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Resident Evil: The Complete Timeline - What You Need to Know! (UPDATED)

Jun 11, 2024
rescript.txt Details Activity today 7:15 AM You uploaded an item Text rescript.txt No activity recorded before October 28, 2022 Two years ago Me, Suggestive Gaming, along with the best Let's Play channel on YouTube, the 2-Bit Players, Reviewed the history of the ENTIRE Resident Evil franchise. Since then, we've seen the release of Resident Evil 3 Remake, the main series installment Resident Evil Village, and an animated series called Resident Evil Infinite Darkness. As many have been asking, and to prepare for the Resident Evil 4 Remake next year, we have decided to make an


version of the video with these latest additions.
resident evil the complete timeline   what you need to know updated
Like the original video, we'll only be covering events that are canonical to the video game series (which means the Paul W.S. Anderson-directed film series is off the table, as well as Welcome to Raccoon City and the Netflix series) , and given the breadth of the franchise (and the fact that certain games can play out differently depending on which character you choose), we'll have to leave some things out (so feel free to fill in the blanks in the comments). We also treat remakes as canon, which you can freely complain about. Now, without further ado, here's






about Resident Evil.
resident evil the complete timeline   what you need to know updated

More Interesting Facts About,

resident evil the complete timeline what you need to know updated...

Our story begins on July 23, 1998, when a train owned by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella, called the Ecliptic Express, is suddenly attacked by a swarm of leeches, killing its passengers, while a mysterious figure watches from a nearby cliff. Two hours later, the Raccoon City Police Department's Special Tactics and Rescue Service, or STARS, sends its Bravo Team to investigate a series of cannibalistic murders in the nearby Arklay Mountains. However, along the way, their helicopter is forced to make a crash landing in the forest. There they find an overturned military police transport truck with its agents dead. The team then split up and their field medic, Rebecca Chambers, comes across the Ecliptic Express, stopped in the middle of the forest.
resident evil the complete timeline   what you need to know updated
Rebecca enters the train, only to find it overrun by the former passengers, now reanimated zombies due to their exposure to the t-virus. This virus was a creation of the Umbrella Corporation. Created from the Progenitor virus (an ancient West African virus), the purpose of the t-virus was to mutate biological cells for the betterment of the human race, but it eventually became a military product. After exploring the train, Rebecca eventually discovers Billy Coen, a former Marine who was the prisoner transported by the military police truck. The two reluctantly team up when they see the mysterious figure outside the train.
resident evil the complete timeline   what you need to know updated
Shortly after, he begins to move again. The two are able to stop the train before it falls off a cliff and instead end up directing it towards an abandoned Umbrella research and training facility. There, they learn about the history of the Progenitor virus and Umbrella's use of it by the corporation's founders, Oswell E. Spencer, Edward Ashford, and Dr. James Marcus. Marcus was responsible for the discovery of the virus, and while Ashford wanted to use its regenerative properties to help the disabled, Spencer and Marcus saw its potential as a biological weapon and began creating the t-virus. Meanwhile, Umbrella employees Albert Wesker and William Birkin observe the situation and realize that the T-virus has gotten out of control.
Wesker decides to leave Umbrella to join its rival before its inevitable discovery and implosion. Birkin, however, decides to stay to continue his work on a more powerful "G-Virus." Wesker then explains that he plans to lure the S.T.A.R.S. Team Alpha, which Wesker joined as a double agent, travels to the Spencer mansion, where the T-virus has already spread, to gather data on the infected. Birkin then decides to activate the training center's self-destruct measures. After separating from Billy, Rebecca reunites with Captain Enrico Marini of her team, and he informs her of Bravo Team's plan to meet at a nearby mansion, but allows Rebecca to find Billy first.
However, right afterward, Rebecca is attacked by a giant bio-organic weapon, or B.O.W., created by the t-virus


n as "Tyrant." She is able to temporarily subdue it before reuniting with Billy, who is able to help her defeat the creature. Shortly after, Billy and Rebecca finally meet the mysterious figure responsible for the outbreak on the train, who turns out to be none other than Dr. James Marcus, or so it seems. He reveals that he was killed by Wesker and Birkin on Spencer's orders ten years earlier, but his experimental leech queen entered his body and absorbed his DNA to regenerate him, gaining his memories and taking the identity of him.
He then splits into a mass of leeches and chases Rebecca and Billy through the facility. Meanwhile, Wesker heads to the training center, encountering and defeating the Tyrant along the way. Once there, he meets Spencer's main bodyguard, Sergei Vladimir. After an argument, Sergei sends one of his genetically engineered “Ivan” Tyrant bodyguard units after Wesker, who is able to defeat him. However, their battle is stopped when Birkin activates the self-destruct system. Wesker then escapes to meet with the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team to reach the Mansion. Elsewhere, Billy and Rebecca are able to defeat Queen Leech.
The two then find the Spencer Mansion, and Rebecca heads towards it to meet with S.T.A.R.S., while Billy leaves, being declared "officially dead" to escape his war crimes. Rebecca finds her way to the mansion, but she can't find the rest of the Bravo team. Eventually, Bravo member Richard Aiken finds Rebecca asleep and the two head out to find their captain, Enrico Marini. Along the way, the two see Sergei Vladmir with one of his Ivans, carrying a B.O.W. prototype away from the mansion. Later, the two are ambushed by a giant snake-based B.O.W. named Yawn, who pursues him.
He manages to corner them in the library, but Richard jumps in front of him to save Rebecca. She is able to shoot the monster to scare it away, but Richard is left incapacitated, infected with the creature's venom. Shortly after, S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team arrives to investigate the disappearance of Bravo Team. They find Bravo Team's downed helicopter, along with the body of one of the pilots, but discover that all the other members are missing. Shortly after, they are attacked by mutated dogs called Cerberuses, who kill team member Joseph Frost. Team Alpha pilot Brad Vickers takes off, leaving the four remaining members: Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and their captain Albert Wesker, to escape to the mansion.
Inside the mansion, the team split up to search the building. The members of Team Bravo are inside, but they are all dead or dying from their wounds, including Richard, who sacrifices himself to save a member of Team Alpha. Jill works with Barry, while Chris meets with Rebecca. They learn that the mansion is actually owned and operated as a base by the Umbrella Corporation. It was built for Oswell Spencer by George Trevor, whose family was kidnapped and experimented on to research the progenitor virus. The daughter, Lisa Trevor, is still alive, although mutated by the virus, and S.T.A.R.S. he is forced to avoid her as they advance.
After destroying a giant plant and some giant sharks, S.T.A.R.S. He eventually finds Captain Enrico Marini, who believes there is a traitor among the ranks, before he is shot dead by an unknown assailant and then escapes. STARS. He discovers that the mansion's basement is a secret laboratory, and there they find the Epsilon virus, which had leaked and infected the mansion's inhabitants. It is eventually revealed that Wesker is a double agent working for Umbrella, who led S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion to test the effectiveness of the B.O.W. in armed soldiers.
He then intends to destroy the facility to cover up the various illegal activities. Unknown to the others, he had also injected himself with a mutant strain of the T virus to strengthen his body. It is then revealed that Barry was working for Wesker, under threat of murder from his family. Wesker finally admits his true nature and also reveals that he plans to betray Umbrella by handing over his research to his rival. He then awakens Tyrant T-002 to attack STARS, but it attacks him first and impales him. The lab's self-destruct system begins counting down and the S.T.A.R.S.
The members (Jill, Chris, Rebecca and Barry) head to a nearby helipad to call Brad. He arrives, just as the Tyrant reappears. The stars. The team is able to defeat the creature with a rocket shot and are able to escape when the mansion explodes in the distance. As the mansion exploded, Wesker was able to survive his attack, due to the virus inside his body, and secretly escape. Fighting Lisa Trevor in her way, Wesker traps her inside her as she leaves her, finally putting her out of her misery with the destruction of the mansion. Two months later, in Raccoon City, eight patrons of J's Bar witness a news report about the increase in violence in the city.
Shortly after, an infected man enters and bites Will, one of the bar's employees, killing him. The others escape and discover that the city is overrun by infected zombies. They finally arrive at the Raccoon Mall, where the police intend to detonate explosives to kill a massive group of zombies. However, two police officers are killed, forcing the group to assemble the detonator themselves and use it to kill the zombies. They then leave, as more police reinforcements arrive to secure the city. Elsewhere in the city, two firefighters investigate the boiler room of the nearby Apple Inn, before it explodes, trapping them and the other survivors of the bar inside.
After fighting a mutated civilian, named "Suspended", they are able to escape into the city. Later, Cindy Lennox (the waitress at J's Bar) approaches the Raccoon Zoo and notices a note indicating the expected arrival of an evacuation helicopter. The survivors enter the zoo and are attacked by several infected animals, but manage to escape on a tram. However, as the tram pulls away, it stops when the evacuation helicopter crashes, killing another group of survivors nearby. Elsewhere in Raccoon City, Jill Valentine wakes up inside her apartment, where she has been investigating the Umbrella Corporation. Unaware of the ongoing outbreak, Ella Jill receives a frantic call from Brad Vickers who warns her to get out of town immediately.
However, before she has a chance to react, a massive B.O.W. crashes into her wall and attacks her, forcing her to run through her apartment building while the B.O.W. It pursues him, destroying everything in its path. Jill eventually escapes the monster and emerges onto the city streets to find it in a state of chaos. Brad finds her and tells her that the monster has been searching for the remains of STARS. members in the city, which now includes only them. They are soon surrounded by infected and forced to flee, but Brad is bitten. Knowing


's coming next, he stays behind and forces Jill to continue without him.
Jill continues running to find safety and eventually finds a man in a parking lot who locks himself in the trailer of a truck. Jill heads to the roof of the garage, just as a helicopter flies overhead. She waves to him and the pilot calls her to come in while she lands. However, as she gets closer, the B.O.W. From her apartment he destroys the helicopter. Jill enters a nearby car and crashes into the creature, launching them both off the roof and into the streets below. This turns out to be only a minor setback for the monster, who simply stands up and walks towards Jill, even as the car explodes around her.
However, as he reaches it, a nearby man fires a missile at him, temporarily incapacitating the creature. The man runs up to Jill, introduces himself as Carlos, and takes her on the subway to a subway station, where her fellow members of the Umbrella Biological Countermeasures Service have set up a makeshift shelter. Despite Jill's hesitation to trust Umbrella agents, she follows Carlos to the shelter. When they arrive at the shelter, Jill meets U.B.C.S. Platoon leader Mikhail Victor, who recognizes her as a member of STARS, asks her for help in getting the subway car moving. She agrees to help the civilians at the shelter and returns to the surface to get some supplies and find the substation to restore power.
On her way, she encounters a U.B.C.S. member, and she runs to help him, but suddenly another member comes in and immediately shoots him in the head. The man claims that the member he killed was infected and Jill denounces her coldness. The two quickly go their separate ways and Jill arrives at the substation, where she is forced to avoid mutated spider-like creatures while she turns on the power system. After turning on the light, Jill calls Carlos, who tells her to go to the subway company's office to enable the traffic control system so the trains can move.
Along the way, however, she is again ambushed by the giant B.O.W., from which she manages to escape once again to reach the traffic control office. She enters the route into the system, then returns to the subway station andhe meets his nemesis again along the way. Back on the subway, Jill regroups with Carlos, when the man she encountered before her and who shot her own man, Nicholai, arrives. She expresses her frustration that Jill is there, before walking away just as B.O.W. starts to enter. Carlos closes the security door, while Jill leaves to distract the B.O.W. to buy them time.
She leads the creature away from the train and eventually loses it in the sewers. After fighting several B.O.W. shaped like a fish, Jill communicates with Carlos by radio, who tells her that they have been waiting for her return to leave the station. However, when she reaches the surface, her nemesis grabs her once again, now wielding a flamethrower. She is able to escape again, but only temporarily, as she is forced to fight him on a nearby rooftop. After defeating him in battle, the flamethrower's fuel tank explodes, launching Jill from the rooftop, where she meets with a rough landing.
On her way back to the subway, she passes by an old friend, gunsmith Robert Kendo. She offers to take him to the subway, but he reluctantly refuses and heads to a nearby building to solve an unseen problem of his. Not long after, Jill is again ambushed by the B.O.W., this time wielding a rocket launcher. She shoots him, which drives her away from him. Carlos then calls her and tells her that he has a plan for her and that she must lead the B.O.W. back to the station, which she does. She fires a claymore set up by Carlos and he shoots a nearby tanker truck, causing a giant explosion as he and Jill escape back to the subway as the security door closes.
Carlos sends Jill alone to the subway car, while he stays behind, being sent by Mikhail to join another agent named Tyrell to search for a scientist whose vaccine research can stop the outbreak. During the train ride, Mikhail expresses his distrust of Nicholai, but his conversation is interrupted by an explosion. When they investigate, they find the B.O.W. Chasing Jill, he destroyed part of the train and boarded it. Jill runs, but discovers that Nicholai, knowing the B.O.W. She stands alone behind Jill and locks her in the train car to deal with it. The arc.
He grabs Mikhail with his tentacle, but sacrifices himself to detonate an explosive charge, knocking down the train car and knocking Jill unconscious. Meanwhile, Carlos and Tyrell arrive at the Racoon City Police Department, where they witness an infected Brad Vickers attack and bite an RCPD officer. The pair then enter the station and find the S.T.A.R.S. office to contact Dr. Nathaniel Bard, who is trapped in a nearby hospital. He asks them for help, after revealing that Umbrella is killing its researchers to cover up the operation. Tyrell tries to track down the doctor's location, while Carlos receives a message from Jill that the train derailed before communications were cut.
He then rushes back to the subway to check on Jill. Meanwhile, Jill reaches the surface and watches the B.O.W., now on fire, jump into the nearby river and calls Carlos again, who informs her about the train accident and Nicholai's betrayal. However, the B.O.W. He emerges from the water, now mutated even larger, and attacks her, forcing another fight outside the city's clock tower. Jill is able to take him down with a grenade launcher, but when she walks past him, he catches her. She is able to close a door to separate the two of them, but he is able to stab her as she flees, leaving a tendril on her arm and infecting her, causing seizures.
Nicholai then walks to the door and smiles as she passes out. Meanwhile, Claire Redfield searches for her brother. She and rookie RCPD officer Leon S. Kennedy separately stop at the same gas station, which they discover is being attacked by zombies. The pair meet and take a nearby sheriff's cruise to town. There, they hear an announcement encouraging survivors to head to the police station in search of shelter. They are forced to continue on foot to the station, before an explosion separates them and they continue independently. Claire and Leon meet again, but are separated by a closed fence.
A nearby rescue helicopter is shot down and explodes, ending their reunion. Another Tyrant, T-103, appears and begins stalking our heroes. Claire finds an underground tunnel and goes through it, meeting a young woman named Sherry Birkin. However, she is soon attacked by a mutated creature wearing a lab coat. She is able to temporarily defeat the creature and the two head to the police station parking lot, but there they are surprised by corrupt police chief Brian Irons, who kidnaps Sherry and takes her to an abandoned orphanage. He then calls Claire to demand that she bring him a pendant that Sherry dropped, and she reluctantly agrees.
After she leaves, Lean finds his way to the parking lot and meets FBI Agent Ada Wong. In the cell area of ​​the station, they find a reporter named Ben Bertolucci who was arrested by Irons for investigating Umbrella's shady operations. However, Ben is killed by the Tyrant, who attacks Leon, but Ada saves him. The two then agree to work together and head to a gun shop owned by Robert Kendo (who takes his infected daughter aside before a single gunshot is heard), before Leon and Ada head to the sewer system. from the city. Meanwhile, Sherry tries to sneak past Irons to escape the orphanage, but she can't escape him.
However, the lab coat creature reappears and infects him. Shortly after, Claire arrives and finds Iron, who dies from the parasite that infected him. Claire then finds Sherry in a facility beneath the orphanage, but the Tyrant finds them. During their escape, the creature appears once again and kills the Tyrant, but turns its attention to the two. He attacks an elevator they are in, causing it to fall violently, knocking Claire unconscious and forcing Sherry to leave at her expense. Claire is awakened by Annette Birkin: Sherry's mother. She informs Claire that the creature chasing them is her mutated husband, William.
She also reveals that she took Sherry before suddenly leaving. Claire heads out and eventually finds Sherry, trapped inside a trash compactor by Annette. Throughout her travels to unlock the compactor, Claire discovers proof of the truth: William had escaped with the G-virus, hoping to sell it to the US military. He was discovered by Umbrella soldiers, who fatally shot. However, in order to survive, he was able to inject himself with the virus in his final moments. He then hunted down and killed the soldiers, breaking the vials of the T-virus they had and causing the outbreak in Raccoon City.
Claire encounters William and fights him once more before successfully opening the compactor. Inside, she rescues Sherry, but discovers that she has been infected by William (who had been chasing her because her DNA closely matches his own, allowing the virus to spread). Annette tells Claire that she can cure Sherry in her laboratory: an Umbrella facility called NEST. Meanwhile, Leon and Ada also meet up with Annette. Ada informs her that they are there because of the G virus, but Annette replies that it won't be possible. She then lights an infected corpse before opening fire. Leon attacks Ada and is shot by her, but then passes out from her.
Ada follows Annette and eventually finds her, but she is also knocked into a trash compactor. Leon wakes up and rescues Ada, and the two also head to NEST to obtain a sample of the virus. On the way, León and Ada share a moment and a kiss, and León continues on, as Ada is too hurt from her fall into the compactor. León obtains the sample and fights William. Later, Annette reveals that Ada is not actually an FBI agent, but rather a mercenary who plans to sell the virus. Leon confronts Ada, and she admits to her deception, pulls out a gun, and demands that Leon hand over the virus to her.
Annette shoots her, however, and she falls off the bridge they are on. Leon tries to catch her and drops the virus into the abyss beneath the lab. However, León loses control and Ada also falls. Meanwhile, Claire finds the virus vaccine and unlocks it with Sherry's pendant. She also fights William while Annette administers the virus to Sherry. Claire emerges victorious and Annette manages to heal Sherry before she dies from William's injuries. The facility then begins a self-destruct sequence and Claire takes Sherry to an evacuation train, where she successfully communicates with Leon. After fighting and defeating William once again, Claire boards the train and takes off.
