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Rich Mom VS Broke Dad | Stories About Family | Cartoons for Kids

Jun 21, 2024
woohoo, yeah, no bed for dad, I'm home, honey, go change your clothes, huh, oh, no wonder why mom couldn't sleep here, ah, time for the best bed for mom, wow, Mom, oh, eh, eh, oh, oh, eh, oh, she can't now. disturb your sleep more wooo oh H didn't want to bother me he was just too tired from working too much H Love story of mom and dad oh, what's wrong with you? oh I can't believe you forget this day oh no why? Look at me, come on oh H Oh dad, why are you looking at that?
rich mom vs broke dad stories about family cartoons for kids
Oh, okay, let me tell you, uhhuh, but those were the old days. H oh a ah ah M oh m m mhm oh, you don't have to do this mm oh. Mah wait a minute oh mhm huh oh M brings back good memories mhm just like this Mommy Mommy aha M come here wow h H mhm oh why is it here mhm oh no mhm you guys put it here okay yeah wow mommy help us oh dear eh H oh dear H hm oh wait oh oh huh M oh H oh M yes oh yes sorry mhm me too M wow yes hot daddy Co mommy wow oh M so hot H what should we do now let's wait Mommy oh oh dear oh not so cold M oh no calm down calm down and call the doctor oh wait I'm coming Oh daddy how can I help you bring me a nice park yes mhm wow oh uh m wow oh dear no don't I bring a blanket oh M wow ooh M aha oh Now I know how to help him oh stop, not only doctors know how to use medicine hey, I'm thirsty a oh wow hi M good job


wow hooray, dad versus mom H ooh Oh!
rich mom vs broke dad stories about family cartoons for kids

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rich mom vs broke dad stories about family cartoons for kids...

Daddy M daddy H Daddy doesn't care about me no he does a lot oh daddy it's amazing there's more oh h m oh H let me try I'm a pirate this is my weapon I'll attack you yeah huh Daddy I love you hm wow when mom was young she was so excited for my birthday party m m wow M woo Lucy it's time to dress up oo yes M mhm o h m happy birthday mommy come down here mommy H mommy H H mommy where is your new dress that you haven't dressed up? not at all huh kid, do you know your mom used to dress up all the time h m ooh M wow M huh ooh M huh mhm but she hasn't had as much time to dress up anymore after you were born, can you give Wu a bath for me?
rich mom vs broke dad stories about family cartoons for kids
I don't want mommy eh there there eh wow you are always the most beautiful for us mommy don't choose the wrong mommy my mom makes me exercise because she said I eat too much H my mom wants me to study every day H yes H oh oh H oh I need to concentrate on my books but my mom keeps bringing food oh oh oh huh hah ah guys let's change moms so we can do what we want okay we'll change if you want oh exercising is even better than studying it feels so good when no one interrupts ha ah ah oh I have this one to show you ah yes M Can I have more chicken?
rich mom vs broke dad stories about family cartoons for kids
No, that's enough. You should eat more vegetables. I don't want to change moms anymore Valentine's Day wow daddy, can we go pick him up tomorrow? H H oh oh, can you help me make breakfast for mommy? It's Valentine's Day. I want to give you a surprise. What happens to my toy? H, let's go find him after we're done. H hm M oh oh wow I'll wake her up oh m m h m h H Hey ready for the mall ow wow oh, let's take mom shopping first okay h h h hey m h hm h H You've been spending time with mommy all day Sorry if you You feel left out, mom is always busy, so I want to give her some gifts.
H I'm not mad at you anymore h h H oh huh the clandestine celebration ah ha ha ha h ah M huh oh we can't have another failed anniversary this year you won't I'll help you hey wow oh mommy daddy take a break beg us m m a big storm is coming six shelter as soon as possible a big storm is coming oh no, I guess we have to cancel the party, no we can't oh h Huh huh oh here comes the groom and the pickle buo time for the rain no huh buffo I think I left it outside eh M I just want you to have a wonderful anniversary all this is more than enough while we are here together h I found a ring Jenny the golden cousin wow uh oh no it's Jenny again for you wao she's so cute ah yes oh huh oh uh -huh oh oh dear Wow Let's make a pizza, it's not so H at all it seems they love it more than us yum huh wow ah wo huh no one can harm our precious nephew H wow m h h hm H Hello children, let's play you just want to play with Jenny oh don't be sad, we still love you both, Jenney Don.
I don't come here often so we just wanted to give him some attention yes H before and after having children M wow you are a perfect couple yes h m oh dear oh oh oh it must have been difficult after having a relationship no, we are so happy when we have them


oh oh mhm oh H oh h Huh h ah oh H have two nights keep helping us we are very happy let us help you W parents claw machine wow yay m h oh huh M oh let's buy some books instead, um no no h um ooh uh-huh wow I played the co machine and got a lot of superhero dolls.
I have a gift for you H wo yes wo uh wow why are you so sad? um o mhm uhuh whoever you get will become your mom and dad yay wow ha wow woohoo eh hm aha taada oh mhm um but I just want new toys, come on hooray I'll buy you whatever you want uhhuh yay H wow yay hooray, let's go home Mommy mhm oh oh gotta get other parents uhhuh honey oh honey oh no oh no oh oh no

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