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Resident Evil 2 Angry Review

Jun 08, 2021
That's good, no, let me out this way, this way I broke it, I think it's this way, yeah, no, yeah, yeah, no way, no, I think it might be that you haven't done enough damage, oh god, what are you doing anyway? to the diamond room, well what did you just ask me? Oh, two doors down, on the right, okay, where do I get the diamond key? It's behind the filing cabinet, please leave me alone, haven't you done enough damage? I'm sorry. Oh God, okay, jump to my spot. I hope you're well. I'm sorry. You know you didn't take two of my knives.
resident evil 2 angry review
Oh, I'm going to need it back. You know, I'll pick it up. I need it back. Well, there's no time to waste. I'm going to start right away. Resident Evil 2 is a masterclass, the game simply achieves everything it sets out to do and does more if you haven't already you should go out and buy it right now. I wholeheartedly recommend this game, it's a safe purchase with an excellent seal of approval, in fact it's now one of, if not my most favorite Resident Evil games, and you already know how much I like Resident Evil 7. Once this game returns to its absolute roots, obviously.
resident evil 2 angry review

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resident evil 2 angry review...

Being a remake of one of the best survival horror games of all time, like real survival horror, there is no QuickTime trailer of giant rocks, no turret sections with unlimited ammo, just good looking horror old fashioned, yes, technically, it's another zombie game. Joe Hey Joe, all of you. please zombie game no no I'm playing another damn zombie game but it's not just another zombie game it's the zombie game it's what helped popularize and pave the way for all these zombie games that have appeared since then and therefore deserve special recognition. for doing so well, go away, I'm trying to