Elsewhere, Leon encounters the Tyrant again, and Ada, who somehow survived her fall, throws a grenade launcher at him to help him defeat the creature. She does so and escapes to find the train moving, jumping off and finding Claire and Sherry inside. The train is again attacked by William's last remains. The pair manage to defeat him once and for all and the three finally escape the city. They leave the train to continue on foot, and Leon and Claire vow to continue their fight to take down Umbrella, and the three agree to stay together... at least for now.
Later, the sole survivor of William Birkin's attack on Umbrella agents, codenamed HUNK, escapes the city with a sample of the G-virus. In a temporary shelter, Dr. George Hamilton finds a note from his colleague , Dr. Peter Jenkins, asking him for help at nearby Raccoon University. George takes some survivors to help Jenkins at the University, but when they arrive, they find him dead from a gunshot wound to the back of the head. They find his notes, which reference an antivirus called "Daylight" intended to combat the T-virus. The survivors then set out to find the materials


ed to synthesize the antivirus.
Elsewhere, a team of mercenaries working for Umbrella encounter a Tyrant B.O.W. Called "Thanatos", created by rogue Umbrella researcher Greg Mueller. Nikolai arrives to collect a sample of Thanatos' blood, which he does, enraging the monster and causing it to kill all of Nikolai's ground troops. The blood pot falls and survivors can retrieve it to obtain one of Daylight's components. Then they obtain the other two components and go to synthesize the vaccine. However, as they do so, they are interrupted by Mueller, who threatens them with Thanatos before Nikolai shoots him dead. The survivors then escape with the sample and Nikolai sets a timer on a C4 charge detonator throughout the university.
The survivors escape and fight Thanatos, eventually defeating the monster. They are then rescued by a helicopter, as they escape with the Daylight sample. Some time later, Carlos finds Jill and takes her to the nearby Spencer Memorial Hospital to find Dr. Baird and, hopefully, her vaccine. After fighting several B.O.W. “Hunter Beta”, Carlos finds Dr. Baird, however, he is dead, with a bullet hole in his head. He investigates a nearby computer and finds Baird's final message, where he admits Umbrella's involvement in the creation and outbreak of the T-Virus. In the video, he explains that he has a sample of the vaccine in his office and that there is more stock downstairs.
He again warns that Umbrella plans to kill him, erase any trace of the vaccine, and cover up the entire ordeal. Carlos takes the vaccine sample and returns to give it to Jill. After injecting him, Carlos and Jill rest, but Carlos is awakened by Tyrell, who bursts in and wakes him up. They then hear an emergency announcement that the army plans to destroy the city with a massive missile attack the next day. Carlos then fights off an attack of infected and Hunter Betas, before heading underground to search for the rest of the vaccine before the military attack.
Jill then wakes up and talks to Tyrell, who informs her of the situation. She heads to the underground warehouse to look for Carlos. Later, Tyrell arrives and tells him that he was able to talk to the military to delay the missile launch if they can deliver the vaccine. When they reach the storage facility, Jill's enemy arrives and kills Tyrell, forcing her to flee. She finds the vaccine facility, but discovers that she has to synthesize it herself. She collects the necessary samples and places them in the machine, successfully synthesizes them and obtains the vaccine sample to hand over to the government.
Right after, the B.O.W grabs her. and is chased into a giant room with several large tanks. She drops the vaccine and falls off a walkway, grabbing the edge and holding on. Nicholai arrives, takes the vaccine, and tells Jill that she will record and sell combat data from her battles with Nemesis. She then kicks it off the ledge and she is forced to fight the creature one on one. Carlos arrives to provide support during the battle and the two are able to work together to defeat the creature. Jill escapes and encounters Nicholai, to whom she threatens to give the vaccine.
He refuses and runs away from her, leaving her to fight another, larger Nemesis mutation. Carlos arrives shortly after, but Jill sends him to catch Nicholai before she fights Nemesis one last time. After her final battle, Jill destroys the monster with an experimental railgun before running to the elevator to find Carlos and Nicholai. On the roof of thefacility, finds Carlos incapacitated on the ground and Nicholai ambushes him. He then throws her the vaccine at her, but she shoots the vial and destroys the sample. He then reveals that his anonymous employer is paying him to take down Umbrella.
They then hear an announcement that the missile has been launched and they have ten minutes until impact, but as Nicholai begins to leave, Carlos attacks him. The two fight and Jill shoots Nicholai in the chest. Carlos boards a nearby helicopter and Nicholai offers the truth behind his employers and their motives for taking him with them. Jill refuses, however, when she boards the helicopter to leave with Carlos, and instead chooses to discover the truth on her own. The pair then fly away, leaving Nicholai and Raccoon City behind as they vow to take down Umbrella. Elsewhere, we find a member of the Umbrella Security Service, Captain Rodriguez, preparing to leave town on a plane with a stolen B.O.W.
He is with Umbrella researcher Dr. Linda Baldwin, who convinces him to wait while she returns to the R&D center to retrieve a medication that can help stop the spread of the virus. When she enters, the Hunter B.O.W. experimental escapes from captivity and closes the facility. Baldwin is able to obtain the sample from her, but she cannot escape the facility until the lock is released. Another researcher, Dr. Carter, begins activating a Tyrant, named Tyrant R, in the hopes that he can kill the Hunters and allow them to escape. The Tyrant R manages to kill the Hunters, and Carter then plans to cause their destruction by activating a bomb hidden within the creature.
However, Tyrant R interrupts this plan, kills him, destroys the sample, and throws Baldwin into the water treatment facility below. There, the survivors find and rescue her, and after the water flows through the sewers, they emerge outside the Apple Inn. After fighting Tyrant R once again, the survivors reach Rodriguez and escape the city before he begins its destruction. Meanwhile, we find Ada, escaping from the sewers to the surface of Raccoon City, in front of the Apple Inn. There, she intends to meet her contact from Umbrella's rival company, but she finds him dead by suicide. Suddenly, Albert Wesker calls her to a nearby computer, accusing her of failing her mission and defecting from it to help Leon, but she shows him the G-Virus sample she was able to recover.
Wesker then informs him of the city's imminent destruction and tells him to find a helicopter carrying an Umbrella Executive to escape it. Ada makes her way, fighting the Tyrant R in her path (and killing it in turn), before finding the helicopter and attaching its grappling hook to a package she was carrying, allowing her to escape the city. The United States government subsequently carries out their plan and destroys Raccoon City with the explosion of a thermobaric missile. A month later, Leon, her personal friend, asks private detective Ark Thompson to investigate an Umbrella facility. Ark is able to infiltrate the Umbrella-controlled Sheena Island under the pretext of impersonating Umbrella Commander Vincent Goldman.
However, Ark is seen by a boy, Lott Klein, who informs the real Vincent about this imposter. Vincent, believing that Ark will be sent by Umbrella Headquarters to find evidence to lead him out of his position, triggers an Outbreak, hoping to escape in the fight during the cleanup operation. During the outbreak, Vincent discovers Ark in his office. The two have a quick fight, where Vincent grabs Ark's dog tags, but Ark is able to escape to the helipad and commandeer the helicopter there. Vincent grabs hold of the landing skids and as Ark tries to fly, he loses control, causing Vincent to fall to the ground and the helicopter lands with Ark still inside.
When Ark recovers, he wakes up with a gun but doesn't remember who he is or why he is there. He fights off the island's infected inhabitants and finds Vincent's unconscious body, holding his dog tags. This makes Ark believe that the man in front of him is Ark Thompson. Eventually, Ark finds photographs of him posing as Vincent, leading him to believe that he is actually the commander and perpetrator of the horrible acts that occurred on the island. Ark continues through the island and finds the Umbrella facility and two children: Lott and his sister Lily (whose parents were Umbrella employees).
They initially fear him, believing they will be punished for revealing their identity to Vincent, but he protects them and gains their trust, leading Lott to reveal Ark's true identity to them, prompting him to regain all of his memories of him. Suddenly, the facility triggers a self-destruct sequence and Ark sends the children to the facility's train station, where he will meet them. However, on his way, Ark encounters Hypnos's T-type Tyrant prototype. After fighting the Tyrant, Ark heads to the railway and the three regroup and take the tram to a helipad to be evacuated. There, the Tyrant attacks once again, but Ark defeats him and takes off in the helicopter.
However, not yet finished, the Tyrant grabs the helicopter, but Ark fires two missiles at him, finally killing him. The three then fly off into the distance, not quite knowing what the future holds... Three months after the destruction of Raccoon City, Claire infiltrates an Umbrella facility, still searching for Chris. Claire is captured by Rodrigo Juan Raval and imprisoned in the remote Rockfort Island facility. While she is unconscious in her cell, the sound of a nearby explosion wakes her up. Rodrigo arrives and frees Claire from her cell, believing that they will all die soon anyway. Outside, Claire discovers that there has been an outbreak of the T-virus on the island.
Shortly afterward, she encounters a fellow escaped inmate, Steve Burnside, and the two discover that Chris has been under Umbrella surveillance. Claire uses a facility's PC to contact Leon and inform Chris about his capture and Umbrella's surveillance. Claire continues and finds the Ashford Estate, eventually meeting its inhabitants: twins Alfred and Alexia Ashford, who try to hinder Claire and Steve's progress. The pair eventually discover that Alfred is disguising himself as his sister as part of a split personality disorder, before they are able to escape the island on a plane. During their flight, they are attacked by the T-078 Tyrant, which Claire is able to fend off, before the ship's autopilot activates and takes them to an Umbrella facility in Antarctica.
There, they confront Alfred again, who Steve is able to shoot, causing him to fall into the abyss. Just after this, the mutated remains of Alexander Ashford, the twins' father, as well as the son of Umbrella co-founder Edward Ashford, awaken as Nosferatu and attack the pair when they arrive at a helipad. Claire fights off the creature and kills it, allowing her and Steve to take a nearby snowmobile and head to a nearby research outpost. Meanwhile, Alfred crawls to find his sister, Alexia, waking up from a cryogenic sleep she was put into after injecting herself with the T-Veronica virus the family developed 15 years earlier.
She now awakens with mutated abilities, but with consciousness intact, she can send a tentacle to capture Claire and Steve. He then cradles her brother when he finally dies. Meanwhile, Chris Redfield arrives at Rockfort Island after receiving Claire's message from Leon. While searching the island to determine where Claire has gone, Chris encounters Albert Wesker, who was hired by a new organization to capture Alexia and obtain a sample of the T-Veronica virus. Surprisingly, Wesker now possesses superhuman strength and speed. Wesker reveals Claire's location to Chris, before setting off in search of Alexia. Chris heads to Antarctica and discovers the Nosferatu, recovered and hanged by Alexia.
Chris is able to defeat his defenses and reach Claire, in a replica of the Spencer mansion inside the base. They are separated by Alexia's tentacles and Claire heads off alone to find Steve. Claire finds Steve, but unfortunately he is infected with the t-Veronica virus. He then transforms into a giant axe-wielding creature and attempts to kill Claire. One of Alexia's tentacles captures Claire and Steve is able to fight the virus to free her from her. Steve then returns to his normal self and professes his love for Claire before dying from her injuries. In the main hall, Chris watches Wesker confront Alexia.
She refuses to surrender and mutates into a more powerful form to fight Wesker. She then lets Chris handle the situation while he runs off. Chris fights Alexia, defeats her, and then heads off to rescue Claire. However, Alexia arrives again and Chris is forced to defeat her again to protect her sister. Alexia then mutates further and Chris uses an experimental weapon called the Linear Launcher to eliminate her once and for all. As they try to escape the now self-destructing facility, Wesker captures Claire and Chris pursues her. Outside, Wesker frees Claire, revealing that her men have taken Steve to extract the t-Veronica virus left in her body.
Wesker teases that maybe Steve can revive like he did by seeing Claire again. Chris convinces Claire to leave while she fights Wesker one on one. After the fight, the building's explosion causes injuries to Wesker, causing him to flee, warning Chris that the next time they meet will surely be the last. Chris then arrives at a plane that Claire found and the two fly off, escaping the facility as it explodes, and Chris vows to destroy Umbrella once and for all. Two years later, the US military sends a task force to the Republic of Penamstan, which is currently embroiled in a civil war.
In an attempt to combat an alleged threat of the Chinese military developing biological weapons, U.S. Army Major General Wilson conspires with a pharmaceutical company to develop a modified t-virus in hopes of creating super soldiers. Unbeknownst to the public, Wilson has a team called "Alpha Two" infected with this virus, and uses this mission to test its effectiveness by providing them with vials of an inhibitor to stop the cannibalistic effects of the t-virus. When Alpha Two's helicopter is shot down, another team, called the "Mad Dogs", lands in an attempt to rescue them. While they are able to rescue a member of Alpha Two, a soldier named Jun See, the Mad Dogs are attacked by insurgents.
Later that night, the rest of Alpha Two's corpses are hung with a rope and set on fire. The corpses then wake up as zombies and break free before attacking the insurgents while a boy watches. The Mad Dogs retreat to a building where they try to make contact to call for backup, but receive no response. On the other end, Wilson orders a radio operator named Shen May, who turns out to be Jun See's sister, not to answer his calls. The Mad Dogs are then attacked by a horde of zombies, which they are able to fight off, but not before they are all bitten in the process.
As he lies dying, Jun See gives the Mad Dogs his supply of inhibitor vials and instructs them to use them before turning around. The Mad Dogs then return to camp with the now-zombified Jun See in a body bag, and discuss their next move. Believing they could be killed to cover up what they saw, the group becomes paranoid, but are interrupted by Shen May, who discovers the current state of her brother. A Mad Dogs member named Jason and Shen May arrange for Jun See to be smuggled back to his family. Wilson subsequently uses the Mad Dogs as his own personal covert unit and in return provides them with the inhibitor.
Two years later, Leon S. Kennedy (now working as a special agent for the United States) is sent with USSOCOM soldier Jack Krauser to South America to locate Javier Hidalgo, a former drug trafficker who had disappeared but is reportedly , had contacted Umbrella. In a nearby town they find its inhabitants, some of Javier's men, infected. They make their way through the town to find their guide, who claims that a girl has brought demons to the town before a B.O.W. Leon and Krauser find the girl, calming the B.O.W. With a song. The duo are able to fight him off and then go inside to rescue the girl.
Unconscious, they take her in a boat and head upriver to Hidalgo's mansion. When she wakes up, they head to a dam, where Javier and his men arrive. He reveals that the girl is his daughter, Manuela, whom he has been treating with the t-Veronica virus obtained by Wesker to hopefully cure his terminal illness. However, she manages to avoid capture and the three regroup at the top of the dam. Finally, they encounter the B.O.W. again, and is revealed to be Hilda, Manuela's mother, mutated due to a failed attempt to cure the disease with the virus. As she is killed, she fires a spike from her body, piercing Krauser's arm and infecting him with the virus.
Javier then fuses with a plant that harbors the t-Veronica virus, and Manuela concentrates the power of the virus within her and helps kill the monstrosity that her father has become. Later, the three escape in a helicopter. Manuela is taken in by the government and Krauser is discharged from thearmy for his wounds... but within his own mind, he knows the path he must take to harness the power that now lies within him. Some time later, disgraced former Umbrella employee Morpheus D. Duvall is aboard the Umbrella-owned ship Spencer Rain, holding the world hostage by threatening to release the virus unless he receives a billion ransom. of dollars from the United States and China.
Bruce McGivern is sent by a US government task force developed to take down Umbrella, and his respective government sends a Chinese agent named Fong Ling. Bruce confronts Morpheus on the ship's foredeck and holds him at gunpoint. Fong Ling surprises them both with a grenade attack, allowing Bruce to escape to the ship and wounding Morpheus. To cure himself, Morpheus injects himself with an experimental combination of the T virus and a G virus antibody. This causes him to mutate, but is able to maintain his mental state. He fights Bruce in his new form, but Fong Ling again helps Bruce to emerge successful.
The two then work together to return power to the ship and access the bridge, where they discover the ship's collision course toward a nearby island. Bruce then fights an escaped experimental t+G virus tyrant (named Tyrant 091), and is able to defeat it before jumping into the ocean and swimming to the island's shore. There, Bruce and Fong Ling discover that Umbrella repurposed the island as a waste disposal facility for B.O.W. Experiments. After defeating some, they learn that Morpheus has made a deal with China, who will pay his ransom if they kill Fong Ling. Bruce cuts a tracking device into her tattoo, preventing them from killing her via an orbital strike.
Bruce defeats a large B.O.W. He calls Pluto before Morpheus arrives and sends the elevator in which he and Fong Ling crash to the bottom of the sea. They are able to survive, but later, Morpheus captures Fong Ling. Bruce is finally able to defeat Morpheus after the G component of his virus took control, allowing Bruce to cause enough damage to kill the beast. Bruce and Fong Ling then escape using a nearby boat, and the two kiss, and Fong returns to the US in a rescue helicopter with Bruce. Months later, Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield reunite on a new mission: investigating a town in the Caucasus region of the Russian Federation for B.O.W.
Activity. They quickly discover that everyone in the city is infected by the T-virus and conclude that Umbrella is to blame. They find one survivor, a girl named Anna. They find Wesker, who takes no responsibility for the outbreak and claims it was an accident. Wesker escapes, and Chris and Jill are forced to flee to their vehicle to get a grenade launcher to kill the attacking hunters. Anna then gives Jill a pendant to protect her from the "cursed" beings. The pair then find Wesker at Anna's house, approaching a safe that he believes contains Umbrella's research. Anna gives Wesker a pendant, which he can turn into the key to open the safe.
However, it explodes, having been a trap for whoever tried to steal the data. Wesker survives the explosion and finds a research disk in another part of the house. Chris and Jill then determine that there is an Umbrella factory nearby that was producing the B.O.W. In the area. Chris and Jill find and raid the facility with the help of a group of armed activists. There, Sergei Vladimir unleashes the t-Virus, as well as all the B.O.W. Defenses inside the facility. They are able to take down all of these, as well as Umbrella's most sophisticated and powerful Tyrant, the Tyrant-Armored Lethal Organic System, successfully securing the facility.
