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Rich Wives Shaming the Poor | Dhar Mann Bonus Compilations

May 02, 2024
for the way I've been treating you. I was so caught up in this whole competition and winning this award that I didn't even ask you what you had been up to. and I'm sorry, thank you, I mean, I was too embarrassed to tell you, but you couldn't have known better, I know now and I've got your back, in fact, the whole neighborhood does what is that, Kelly, I made you. buy those expensive decorations and candy and I know you can't return them now, the store won't accept them, so this is my refund for the cost. I can't accept this, no you can't and you will, but it's not the only thing I'm going to do.
rich wives shaming the poor dhar mann bonus compilations
What do you mean? Well, my company needs a new accountant and if memory serves, that's what you used to do before Philadelphia was born. Aren't you offering me a job? If that? Do you say thank you? I won't let you down. I promise. I know you wont do it. So all your husbands work here. I was just named senior partner here last week. Oh, and what do you do? Hazel, not me. I think George once mentioned it. Actually, I'm a housewife oh mom, can you imagine? oh shoot me now oh you weren't kidding no that's gross now Lori let's be nice.
rich wives shaming the poor dhar mann bonus compilations

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rich wives shaming the poor dhar mann bonus compilations...

Hazel is just trying to live our best life plus ambition isn't for everyone and the world needs someone. Manufacturers like Hazel too. I can't imagine not working. Lord, what would you do all day? Clearly, you wouldn't spend that time shopping for nice clothes. designer shopping spree I mean, after all, she is part of a one-income household. I can't imagine what a nightmare, don't let them get to you, they're just turning you on because you're the new girl in the group, mom, this party. It's so boring, can I go to her office and play Minecraft? Adam, don't be rude, say hello first.
rich wives shaming the poor dhar mann bonus compilations
Did I tell you ladies that my Adam made the college swimsuit? Oh, that's very impressive, young man, yes, that's great, can I come now, yes, you? I can go now, teenagers, I'm right, cheers for the oh oh no, look what I just did oh no, not the Gucci, didn't you just buy that one? Yeah, I just got it for myself by getting the Underhill account last month. It's beautiful, I almost have it. that one but then I chose the Birkin which is so beautiful even this can't help and uh what kind of bag is that Hazel?
rich wives shaming the poor dhar mann bonus compilations
Well, I'm not sure who the designer is, but I love it the way it was. just $35 for TJ Maxx was as nice as a full $35 TJ Maxx bucks, you say, well, big spender. Now ladies let's try to remember that Hazel doesn't have a lot of disposable income like the rest of us, I mean she could have gotten a more expensive bag but I really like this one it has all these pockets, so many pockets, she says I love that hael, You are a riot since my promotion, my workload has tripled and I love it, it forces me to be more productive with my time.
You know, that might make it a little harder for you to spend time with Andy and your husband. Well, maybe for a less organized mom that would be the case, but I love the financial freedom I can offer my family and I to compensate. Last time, taking them on fantastic trips to Hawaii in first class, of course, I imagine you don't know any of that, what's that look? You think you're a better mother than me because you stay home with your son, no, that's it. Not what I was implying at all, if anything, my hectic schedule forces me to rise to the occasion and I love that Adam has a role model in me, he sees his mother working hard and that inspires him to succeed.
I'm sure that's the way it is and what. For example, is your daily schedule set for your daughter Hazel? Can you imagine Hazel's schedule? She probably doesn't even wake up until 10:00 a.m. m. and then she takes a nap at 11:30 oh, but she sets her alarm for noon and so she wakes up. She gets up in time for 1:00, then she drinks and goes back to sleep until her husband returns home after a long day supporting the family. It may be harder than it looks, oh please, what's so hard? You're taking us well. Going back to the 1950s, that would be a tough move for me ladies, I'd go crazy for a day or two at Max, yeah, and here's Adam getting a medal for winning the 100 freestyle, you must be so proud, oh, How could I not put it in?
Day Academy, although very expensive, was the best thing we did. Clearly, he is thriving. Day Academy is a private school, it is only the best private school in the entire state. You know, my husband wanted to send him to a public school, but I quickly made him kabash. that nightmare, thank God for that, I mean, this school isn't cheap, but how can you put a price on your child's future? he learns at his own pace and is learning all subjects faster than the standard curriculum,