, do you want to play?
resident evil 2 angry review
Yes, I want to play. You can play as the leader or Claire Redfield in campaigns that last between six and eight hours each, depending on how quickly you solve. the puzzles or if you get stuck in certain parts once you finish with let's say Leon, the campaign I started in uniform or not, don't hesitate, take it out or run, I got it, yes sir, I won't say, more development of the character in two. seconds than in all mortal engines, as you know, then you run again in a second run mode with Claire or vice versa. This isn't just a new plus game mode or something, it's a completely different perspective with some new areas. characters remix puzzles new bosses and it's so awesome that I refuse to spoil too much here, but please note that there are light spoilers about what might be in the game, but you should have already bought it and be enjoying it by now.
resident evil 2 angry review
Sure, okay, there are some common sections in these two games, they play out almost exactly the same and that kind of confusion, like how are we doing this when Leon was supposed to have already done it? It doesn't really make sense, I guess, unless it's parallel. universes but we know enough that if you don't play them you will miss a lot of story and the true ending which you get only at the end of the second run and then you can play them again in the reverse order so if you did Leon Claire you can clear Leon and of course you will get that the variations of the different cutscenes are different.
Claire meets up with Marvin which is actually Canon instead of Marvin meeting up or Leon meeting up with Marvin and honestly. This game is so good that I'm already halfway through my third game and I want to do them all. You'll definitely want to play it all four times and that will give you a good twenty-eight thirty hours really. high quality tension filled game and believe me it is tension filled, this is survival horror at its finest, yes Ezzor, they have a good zombie voice acting in this, it's already the best, come on. No, oh man, first of all, you're going to need to do it. learn to navigate around the zombies as it's a huge waste for two to just try to kill everything inside and what you do is end up leaving zombies in some places and that creates these little hazards around every corner when you come and go in they. the police station, oh well you have to manage your very limited inventory space that cannot be expanded throughout the game, but there are so few places that many modern players may feel frustrated with this inventory mechanic and say that it is bad , but no, this is how it is mentally.
It works, it makes a lot of sense in this game, and it ratchets up the tension, forcing you to make grueling decisions between discarding an item for a hat forever or simply running back through a group of enemies just to store something in the global scourge unit. . I loved it, it never is. unfair, it will give you red checkmarks for items that you know you can get rid of without ruining things in the game and in this version and that way it's a much fairer and a little more modern and updated feel to the map. shows that these areas are red until you have eliminated all the essential and non-essential items hiding in the room and they will turn blue to let you know that you have bypassed everything possible there, so you no longer have to go ultra old school and me I like to write what I honestly wouldn't have extracted in this game this way, but the way they did it here is very appreciated.
What is this gunpowder inventory management? OnPoint now there are two things that you could maybe say are Bad or Negative or will at least bother some modern players. There are a lot of recoils and there is a timer mechanic for the first recoil. You'll have to realize that this is a game based on an old design from the 90s. The recoil was not a bad thing. As much as it is now, though, the reason backtracking sucks now is because it's so lazy, but this backtracking is done correctly, proving that this mechanic can be an asset to the game rather than a restriction or lazy game design, and I actually didn't do it.
Don't worry, little by little you learn and get familiar with the police station and I exchange stories with other Joe's where we got lost or where we were able to find various things that design the level design, it's just excellent, now the second is the timer mechanics , it's actually I like it, at a certain point in the game, you will be harassed by a huge imposing creature, tyrant model, Mr. areas, quicken your pace when you hear these loud footsteps approaching you, it's scary and a lot of fun, and I usually hate timer mechanics like these, but this.
It just feels so appropriate, it feels right, it's a bonus like I said and there are some areas where you're completely sure that I discovered while you like an essential break. Oh, or if you run into a save room very quickly, it seems that Mr. It seems like the creature and boss designs we know and love, of course, that iconic lord. X and did you know that there are secret variations of them that you can discover like Mr. Ax Mr. Tex, Mr. X-Wing Fighter Pilot, Professor sex, okay, so I'm just joking about that, but there are some prizes and some in-game boss battles and some new skins in the week.
Me, so I have to say all the positive things so far, but maybe a possible downside is when you can win. Get lost, you may not know how to solve a particular puzzle or what to do. I was lucky because I didn't need to use a guide, but once, my advice to you is to first check every item you have because in most cases all you need to do is use the item examination mechanic, rotate them and you can discover a secret that that item contains and that way you can solve a lot of the parts you might get stuck on like I did, but honestly, don't do it.
You never feel like you can't look up a guide, it's okay to say this isn't old school, this is now, if it's hurting your enjoyment of the game let's find it and get past that part because honestly there will be three more playthroughs. that you will really enjoy and have that confidence to then go through the next three games without a guide and when you do, you managed to solve a puzzle completely by yourself, it's very difficult without any help, that reward feels oh. Great, I think it took my fool like 30 whole minutes, those got so nervous everyone was watching me on the stream to solve this mixed puzzle and when I finally did it I was so proud of myself, oh that feels so good , thank you for being patient now.
That's not to say that there aren't one or two areas of the game that could be improved or made a little clearer. I remember Oh Jay telling me that for four hours he was running and couldn't find the heart key during his first game. with Leon he was just running around wasting bullet resources running away from Alex trying to figure out how to open this damn heart door because he saw that he was trying to do everything 100% but it turns out it's impossible for Leon to open that door heart key, he just doesn't go into that area in his game, only Claire can get that heart key in her game, so it can be frustrating at certain times if your trend goes 100 percent in an entire area and there are certain puzzles that really piss you off, but honestly just keep an eye on your target, just do what your target says.