Using Chris and Jill's attack as a distraction, Wesker also infiltrates the facility and encounters Sergei, who sends one of his bodyguard Ivan after him. Wesker is able to get rid of this threat and finds Sergei once again, who becomes infected with the t-virus. After he mutates, Wesker kills him and steals all of Umbrella's data from his Red Queen supercomputer. He then erases the machine and leaves with a new goal in mind. Umbrella is subsequently tried and found guilty of her crimes related to the Raccoon City outbreak. Wesker testifies anonymously, implicating founder Oswell E. Spencer, starting a global manhunt.
Wesker then uploads all the stolen data to his computer and promises to meet Spencer again... A year later, the floating Mediterranean city of Terragrigia is attacked by the bioterrorist group "Il Veltro". The Federal Bioterrorism Commission is asking the independent Bioterrorism Security Assessment Alliance (co-founded by Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine) for help in addressing the B.O.W threat. in the city, but ultimately fail, which causes the head of the FBC, Morgan. Lansdale, to call for the total destruction of the city using the solar energy satellites that the city used for energy. Despite the protests of BSAA leader Clive R.
O'Brian, the FBC carries out this plan, evacuating all agents in the city and assigning agents Parker Luciani and Jessica Sherawat to protect the building for the evacuation. At the same time, a human rights organization called TerraSave works to rescue survivors before the city's destruction. One member, Neil Fisher, finds and rescues a girl named Natalia, whose parents died in the outbreak, and gives her a teddy bear which she names Lottie. With the evacuations


, Parker and Jessica reach their own escape helicopter and the satellites activate,


ly destroying the city of Terragrigia. Disappointed by the FBC's decision to destroy the city rather than save it, the pair leave the commission to join the BSAA.
Months later, Leon S. Kennedy is sent to an anonymous town in Spain to rescue Ashley Graham: the p


's daughter, who was kidnapped by a mysterious sect called Los Iluminados. There, León encounters the villagers, infested by a mind-controlling parasite called "Las Plagas." At the same time, Albert Wesker sends Ada Wong (who still works for Umbrella's rival company) to obtain information about Las Plagas. She sees Leon fighting the villagers and heads to the nearby church, ringing the bell to drive the villagers away. León then meets the captured Luis Sera, who, unbeknownst to him, is a researcher placed by Wesker's organization (whom Ada is currently searching for).
The two are then captured and the cult leader, Osmund Saddler, injects Leon with the parasite as he passes out. When the two wake up, they manage to break their ties and Luis runs away. Leon then heads towards a nearby church, after learning that Ashley might be there. On his way, he is approached by the priest of Los Iluminados, Bitores Méndez, but Ada arrives and shoots him, distracting him to pursue her. She is then shot with a tranquilizer dart and captured by the cult, from which he can easily escape. León fights a giant plague-infected creature named Del Lago before collapsing in a nearby cabin due to his exhaustion and festering infection.
After waking up, Leon heads to the Church and rescues Ashley. However, upon leaving with her, the pair confront Saddler, who reveals that not only Leon has been infected with the parasite, but Ashley as well. The Illuminati plan to allow the two to return to the P


, then take control with the Plagas to infect and subsequently control the President and other powerful figures in turn. The two manage to escape from the church and return to the cabin, where they meet Luis. After defeating an attack by Ganado (or those infected with Plagas), Luis leaves her and speaks with Ada alone, whom he informs that he will collect a sample of the parasite for her.
Leon and Ashley then head to a nearby castle, hoping to take shelter until they can leave. Along the way, Mendez confronts them again, but León is able to kill him and take his artificial eye, using it to activate a retinal scanner and open the castle door. Inside the castle, León meets Ramón Salazar, the castellan of the area. Salazar, a young man of 20 years (despite his appearance), reveals that he is also infected with pests, but the dominant species allows him total control of the body of him and other hosts. Leon and Ashley leave to go to the center of the castle, but Ashley starts coughing up blood due to her infection.
Distraught by this, she flees León and is captured in the process. Leon searches for Ashley in the castle and finally confronts Ada. He questions her about her employment, but she reveals nothing; instead she cryptically escapes in a screen of smoke. Leon finds Ashley and as he is about to arrive to rescue her from her, Luis arrives with medication to suppress her and Ashley's infection. However, he is quickly killed by Saddler, who obtains the sample of the Plagues that Luis obtained for Ada. Saddler leaves and, with his dying breath, Luis gives Leon the medicine and warns him that he must retrieve Saddler's sample.
Ada witnesses this and informs Wesker of this development. Leon reunites with Ashley, but the two separate again. Leon makes his way to Salazar, who reveals that Ashley has been taken to a research facility on a nearby island. Salazar then mutates completely and León is able to kill him. León then finds Ada on a speedboat, who she offers to take him to the island. Once they arrive, Ada escapes Leon once again and heads to meet with Jack Krauser, who now also works for Wesker. The two discuss their plan to obtain the sample, and after she leaves, Wesker informs Ada that Krauser's mission is to kill Leon.
At the research center, Leon finds Ashley, and the two escape only to find Saddler, who reveals that his virus has progressed to the point where he can control them, causing Ashley to join him while he leaves Leon incapacitated. When Leon regains his ability to move, he heads out to find Ashley once again, but is attacked by Krauser. Just as Krauser is about to kill Leon, Ada arrives and shoots him, causing him to retreat. She then leaves Leon once again. Leon fights his way towards Ashley once more and eventually encounters Krauser, whose infected arm completely mutates before the two fight once more, with Leon defeating him and continuing on.
Ada reports Krauser's death to Wesker, who decides to use Leon to do the dirty work of killing Saddler, and then Ada does the cleanup. Later, Leon and Ada cross paths again, but during their meeting, the Scourge takes over Leon, causing him to attack Ada. She is able to stab him to get him out of there and the two separate once again. Later, Ada is attacked by Krauser, who survived her recent encounter with Leon. The two fight and Ada manages to kill him once and for all. Leon eventually finds Ashley's containment room and confronts Saddler, who is quickly able to overpower him.
Fortunately, Ada arrives and shoots Saddler, providing enough of a distraction for Leon to free Ashley from her pod and escape from her. Ada then fights Saddler alone, believing she has finally killed him. However, when she goes to retrieve the sample, he attacks her and captures her. Leon and Ashley find a room with a device to remove pests from their bodies. They use the device to heal themselves and then escape the island. Leon leaves Ashley behind and goes to the top of the facility to find Saddler with the captured Ada. Leon manages to free Ada from captivity and he and Saddler begin to fight.
During their battle, Ada finds a rocket launcher and once again throws it to help Leon defeat his enemy. After killing Saddler, Leon obtains the sample, but Ada forces him to give it to her at gunpoint. She then escapes in a helicopter and throws him the keys to a jet ski to escape the island which she self-destructs. Leon and Ashley head to the jet ski and drive through the caves beneath the island, narrowly escaping the explosion as they head towards freedom. Months later, FBC agent Rachel Foley is sent with her partner Raymond Vester to an abandoned cruise ship called Queen Zenobia to investigate the possible return of the terrorist group Il Veltro, responsible for the Terragrigia incident.
The pair separate during her mission and Rachel encounters victims of the new t-Abyss virus who eventually kill her. Later, BSAA Director Clive O'Brian sends Parker Luciani and Jill Valentine to the ship, as it was reportedly the last known location of fellow agents Chris Redfield and Jessica Sherawat. Jill and Parker arrive at the ship and fight several t-Abyss mutants before finding Chris tied up behind a closed door. However, when they unlock it and enter, they discover that it is a mannequin decoy and are surprised and knocked out by a Veltro agent. Meanwhile, Chris and Jessica are in the mountains of Europe, where they find a Veltro base of operations on the Valkoinen Mökki airstrip.
However, just as they arrive, O'Brian finally contacts them and informs them that he sent Parker and Jill to the Mediterranean with false information and has since lost contact with them. Believing that Il Veltro has captured them, Chris and Jessica head to Queen Zenobia. On the boat, Jill and Parker wake up and regroup, eventually escaping to the bridge and finding FBC agent Raymond Vester, who immediately recognizes Parker's former co-worker. Raymondhe refuses to answer why the FBC is there and walks away from the two BSAA agents. Later, they find him again in a communications room. The calling equipment is destroyed, but they are able to view a broadcast from Il Veltro leader Jack Norman, threatening to infect one-fifth of the world's water supply with the t-Abyss virus.
O'Brian then sends agents Keith Lumley and Quint Cethcham to the airstrip to investigate Il Veltro's motives. On the ship, Jill and Parker set out to restore power. On her way, Jill encounters the now mutated Rachel Foley, whom she is forced to kill. She and Parker then find an elevator that takes them below the deck of the ship. Meanwhile, Keith and Quint arrive at the landing strip, where they find surveillance footage of invisible hunters, as well as a security token that will allow them to extract data from a nearby crashed cargo plane. Parker and Jill reach the engine room and restore power, but this causes water to quickly flood the room, trapping the couple.
Keith and Quint find the crashed plane, but are attacked by invisible hunters. They can defend themselves from attack and access the plane's data. Quint finds the ship's coordinates and sends the information to O'Brian, who passes it on to Chris and Jessica. The pair board the ship and begin searching for Parker and Jill. However, they discover that the ship is missing its fellow agents. They then discover that they are on Queen Zenobia's sister ship, the Queen Semiramis. On Zenobia, Parker and Jill are able to swim to safety and reach a communications tower to call O'Brian. He informs them that they were created, but he has to take another call where he is informed that the energy satellite used to destroy Terragrigia has been activated by the FBC and is targeting Queen Zenobia.
Quint helps Parker and Jill find and operate a UAV stored on the ship, which they can use to divert the satellite's guidance system. While the explosion misses the ship, it creates a giant wave that threatens to capsize the ship. Meanwhile, O'Brian speaks with FBC director Morgan Lansdale, who hints at his relationship with Il Veltro. Chris and Jessica arrive at the real Queen Zenobia, and inside, Parker and Jill confront Agent Veltro who was on the ship. He begins to reveal the secret behind the ship and Il Veltro, but Jessica shoots him, much to Chris' disappointment. They rush to unmask the agent and discover that he is none other than Raymond Vester.
He whispers something to Parker before apparently dying from his injuries. Chris and Jill then reunite to search for the virus and stop its spread, and Parker and Jessica look for a way to buy time by preventing the ship from sinking. Meanwhile, back in the mountains, Keith and Quint find evidence at the airfield proving that Veltro was never back in force after the Terragrigia incident, but rather that it was all a show orchestrated by O'Brian to convince Lansdale that Yeah. The FBC discovers his presence and orders a bomb attack on the airfield, which the two are able to prevent.
Chris and Jill arrive at the lab where the virus is kept and begin suppressing it. They are then contacted via videophone by Lansdale, who admits to having helped cause the Terragrigia incident in order to gain funding and influence for the FBC. Meanwhile, Parker pulls a gun on Jessica and reveals that Raymond informed him that she is a mole within BSAA working for Lansdale. At that moment, Raymond arrives and confirms that he survived the shot thanks to a Kevlar vest. Raymond proclaims that Jessica is attempting to activate the ship's self-destruct mechanism to destroy any evidence of Lansdale's corruption on the ship.
Jessica confirms these suspicions by grabbing her gun, shooting Parker, and triggering the self-destruct sequence. Raymond then runs after Jessica, leaving an injured Parker behind. Jill and Chris find Parker and Jill helps carry him across the ship. However, when a walkway breaks, she is unable to stop him from falling. As Chris helps try to lift him up, she eventually slips and falls into the fire below. Jill and Chris race to reach the ship's helipad to meet its extracted pilot, but the ship is attacked by a giant mutated creature. They are able to fight it and wait for a helicopter, which they board and use to kill the creature, which sinks the ship with it.
Chris and Jill then inform O'Brian of the situation, who reveals his conspiracy to trick Lansdale into revealing his affiliation with Il Veltro. He also reveals that before Kirk and Quint died, they discovered the existence of a third ship, the Queen Dido. Meanwhile, on the sinking ship, Raymond finds Parker and informs him that Jessica escaped the ship, before picking him up and helping him do the same. At BSAA headquarters, the FBC, led by Lansdale, arrive and arrest O'Brian, using his involvement in the new Il Veltro as a smokescreen to take him down. Chris and Jill then dive into the sea and enter the Queen Dido, finding Il Veltro leader Jack Norman inside.
However, they discover that he had injected himself with the t-Abyss virus a year earlier, but had resisted its mutation through sheer will. Jill obtains a disk containing recordings of her communications with Lansdale, but when they try to leave, she injects herself with even more viruses, transforming into the Tyrant "Final Form Abyss". The pair are able to fight and kill him, ending the real Il Veltro once and for all. Jill then transmits Norman's video of her communications with Lansdales that reveal his involvement in the terrorist attack behind Terragrigia. Seeing this, FBC agents immediately release O'Brian and arrest Lansdale.
The FBC is subsequently dissolved into the BSAA, which is reformed as an organization dependent on the United Nations. Parker is found and rescued on shore and rejoins the BSAA. O'Brian, however, resigns, knowing that his actions were inappropriate for his position. Raymond later gives a sample of the t-Abyss virus to Jessica, revealing that they had been secretly working together for TRICELL (a rival of Umbrella) to obtain the sample. Later that year, Claire Redfield, who now works for the human rights organization TerraSave, arrives at the Harvardville airport to meet her friend and niece Rani Chawla. Meanwhile, protests are breaking out over a t-virus outbreak in India, believed to have been caused by pharmaceutical company WilPharma's experiments with the virus on humans.
Suddenly, a T-Virus zombie attacks the airport and a full-blown outbreak occurs. In the midst of the confusion, Claire sees Curtis Miller, former WilPharma researcher, surprisingly calm. Suddenly, a plane landing with an infected passenger crashes at the airport. Claire is able to rescue Rani, as well as Senator Ron Davis and an unnamed airline employee, and the four of them head to a VIP lounge. As night falls, the city's Special Response Team and the US Marines close the airport and establish a quarantine for the escaped survivors. Leon S. Kennedy is sent to help two SRT members, Angela Miller and Greg Glenn, with the situation.
While the two initially ignore his advice, Leon ends up helping them infiltrate the airport, fight off several infected, and reach the survivors in the VIP lounge. The group manages to escape thanks to Leon and Claire's expertise, however, Greg is bitten and infected in the process. Outside, León calls his contact at US Field Operations Support, Ingrid Hannigan, who informs him that a member of terrorist leader Miguel Grandé's army has been captured, which is expected to lead to a link between the attack in India and the attack at the airport. . Meanwhile, a fleet of WilPharma trucks arrives, much to Claire's displeasure.
However, WilPharma researcher Frederic Downing arrives and claims that the trucks contain the t-Virus vaccine. Leon arrives and confirms that WilPharma's experiments in India were not the cause of the outbreak, but rather an attempt to stop it. Claire then feels remorse for TerraSave's hand in slowing down the creation and distribution of the vaccine that could have prevented the current outbreak. Moments later, the trucks explode, destroying what is revealed to be the entire vaccine stock. Believing this to be another bioterrorist attack, Frederic is sent back to WilPharma to check and make sure the raw data is safe. Claire remembers seeing Curtis Miller at the scene of the outbreak, prompting Angela (who reveals that Curtis is her brother) to take Leon to contact her brother at her house.
Claire then goes with Frederic to WilPharma. León and Angelia discover that Curtis has set fire to his house. Angela then takes a nearby photo, featuring Curtis and his late wife and daughter, who died in the Raccoon City outbreak. At WilPharma, Senator Davis calls Frederic to tell him not to show Claire what WilPharma is in possession of. However, he does not follow this order and reveals that WilPharma also has a sample of the G-virus that William Birkin created at Umbrella, intending to use it to create a similar vaccine. Frederic then leaves to check a server and Claire calls Leon and informs him about the discovery of the G-virus.
At that moment, Frederic calls the office phone to inform Claire that he discovered a time bomb and that she must leave. immediately. He then sees Curtis holding a briefcase before an explosion occurs at the facility. León and Ángela arrive and separate. Leon goes upstairs and finds Claire and tells her to find the escape elevator. Angela then finds Curtis, who injected himself with the G-virus sample, hoping to expose the truth about the Raccoon City incident, which the government covered up. The marines arrive and begin to invade Curtis, who transforms into a giant creature. Claire reaches the elevator and takes it to the facility's control room.
Leon reaches the main area and knocks down a scaffolding, crushing Curtis. Leon and Angela help the surviving Marines reach an elevator shaft as the facility begins spraying flammable liquid to initiate a self-destruct protocol. Curtis mutates once again and escapes from beneath the rubble, killing the last escaping Marines. Like Birkin before him, Curtis looks for someone who shares his DNA to help spread the virus, and turns his sights on Angela. León and Ángela then dive into a nearby puddle of water and escape the self-destruct explosion. They fall into a system of underground laboratories, where Curtis still stalks them.
León and Ángela separate, but Ángela drops the family photo, which Curtis sees, allowing her consciousness to regain some control so as not to kill her. He tells her to run before the lab falls to self-destruct, but she refuses. However, Leon arrives and grabs her to prevent her from falling just as the lab descends. Curtis uses his mutated tail to grab hold, but Leon shoots him one last time, sending him tumbling into the abyss. In the control room, Claire discovers that the facility's security system recorded the entire ordeal with Curtis and his mutation, before leaving to find Senator Davis arriving.
Claire then accuses him of being behind the terrorist attacks to create a reason for WilPharma to produce the vaccine in order to increase his stock, in which he had an investment. Leon then arrives and reveals that the terrorist the FBI captured finally spoke, revealing that the real mastermind behind the outbreaks was Frederic, who faked his death for Claire so he could escape with the T-virus, the vaccine, and the information about the G-virus. to sell it to General Grandé. Leon, Claire and Angela arrive at the location scheduled for the transfer and arrest Frederic, preventing the virus from reaching the hands of the terrorists.