kid, he's probably just as clumsy and socially stunted. I mean, how could he not imagine not socializing with kids his age?
He's a really cool kid and he has a lot of things. of friends, I would prefer my son to go to public school at least so he would have the opportunity to enter a decent university. Yeah, good point, but you know, maybe Hazel can afford college tuition or maybe he just doesn't care about her. My son's education at least is not enough to get a job, that's all. I'm tired of all your condescending attitudes. You think it's easy to be a housewife. You think I sit around all day drinking wine and watching TV. be further from the truth, unlike the rest of you, I can't clock in at the end of the day, what I do is a 24/7, 365 day job, you know?
Maybe instead of causing a scene like that because you're so unhappy with your life you get a job and change it I love my life I chose it intentionally I'm sure you did this this is what I think really happened you couldn't make it in the workplace like that that you took the easy way out you couldn't have been any worse, you know why I homeschooled Matt, it wasn't because I couldn't afford an expensive private school, it was because I wanted him to have the best education possible, like I had when I was kid, and guess what, he has a 4.4 GPA.
And he just got accepted into early admission to Harvard and you accuse me of living off my husband. He is also wrong for his information. He used to run my own hedge fund. He was the biggest and most successful on the street. I have worked 120 hours a week. and for years I made nine figures until one day I missed my son's fifth birthday, that's when I realized I was missing out on the best parts of life, so I retired young so I could spend as much time as possible with my family, with my son. we have more than enough money to live well for the rest of our lives money that I earned George just chose to keep working because he loves his job and I love seeing him happy awesome speech I don't believe any of that Hazel Hazel was that you oh my god hey, how are you?
You look amazing. I love the purple dress. It's a great color for you. You know her. No. She was my financial manager for years until she decided to retire as the best in the business and my portfolio can attest to how she's doing, Jeff. It's so good to see you. How is your family? That's great, thanks for asking. The kids are looking huge. I promise this is the last time I'll ask. Can you take care of my wallet? The old days, the new guy, he's nothing like you. I'll give you whatever percentage you want without asking questions, as tempting as it may seem, you can't say no to me.
Come on, I already have a full-time job and now I take care of my family, but thank you, I respect that and it's really nice. See you all the time, yeah ladies, enjoy, all it proves is that you couldn't last in the workplace, right ladies, wait a second, what's going on? This is my son. I found him snorting drugs in the bathroom and when I looked for him I found him. This Adam, how could you embarrass me like this? Wait until his father finds out. I'm sorry ma'am, I have to take him in. Maybe you should reconsider his priorities.
Are you seeing this? I paid good money to celebrate my daughters' ninth birthday. here and you're going to let this homeless woman and her son ruin it, yeah do something, excuse me ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave, yeah, you can't slack off here, but I have a pass for today and I . use a coupon you used a coupon to pay the entrance fee how broke are you it's my sarah's birthday i wanted to do something special for her uh these are legit enjoy what are you doing can't you just let them in here no it doesn't belong here I mean , look at them, they are going to ruin my daughter's special day.
Sorry, ma'am, that's not my decision. They pay to be here, like you did. No, no, not like me. I paid full price. That should count for something Brit, no, but mommy, we're having fun, you shouldn't play with that girl, you understand me? Something's wrong, I bet something's wrong. I don't want my British to associate with people like you and your son. I don't want your poverty to infect my son, who knows what kind of parasites are swarming through those rags you're wearing, come on, you're playing here, did I do something wrong? Mom, no, baby, no, you didn't, why?
Don't we play together? How's that happy birthday to you, chocolate cupcake, my favorite? What kind of mother doesn't have cake for her daughter's birthday or gifts from her? Okay, everyone get together, get together, it's time for Brit's cake and presents, no. Worry, there's enough for everyone, but of course Brit is getting her first slice of birthday cake. Everyone is fine. Oh wait, I forgot some gifts. Well, I'll be right back, honey, I'm sorry I didn't buy you. a real cake, it's okay mom, I don't need a big cake, the little cake looks delicious, so you better blow out the candle so you can eat it, no, oh, oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see you down there during all this. gifts, come on baby, let's get everything ready yeah, sorry, you know, maybe we can find some games to play outside, you know, you should never judge someone before you know their story, huh, I really like them, who would want to listen to their depressing history?
You had fun? That was fun. I just wanted to do something nice for you. I feel ruined, honey. Why don't you take these toys? Put it there. I'll be right back. Sorry, you should do it. I haven't been treated like this on your special day. It's been very difficult since your father passed away. I've been doing the best I can, but we're still living in the car and I feel like I'm letting you down. Say you're the best mom ever. Dad will be very proud of you. I bet he's looking down on us himself now thinking the exact same thing.
Please, I'm not in the mood for your judgment. It's okay, you're getting what you want. You leave, no, it's not about that. I promise you, you want to apologize. It shouldn't have been so terrible with you two in there. Oh, thank you, wait, wait, wait, and um, Brit wanted to give this to Sarah. Wow, really, yes, happy birthday, Sarah, wait. I don't understand why I heard your conversation with Sarah earlier about your husband and your living situation. I was such an idiot and none of you deserve that. So the reason you are doing this is because you feel bad.
I don't need your charity no no no no no no no no um look, I'm a single mother too and believe it or not, when my husband left me, I also lived in my car for a while, my girl was too little for Lo remember, but it was really hard and I swore I would never be in that position again, so I think that's why I overreacted. I remembered where she was and I took it out on you. What happened wasn't my fault then. and now it's not your fault, thank you. I also wanted to tell you something else.
Britt and I were talking and she just adores your Sarah. She's so funny, no you're so funny, so we were thinking maybe you and Sarah would want to do it. stay with us for a while until you recover oh I don't know uh that's very nice of you to ask, but I don't think I can accept that, that's too much, that's too much, please, I had it. very fun to play with Sarah. I know she would love to say that you two would be fine, what do you say? You are the birthday girl. Can we, mom, can we, it will be a lot of fun, okay, well, I guess that's settled, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart, it's the least I can do.
Someone once told me to never judge someone without first knowing their story. I just follow your advice. Thank you. Okay, follow us. We have birthday cake to eat.

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