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Revisiting the OLD MINECRAFT LAB.. 3 Years Later..

Jun 02, 2021
Well, if my calculations are correct... It should be approximately... Yes! Ha ha! Right over here! Look, if we go north, we should get it! That's... That's literally The Laboratory! We found it! COME ON!! More than one hundred and forty-five thousand likes? In the previous video of the return of Minecraft? You guys are crazy. And I guess... This is the video you wanted to see. That's right, we have managed to locate The Old Lab, and if my calculations are correct... It should be right in front of us, if we walk in this direction, it should be right there.
revisiting the old minecraft lab 3 years later
Maybe you even recognize this world we are in now. It's... It's practically identical! I have managed to locate the same world, the same dimension, the same laboratory, with the same modifications! And all! It has been difficult! It's really hard to set this up. I even had to go dig out my old computer from FIVE YEARS AGO. It worked... but it sounded like this... *demonic computer whirring* Yeah, a little unhealthy. But I found it! We are here! And there might be some weirdness... Including what I'm wearing. I'm not really sure... ...what happened here, um... *laughs* I'm wearing like pin-striped pajamas!
revisiting the old minecraft lab 3 years later

More Interesting Facts About,

revisiting the old minecraft lab 3 years later...

I guess. And they shine. So that's great. But guys, if you're excited to see The Lab, please leave a like, we'd really appreciate it! The reason I'm making this video is because you guys wanted it so bad. And thank you very much also for the love in the previous Minecraft video. And here we go. The moment of the truth. Severe? Grim, where are you? BUDDY! Oh, there you are. You blend in with the snow. I actually don't remember there being snow here. That was the last time. It used to be pretty, um... It used to be pretty dry in the desert.
revisiting the old minecraft lab 3 years later
Snowing in the desert shouldn't make sense, right? Anyway! Grim, are you ready? I think you are; is pushing Trayaurus towards the entrance. Are you ready, friend? Yeah, I can't wait either! So, he put it up for sale around... I mean... 2016 in February, I think. Oh my god, what's going on here? *laughs* Did we leave it at Christmas?! THAT?! I'm so confused... But yeah, it's been over three


since we were here, and the For Sale sign is still here! With all the decorations! I wouldn't be surprised if there were a lot of spiders and stuff in there.
revisiting the old minecraft lab 3 years later
I can't even peek over the edge! There's like... Is that a chimney? This is real, the back of the test chamber... part of the laboratory! I mean, wow. Guys... Nostalgia is hitting me hard, I hope it's hitting you hard too. Let's go in, we should be able to open this... Yes! AH! How many videos I started in this same corridor! I can not believe it. It's very strange to be back. Trayaurus, are you coming? Buddy! YEAH! You have to enter! I don't think I can get through the signal. He...will come in, have the teleporter on him.
But are you ready? In three… Two… One… Let's go. WELCOME BA-*starts laughing*-CK! To the old laboratory! Which in fact... ready for Christmas. I mean, this is a little weird. That probably explains the snow everywhere. Trayaurus just fell down the chimney! How do you feel? Yes, I feel pretty weird too! What's around here? A Christmas tree. A giant Christmas tree. There it is... This is the test chamber! Is that like... the lookout? Good? The observation deck? I also have Trayaurus' laptop here... It's locked. I can't even open it. That is fantastic. Here's his laptop, where he's editing;
He used to edit all the videos of him. We have the wolf statue, I have no idea where it is from! And this is, in fact, the observation deck. We didn't feel like putting pressure plates in here, did we? But this is where you can see the experiments! From a "safe place." Yeah, nothing bad happened here, right? But I know what they want to see! And it's down here! I think we step on this and fall. We're taking a trip down Memory Lane! Through the Treasure Room! The treasure vault? I'm pretty sure I called it the Treasure Room.
Here we go... It still works! Oh no! The diamond wagon! Has anyone stolen this? Where did you just come from? What's going on here? Trayaurus, you have to come down now, please! I know it's scary, but you have to do it! I've probably forgotten, to be honest. I think this is the secret of Trayaurus... -wait. Wait, did you just teleport here? Are you-are you okay? What are you... what are you looking at? Is there a ravine out there? That's crazy! Do you want some toast? No I dont think so. But yeah, I think this is, um... one of Trayaurus' ancient, secret... rooms...
I'm pretty sure it was covered up? I don't remember what... I don't remember what video it is from. I won't be able to remember many of these, but I'm sure you can. This is the teleporter entrance to go back up. So we can go straight back there, but we don't need to do it now. What's around here...? Oh, that's a nice chest! We have... Grim got stuck in the door? I'm sorry friend! Happens! Come through! SEVERE!! Well, you can stay out there. Hello everyone. One of the people who made the subtitles here. (Please no one delete this).
I want to leave a little message here. Don't troll the subtitles. Sure, have some fun. But make sure the subtitles follow the video. It's not funny. Don't be like that guy who didn't put anything in the subtitles except "DAN, WHY DON'T YOU RESPOND TO MY LETTER? I'M SO ANGRY! POOP!" and eliminating everything else, probably including the hard work of others. Thank you.

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