The next day, Leon, Claire and Angela meet for the last time. Leon reveals that Frederic was actually a former Umbrella researcher in Raccoon City, who escaped with the viruses before their destruction. Leon then leaves in a military helicopter and Claire reunites with Rani and her aunt. Later, Senator Davis dies in his office and an unknown entity deletes all of his files on viruses and pharmaceutical companies from his computer. TRICELL, who is revealed to have purchased what was left of WilPharma, then arrives at the facility and collects the severed tip of Curtis's mutated tail. The following year, TerraSave sends Claire to a UN refugee camp in the Republic of Penamstan, which has been devastated by the country's civil war, which has come to an end.
There she meets a young man who gives her a drawing that represents a kind of B.O.W. outbreak, which led her to wonder what happened in the country. Meanwhile, Leon S. Kennedy, who recently prevented a terrorist incident in Pittsburgh, travels to the White House to join a group of three agents. These agents include a rookie named Patrick and two army veterans who served in Penamstan, Mad Dogs member Jason and radio operator Shen May. President Graham and his assistant Ryan meet with the trio of agents while they wait for Leon and assign them the task of investigating a cyberattack in which an unknown individual accessed highly sensitive classified information.
Believing this to be an inside job, the group is instructed to inspect everyone who was at the facility in the past 24 hours. When León arrives, the power suddenly goes out. Patrick goes to investigate andHe finds Press Secretary Spacer, who had been attacked in the dark. Spacer then goes into cardiac arrest before waking up, apparently infected, and attacking Patrick. Leon arrives just in time to protect him and the pair return to the Oval Office. Fearing an outbreak inside the White House, the team focuses on getting the president into a bunker for safety. Once there, Patrick is tasked with protecting the president while they wait for reinforcements, while the other three head out to confront the zombie threat.
After the mostly infected White House staff are cleared, the US military arrives to clean up the bodies and cover up the incident, at President Graham's request. Then, Claire Redfield arrives at the White House looking for the press secretary. When she shrugs, she sees Leon and shows him the drawing the boy from Penamstan gave her. She is not able to think much about it, as Jason, whom Claire recognizes as the "hero of Penamstan", calls out to him. The US Defense Intelligence Agency determines that the hacked files concerned a bioresearch facility in Shanghai. President Graham then decides to secretly send Leon, Jason, and Shen May there on a stealth submarine to look for evidence about the hacking and viral attack on the White House.
Meanwhile, Claire decides to investigate the situation in Penamstam and discovers that it was believed that the United States only intervened in the civil war to try to gain a foothold in China. She also learns that seven of the surviving members of the "Mad Dogs" team returned home, but five of them committed suicide, leaving only two Mad Dogs remaining: Jason and one other. As Leon and Jason ponder Penamstan and Raccoon City (arguing about whether bombing the latter was the right decision), the submarine suddenly shakes. The two then run to the bridge to investigate and find the crew dead.
Leon then searches the submarine while Jason and Shen May stand next to the ship's Advanced SEAL Delivery System mini-sub. There, the two agents find the surviving crew and, after informing them of a possible infection, close the hatch before suddenly murdering the crew. Leon then comes across more dead bodies, with B.O.W. of mutated rat buried inside them. When the submarine's self-destruct sequence is activated, Leon flees from the rats to reach the ASDS. When he catches up to him, Shen May holds him at gunpoint, but Jason stops her before the three escape the submarine just before it explodes.
Some time later, the three arrive at a safe house in Shanghai. Unaware, Leon sarcastically asks Jason to tell him about the mission, but the man reveals that he and Shen May are looking for something else entirely: something that will expose a US government conspiracy. Jason tries to appeal to Leon by reminding him of how the government ran Raccoon City, but Leon refuses to help him. The pair then break out into a fight, with Leon getting the upper hand and shooting Jason. Shen May then runs off and Leon chases after her. Elsewhere, Claire Redfield locates the other surviving member of the Mad Dogs, but as she investigates her house, she discovers that it was too late.
There, she discovers broken vials on the ground and a much more shocking sight: a man leaning on a chair with his head blown off by an apparent gunshot. Investigating the house, she finds a hidden suicide before calling the police to inform them of the body. Meanwhile, Shen May arrives at her family's mansion on the outskirts of Shanghai. There, she meets her grandfather Yu En, who has been caring for Jun See and trying to find a cure for her infection. Leon follows her and holds them at gunpoint, forcing Shen May to reveal the truth behind her and Jason's past and current mission to expose Wilson, now Secretary of Defense, as the one behind the deployment of B.O.W. in Penamstan.
Leon then determines that Wilson must also have been behind the outbreak at the White House, which forced Jason to organize to start a war with China. Shen May then reveals that Wilson had a chip implanted in her super soldier test subjects, which she thought were destroyed. However, since Jun See was smuggled without his knowledge, Yu En was able to extract the chip from his body and gives it to Shen May. Suddenly, the mansion is hit by a bombing. Leon and Shen May narrowly survive, as the others are killed when the roof collapses. Meanwhile, Wilson and President Graham prepare a speech for the upcoming Penamstan peace accords.
At Wilson's urging, the speech includes blaming China for the hack, the White House bombing, and the submarine explosion. As they prepare to leave, Claire arrives at the White House and approaches Wilson about his involvement with the Mad Dogs unit, informing him that she found a note from one of them who committed suicide. He just ignores her and continues. Back in the ruins of the mansion, he Leon retrieves the chip, which Shen May asks him to give him so he can expose Wilson. León initially refuses, because he doesn't want her to put herself in danger. He then realizes that Jason, who does not want justice but to spread the terror that his men saw in Penamstan, must still be alive and that he was also the cause of the explosion that destroyed the mansion.
Meanwhile, Claire returns to her motel room, where Wilson's agents attack and capture her. Some time later, as the president prepares for his speech, Leon calls Patrick to convey a message to Graham, knowing that their history together will make him trustworthy. Claire then wakes up to find herself held captive by Wilson in his super soldier experiment lab, who attempts to buy her silence with a charitable donation to TerraSave. Unsurprisingly, she refuses and he instead reveals her master plan. It turns out that her main goal is to get the United States to take a firm stance against China so that its army can be stationed in Penamstan.
Next, he plans to provide his "super soldier" virus to the area's armies, creating a market for his inhibitor and thus making incredible profits. Wilson's speech is interrupted by Jason, whom Claire and the Secretary immediately recognize. Jason then rejects the inhibitor, preferring to let it transform him into a powerful B.O.W. before he quickly bites Wilson, infecting him with his own creation. Leon and Shen May arrive just as the facility detects a malicious bioweapon, initiating its "sterilization" security system to dump all other test subjects into a rising pool of acid. Shen May tries to plead with the mutated Jason to follow through with his plan of using the chip to expose Wilson, but he chooses to reveal his own mutated form to the public to make them afraid.
Jason, losing control over humanity, kills Shen May. Meanwhile, President Graham is about to approach his podium to give the speech, but Patrick stops him and hands him Leon's message. Knowing that China was simply created by Wilson, Graham gives an impromptu speech with a much more hopeful tone. As Jason heads toward the surface, Leon notices Claire and rushes to save her from the rising acid. After doing so, the pair work together to stop the B.O.W., Leon finding a rocket launcher while Claire attempts to throw Jason into the acid using the facility's controls. When both their plans fail, Leon is forced to fight the beast one-on-one, before he can pull a lever that collapses the section of the facility they are in, sending Jason into the acid while holding on to a hook for added security.
Leon then finds the remains of Jason, who speaks his last words, warning that Leon will be forced to spread the fear he has witnessed. The last remains of the man fall into the acid, killing him forever. Leon then returns to the surface to ensure the President boards Air Force One safely, while Patrick praises him for being a hero. Elsewhere, Wilson is still alive, but severely infected. One of his agents then provides him with the inhibitor, which arrives in a case emblazoned with a logo that says "TRICELL." Later, Claire and Leon meet outside the White House and she asks him to give her the chip so she can expose corruption within the government.
Leon refuses, however, and the couple agrees to disagree and go their separate ways to handle things as each sees fit. As she walks away from her, Claire notices that Leon's current "outfit" doesn't fit him. That same year, the BSAA receives information about the location of Umbrella founder Oswell E. Spencer. Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield are sent to capture Spencer, as well as to search for potential information on Albert Wesker's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Wesker is at the mansion talking to Spencer. The old man reveals that Wesker was actually manufactured as part of the advanced "Wesker" children, of which Albert was created to be the most powerful.
Wesker then powerfully impales Spencer with his hand, killing him on the spot. While Chris and Jill discover that Spencer's security is dead, they are forced to fight their way through mutated creatures and mansion traps before finding Wesker, standing over Spencer's corpse. The pair fight the powerful enemy, but he evades their attacks, capturing Chris and nearly killing him before Jill sacrifices herself and launches herself at Wesker, sending them through a window and off a nearby cliff, leading to Chris to helplessly watch his companion fall and die. . Three years later, Chris Redfield is sent to Kijuju, Africa, to meet with Sheva Alomar of the West Africa branch of the BSAA.
The two then head off to find a B.O.W. from the black market. smuggler named Ricardo Irving. However, they quickly discover that most of the city's inhabitants have been infected by a new type of plague. The two fight their way through the infected citizens of Kijuju, called Majini, before finding the only surviving member of the BSAA Alpha Team: Captain DeChant. DeChant informs them that Irving set them up, resulting in the death of the rest of Alpha Team. He then hands over a data drive containing files he stole before succumbing to his wounds and dying. Shortly after, Chris and Sheva are surrounded by Majini, who arrive on motorcycles, but are saved by the BSAA Delta team, led by Captain Josh Stone.
Josh gives Chris a memory card with more information, including a photo of Jill Valentine. Finally, Chris and Sheva find and corner Irving. However, before they can capture him, a masked figure bursts through the window and helps him escape, unleashing a B.O.W. to distract the couple. They defeat him and Dave Johnson, a member of Team Delta, shows up to transport them to a rendezvous with Team Delta and follow Irving to an oil field. However, when they reach the rendezvous point, Johnson finds the rest of Delta Team dead and, while he controls one of them, he himself is killed by another B.O.W. giant, which Chris and Sheva can later defeat.
Chris and Sheva are ordered to return to headquarters, but Chris, believing Jill to be alive, refuses and hopes to find her. Sheva agrees to help and the pair head to the oil field, passing through an area of ​​peat bogs on the way. There they discover a town with more infected inhabitants, as well as a couple of tents adorned with the TRICELL logo. At the oil field, Chris and Sheva find Josh, who narrowly survived the attack on the Delta team. They then find Irving and the masked figure, who escape on a boat and cause the facility to explode.
Josh gets his own boat from him and the trio escapes when the oil field explodes. They then reach Irving's ship, and he injects himself with the dominant species plague to mutate into a giant aquatic creature, which Chris and Sheva eventually defeat. As he lies dying on the ship, he blames his lack of power on Excella Gionne, director of TRICELL's West Africa division. She also mentions a new virus called Uroboros and instructs Chris to search a nearby cave for the answers she seeks. Josh takes Chris and Sheva to the cave, then leaves them to return to BSAA and hopefully get reinforcements.
Meanwhile, Excella and Wesker discuss the development of the Uroboros virus, which has now reached its conclusion. She also administers a serum to Wesker to keep the virus stable in his body. Chris and Sheva make their way through an underground civilization in the cave and eventually find a mysterious flower called the "Ladder of the Sun." Nearby, Chris sees the Umbrella logo and they find a former Umbrella research facility that has since been taken over by TRICELL. There, they discover that the flower is the source of the Progenitor virus and, in turn, is the genesis of all of Umbrella's biological weapons.
The pair head to a cylindrical room filled with capsules containing test subjects, which they had seen in photographs with Jill. Chris then uses a computer to discover which module contains his former partner. They are attacked by a giant plague-infected creature, but are able to defeat it and find the capsule containing Jill. However, when it opens, Chris is disappointed to find that it is empty. They are then called by Excella, who orders them to leave, revealing that she was the one who pressured the BSAA to request their evacuation. The pair then continue towards the laboratory and finally find Excella and the figuremasked in person.
Excella then releases an Uroboros-infected test subject to them, which they are forced to kill. Deep in the caves, the pair find Excella again. Again, they are interrupted by the masked figure, who Chris is able to shoot, removing his mask. This prompts the arrival of Wesker, much to Chris's surprise. Wesker then pulls down the masked girl's hood, revealing her to be a brainwashed Jill. Wesker proclaims that he only has seven minutes to spend "playing" with Chris, and then hands the task to Jill. She tries to free herself from his control, but Wesker activates the device that delivers the chemical P30 that causes it.
He then opens his jumpsuit and reveals the device. Chris and Sheva fight Jill, incapacitating her enough to remove the device from her chest. Jill, now back to her normal self, encourages the pair to leave her and stop Wesker from administering Uroboros across the world. Chris objects, but Jill asks him to trust her, and he and Sheva leave her behind her as they enter a nearby elevator. On the surface, Chris and Sheva see a cargo ship, which Wesker and Excella board. The couple can also board the ship secretly, before it leaves the dock. Jill faints, but she is rescued by Josh, who had entered the caves looking for Chris and Sheva after seeing a ship leave.
He then takes Jill to catch a helicopter outside to pursue the couple. On the boat, Chris and Sheva find Excella with two briefcases. She runs away, but drops one in the process. Sheva then picks it up and notices that there is Wesker's serum inside of it. They chase her and eventually find her once again, only this time she has been infected by Uroboros. Wesker then calls from an intercom and reveals his intention to infect the world with the virus so he can rule a new race of humans. Excella screams, disappointed at not being able to rule alongside her, as leeches sprout from her body, killing her and consuming a nearby pile of corpses.
Chris and Sheva then summon a satellite laser attack to destroy the giant creature before it sinks the ship. Then, they get a call from Jill and Josh. Jill informs Chris about Wesker's secret: the virus inside him that causes his superhuman abilities. She then mentions that an overdose of the serum she found Sheva would act to weaken Wesker's abilities. The pair finally reach Wesker and prepare to board a plane containing the virus. He attacks them, overpowering them with ease. However, Chris manages to subdue him and Sheva injects him with a large dose of the serum. While this stops his attack, he is still able to board his plane and take off.
Chris and Sheva pursue him on foot and manage to board the plane as it takes off. A fight ensues on the plane, where Chris is able to inject Wesker with another dose of the serum. This causes him to fall out of the plane and it lands on an island with an active volcano. There, Chris and Sheva exit the plane and discover that Wesker survived the fall. Refusing to abandon his plan, Wesker pierces one of the plane's Uroboros missiles, becoming infected with a massive dose of the virus. Chris and Sheva are separated in the ensuing fight, but Chris is able to hit a rock to create a path so they can reunite and fight the mutated Wesker.
After a last stand, Chris is able to shoot Wesker's exposed weak point hard enough to knock him into the volcano. Josh and Jill arrive in the escape helicopter and drop a ladder on Chris and Sheva. However, as they finish climbing it, Wesker emerges from the lava and, in a last act of desperation, grabs the helicopter with his mutated arm. Chris and Sheva then shoot him simultaneously with a rocket launcher each, ultimately killing Albert Wesker. The four then fly off into the sunset and Chris recognizes that their fight is worth it. The following year, Rebecca Chambers took up a temporary teaching position at the University of Philosophy of Western Australia.
Another teacher at the school, Bethany, expresses her concern about the university's missing students, and Rebecca runs off to discuss this with the university's founder, Ezra Sennett. In his office, a local detective named Barrington Meyer confronts Rebecca about her visit to the local fossil museum, but she dismisses it as an extracurricular interest. She leaves the room, but overhears Meyer taking a bribe from Ezra to keep his investigation to a minimum. When Rebecca leaves, she meets up with student Mary Gray and professor Dr. Liam Howard before an outbreak occurs. Bethany and Rebecca coordinate the evacuation of the students, and during this, Rebecca notices a man who looks like Tyler Howard (a former police officer she met during an outbreak in St.
Cloud, Minnesota). Chris Redfield, now in charge of training new recruits for the BSAA, is sent with his top recruit, Piers Nivans, to deal with the outbreak at the university. There, they meet with Sophie Home, agent of the Oceania branch of the BSAA, and the team meets with Becca and Barrington. Chris takes charge of the situation and sends Sophie and Barrington to clear the east wing, while he takes Rebecca and Piers to clear the west wing. Not trusting Barrington, Chris takes his revolver and gives him a gun that secretly has no ammunition. Now separated, Rebecca reveals to Chris that she knows Ezra is bribing Barrington and that he could be involved in the outbreak.
She also reveals her suspicion that Dr. Howard may also be involved, after investigating the fossil museum, which he runs. As they leave, it is revealed that Tyler was watching them from behind a staircase. In Ezra's office, she speaks with Howard, as well as his secretary and adopted son Matthew Russel. Ezra reveals that he hired Dr. Howard to study the virus and create a strain that could mutate anyone to become more intelligent. However, Howard used the university and its resources to conduct research on bioorganic weapons. crisThe team arrives at the fossil museum hoping to find Howard. However, instead they find bumbling security officer Posh Brown, who explains that Howard ordered her to close the museum before going somewhere else.
They then instruct Brown to show them how to get to Howard's research lab, but as he does so, a zombie attacks him and bites his leg, which he lies about. Mary, trapped in an AV room with another student, Lucas Butler, calls Rebecca to open the fire shutters and allow another student named Olivia Price into the room. However, Olivia had not yet arrived at the room, but Mary wanted to get out of it to go look for her. Outside, Lucas is forced to kill the infected Bethany. Post then closes the door again and leads the group to Howard's office while Tyler follows close behind.
Meanwhile, Sophie talks to Barrington, who points her gun at her. He reveals that he hopes the BSAA fails so that the police department, paid by Ezra, will cover up the whole situation. Sophie manages to retrieve the gun from her, but when Barrington is attacked by a zombie, she discovers that he has no bullets. Piers arrives and kills the zombie, and Barrington escapes. However, he returns with his own gun and points it at Piers. The two then fight hand-to-hand, until they are interrupted by another zombie attack, from which they are saved by Tyler, who proclaims that Dr.
Howard did nothing before leaving, allowing Barrington to escape as well. At that moment, Mary and Lucas join Sophie and Piers. Mary convinces the two to help them look for Olivia, but she stays behind and texts Olivia to get her location. Meanwhile, Chris, Rebecca and Posh are at the fossil museum where they find the “Irish Giant”, the remains of a man discovered a century ago and recently transported to the university to be researched by Dr. Howard. They are attacked by zombies, but Posh closes a fire door and leaves them outside. Chris then finds a hidden safe room and the trio goes in to inspect it.