If you miss something, come back, there will be a time when you can come back and that's what makes the game so amazing. I should also mention that the graphics are amazing. beautiful, it's amazing and a testament to how the backgrounds have completely adapted to these pre-rendered backgrounds of the past and look just as good as those, even better than ever and I mean it looks great everywhere, even in the sewers, for For Christ's sake, now we're really in the sewers, oh my goodness, they look good, they look good and they don't hold back with the blood and gore, there's also some very graphic scenes here of guys just mangled and half-jawed. good falling. off and you know that even the zombies are double-teaming you if you're unlucky.
Oh tt-the double team hurts, yet for some reason many parts of the game seem washed out to me, it's like it has a gray tone to it. As far as I know, we technically control these settings at the beginning of the game, but I feel like the normal settings, the ones you're most like, are still washed out like the contrast isn't quite right no matter what I did and I'm not sure why I think maybe they went with more Gray's or more Phong instead of some blacks in the hallways, but it's something I didn't even notice much until someone watched your game and realized, maybe they can put it in.
I released an update to give us blacker blacks. Crush them. I don't know, but it's a little big. I'm just looking for stuff because everything is great in the game. The voice acting is better than the average Resident Evil game. sure and in my opinion there's even some bad voice acting done on purpose, but in a good way, in a cheesy way, like a throwback to the joke that everyone knows is that you Jill, what happened this way . Oh, Barry, that was too close. You were almost a sandwich, you're right Barry, thanks for saving my life.
The only real negatives are either just small details or probably a product of the original that this game remakes rather than being intentional, and some of them even seem to be intentional. In boss battles, there are often times where they put a huge boss that has incredible range on you. I'm a very small space and you move so slowly without any dodging or anything, it can be frustrating and it might seem like. like the game just wasn't designed or designed for these types of boss battles, not all of them are like that, maybe just one or two, but it's worth mentioning and hey, like I said, it may even be an intentional throwback to the tank controls of yesteryear. which is literally how you would play against those bosses and barely avoid them, so in the end it wasn't a big deal for me, but one thing I can say is that this story, you know, is a remake, so which is based on the previous story developed in the '90s and condensed for a video game of that era, but it seems like they could have had a good opportunity there to expand on some of those scenes or improve some of the stories in their weaker version.
In some parts now they did this to a degree here and there, but I think they could have gone even further, for example some of the dialogue as written is a bit weak and there is little to no interaction between Leon and Claire apart from the beginning where Ya seem to be talking to each other as if they already know each other or have been friends for a long time all this time, it's a bit of a strange feeling and outside maybe twice they talk through video monitors or behind a door Which, honestly, Claire could have done.
I climbed easily with Leon's help, if notthey do, they just don't interact much until the end and if they were remaking it, it would have added a new twist or two. I would have liked a little more intersection here and maybe even bitter co-op like they had in Resident Evil zero, not two-player co-op, but you know, Leon goes with you or Claire goes with you, plus those little details. I felt the story was pretty incredible. I loved discovering the deepening plot of umbrellas and what was behind this outbreak in Raccoon City well done well executed still works after all these years the franchise that helps solidify the zombies zombies zombies I'm a so called zoombies or zambese so that way I'll just have to listen to Joe if I want to play a zumba game or a zombie game sure I know zombie game okay hey Joe please zombie game no let's play another one Damn zombie game.
Capcom has done a masterful job bringing this classic into the modern era and that is why my final verdict for the Resident Evil 2 remake is a 9. out of 10 with a badass shield approval and over time this may even be a 10 out of 10. Consider that even after four matches you still have a completely different mode, Survivor mode, where you play as a hunk trying to get by in a limited mode. resources right there, it's there and of course after that you have another tofu mode, yes, don't ask, there is so much love and passion from Capcom here and you can tell that it is a very well directed and lovingly designed project.
This is the kind of Capcom where you go wow, yeah, the guys are doing great, you get it again. You know that Capcom Connor for me lost its way a little, but no, you have to show all the passion you have for creating games. it's cool, you might even like it, I love it when developers and stuff have this kind of stuff in the game and even more good news, as if all this wasn't enough, there is free DLC planned with three more stories from other survivors who They're doing everything they can to get out of town: you know, a gun shop owner, the mayor's daughter, who they might both recognize, and a forgotten soldier, that's how it's done.
Capcom, you know, was very happy with all the content in this game. and in the free DLC that's coming, I even went out and bought some paid DLC. This is how downloadable content is made. Yeah, it's a little annoying that they charge you three bucks for the original soundtrack and the right to play the classic


resin insult. Come on, that should have been there whether you bought a pack or not. Oh, that should have been there, but considering how much was in the game and how fantastic the new soundtrack is, I didn't even talk about it yet.
Let it go well and I was glad to hear the original soundtrack and my god it's just as good, no it's better than the remake soundtrack, it was part of the game. I thought I had become desensitized to terror. The original music is terrifying. the guy can't concentrate, the music is so scary, I even know how to get my bearings and then I get lost because the music is in my heart. I'm happy that Capcom has found its way here and is reliving some of its best moments in the world. in the best possible way by sharing with modern players one of the instant classics of the past in the best way imaginable.
Fantastic job guys. I wonder if we'll see a Resident Evil 3 remake like this next, but whatever you choose to do with Resin Evil. I'm waiting with intense excitement until then I'll see you at the next Andrew Joe and the Diamond Key show where are the guys behind the filing cabinet? Jesus Christ. Oh, of course, I don't feel so good. I knew it. Oh God. I'm really sorry, I'm sorry, please leave me alone, well you know you came for me first and took my knives, you took two, you know what I have to get back, okay, come on, wah, wah, okay.

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