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Rescuing SEVEN Starving Geckos :(

Apr 25, 2024
to tell you about some of the other animals you haven't seen in a long time. Here is the salamander. She does so well that she eats everything by hand. will keep her as an animal ambassador, she will become an animal ambassador of the discovery of snakes, hey, let's pass the test, oh, yes, we pass the test to eat in front of a crowd, oh, there she goes, yes, she is officially.a Discovery Ambassador snake oh you don't like it blah blah she's like two she's too dry okay I guess I can understand we'll give you a worm later girl but yeah let's weigh some of these other


this one It will be the final weight. because they look amazing I just want to record one more weight for them before they find their new homes well so first let's weigh the master leopard gecko who came to us at 38 grams and then that was in April and now it's July and his last weigh in was May 16, 56 grams, so it's been two months, he's beefy, how giddy now 62.
rescuing seven starving geckos
Wow, okay, you're a bigger boy, okay. I would say it's officially officially available. Yes that's fine. Next is Teddy, let's wait 10. For Gekko, come here honey, okay, um, let's see, are you a man or a woman? You don't have six on our card. I'm thinking of a woman. I don't see the Chevron. of powers, yeah, she's fine, so she was, oh my gosh, that's true, I mean, she's a little bit younger, but at intake she weighed 16 grams, in mid-May she weighed 20 grams. I guess she's 24. Oh, she was going to say 25. She's 28. Good job girl, she is too when you're ready for adoption, you're ready to go, okay, okay, good to go to her card and add that she's a girl.
rescuing seven starving geckos

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rescuing seven starving geckos...

Perfect, she's fine and last but not least, here's Tardis. oh, the crazy one, oh my god, you're okay, you're okay, you're okay, it's okay. Tardis arrived with 12 grams a month later, a couple of weeks later, 22. then she was 28 years old and on June 18 she weighed 30 grams. This is our final. she weighs uh this is a little over a month after the final weigh in she weighs 28 grams oh interesting she lost two grams yeah but you know what she looks so good you know she must have eaten a lot of food. I guess when they weighed him there he was at a healthy weight so it looks like he will stay around 28-30 grams for a while until he grows up it depends if he had to poop or if he ate too much yeah he just pooped yeah that's true, but yes, he is doing very well and yes, finally, and he is approved for adoption because he maintains a healthy weight and eats happily, so our next update will come from narbc in Schomburg this weekend.
rescuing seven starving geckos
They're bringing the last three


oh he's not happy with the world right now calm down it's okay buddy we're bringing these three leopard geckos to the show and Hope oh and Teddy the leopard gecko is the first one Those three leopard geckos will be adopted by Caitlyn today. Yes, Caitlin. Thank you very much for adopting Teddy. What made you choose it? He's fine as long as he's not super antsy and just sits there, so yeah, well, wait until the video comes out. This video will come out. You will be able to see how thin he was when he first came in, as if he had come a long way. so thank you for being your last stop, yes, and your forever home, this is the Maestro, the second leopard gecko adopted at the Schomburg show and he will go home with Moisés and Camilla, this is his first reptile, this is the second, I have another one. leopard gecko yeah wait until the video comes out you'll see how thin he was when he first arrived but thanks for adopting him he's been with us for about what was his name four months four months yeah yeah he's been with we. a long time because of the bad shape he was in, but now he is super healthy and I hope you have fun with him, yes, and the latest leopard gecko, Tardis, is being adopted right now at the Schomburg show and is going home with a sidekick Emily who is dressed up for our superhero meet and greet scene, you even got the pin, yeah I love that you display it so proudly, are you adopting a corn snake too?
rescuing seven starving geckos
That's amazing please, well this guy I made, have you filled them out yet? a little okay, so he was a little Wiggly but he'll calm down and it seems like you guys are ready for him, but he was so thin when we first got him that I honestly didn't think he was going to live, but he ate and, you know, he perked up and now he is healthy again, so thank you very much for adopting him. Well, thank you all so much for watching today's abandoned gecko rescue video. I hope you enjoyed seeing the progress everyone made and returning home. this case with a partner Emily, I love it, thank you again for watching, thank you to the Patreon backers because they allow us to rescue animals and rehabilitate them like Tardis here, so thank you very much to the Patreon backers as well and see you next time.

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