Inside, they find data related to viruses and Umbrella's research. Chris then questions why Rebecca was initially investigating Dr. Howard, and she reveals that he was, in fact, Tyler's father. She also reveals that Tyler died 5 years ago in the St. Cloud incident, after he showed her PDA containing information on former Umbrella researchers, including her father. When she discovered that his father worked at the university, she accepted a job there to investigate him further. As he finishes telling his story, Barrington arrives and takes Rebecca hostage. He leaves with her, threatening her life if the BSAA allows information about the outbreak to leak.
As they leave, they see Mary just as she springs a trap, causing the roof to fall, which Chris and Posh barely escape. Meanwhile, Lucas realizes that Mary is no longer with the group, but Sophie and Piers continue on. Chris and Posh meet in Howard's lab, and Tyler arrives, points his gun at Chris, and takes the data he found. Tyler reveals that he was recruited by the US government to become a special agent and demands that Chris leave the situation to him. This sparks a fight between the two, in which Chris reveals that they know of Tyler's father's hand in the academy outbreak.
Tyler denies that his father could be responsible and instead blames Umbrella and ultimately submits to helping Chris uncover the truth, with the intention of clearing his father's name. Tyler then remembers a conversation he had with Mary recently in which she proclaimed that Dr. Howard would "reset" the world. Piers and Sophie arrive, accompanied by Lucas, and catch up. Posh then finds Howard's identification system. Tyler is able to use it and the shutters open revealing the missing students in tubes, experimenting on them and turning them into zombies. Lucas is surprised to discover that Olivia is one of the experiments.
The group then fights their way to escape through a group of zombies, but Lucas is bitten trying to calm Olivia down. Initially distraught when Olivia is among the zombies being shot, he turns around and attempts to shoot himself, but is unable to do so before the virus takes hold of him. He goes to attack Sophie, but Piers kills him and protects her from her. The pair then escape with Chris. Elsewhere, Tyler finds Mary, who mourns the loss of her friends before walking away from her when Chris, Sophie, Piers and Posh arrive. Posh's leg is too bad to continue, so Sophie offers to stay behind to protect him so the others can go find Rebecca.
Meanwhile, Rebecca and Dr. Howard are held captive by Barrington. He explains that he was forced to work with Umbrella after their funds were frozen to provide income to support Tyler. He then continued researching the T-virus, experimenting on fossils to hopefully find a way to resurrect Tyler. However, as he was unable to find Tyler's body, he shifted his focus toward bioweapons research. Rebecca proclaims that she saw Tyler alive, breaks free, and promises to take him back to his father. She escapes from it, and Barrington sees her and chases after her. Ezra then tries to explain his motives to Matthew: that a more intelligent race would no longer need to fight each other.
Matthew disagrees, believing that without any purpose to evolve, humans would suffer more. Meanwhile, Rebecca finds Sophie and Posh and tries to cure him with herbs and a first aid spray. However, her virus takes over and she begs Sophie to kill him; a favor she is forced to grant. Barrington then catches up and holds the two women at gunpoint. He offers them one last chance to help in the cover-up and receive payment, but they deny the offer. Barrington pulls his gun to shoot them, but Posh, not quite dead, lunges and bites the detective, causing him to turn into a zombie almost immediately.
Sophie shoots and eventually kills him before thanking Posh and putting him out of his misery for good. In Ezra's office, Matthew hangs himself after his argument with his adoptive father and Dr. Howard is preparing to kill him. However, Chris, Piers and Tyler arrive and stop him. Howard admits to having created a new strain of the T-virus through his experiments with the Irish Giant fossil, but Ezra is able to distract Howard, grabs the case with the virus and escapes. Tyler then confronts his father, who releases a new Tyrant infected with his strain. The three fight the Tyrant while Howard sneaks away to observe and gather data on the battle.
Tyler and Chris distract the giant, and Piers is able to shoot him to defeat him, much to Howard's disappointment. He then injects himself with the virus as a last ditch effort, forcing Tyler to shoot and kill his father. Rebecca and Sophie reunite with the group, and Tyler finds a letter written by his father apologizing for his actions and revealing something about Mary Gray that he can't finish reading before she arrives and takes Rebecca hostage. gun point. Mary reveals that she is not truly human, but the result of an experiment conducted by her father, another Umbrella researcher, and Dr.
Howard, who injected her with the T-virus to hopefully cure her fatal blood disease. . This treatment worked, but required constant treatment of the virus administered by Howard. Because of this, Mary considered Howard a father figure and becomes angry at Tyler for killing him. She also admits that she was the one who led Howard into his plan to "reboot" the world with his bioweapons. Chris is able to reason with her and take her gun from her, but she stillshe resists and engages in hand-to-hand combat, enhanced by the virus within her. The battle moves to the rooftop and Tyler is able to talk to Mary, who realizes that her real anger lies in the fact that Lucas chose Olivia over her.
She then asks the group if she can start over and Tyler answers yes. She thanks them and says that she will now reboot before mutating into a giant creature. The team fights the creature, before Rebecca arrives with a rocket launcher, which Chris shoots at her, leaving nothing but the memory of Mary Gray. Chris then thanks Tyler for her help and gives him the letter her father left him. Sophie then gives Piers her number and they leave her behind to return to BSAA and face the next threat together. Meanwhile, Ezra runs off with the virus sample and finds Mary's disembodied arm next to an umbrella full of bullets.
He grabs her arm and apologizes to her for making her the way she was, before promising her that he will move on and start her new world for them. Just then, the briefcase begins to beep, leaving Ezra's future unknown. A year later, Claire Redfield attends a party at TerraSave headquarters, where she meets her new partner: Moira Burton (the eldest daughter of former STARS officer Barry Burton). Neil Fisher then pulls Claire aside and informs her about a possible new virus in Washington. Suddenly, the power goes out in the building and he is assaulted by a group of masked assailants who capture Claire, Moira, and several other TerraSave members.
When Claire wakes up, she finds herself in an old prison with a mysterious bracelet on her wrist. She is able to reunite with Moira, and when they try to escape, the two find themselves surrounded by mutated humans. As they move through the prison, an unknown woman begins quoting poetry to them through devices on their wrists. Using clever teamwork, the pair manage to escape from the prison and are once again contacted by the woman, who refers to herself as the "Supervisor." The two then head to a radio tower, which Claire climbs to discover that they are on an unknown island.
Moira then sends a distress call to whoever she can hear. Claire and Moira then continue searching the island and eventually find their fellow TerraSave members, Gabe Chávez and Pedro Fernández, inside an abandoned saloon. The group searches the city for parts to repair a nearby helicopter to escape, before the Overseer activates a siren in the city to attract more monsters. Claire is able to turn off the siren, but Pedro is overtaken by monsters, causing enormous fear. The supervisor then informs them that they have all been injected with a new "t-Phobos virus" that reacts to fear, and Pedro mutates into a giant monster, from which Claire runs away.
She sees Neil Fisher outside her and he helps her and Moira escape from her through a sewer system. On the other side of the tunnel, Claire notices a giant tower in the distance. Assuming that the Overseer must be there, she directs the group in that direction. Eventually, they are forced to part ways with Neil, who distracts a group of monsters to allow Claire and Moira to escape. As they move through the city, Claire and Moira find a girl with a teddy bear and a bracelet (albeit different) of her own. The girl, Natalia Korda, a survivor of the Terragrigia incident, joins them and they arrive at the tower.
As they approach, Gabriel arrives in the now working helicopter, however the Overseer sabotages the controls, causing the helicopter to spin out of control, triggering Gabe's fear and mutation before crashing into the helicopter. soil and kill it; and in the confusion, Natalia disappears. At the tower entrance, Claire finds a note directing them to the nearby factory. There, they solve various puzzles until the factory finally explodes, throwing them into a canal leading to the tower. Inside the sewer system connected to the canal, they find an elderly native of the island named Evgeny Rebic who, although he refuses to help them, allows them to pass through the sewers.
At the other end they reach the tower, and inside they find an office with a list of the TerraSave employees Neil had at the party, now with several names crossed out. Moira then sees a picture of Neil on a monitor and an off-screen supervisor approaches him. In her conversation, it is revealed that Neil was behind the capture of TerraSave, as Morgan Lansdale of the FBC hand-picked him to carry out his vision. He then worked with the Overseer to create a new terrorist threat that would hopefully justify the reestablishment of the FBC. The Overseer scolds him for his foolishness and injects him with the virus.
Claire and Moira find Neil, just as he begins to mutate from the virus. He overpowers Claire, and Moira is forced to grab her gun, something she was afraid to use ever since she accidentally shot her sister Polly with one of her father's guns when she was a child. Moira overcomes her fear and shoots Neil dead, saving Claire in the process. Meanwhile, the supervisor observes Natalia, whom he has strapped to a machine with some kind of mechanism in her head. The Overseer proclaims that in six months, the girl will wake up like her, revealing that the machine's purpose is to transport the Overseer's consciousness into the girl's body.
Claire and Moira find the Overseers' office, including all the controls and surveillance feeds on the island, and as they pass they finally find the Overseer herself, separated from them by an impenetrable barrier. She delivers a soliloquy, mentioning how her “brother” died, and now she will share her fate before being resurrected as a god. She then pulls out a gun and shoots herself in the head, causing the tower to self-destruct. The two then begin running to escape the ruined tower, and Moira sacrifices herself to save Claire before being crushed under a pile of rubble, forcing Claire to leave her behind and jump into the waters off the island. .
They later find Claire and take her to an intensive care unit. Moira's father, Barry Burton, arrives to ask Claire if Moira was with her. Claire apologizes to Barry and tells him that he did everything he could, but Moira couldn't do it. Some time later, Moira is found and rescued by Evgeny. She asks him to help her find a way to leave the island, but he refuses and offers to give her shelter and teach her to forage for food to fend for herself on the island. However, after six months, the monsters on the island become too unmanageable, causing food to become scarce.
As they begin hoarding food, Evgeny finds evidence that his daughter, Irina, was injected with the virus and had since died on the island. This gives the old man closure, and he locks himself away to die alone from a deadly illness he suffered from. Meanwhile, Natalia wakes up in a strange room. Escaping the contraption, she encounters another version of herself, dressed in dark clothing. Upset about not being able to find her bear, Lottie, the dark version of Natalia offers to help her find him. After being guided by the dark version of her through various locations on the island, Natalia finds Lottie.
However, Lottie is revealed to be a fake, and the dark version of her is revealed to be the Overseer's conscience, using Lottie as a ruse to try to take over Natalia. The dark Natalia disappears and Natalia finds herself on a beach, watching a boat arrive. The ship docks and Barry Burton emerges, not giving up on the search for his lost daughter. He finds Natalia and agrees to take her with him. Barry discovers that somehow, Natalia is able to detect the mutants on the island, and the two use this ability to get through it, ultimately killing the mutated Pedro Fernández.
They proceed to reach the tower, now abandoned, and inside they find a portrait of a man and a woman. Barry immediately recognizes the man as Albert Wesker and Natalia informs him that the woman is Alex Wesker, the only surviving member of the project that created the Wesker children. Suddenly, Alex appears, now severely mutated, revealing that her suicide had not gone as planned: in the moments between the gunshot and the bullet passing through her brain, an immense fear took over her, unleashing her t-virus. Phobos and allowing it to survive. albeit in a mutated form. She tells Barry that she has killed Moira, before summoning several creatures to kill him.
She is able to shoot the ceiling and collapse it on Wesker and the monsters, allowing him and Natalia to escape. Barry believes he can't save his own daughter and vows to protect Natalia from Alex. Soon, they come across the sewers and find Evgeny's dead body inside his room. There they also find Moira's cell phone, with a recorded message for Barry while she was trapped under the rubble. Barry then vows to kill Wesker for what he had done to Moira. However, after the pair pass through a mine, Alex catches up to them and throws Barry off a cliff.
He then expresses anger that her copied consciousness has not yet taken over Natalia and begins to strangle her. However, when Natalia opens her eyes, Alex sees something inside them that makes her flee in fear. Natalia, visibly changed, finds Barry and begins guiding him through places she has never been. Eventually, the two reach Alex in her underground lair, and she injects herself with a massive dose of the Uroboros virus, mutating into a giant tentacled creature. The two fight, but Barry is unable to stop Alex from capturing Natalia. However, Moira appears, having found Barry's badge outside of it, and shoots Alex to give Barry a chance to grab Natalia and take her out of the facility.
Alex gives chase, but just in time, Claire arrives in a helicopter armed with a sniper rifle. Moira and Natalia board the helicopter and Barry stays on the ground to confront Alex. Together, Claire and Barry weaken the mutated creature before Claire, mirroring her brother's destruction of Albert Wesker, shoots Alex with a rocket, destroying her once and for all. Barry survives the explosion and joins the group in the helicopter as they fly back home, leaving the BSAA to clean up the island. Barry then reveals his intention to adopt Natalia and raise her as one of his own. Not long after, Leon S.
Kennedy is taken from his vacation to sneak onto the battlefield of a civil war occurring in the Eastern Slavic Republic to investigate reports that B.O.W.s are being used. However, as soon as he arrives, he receives a call from his field support, Ingrid Hunnigan, informing him that the United States government has ordered the evacuation of all of his forces. Somewhat annoying but also determined to clean up any B.O.W. presence, León ignores the order and goes out to search on his behalf. León finally finds his CIA contact, but discovers that he is seriously injured.
He is able to say the word "Beekeeper" before a Licker B.O.W. attack and finish. Leon flees from the Licker, but is eventually trapped with the Licker about to kill him. However, he stops at the order of a man who appears and captures him while he loses consciousness. When he awakens, León finds himself in a basement, being interrogated by members of the rebel forces: JD, Alexander Kozachenko (known as Buddy), and Ivan Judanovich (the group's hetman). Soon, the group is discovered by the East Slavic army and is forced to escape, allowing Leon to free himself.
Ataman then falls ill and asks Buddy to kill him before he turns around, which he reluctantly complies. He then tells JD to go to a nearby church while he heads to the surface. Meanwhile, the President of the East Slavic Republic, Svetlana Belikova, meets with Ada Wong, who is posing as a representative of the BSAA. Ada introduces the dominant species Plague and explains that a human infected with it will have a master-slave relationship with B.O.W. minors, very similar to a queen bee with her workers. Elsewhere, Leon follows JD and the pair are attacked by Plaga-infected zombies.
This leads Leon to conclude that the rebels are using the dominant species of Plague parasites that allow them to control the Lickers, unaware of the side effect of turning them into mutated hosts of the parasite. JD takes Leon to the church and asks him to stop Buddy, who is out for revenge after the Easter Slav army bombed a school and killed his fiancée. León meets with Ada, initially blaming her for releasing the Plagas he stole seven years ago. She denies this, but confirms that his current mission is to recover a new East Slavic sample.
She then leaves and warns León that the city will be bombed soon. Upon returning to the church, León discovers that he has been attacked by Ganados, with JD being the only survivor. Buddy arrives, much to JD's delight, but just as he does, JD begins to mutate, having been infected during the previous battle. Leon reluctantly shoots JD and turns to ask Buddy to give him the Plague. Buddy refuses, seeing it as a necessary tool in the war game, when suddenly the city is bombed, causing the roof of the church to collapse, allowing Buddy to flee.
Meanwhile, Svetlana is informed that Ada is lying about being part of the BSAA. When Ada arrives to speak with the president, he confronts her about her lie, leading to a hand-to-hand battle between the two. When Ada tries to escape the room, the exits close and it is revealed that theroom works like an elevator that begins to descend underground. León arrives at the Capital and discovers that it is being attacked by several Lickers, indicating the arrival of Buddy and the use of the Plagas. León finds the elevator shaft and goes down it. Meanwhile, Ada awakens to find herself hanging in captivity.
She is able to use a knife hidden in her heel to free herself and escapes to find Leon inside a "hive"-like structure, containing the first cultivated samples of the dominant Plaga species. Svetlana appears, surrounded by her army, and Ada escapes in a screen of smoke, leaving Leon in charge of the soldiers. Buddy then arrives with his attack Lickers, who eliminate the soldiers. Svetlana then taunts Buddy behind bulletproof glass, before unleashing her ace in the hole, two Tyrants. She then rides another elevator, leaving Leon and Buddy to fight the Tyrants. Now forced to team up, the pair attempt to fight the Tyrants, but are overpowered and forced to flee.
They apparently find freedom when they enter a freight elevator, but the Tyrants stop it, forcing the pair to climb through the car's hatch. The weight of the Tyrants causes the elevator to fall into the abyss, while Buddy jumps towards Leon, who catches him, allowing the two to climb a ladder to the surface. Outside, the two men encounter another Tyrant, whom they are forced to fight. Buddy commandeers a nearby tank and drives it toward the Tyrant, and Leon mans its cannon. Unable to get a firm shot, Buddy controls a Licker to distract the monster, allowing Leon to shoot him in the face, decapitating and destroying him.
However, his victory is short-lived, as the two Tyrants from the basement arrive. Leon helps Buddy escape, knowing that he is the only one who can reveal Svetlana's cultivation of Plagas. Running out of ammunition, Leon prepares to engage the Tyrants in hand-to-hand combat, before US Air Force fighters quickly power them up and arrive to protect Leon. Svetlana later gives a press conference blaming the rebels for the events in the city, but is quickly informed that they are being attacked by both American and Russian military forces, intervening in the civil war and occupying the region, which led to to Svetlana's death. resignation.
Elsewhere, Buddy and Leon watch American and Russian forces march toward the capital and both feel used by the political machine. Knowing that the Plague will catch up with him, Buddy asks Leon to kill him, before shooting himself. Leon stops him and tells him that he owes it to those who died to continue living, even if it means losing the use of his limbs. He then shoots Buddy in the spinal cord, killing the Plague attached to her, allowing him to live. Later, León speaks with Hunnigan, who insists that the United States knew nothing about Plaga's situation, while León remains doubtful.
Ada then calls her employer, unsure whether to give her the Plaga, even after her potential buyer offers to quash an international arrest warrant against her. After the dust settles on the town, Buddy returns to his former life as a schoolteacher, confined to a wheelchair, but ultimately content. The following year, Merah Biji, BSAA agent in the Far East, informs Chris and Piers that their mutual friend and BSAA advisor, Professor Doug Wright, has disappeared. The two find out that he had gone with her nephew to the Marhawa school in Asia and the BSAA visits her. There, they discover that the school has already been the victim of an outbreak, but they find one survivor: Professor Wright's nephew, Ricky Tozawa.
They go to save the professor, but discover that he has already turned into a zombie. Merah believes the perpetrator of the outbreak was student Bindi Bergana. Bindi, who was given a strain of a new virus, called Chrysalid or C virus, by a mysterious woman, had been infected with it and had mutated since the beginning of the attack. Merah disobeys a direct order from Chris and goes to fight and ultimately defeat the student. However, she mutates once again and catches up with the group trying to leave by helicopter. They fight once again and Piers kills her. Cleaners arrive and eliminate what's left of the virus in the area, but the mysterious woman and her motives remain hidden from the BSAA, at least for now...
Meanwhile, after the C-Virus outbreak, Umbrella Corps, a subsidiary of The now restructured Umbrella Corporation (recreated as an anti-B.O.W. military force and known colloquially as Blue Umbrella to differentiate itself from its pharmaceutical beginnings) begins combat testing for one of its agents, codenamed 3A7, led by employee Abraham Jackson. . Eventually, Jackson disappears and the tests are led by Beatrice Bertrand, who, despite constantly setting him up for failure, is continually impressed by 3A7's performance. Because she survives these tests, Betrand is fired and 3A7 is replaced, leaving Umbrella and feared by the remaining researchers. A month later, Chris and Piers are back on a mission with the BSAA, leading Team Alpha into Edonia, an Eastern European state that has erupted into civil war, using those infected by the C virus (called J'avo). like weapons.
Elsewhere in Edonia, mercenary Jake Muller works for the rebels. He injects himself with a “supplement” that is supposed to increase his performance, but it doesn't seem to do anything for him. Sherry Birkin, now a US agent, arrives and informs Jake that the supplement is actually the C virus, developed and distributed by a new terrorist group called "Neo-Umbrella". Believing that Jake has the antibodies against the virus and that, in turn, would be the key to a cure, Sherry makes a deal with Jake to pay him fifty million dollars for his help. During their escape from the village, Neo-Umbrella sends a tyrant-like hunter, named Ustanak, to pursue the two.
Sherry and Jake finally meet up with Chris, who recognizes Sherry and introduces himself as Claire's brother. Shortly after, Neo-Umbrella launches a B.O.W. giant, which Team Alpha helps defeat. Chris then provides a BSAA helicopter to fly Sherry and Jake to safety. Their escape is short-lived, however, as their helicopter is attacked by the Ustanak, who are still pursuing Jake. The monster eventually causes the helicopter to crash, and Sherry and Jake are ejected and fall to the snowy slope below them. Meanwhile, Chris, Piers and the BSAA find a woman who introduces herself as Ada Wong, she tells them that Neo-Umbrella is holding her hostage and informs Chris about the C-virus.
Chris assigns a soldier, Finn, to escort to Ada, and they take her to a safe place. However, this turns out to be a trap and Ada drops a C-virus infused bomb at Team Alpha, infecting them all and turning them into mutated cocoons, except for Chris and Piers. The cocoons hatch and one of the monsters inside attacks Chris, resulting in a bump on the head, a concussion, and a loss of consciousness as Piers drags him to safety. At a nearby hospital, Chris wakes up with no memory of who he is or what happened, and secretly leaves the hospital.
On the snowy mountain, Jake wakes up to find Sherry impaled by a piece of the helicopter. She tells him to take it out and, when she does, she notices that her wound heals miraculously fast due to the G-virus she still has in her blood. The two find a cabin to take shelter, and Sherry trusts Jake and tells him about her father's actions in Racoon City, as well as how she rescued her thanks to Leon and Claire, who led her to follow in her footsteps. The two bond over their respective charges before being interrupted by a group of Neo-Umbrella attacking the cabin.
They are able to escape the assault, but soon encounter the Ustanak once again. They avoid the creature temporarily, but when they reach the Edonian border, they encounter more opposition, and its giant stalker appears again and knocks Sherry out. The mysterious woman who gave Jake's squad the C-virus, the supposed Ada Wong, appears and tells Jake about Albert Wesker's failure to destroy the world, before revealing that Wesker was actually Jake's father, conveying to him his blood improved and invulnerable. Jake is then knocked out by Ustanak, and he and Sherry are captured and taken away. Six months later, Ada Wong receives a call from United States National Security Advisor Derek C.
Simmons, who claims to have information about her that would be crucial to her future. Following her instructions, she finds a submarine and manages to get on board thanks to a security system that curiously already has her fingerprints on file. Inside it, she finds a film of Simmons instructing her to capture Jake to not allow a C-Virus vaccine to be produced from his blood. Ada is shocked to discover that her orders were from six months ago...and she never received them, leading her to wonder if someone else carried them out in her place. An explosion occurs on the ship and Ada is forced to abandon the submarine.
During this escape, she receives another transmission from Simmons, who tells her that tomorrow the United States will suffer a bioterrorist attack, then China, then the rest of the world, and the attacks will be at the hands of Neo-Umbrella's leader: Ada Wong. . Confused by her findings, Ada refuses to be Simmons' scapegoat and enters a torpedo, escaping the submarine. The next day, Simmon's warning comes true, and the town of Tall Oaks is attacked while the President of the United States, Adam Benford, was at the local Ivy University giving a speech in which he planned to finally reveal the true truth. nature of the Raccoon.
Incident from the city to the public. However, the president is infected and Leon S. Kennedy and secret service agent Helena Harper are forced to shoot him, putting the president out of his misery. They then receive a call from Hunnigan, who they inform of the situation before being ordered to leave. At her place, they decide to visit the Cathedral first, as Helena reveals that she is somehow responsible for the outbreak, but she will only reveal the truth if León helps her reach the Cathedral. The couple finds some survivors, escapes the city on a bus and heads towards the Cathedral.
Along the way, Hunnigan calls once again to inform them that Neo-Umbrella has taken credit for the attack. He then asks what's in the Cathedral, as Simmons begins asking him for information. At that moment, the bus is forced to divert to avoid a zombie on the road, and León and Helena are forced to continue on foot to the Cathedral. Meanwhile, Ada watches from nearby and follows the two. There they find the entrance to an underground laboratory with several human experiments in the form of a cocoon. León also finds a tape labeled "Happy Birthday, Ada Wong" that apparently shows Ada being born from one of the cocoons in some unknown time period.
The two go through the laboratory and find Helena's secret: her sister Deborah. She asks Leon to help her get her sister to safety before she reveals the truth, and he agrees as the three leave her. However, after a tour, Deborah begins to scream in pain and bursts into flames, transforming into one of the cocoons. Shortly after, she emerges, but is shot by a nearby Ada. Helena goes to apologize to Deborah, but she awakens as a mutated creature who begins to fight the three. During the battle, Ada gives Leon a ring that she believes will make sense later.
They are able to defeat the creature in battle, and Helena, realizing that her sister is gone, lets her fall to her death. She then reveals that Simmons had kidnapped her sister and threatened to kill her if Helena did not assist in her plan to help the president. Ada leaves the two of them and they get a call from Hunnigan. However, before they can warn him about Simmons, he intercepts her call. She then frames them for the president's death and orders them to surrender to him. Meanwhile, Ada finds the laboratory containing the "Happy Birthday, Ada Wong" tape and watches it herself, recognizing this as the creation of some sort of double of herself.
Simmons then calls her once more and realizes that she has actually been the fake Ada all along, disguising her voice to impersonate him. The real Ada realizes that Simmons and the secret society she belongs to (known as "The Family") would never risk exposing themselves and the possible destabilization of global politics, so she assumes that this fake Ada he must be running Neo-Umbrella with the sole purpose of destroying it. Fake Ada confirms this and points out that when she does it, the world will blame Ada Wong. The real Ada then calls the real Simmons and informs him that her double is working against her.
She then heads off to find the woman as the lab explodes behind her. Leon and Helena emerge from the catacombs and now both agree to work together to bring Simmons to justice. Outside, they witness the destruction of Tall Oaks by a missile attack, eliminating all evidence in an act very similar to the fate of Raccoon City years before. They receive a call from Hunnigan, who informs them that Simmons is on his private jet en route to China, where another C-virus attack is taking place. Knowing that Leon and Helena are at the top of the list of suspects for the president's death, Hunnigan He helps them fake their deaths and the pair decide to go to China to follow Simmons.
OfReturning to Europe, Chris (still without memories) has become an angry drunk who frequents a bar where he is not exactly welcome. Piers finds him after months of searching and confronts him, but Chris doesn't remember his partner. As Piers gives him a pep talk, the bar patrons reveal themselves to be fellow BSAA members and take Chris back. Realizing that this is the only way to get her life and his memory back, Chris regains his place in the BSAA and joins Piers to lead the Alpha team in China. Elsewhere, Claire Redfield is driving to visit Barry Burton and receives a call that her brother, Chris, is on his way to China to deal with a new bioterrorist attack, and tells the person on the other end of the line that Call Piers.
Take care of him. At the Burton house, Barry witnesses some news about the C-virus attacks on television. Upstairs, Natalia, now completely overwhelmed by Alex Wesker's consciousness, begins reciting poetry and ends her passage with a crooked smile. In China, Chris, Piers and Team Alpha execute a rescue mission and successfully escort a group of hostages from a B.O.W. riddled building. They then escape the building and Chris sees a human wrapped in a cocoon, triggering his memories of the events of six months earlier. Elsewhere in China, Jake and Sherry have been subjected to daily testing at a Neo-Umbrella research facility since their abduction six months earlier.
Jake is able to escape his guards and cut off the power to the facility, allowing Sherry to escape as well. The two meet and contact the US government and discover that Sherry's superiors are also in China. The two then find a motorcycle and use it to escape the facility and find each other. Chris and Piers meet up with Jake and Sherry and help them shoot down a pursuing helicopter before setting off to find Ada at a nearby research facility. Jake and Sherry also head out and soon witness the crash landing of an American plane. They rush to find the only two survivors of the plane, León and Helena.
Sherry and Leon reunite and he reveals that Simmons is behind the attacks. Sherry, who reveals that Simmons is her direct superior, is surprised by this information, but before the conversation can continue, the Ustanak attack and the four are forced to fight. They can drop a tower on the Ustanak to incapacitate it, but the tower separates the two groups. Sherry reveals Simmons' location to Leon and they agree to meet there. León and Helena arrive at the facility and witness Ada Wong's decoy entering. They follow her inside and, to her surprise, find Chris and Piers. Leon stops Chris from shooting him, arguing that Simmons is the real mastermind behind everything.
This delay gives Ada the opportunity to throw a smoke grenade and escape with a briefcase. Chris leaves to capture Ada, while Leon and Helena go to find Simmons. Meanwhile, on their way to meet Leon and Helena at Simmons' location, Jake and Sherry are cornered by a chainsaw-wielding J'avo before being saved by the nearby real Ada Wong, who is still searching for her imposter. also. Sherry, Jake, Leon, and Helena eventually regroup at Simmon's location, and he admits his involvement in the outbreaks, but justifies that it is for the good of the country and the world. Sherry gives Leon a data chip with research data from the lab they were in that could potentially stop the C virus.
Leon and Helena then provide cover for Jake and Sherry to run to safety. However, as they leave, J'avo ambushes them and captures them once again. Meanwhile, Leon and Helena continue their confrontation with Simmons, as he turns to leave, he is also ambushed by a J'avo, who shoots him with a vial, injecting him with the virus, which he believes is the work of Ada. double. Simmons runs off and falls onto a nearby moving train, which Helena and Leon are able to jump onto at the last second. At the top of the train, Simmons receives a call from his former partner, the impostor Ada, who admits that she turned him into a monster just as she did him, before threatening that soon the entire world would suffer the same. luck.
Helena and Leon catch up with Simmons, who reveals that the president's assassination was to prevent the world from learning the truth about Raccoon City, which he believes would have caused the collapse of the global political order. He then mutates from the virus, forcing Leon and his companion to fight and eventually defeat him before the train derails and they are forced to jump into the nearby ocean. Elsewhere, Chris and Piers have chased the fake Ada to an aircraft carrier that has been taken over by Neo-Umbrella. She is eventually cornered on the ship's bridge, where she reveals that she has created a missile containing a massive amount of the C-virus, threatening an event like Raccoon City, but on a global scale.
However, just after this revelation, he flies a helicopter containing a sniper working for the secret society "The Family", who shoots the fake Ada, and she drops down apparently dead. Piers opens the briefcase he took out of the facility and finds an improved strain of the virus. He and Chris then head out to try to disarm the missile. Meanwhile, the real Ada Wong infiltrates the ship and finds evidence that reveals the creation of her double. It turns out that Simmons' hatred of Ada, due to her insubordination, led him to want to create his own replica of her that would follow her orders.
He then created a strain of the C virus, fused it with Ada's DNA, and injected it into a scientist named Carla Radames. However, this plan ultimately failed when Carla's consciousness slowly began to awaken in her new physical form. Ada finds Carla's body on the deck of the ship and Ada laments the poor woman's plight. However, Carla suddenly wakes up, mutated by the virus, and attacks Ada. After a ship-wide battle, Ada is finally able to kill Carla, before she finds a helicopter to escape and investigate a tower that she found evidence of in Simmon's archives. On the ship, Chris and Piers try to stop the missile launch, but ultimately fail as it heads towards the city.
Leon calls Chris, who frantically tells the former to leave immediately as the missile explodes over China, immediately engulfing the city in C-Virus gas and infecting nearly all of its inhabitants virtually immediately. Leon then sends Chris to Neo-Umbrella's underwater research facility to retrieve Sherry and Jake: who reveals that he is Wesker's son. Chris then tells Leon that Ada is dead, which visibly upsets Leon, who is still unaware of the double's situation. León and Helena fight through the infected city, aided by Ada in the helicopter, much to León's confusion. Eventually, the pair arrive at Quad Tower, where they find Simmons also alive.
Ada arrives in the helicopter and Simmons believes she is Carla, and orders her to use Jake's blood to strengthen the virus before it mutates once again into a T-Rex-like creature. The three fight and defeat him once again, before Ada climbs to the roof, where León and Helena follow her. On her way up, Ada is incapacitated by Simmons, and Leon rushes to protect her from Simmons' advance. She wakes up and Simmons finally knocks Leon off a ledge, but Ada returns the favor and saves him before dropping Simmons as she walks away from her. Shortly after, León sees Ada, who calls him and tells him about a gift she left for him on the roof before parting with him for the last time.
Helena tells León to go after her, but he refuses and chooses to stay with Helena. On the roof, Simmons absorbs the bodies of several infected around him and uses them to enhance his power. Now running from a B.O.W. mutated giant, León and Helena arrive at the helicopter, leaving the current Ada behind: another rocket launcher to defeat León's enemy. He uses it once more, and Simmons eventually dies, falling to his death, being impaled by a structure in the center of the tower, filling the umbrella logo beneath him with his own blood: a final foreshadowing of Neo-Umbrella. .
Also on the helicopter, the two find a makeup case with a data disk inside that contains all the evidence that incriminates Simmons in the C-virus attacks and would also prove his innocence. They then escape the city in the helicopter Ada left behind. Ada is then able to enter the lab in the Quad Tower where she finds all of Carla's research, including her "best work": an unhatched cocoon inside a glass chamber. Now that she knows that Carla was not innocent, Ada no longer has any sympathy for her and sets fire to her laboratory, including her cocoon, destroying everything.
She then receives a phone call offering her her next job, which she smiles and accepts. Meanwhile, Chris and Piers make their way to Neo-Umbrella's underground research facility, and once they arrive, Chris reveals his intentions to retire from the BSAA after this mission, passing the torch to Piers. The pair find the controls to free Jake and Sherry, and the four are finally reunited. During the conversation that followed, Jake sarcastically thanks Chris; a trait the latter proclaims reminds her of his father, Albert Wesker. He then reveals to Jake that he was the one who killed Wesker. Angered by this revelation, Jake pulls a gun on Chris, who tells Jake that he can shoot him if he wants, but only asks him to survive to save the world with his blood in exchange.
Jake finally decides not to shoot his father's murderer, but rather realizes the seriousness of the current situation. As the four try to leave the facility, the main experiment housed inside, Haos (a gigantic B.O.W. designed to destroy the entire planet), awakens, and Chris tells Jake and Sherry to escape while he and Piers fight the creature. . Jake and Sherry flee, while Piers and Chris take the creature to a chamber to fight it. However, the two fail in battle, Piers is mortally wounded and Chris is captured. To save the commanding officer from him, Piers injects himself with the enhanced strain of the C virus that he took from Carla and, using the enhanced strength he gave him, defeats the monster and saves Chris.
The pair then try to escape the facility, and Chris promises to take Piers to a safe place where they can find the cure. Meanwhile, as Jake and Sherry try to escape, they are attacked once again by the Ustanak. Jake is able to push the creature into a magma pit and the pair find a hyperspeed tram which they use to get out. However, in an eruption of fire behind them, the Ustanak pursue them once again. However, with his weak spot now exposed, Jake and Sherry help each other aim a gun to shoot and ultimately kill him, allowing the two to escape safely.
When Chris opens the door to an escape pod, Piers pushes him away and closes the door. Knowing it is too late for him, Piers launches Chris' capsule with only him inside, choosing to die with the destruction of the facility. As Chris' capsule shoots toward the surface, the Haos arrive once again, but in their final moment, Piers fires a giant blast of electricity, finally killing the monster. On the surface, a helicopter arrives to take out Chris, who now has a renewed sense of purpose and returns to command of the BSAA. Sherry then flies back to the US and has delivered Jake's blood sample to top investigators at the United Nations.
Jake's relationship with Wesker is kept highly classified and his blood is used to create a vaccine against the C virus, which helps contain the outbreak. Sherry receives a message from Jake, who jokingly reduces the asking price to $50 before riding away on his motorcycle. Later, Helena visits her sister's grave and Leon and Hunnigan arrive to talk to her. Helena turns herself in to help Simmons, but Hunnigan reveals that given the evidence and the extortion, Helena cannot be held responsible. Her actions are kept classified and she is granted freedom. Helena then throws Ada's makeup case to Leon so he can return it to her the next time they meet.
