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Releasing Baby Sea Turtles in Sri Lanka

Mar 19, 2020
I'm back but the Turk is stalking me, the man who isn't quite there and who lives on the beach where I left this morning to go lobster diving. Anyway, I'm back, he told me to be here at 5. :30 I think I'm a little early, it's about five hello dog, hey, how are you, I'm back, how are you, you're right, okay, okay, how are you, he's my wife your wife all your all can be this guy came back this morning Leah Howard I'm fine, how are you? