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Retired general on what needs to happen next for Ukraine to move forward in its war with Russia

May 11, 2024
Ukraine launched drone strikes early this morning, attacking a Russian oil refinery. According to Russian state media, work at the refinery is partially suspended. Russia's Defense Minister claimed that Ukraine launched 66 drones, but all were intercepted. This occurred just as Ukraine was to receive a $6 billion long-term military aid package from the United States. This is in addition to the supplemental security package that Congress approved earlier this week with $61 billion specifically for Ukraine. We're joined now by Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling, CNN military analyst. General Hertling, it's a pleasure to see you. Ukraine has long asked for the Patriot missiles it will receive in this latest package.
retired general on what needs to happen next for ukraine to move forward in its war with russia
What difference is this going to make at this point in this war? More than two years where we've seen this kind of stagnation in some way? I wouldn't call it a stalemate, Jessica. I think Ukraine has been fighting pretty well considering its supply lines have been disrupted. And yes, they're certainly asking for not just the Patriot anti-aircraft air defense weapon systems, because that's part of their integrated air defense that we've seen in the last few months as they came online. Without ammunition, many of the Russian missiles have penetrated, killed civilians, and continue to damage infrastructure within Ukraine itself.
retired general on what needs to happen next for ukraine to move forward in its war with russia

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retired general on what needs to happen next for ukraine to move forward in its war with russia...

Therefore, a resupply of all these air defense systems, not only the Patriots, but others, will be essential to protect the lives of Ukrainians and help them stop the Russian destruction of their Ukrainian infrastructure, which has been so damaging. . And just to underline how important this is, the word critical is used. Do you think Ukraine could win this war or have any chance of winning it without this additional military aid package? Without this aid package, it would be extremely difficult. Jessica, that's why many of us have been beating the drum for Congress to pass this relief package for the last seven months.
retired general on what needs to happen next for ukraine to move forward in its war with russia
What we have had is a supply chain disruption. When you have a slowdown of momentum in combat and, honestly, an experience that when a supply line is disrupted, it really hurts not only the ability to defend your forces, but also morale. We saw the other night, when the aid package was voted on and approved, that there were even cries among the defenders of the western part, sorry, the eastern part of Ukraine, saying that they knew they would finally get the weapons systems. of which they had been deprived with those weapons systems. Over time, they can continue to stabilize their defensive belts and eventually go on the offensive to continue trying to take back the territory Russia took.
retired general on what needs to happen next for ukraine to move forward in its war with russia
But it's going to take a lot of time and a lot of effort. Yes, and you and a lot of determination on their part. There was also a lot of acceptance from those troops. And you just laid out


it's going to take to really turn the tide. But


else do you think? What other factors are at play here as well, besides what you just laid out more broadly? Well, they are looking at the Ukrainians, first of all, at the weapons that the Ukrainians are looking for, air defense systems, artillery systems and long-range artillery systems to continue attacking targets deep in the Russian defensive belts.
But what they also need, and this has been something that some of us have been observing for the last few months, is that Ukraine


the mobilization of more soldiers. They have been on the battlefield for two and a half years. And that's just taking into account the fatigue, the psychological damage and the harshness of being in the trenches, on the front lines, it's really going to be a morale factor. For this reason, Zelensky recently approved a new mobilization law that will be fundamental. The other thing is that I'm watching the Russian side. They have mobilized more forces.
They have learned many lessons from the first two years of this fight. They are achieving good defenses and, in some cases, offensive operations on their own because the Ukrainians have not stopped them due to the lack of weapons they had. So we will see the front stabilize a bit over the


few weeks. And then potentially if Ukraine can not only mobilize its new soldiers, train them, engage them in offensive operations and give them the ability to retake ground. That's what I'm looking for, because honestly and I know some of my artillery brothers will berate me for this, but artillery and long range systems don't win the war.
You have to face and play with the terrain. Ukraine has not been able to do that to the extent necessary with some of the trains it has lost to Russia. So I think more combined operations and maneuvers are required to achieve this. Yes, it is very interesting. Very good, General Mark Hertling, thank you very much. We appreciate it. A pleasure, Jessica. Thank you. We'll be right back.

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