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REOPENED Lost Mine - 200+ Year Old Mine FOUND ~ First eyes to see after 200 years

Jun 06, 2024
trapped so we go back to exploring and Johan has been very busy look at all these stones he has dug up and here it is oh this side this is the latest little passion project thanks to the owner of the land I have been able to dig to open this level. Of all the levels I've opened, this is the one that's been locked the longest, so it's been around 200


s since it was last opened according to the plans for Old Mine, the Ancient Ornaments Studio, Maps, etc., it's a level from the late 17th century that I was using right at the beginning of when gunpowder was used and that's all we know about it, so this will be a proper adventure, a proper



that's been unexplored for about 200


s, so, you know, 1820 1830, there's a good stream of air blowing, so we know it communicates with other works, so this should be good, let's find out, let's explore it, so we start to dig there three days, three, three days I spent here, after about five minutes of digging, I still hadn't reached Bedrock, but I could already feel the air current exploding, so this shows that we are not going to have a lack of oxygen there because there is a current of fresh air coming from a well further up the slope, so that is good news.
reopened lost mine   200 year old mine found first eyes to see after 200 years
We've hit some successful bedrock over here, this is a bedrock here, very Shaley, uh, shale, we've got a nice quartz rib here, which is possibly what the


rs are following and then on the last day, finally we managed to break through, so after about six. or seven feet of vertical excavation and once again thank you to the landowner for allowing this excavation and whatever may be inside the rubble pile is a decent size so we are hoping for a decent grade length and like I said It dates back to the late 1600s and hasn't been explored since around 1820 or 1830, so whatever we find here, everything you're going to see in the chamber hasn't been seen in about 200


, there it goes, it goes, nothing like a session, there is a little bit of water.
reopened lost mine   200 year old mine found first eyes to see after 200 years

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reopened lost mine 200 year old mine found first eyes to see after 200 years...

I can see but it doesn't look deep are you in? I'm at the level. It forks, wow, it forks my path. I need to lose some weight, stuck a little tight, yes it's too tight, can I get it right? We are in. Al decided to stay out on this one because it's a little tight, but we can see that we have a very nice hand-chiseled roof here and a huge Spanish Court follows, so it's like a half-coffin level after this massive load of Of course, but I don't see any shot holes yet, so you could be talking about a coffin level.
reopened lost mine   200 year old mine found first eyes to see after 200 years
Oh yeah, there are shuttles here we go, so it's a gunpowder assisted level. Look how high the water has been towards this bed up there, which is a good one. time to explore, yes, the water has certainly been very high here, see where, the muddy color on the wall has been completely underwater compared to the clean, relatively clean roof rats coming out of the water abroad from the 17th century, so it's the end of the 17th century and we're getting to a very well defined hanging wall for that very nice hanging wall on that side of the load and then a very, very small clay joint with the load running along it. along the roof there, it's very nice, it still drives with that very well refined water bath. so keep an eye on this wall in case there are dates because this is the type of walls we tend to find Engraved foreign jumps uphill that's weird he'll just make us jump uphill pretty steep here why do I think it's because we have we crossed? a very small charge and now it is moving towards the east East, you can see it on the floor as well, the charge on the floor, so they have moved, they have started to move, yes, there is some quartz, there are no visible minerals , there is a nice little shooting hole. up there, cool, it meanders all over the store, this is very, very old, wow, it meanders all over the place and we're getting into more mineral terrain.
reopened lost mine   200 year old mine found first eyes to see after 200 years
This is lovely, we got ourselves some bratcher, brecher load here, look at those smashed field pebbles. rock cemented with quartz, that's brecher and a good exposure, I've got a little lead here, a little Galina argentifera, that's ledor, that's what the miners were looking for and we move on, none of us have any idea what's here down and we are stepping. no abuse from any man about ah and here's the end yes yes we have it collapsed here with some woods yes this is the collapsed climb going up to higher jobs for the shot falling from the surface and also some water, so now that we've been to the end of the level on the way back.
I'll be scouring the walls for some indication of dates or something. It says nice hydros and kites on the wall. A small piece of wood here could be the end of a tool. Late 17th Century 17th Century Tool I think 1698 was a date I have for this level and the only surviving record of it is 1698, all right, get out of this, thanks, foreign exhibit right here, look at that loading exhibit coming from the ceiling to the forehead, so what they are doing is crossing from a small charge to the other short section of the coffin level that was made without gunpowder.
This short section marks marks on the roof along the way. I just


