderstanding he just passed out to run it's not a problem no oh sure what happened I was knocked down by the team Security handcuffed him and then put him in a van for an hour.
They didn't talk to you, they just put you in, they just put me in the back and what were they doing later having lunch? Oh, okay, let's take a look and see. What that has done to the school, so I'm making fun again and Mel has 14 points, they are in last place, David and Richard have 19 points, Kevin and Sarah are in the lead right now with 23 points, thank you.

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