Some time later, Jake finds himself in a small village in an unspecified location, apparently returning to his mercenary ways. He then proceeds to protect a child and only asks for an apple in return. The following year, TerraSave sends Claire Redfield to investigate the island of Turtle Sound, the filming location of the Japanese reality show "Idol Survival", which was attacked by infected. Through her investigation, Claire discovers that the former US military base on the island was purchased by Oswell E. Spencer almost 20 years ago. Claire and her team find the survivors of the Idol Survival show and take them to a safe place on the island: an abandoned facility.
There, Claire discovers that the island was the site of Alex Wesker's initial investigation into Spencer's immortality. Claire meets Dirk Miller, the creator of the B.O.W. on the island (as well as an associate of Alex's), and Claire goes to stop him. However, one of the survivors of the Idol show, Zǐlì, is revealed to be a double agent for one of Umbrella's competitors: Shén Yā Pharmaceutical. She obtains a final strain of a virus created by Miller, before knocking Claire unconscious. A few hours later, Claire wakes up when Zǐlìbecomes infected with the virus.
Claire is able to destroy the mutation with a rocket launcher and escape from the island by extracting BSAA, reporting her findings to her brother Chris. In October of that year, Mia Winters, an investigator for an international criminal syndicate called "The Connections", finds herself on the freighter Annabelle transporting a mutated human weapon known as "E-001": the first of the E-Type biological weapon project. . However, a hurricane hits the ship and the weapon, known as "Eveline" (who was artificially aged to look like a ten-year-old boy to help with infiltration) begins to lose stability. Eveline begins to infect the ship's crew, transforming them into hosts of Eveline's fungal "mold" that allows her to control the minds of others.
Eveline begins referring to Mia as her mother and tries to calm her down before she becomes infected with the mold herself. She then rushes to send an emergency message to her husband at home, Ethan, telling him to forget her and live her life, before the hurricane and the destruction of the ship throw her into the surrounding waters. . When the hurricane calms down, Jack Baker rescues Mia and Eveline and takes them to his home in Dulvey, Louisiana. His family, made up of his wife Marguerite, his son Lucas and his daughter Zoe, begins to take care of the rescued, until Eveline wakes up and tells Zoe: "they are mine now", before the power goes out in the house. home.
Zoe then discovers that her family is going crazy under Eveline's influence. She avoids them and escapes to a trailer in the backyard where she finds Mia passed out with a note nearby warning them about Eveline and her power, but stating that there is a cure in the form of a serum. When she turns around, Eveline greets her and refers to her as "sister." The next day, Zoe wakes up at the dining room table and her family seems normal. However, her hopes are short-lived, as Eveline appears once again, greeting her new “sister” once again. Zoe then begins to spend her days avoiding her infected family while she searches for the cure that Mia mentions in her note.
At some unspecified time, in an unknown location in Japan, two nurses, Ebihara and Abe, enter a mansion to escape an outbreak. Inside, they find several uninfected men and women unconscious. Suddenly, everyone wakes up simultaneously, causing the two to rush to hide. The survivors who wake up quickly discover that they do not remember how they got there nor do they recognize each other. When they open the door to try to escape, the nurses rush out to incapacitate a zombie that enters the mansion. The nurses then inform the survivors about the outbreak. The nurses then claim that they were sent by men who kidnapped them to check on the unconscious survivors, but are met with much skepticism by the group.
However, they soon accept that they must work together to get out and begin searching for an escape route. Ebihara then remembers something the leader of the kidnappers said about only the "chosen ones" surviving and moving on to the next round, causing panic among the group who now believe they are part of some sick game or experiment. One of the group members, an Army Ranger named Jinno, confirms his suspicions and reveals that he had heard of selection tests like the one they are apparently in. He then takes over and the group finally performs. Jinno decides to divide the group into teams led by him, a doctor named Karasawa, and a journalist named Zama.
Jinno's team includes Terayama (an unemployed traveler), Doi (a soccer coach), and Okunuchi (a human rights lawyer). Zama's team includes Bandou (housewife), Suzuki (tutor), and Ando (bank teller). Karasawa's team includes Ebihara, Abe, and a quality inspector named Ihara. They then split up and look for anything that will help them learn more about their situation and escape. Afterwards, the groups reconvene in the main hall with their discoveries: some food, water, medicine, and a box of weapons. The group then argues over whether or not they should use the weapons; Of them, only Jinno and Bandou have been trained in the use of firearms.
During their argument, Terayama notices an injection mark on his arm, prompting the others to check and notice that they too had been injected. Suddenly, Suzuki remembers that he saw another man before the rest of them woke up and that he walked out the front door and never returned. At that moment, someone knocks on the door and they open it. The man Suzuki saw runs in with a chainsaw and reveals that he too was knocked unconscious with no memory of how he got there, but he woke up first and left before encountering the zombie opposition outside. The group begins to treat his wounds and he introduces himself as Hashimoto, an economics professor at the nearby university, and joins Karasawa's team.
Now that he knows what they're up against, Jinno agrees to let everyone take a gun, but urges caution so as not to hurt each other. The teams separated again and agreed to meet after half an hour to report new discoveries. Jinno leaves his team behind to explore the future, and Doi begins to express his interest in zombies, believing that immortality and the advancement of the human species could be achieved through zombie research. He believes the building they are in is a zombie research center and expresses excitement at the possibility. He also reveals that he lied about being a football coach, believing that everyone else had also lied about his occupations.
Jinno arrives shortly after and takes the group with him. Bandou and Zama are also momentarily separated from their group, and Zama expresses his doubts that Bandou is who he claims to be, believing him to be in the FBI, which he quickly dismisses. The rest of the group catches up to them and they continue. Elsewhere, Ebihara realizes that he received a message on his phone. Confused, they read the message; she discovers that it is from Umbrella and explains the various herbs they found. Abe suspects that only Ebihara received a message and that it is from Umbrella, but they quickly abandon him and move on.
On the other side of the mansion, Zama concludes that they must be the subjects of a test to collect data from the zombies, which will be used as B.O.W.s. Like the other groups, they continue on their way. As Karasawa's group advances, he notices Ebihara drinking some of the medicine they found. He confronts her and she reveals that she was bitten by a zombie and that she is very afraid of becoming like them. Later, Hashimoto begins to show symptoms of the virus taking hold of him. Ebihara offers him the herb to treat him and Abe confronts her again to tell her why she knows so much about the herb.
Karasawa speaks and reveals that Ebihara was bitten by a zombie and that is why she knows the healing nature of the herb. At that moment, Hashimoto turns into a zombie and grabs the chainsaw from him. As he begins to attack the group, Ihara pulls the gun on him, but trips, allowing Hashimoto to overpower him and take him down with the chainsaw. Karasawa then shoots the zombie and knocks it down. The group then leaves and Karasawa wakes up once again, grabbing the chainsaw from her. Ihara also wakes up and leaves the room. Meanwhile, Ando and Suzuki decide to leave the mansion on their own.
However, when they leave, they find Hashimoto wielding his chainsaw. Ihara also arrives with a group of other zombies and they kill the two survivors. The survivors regroup in the main room and debrief each other about the team members they lost. They begin to talk about the virus responsible for the zombies and propose that the facilities where they are located be tested to see if the survivors contain antibodies that make them immune to the virus. Okonuchi begins to show signs of infection and the group argues over what to do with him. Jinno and Karasawa take him aside and put him out of his misery.
The group then moves on, but Doi stays behind, wanting to turn into a zombie. Okonuchi, now turned into a zombie, arrives and bites Doi, immediately infecting him. Outside, Jinno, Karasawa, and Zama take out a group of zombies and find Ihara, whom they eventually kill. Elsewhere, Ebihara continues taking the medicine, and when Abe asks what's wrong with her, Ebi mocks her and tells her that eventually Abe will become a zombie. Hashimoto then attacks Jinno, but is rescued by Bandou who arrives and shoots the zombie. Karasawa and Jinno find a key hanging from the ceiling and take Bandou to take it down.
Zama stops them and reveals that he too is infected. The three take Ebihara with them, leaving Zama behind with an also infected Terayama. The two then grab their guns and shoot each other before they can turn around. Bandou knocks down the key and Karasawa recovers it. They try it on a front door, but discover that it also requires a password. They ask Ebihara to think of anything she saw as a clue, but she then reveals that she knows the password and that she is impressed by the fact that three survivors have made it to this point in the test.
Ebihara herself is the key to the last door, but she reveals that she can only open it when there is a single survivor, the most powerful, to take to her boss. She then asks them to fight to the death. Bandou refuses and points his gun at Ebihara. Jinno does not allow her to shoot and stabs her in the back, killing her, before turning her gaze to Karasawa. Ebihara orders Jinno to drop his weapons and fight Karasawa hand-to-hand, and he agrees. He then reveals to Karasawa that he knew about the plan from the beginning, as it was a military experiment that he was chosen to participate in.
The two proceed to fight while Ebihara watches. Surprisingly, Karasawa overpowers Jinno, who grabs his knife out of desperation, going to stab Karasawa with it, but manages to avoid the attack, causing Jinno to stab himself with the knife, before taking it to slit his throat and kill him. Ebihara applauds Karasawa and reveals that she was injected with the T virus from the beginning and that the purpose of the experiment was not to create a vaccine, but to create a tyrant. She then opens the door and then Karasawa strangles her to death. Karasawa then closes the door and locks himself inside the facility.
Bandou then gets up, apparently unharmed. She reveals herself to be involved in the experiment and informs Karasawa of his new abilities as a Tyrant. She then reveals that she works for a private company that creates Tyrants and supplies them to armies around the world, with Karasawa being the last of the crop. She then grabs a nearby gun and shoots him to end this production. She then points the gun at her head, but is stopped by a mysterious man who enters through the closed door. She offers Karasawa to come with him to rule the "lesser" humans, but he refuses to become a mindless weapon.
He then puts the gun to his head and pulls the trigger. Some time later, Chris Redfield is sent with the Mexican military to locate and arrest a biological weapons dealer named Glenn Arias, as well as to rescue BSAA agent Cathy White and her son Zack, who were taken hostage by Arias. They find a mansion and divide into groups. A group finds Zack, who is infected, and eliminates the group. Chris is the only one to escape the building alive and finds Arias outside. Arias reveals that he has designed a new virus whose victims can distinguish between friends and enemies.
He then brings in his enhanced bodyguards, Maria and Diego Gomez, who introduce an infected Cathy. Arias then leaves, while Chris is surrounded by a swarm of zombies from which he is protected by an army helicopter. Four months later, Rebecca Chambers is working at a university to create a vaccine for a new viral outbreak growing around the Great Lakes. She sends her assistant, Aaron, to retrieve a sample and, when he leaves, she notices that one of her experiments with her vaccines is proving a success. Aaron notices an open vent, but when he inspects it, Maria appears and kills him.
The power goes out in the laboratory and Maria releases a gas through the ventilation system, infecting everyone in the facility. Rebecca manages to reach the vaccine she recently synthesized and injects it into her, successfully preventing her from becoming infected. She takes the vaccine data on a flash drive and then leaves, but is attacked by Aaron, whom she is forced to kill with a fire extinguisher. She takes cover in her laboratory, but Maria throws a grenade into the office, breaking the windows and allowing the zombies to enter and attack. At the last second, however, Rebecca is saved by the arriving Chris Redfield.
Later, in a hotel room, Chris and Rebecca talk about Arias, and Chris surmises that Maria's presence in the lab indicates that the virus will be modified to affect the use of vaccines. Rebecca then reveals that the virus's genome resembles the Plagas used by Los Iluminados, prompting her and Chris to seek out Leon (who has a history with that particular virus). They find León in Colorado, drowning his sorrows in a bottle after losing his team in Washington DC in a bombing that he couldn't prevent. Leon refuses to join their fight, causing an argument between him and Chris.
To break up the argument, Rebecca reveals that she believes Arias' virus has actually infected people across the United States, but remains dormant until he activates it using an unknown trigger. Arias watches the restaurant fromaway and orders Maria to stop Rebecca. Later, when Rebecca uses the bathroom, Maria surprises her and captures her. Inside the restaurant, Patricio, the man León blames for the death of his unit, arrives and tells León that his wife and daughter have been taken hostage by the remaining members of Los Iluminados who are working to help a drug trafficker. weapons to create a biological weapon to attack.
United States, and pray that León helps. León refuses, but shortly after Arias' men arrive, with Diego setting up a machine gun and shooting at the restaurant. Patricio gives his phone to León before bleeding to death. Chris then sees Maria flee with Rebecca and the crew leaves. Later, Rebecca wakes up and is now wearing a wedding dress. Arias arrives and reveals that he is reenacting her wedding day, which was interrupted by a US drone attack, of which he was the only survivor. He has reanimated the remains of his family and friends, whom he was forced to watch die at the hands of the United States, fueling his revenge.
He reveals that the virus he has created is called “Animality”, or A-Virus, and consists of three strains: one to infect, one to activate, and one to vaccinate. He then notes Rebecca's resemblance to his late wife, hoping that Rebecca will take her place. She refuses, which angers Arias and causes her to be sent to her lab to infect her with the virus and replace her arm with that of her wife, the only remains of her. Meanwhile, Leon and Chris inspect Patricio's phone data and discover that Arias had used the A-GUA-A brand of drinking water to spread the virus in New York and plans to unleash it soon.
They also learn about the vaccine strain that can effectively "turn off" the virus in infected people. Arias then unleashes the virus and sends A-GUA-G trucks through New York that spew a gas, infecting the city at large. Leon, Chris and his army help split up and take out the trucks. They are able to destroy them all and Maria is trapped in one of the explosions. Chris and Leon head to Arias' lab and Chris is able to rescue Rebecca after a brief fight with Diego. Chris takes Rebecca to the roof of the building, where Arias attacks him. After a brief fight, Chris is able to throw Arias down a building shaft, where he nearly dies from the impact.
However, Diego encounters him and absorbs his body, transforming into a large creature containing both of their heads. Arias, now mutated, heads to the roof once again and Leon distracts him so Chris can search for the vaccine. Arias jumps onto a nearby helicopter and León rides a motorcycle towards it, jumping as it flies towards it, exploding on impact and weakening it. Chris then arrives and throws a grenade into Arias' heart, finally killing the creature. He then heals Rebecca and the group releases the vaccine upon the city, curing the inhabitants and ending the outbreak. Later, Maria (having survived the explosion earlier) finds Diego's corpse and looks at it in silent fury.
In June 2017, a television crew travels to Dulvey, Louisiana, to investigate a supposed “haunted house.” Inside, the crew is attacked by the Baker family, cameraman Clancy Jarvis is captured and the other two are killed. The family then plays with Clancy. He nearly escapes Marguerite's captivity by taunting her, but Lucas knocks him unconscious and begins forcing him to play insane "games," including a game of 21 in which he is forced to indirectly cause the death of a fellow captive: Hoffman. Clancy's last game came as part of a “birthday celebration,” where he is set on fire and burned alive. Shortly after, Ethan Winters arrives in Dulvey, having followed his wife Mia's movements there after receiving a panicked message from her, followed by her disappearance for over three years.
He finds a house and discovers Mia underneath, still alive and apparently well. However, this doesn't last long and she suddenly becomes violent and attacks him, forcing Ethan to kill his wife. Shortly afterward he receives a call from Zoe Baker who offers to help and tells him to escape through the attic. On her way, however, he is attacked again by the revived Mia, who cuts off his hand before walking away from her. In the attic, he is attacked once again by Mia, whom she manages to defeat once again. However, she is unable to leave, as Jack Baker attacks and captures Ethan.
When he awakens, the Bakers welcome him to the "family," now joined by an elderly catatonic woman. Ethan manages to escape from his restraints, but Jack chases him throughout the house. An agent arrives to investigate the house, but is killed by Jack, whom Ethan is forced to fight one on one. Ethan wins and, surprisingly, Jack fires the last shot at himself. However, Jack's death is short-lived, as Ethan is attacked by him shortly after and watches his wounds heal and regenerate. Ethan walks away from Jack and fights his way through several creatures created from Eveline's mold in the basement.
Finally, Ethan has a second confrontation with Jack and obtains a key that he needs to escape from the house. In the backyard, Ethan talks to Zoe and finds out that Mia is alive, but that they would need to create a serum to cure both women of her infection before they can leave. Ethan then heads off to find the ingredients for the serum, killing Marguerite in the process. He then learns that Lucas has captured the two women and is holding them hostage. Ethan is forced to play the same "game" he encountered with Clancy's death, but he is able to outwit Lucas and escape alive, forcing Baker's son to flee.
Ethan then finds Mia and Zoe, who create two doses of the serum with the ingredients Ethan provides. However, suddenly, Jack appears once again, now greatly mutated. Ethan is forced to inject Jack with one of the doses of the serum, which (in his weakened state) allows his body to finally die. Outside, Ethan must decide which woman to cure with the remaining serum. Naturally, he chooses to heal her wife, Mia, but promises to send help to Zoe before the two leave her behind as they escape on a boat. They encounter the tanker truck Mia arrived in and are attacked by Eveline.
This knocks Ethan unconscious, and he has a vision of Jack proclaiming his family's innocence and asking Ethan to kill Eveline to stop her infections. Mia then wakes up on the ship and begins searching for Ethan. She has visions of Eveline, whom she does not remember, but claims that she is her daughter. Eveline makes Mia watch a tape detailing her last moments on the ship to restore her memory. She then finds Ethan and gives him a vial with Eveline's DNA. She then resists Eveline's control and allows Ethan to escape the ship. He then finds a secret laboratory nearby and discovers the truth about Eveline's origins as B.O.W. created to take control of the victims of it.
Lucas, however, was immunized against Eveline in exchange for her work collecting data on her for her creators, The Connections. Using Eveline's DNA, Ethan creates a toxin that will kill her and returns to the Baker house. There, she tries to take control of him, but he manages to inject her with the toxin. Later, her current true form is revealed to be the wheelchair-bound old woman, as her aging had been accelerated as a side effect of not being monitored by her creator. She then transforms into a giant creature, throwing Ethan outside. There, she receives a message from an unknown person who launches a special weapon from a helicopter called Albert-01.