a very small nugget of Galena there on the wall a small nugget of lead ore the loading is very sporadic here there is another one everywhere the miners really didn't find enough for Warrant to stop or extract the ore they were after drifting all these different little veins going through them all before we get to that big stop at the end that's now collapsed back then oh this is what we expected we've got the right engravings let me leave this on the old one I've got engravings here too uh presumably some kind of counting Counting yes, we have engraved counting marks here I have shown the torch a little better maybe you can see them better there are counting marks here tie marks there and up here now so the question Does that say it looks like an owl on top?
I'm going to have to analyze. These are definitely tally marks, probably tally marks from the late 17th century, um, and we have some very, very old engravings in the cursive writing, double writing etched into the Rock um, this looks to me like a small area where the miner counted , okay, a track of how many forklifts passed, what's more, here we have tally marks all over the wall, this is magnificent, that's exactly it, look. They're everywhere, wow, this whole wall is covered in tally marks, okay, sure, I'll have to cut the camera because I'll have to take pictures of these and get a proper look at this.
I also


another awesome one right here with all these counts. marks on the wall and looking at this area here where you can actually see where a juvenile leaned against the wall and the material of his linen jacket has left a mark in the mud on the wall, so we're talking about the heights of the shoulders here. So he probably leaned against the wall and this is his shoulder leaning against the wall and you can still see the crisscross pattern of the miners material, whether it's flannel or uh um or their shirts, so again, this is probably late. 17th century and early 18th century, this is spectacular and I can't make out any words here that would go back to this feature, we have an L at the top and there is a sort of little curiosity almost like a peanut shape like a circle with a line that runs through it, if anyone knows what they might be, let us know in the comments. um, there are more accounts right there.
I have an L that appears to be a t or an i t below the l to h. maybe and then three or four of these kind of twisted ovals with lines in the middle and more beads underneath. I have no idea what circles those circles might be. The camera doesn't want to get too close and there's another H. down there um so there are no words unfortunately unfortunately there's no date I would love to have a date to see how accurate that report is oh gosh here's another one I just found is this one oh what looks more like a word w I I don't know if you can see it, but we have another word right there, you know what it looks like, it looks like W Davis, W Davis, yeah, that's what it looks like.
I'll also take a picture of that and then some uh. Here are more marks made with the end of a chisel. Let me grab that signature. We're back in squelchy territory. I haven't found any more engravings here, although they are quite good. I mean, where the water level used to be, so the walls are. It is now covered by a layer of sediment, making it much more difficult to find the engravings. You can see the water line in the place so it is very possible that due to flash flooding this level will be completely filled because this looks quite cool it is very humid so it is very possible that in this level we have chosen a good time to come in a drought, explore it, oh, there is a drought, oh, and I can see the daylight not far from the entrance, now I see how Al is doing outside, face up, so There are huge quartz veins, there is the entrance. the massive veins of quartz seem to disappear quickly, the ones that were actually underground because here it is right here on the right, just reaching it, but it disappears into the ground, okay, I think this with a gold mine if I didn't know which it was.
On the left, judging by these courts because normally, and they follow big veins of quartz like this, sir, they tend to be tests for girls, so before you go out, there's this little niche here on the left, which is a little aborted attempt to follow another of these exposed quartz phases. in the portal there's not much there, so uh, we'll go back outside, so I didn't fit. But here comes Johan, did you enjoy that there is a tight squeeze? Okay, yeah, too bad I couldn't get in, but hey, well. there it was, it was some kind of very old long winding level, almost a coffin level, if I can get out of there, there you go, can you grab my phone, oh, oh how about that amazing, okay, let me recover, so the report is like this? what we think it was is a late 17th century level, gunpowder assisted level to be precise, that means it's in that transitional period when gunpowder was becoming more common and they used it sparingly to traverse hard terrain as well with The traditional gads, chisels and punches are also used for the levels of the coffins and crisscrosses through a mass of different small veins and stringers and eventually collapses into a pit further up the mountain;
However, the highlight was as you have already seen on the way out. I found that beautiful wall of Engravings from the late 18th century. Engravings, yes, I understood correctly, right? Yes, on the wall, but unfortunately there are no dates, so judging by the time this level was worked on, this is how we will find that date and literally hundreds of tally marks, what was unusual about them was that on Instead of one, two, three, four, five, there was a line across the top and they branched down from the continuous line like that I hadn't seen before, but they are clearly man. -Done and they are all over the wall, so with the strange letter L, a couple of Zeds and a curious oval shape with a line in the middle, so if anyone I will say it again, if anyone knows what they are, please let us know in he comments on that weird little oval shape with a line um after that, I think since Al didn't make it to you you didn't quite fit, I didn't fit, let's go on one that I can fit in, so we'll get back to the cars and Clean a little and then we will go to another place where Al can also fit.

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