Ethan then uses it to shoot Eveline and finally destroy her. Then, Alpha Team of the “Blue Umbrella” Corps arrives to rescue Ethan and Mia, and their leader removes his mask to reveal that he is none other than Chris Redfield. The pair are then reunited and evacuated in a Blue Umbrella helicopter, finally taking them away from the horrors of Dulvey. Chris then heads to the secret lab Ethan found to find Lucas Baker and hopefully learn more about The Connections. Despite several traps left by Lucas, Chris is able to fight his way through the lab and eventually find another one operated by the Connections.
Lucas reveals that he had betrayed the organization and killed all of the Connections researchers there. Chris is able to corner Lucas, shoot him, and cause a mutation inside him. Chris is able to kill the mutated form of him and then destroy a nearby server, stopping the transmission of Eveline's data to an unknown third party. Chris is then called back to camp to take an urgent call. Some time later, a pair of Blue Umbrella soldiers find Zoe, partially infected by Eveline. Her uncle, Joe Baker, arrives and shoots down the soldiers, believing them to be responsible for her current condition.
One of them tells Joe about a cure in a nearby shack and he finds it. When he returns, he administers the cure to Zoe, but it doesn't quite work. The Umbrella soldier explains that he needs more and Joe is able to find him at his base. However, before he can reveal his location, the soldier is killed by a Molded. Joe takes Zoe to find the base and encounters a powerful and immortal Molded whom he calls "Swamp Man". Joe finds the base, but discovers that the cure was moved to a nearby ship. On board, Joe encounters Swamp Man, but is able to find a full dose of the cure.
However, before he can administer it to Zoe, the Swampman captures her and takes her to a nearby church. There, Joe confronts Swamp Man, who he discovers is a final mutation of his own brother: Jack Baker. Jack knocks Joe unconscious, then puts him in a coffin and throws him into the swamp. Joe survives and washes ashore near the Baker home. He makes his way through Molded and finds a glove prototype created by Umbrella. Joe enters and finds Zoe, guarded by Jack. The two fight one last time and Joe uses the glove to finally kill his brother once and for all.
Joe then gives Zoe the full cure and she wakes up. Just then, Blue Umbrella forces arrive and Chris reveals that he was sent to help. Later, Zoe is completely cured of her infection and receives a call from Ethan, whom she thanks for keeping her promise to send help. In 2021, Chris Redfield moves Ethan and Mia to a city in Europe, where they settle down with their newborn daughter, Rosemary. One night, after reading Rosemary a bedtime story called "Village of Shadows", Ethan puts the baby to bed before returning to Mia. Suddenly, the power goes out and Mia is shot several times by Chris Redfield and his team, the Hound Wolf Squad, who arrive.
Despite Ethan's pleas, Chris gives Mia one last shot before his team captures Rosemary and knocks out Ethan, putting them both in a transport vehicle. Some time later, Ethan wakes up outside in the crashed vehicle. He finds his guard dead and Rose, as well as Mia's body, missing. Ethan heads out to examine his surroundings and finds a nearby town with a large castle. There, Ethan finds the nearby village abandoned, but encounters a villager named Grigori, who gives him a gun. Then his house is attacked by invisible creatures, who kill Grigori and drag Ethan underground. After passing several corpses, Ethan is attacked by one of the creatures: a werewolf-like werewolf who bites off half of his hand.
Ethan fights the werewolves in the village and is eventually overwhelmed by them, but the ringing of the castle bell calls them out. Ethan then sees an old woman who informs him that Rose was brought to town by "Mother Miranda." He then meets up with some villagers who let him into a nearby house to take shelter. However, once inside, one of the survivors turns into a Lycan and attacks. Ethan manages to escape and once again emerges alone. Outside, he finds Mother Miranda, killing another villager. He tries to chase her, but finds the old woman. Ethan heads to the castle, but soon confronts a mysterious man with the ability to control the magnetic field around his body.
The man encapsulates Ethan in some sort of metal cage and then drags him to a meeting with Mother Miranda and her subordinates: the Four Lords of the region. These Four Lords include Karl Heisenberg, the man who captured Ethan, Lady Alcina Dimitrescu, a vampiric winemaker and countess of the castle, Donna Beneviento, a puppeteer who speaks telekinetically through her doll Angie, and finally Salvatore Moreau, a fishman. Mother Miranda leaves Ethan with Heisenberg, who gives Ethan a head start before sending an army of werewolves after him, from whom Ethan is able to escape. Outside, Ethan finds himself at the entrance to the castle, where he meets the Duke, a large traveling merchant who offers his services to help Ethan find his daughter.
He then enters the castle, where he is captured by Lady Dimitrescu and her three daughters. Ethan fights and kills the daughters before confronting the countess herself. He stabs her with the Dagger of Death Flowers, causing her to transform into a giant creature, which he fights and kills. He picks up a flask from a nearby pedestal and continues his search for Rose, heading to an underground cave where he finds the old woman once again, who shows him a symbol on the wall of the nearby cave, which eerily resembles the Umbrella Corporation logo. . Ethan finds the Duke, who reveals that the jar he found contains Rosemary's head and informs him that the other three Lords must have their own jars, that Ethan mustinsert into a nearby altar so he can reform his daughter, since his "powers" allow him to do so. the essence of it remains.
Ethan then proceeds to fight Beneviento, surviving his horrible hallucinations, as well as Moreau (first encounter with Chris Redfield and the Hound Wolf Squad, where he discovers that the infections in the region are somehow related to experiments with the mold that created Eveline). , he eventually defeats them and a large Lycan guard to recover the other three flasks, which he takes to the Altar. After inserting the vials into the Altar, Ethan gains access to Heisenberg's factory, where the man offers to help Ethan save Rose to use her potential powers to kill Mother Miranda. Ethan denies his offer and is forced to fight Heinsenberg's mechanical abominations to escape the factory.
However, he soon encounters Heisenberg again, who uses the nearby machinery to transform into an enormous creature. He then punches Ethan back and he falls to the bottom of the factory. After recovering, Ethan finds Chris Redfield, who scolds him for not leaving when Chris told him to. Ethan confronts Chris about killing Mia, but Chris reveals that the Mia he shot was actually none other than Mother Miranda, who has shapeshifting abilities that allowed her to disguise herself as his wife. Chris finally explains to Ethan that Miranda has been experimenting with the Mold her entire life and Chris plans to destroy the village: her life's work.
He then reveals that Miranda has the vials. He tasks Ethan with taking a tank to the surface to fight Heisenberg, while he stays underground to plant explosives. On the surface, Ethan fights the mutated Heisenberg, but is soon overpowered. The factory explosion distracts Heisenberg, allowing Ethan to escape on foot and eventually re-enter the tank to kill Heisenberg once and for all. Ethan then receives a call from Chris, who tells him to wait for him before finding Miranda, but Ethan is interrupted by Rosemary's screams. When he hangs up and turns around, he runs into Mia, who soon discovers that she is Mother Miranda in disguise once again.
Miranda reveals to Ethan that Rose is Eveline's successor and her true, complete form. Miranda then explains that the "Megamycete", the Mold's home colony, "catalogues" the DNA of all the organisms she encounters, allowing Rose to be "reborn" as her own daughter. Miranda, who reveals herself to be the old woman who was watching him during his travels through the Village, then rips out Ethan's heart, kills him, and promises to catalog her blood in the Megamycete. As Ethan lies dead on the floor, Miranda leaves, expressing her excitement at meeting her “real daughter” once again. Shortly after, Chris briefs the Hound Wolf Squad on the events so far, as they head towards the village to finally kill Miranda.
As soon as they arrive, so does the BSAA. Chris and his team then lead an all-out attack on the werewolf army in the village, eventually reaching the Megamycete and placing a neutron bomb on it. However, before detonating it, Chris chooses to find Miranda to finish her off himself. On his way, he finds Miranda's laboratory, where he discovers the truth of her experiments. A long time ago, Miranda's daughter Eva died from the Spanish flu. Miranda then discovered the Megamycete and experimented on it to create a parasite called "Cadou", which allowed him to gain his own powers and those of the Lords from her.
When none of them turned out to be a suitable host for Eva's rebirth, she worked with The Connections by providing them with Eva's mold and DNA, with which they created Evaline, who also turned out to be an unsuitable host for her daughter. However, her work with The Connections led her to meet Rosemary, whom she decided to use as a host. Most surprisingly, Chris learns that one of Miranda's students was none other than Oswald Spencer. Although the pair disagreed about his motives (Spencer wanted to infect the entire world, while Miranda just wanted to resurrect her daughter), Spencer continued writing to him after he left to start his own company: Umbrella Corporation, inspired by the symbol. in the caves.
Chris then finds the real Mia and rescues her from her, informing her of Ethan's death. Surprisingly, Mia tells Chris that Ethan isn't actually gone... since he secretly knows of his own special abilities. Elsewhere, Ethan finds himself on a frozen tundra, where he has a vision of Eveline, who tells Ethan that he is dead. While Ethan assumes he was killed by Mother Miranda, Eveline reveals that Ethan was actually killed three years ago during his initial fight with Jack Baker, and after that, it was the Mold that recreated him, explaining his superhuman healing abilities. . Ethan then wakes up in The Duke's Carriage, which is heading to the ceremony site to deliver Ethan to Miranda.
Ethan thanks the Duke and heads off, making his way to Mother Miranda. When he reaches her, he discovers that he has successfully reformed the girl, but, to her dismay, it is not her daughter, but Rosemary, who begins to absorb Miranda's power. Chris, who is nearby, shoots Miranda, allowing Ethan to retrieve his child. However, Miranda begins to mutate with the Mold, taking Rose back and absorbing her as she transforms into a giant creature. Ethan takes advantage of her determination and fights Miranda in a grueling battle, from which he ultimately emerges victorious and kills her. The mold around her begins to disintegrate and Ethan finds Rose among her remains.
However, when he grabs her, he too begins to fall apart. When the remains of the Megamycete begin to mutate, Chris drags Ethan out of the rubble. Ethan tells Chris to take care of Rose and gives him her jacket. As the mold separates them, Ethan takes the bomb detonator from Chris and stays behind, knowing that as soon as the mold disappears, so will he. Chris walks away and Ethan pushes the detonator. When Chris returns to Mia in an escape helicopter, she demands to know where her husband is. Just then, the village below explodes, destroying the mold, and in turn, Ethan, who Chris reveals, sacrificed himself to save them.
Nearby, one of Chris's men reveals that he recovered one from the BSAA squad: a B.O.W. disguised as a soldier. Confused and frustrated, Chris orders his pilot to plot a course for the BSAA's European headquarters to get some answers, while he states that "someone has to pay." At an unspecified time in the future, an Alaskan research team discovers a whale preserved in ice. Creatures come to life inside and proceed to infect a member of your team. A researcher sends a sample to Dr. Dan Gibson in the United States. Gibson studies him to create a vaccine, but his team becomes infected during the trials.
The Center for Disease Control sends a special forces team to recover his job. Agent Lisa Martin is able to help Gibson escape, but she is shot in the process and develops amnesia. Some time later, Lisa and Gibson live in Croatia, where the disease has spread, with a group of other survivors. Supplies are running low in the city and escape seems unlikely given the number of infected surrounding the border. Lisa and Gibson hear a rumor that a girl on the island of Linosa is immune to the virus and may be the key to a cure. The team hatches a plan to distract the zombies with music so they can get past them and reach an air base to fly to the island.
Gibson becomes separated from the rest of the group, but Lisa eventually finds the mostly abandoned Air Base. They find evidence that Gibson was there and ask the soldiers stationed there if they had seen Gibson. Dr. Jo Knaggs informs them that Gibson is believed to be a bioterrorist and that he is on his way to the US to stand trial for his involvement in the spread of the virus. He also claims that the virus has been sent for further research to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (or USAMRIID). However, their argument is interrupted when Gibson calls from the plane he was being transported to, claiming that he hijacked the plane.
Colonel Maurice Green sends Knaggs and the others on the submarine USS Wyoming to Linosa Island to find Gibson. Along the way, Lisa learns that the submarine has received orders for Operation: WALKING DEAD, which Knaggs explains is a NATO plan to destroy India and China so that zombies cannot infect densely populated countries and increase exponentially their number. It is revealed that Wyoming carries over a hundred nuclear missiles to accomplish this task. Knowing that Gibson's cure is the only way to prevent this, the group hopes to avoid widespread execution. Gibson parachutes onto the island, but does not find the girl.
Another Air Base soldier, Scott, finds Gibson, who reveals that he is infected. Gibson then tells Scott that the US government initially sent Lisa to seduce him and steal the virus sample, but her amnesia prevented her from carrying out his plan. Meanwhile, the USS Wyoming is attacked by a group of mutated whales. They assume that whale blood contains antibodies to defeat the virus, and Lisa goes to find Gibson. She finds him infected and injects him with whale blood. He awakens, but due to his own experiments mixing with blood, he also lost all his memories of Lisa and her work for the government.
Lisa is then ejected by helicopter to continue her work with USAMRIID. In the year 2037, we find Rosemary Winters, now a teenager, meeting with one of Chris's agents: a man named Kay. Kay offers Rose a way to remove the powers given to her by the Megamycete, which have alienated her since her childhood. She takes her to a laboratory where they have been reviewing Mother Miranda's research on a "purifying crystal", and points her to a sample of her mold, telling her to "enter her consciousness" to retrieve the crystal. . Rose is able to connect with the Megamycete and “enter” it, floating through her memories of being ostracized as a child before finding herself back in the laboratory.
Rose soon realizes that something is wrong and she leaves the laboratory to find herself beneath Dimitrescu Castle. There she encounters a strange vision: a copy of herself. This Pink Copy is then taken to other copies, in various states of capture and deformity. Rose soon discovers that she has been capturing these copies, when monstrous mold creatures begin to appear and mutilate them. Rose escapes from it with the help of a kind of ethereal being, who takes her to safety by writing messages on the walls. Once safe, Rose speaks of her as her "guardian angel", comparing him to the angel Micheal; a name that the being then assumes.
Rose then explores the castle and encounters the figure capturing the copies of her: a masked version of the Duke, intending to order the mold creatures to bring him the Copies of Rose so he can watch them suffer. Rose then sees the purifying crystal on display next to him and, in her excitement, she reveals herself to the Masked Duke. Once Rose escapes the Duke's mold monsters, she discovers that she must find three masks to unlock the display case and obtain the crystal. With Michael's help, Rose is able to unlock her powers, allowing her to destroy the mold (to a certain extent) and eventually obtain all three masks.
Rose then opens the display case containing the Purifying Crystal, but when she grabs it, the Masked Duke reveals that it is simply a copy, which then crumbles in Rose's hands. Rose is then engulfed by the mold and taken to a pit, where the Masked Duke forces her to fight the giant, brutal creature of hers. Once Rose defeats the creature, Michael takes her to a cliff and instructs her to jump off it. She does so and is taken to a deeper "stratum" within the Megamycete. There, she enters a house of horrors where she is forced to relive the ridicule and ridicule she suffered as a child.
After hiding and escaping from several murderous dolls and mannequins, Michael takes Rose to a recreation of her old house. There, Rose is shown memories of her father (who she has no memory of) taking care of her when she was a baby. He then finds a letter her father wrote, where he states that he will always be with her. This tender moment is interrupted when Rose meets her true tormentor in this layer: Eveline. The girl expresses her jealousy that Rose's parents love her and not Eveline before Michael helps subdue the girl temporarily. Eveline's frustrations boil over and he turns to Rose.
Then, Michael appears in person and pushes Rose out of the way, sinking her deeper into the stratum. There, Rose finds the village where the Megamycete was created and follows an apparition of herself to its core. There, she finds the source of the copies of herself and, through several notes left behind, discovers that Mother Miranda (who had died but was found alive within the Megamycete) had been creating these copies still in an effort to create a vessel. for his daughter. The rebirth of Eve. When the copies proved to be a failure, Miranda used another creation, the Masked Duke, to exterminate them.
Miranda then decided that instead of creating the perfect copy of Rose, she would simply convince the real girl towill enter the Megamycete. Shortly after, Rose finally finds the true Purification Crystal and, when she touches it, she immediately begins to feel her powers disappear. However, she is soon interrupted when Miranda appears before her. Miranda not only reveals her plans to Rose, but also explains that she was able to manipulate the Megamycete inside the girl to make her believe that she was talking to Kay, when in reality, it was just an illusion to lure her into consciousness. of the Megamycete. where she would give up her powers and become weak enough for Miranda to implant her daughter's essence.
Michael then appears again to take Rose to safety, and Miranda reveals that he had been Rose's father, Ethan Winters, all along. Ethan then protects Rose from the various mold creatures as they flee from the approaching Miranda. Once in a clearing, Ethan distracts Miranda to give Rose the chance to use the Purifying Crystal to finally get rid of her powers. Rose, instead, destroys the crystal, embracing its abilities and using them to fight Miranda one on one. After a battle, Ethan endows Rose with her own powers, which she uses to take down Miranda once and for all. The woman then calls her daughter Eva hers when she finally disappears from the Megamycete.
Rose and Ethan finally share a moment together, face to face. The couple share their love for each other and Ethan tells her daughter how proud he is of her. Later, Rose wakes up in the lab and finds her father's wedding ring on her hand. Some time later, Rose visits her father's grave in a cemetery and wishes him a belated happy birthday. Nearby, she is summoned by an agent from an unknown organization, who claims that she is needed for a current situation and mockingly calls her "Eveline". She grabs him tightly and threatens her life (with powers Chris Redfield doesn't even know about), but he apologizes, claiming it was just a joke.
Rose enters her vehicle and he notices her resemblance to her father. The two then drive away, when a figure on the road in the distance approaches them and the car stops. And with this we conclude once again our journey through the world of Resident Evil. Although we don't know very well how the stories of our favorite character will continue; One thing is certain: Resident Evil will live forever. Thanks for watching everyone! If you've made it this far, make sure you like this video and comment on what you'd like to see covered next. You can also follow me on Twitter, @SugestiveGames to contact me personally.
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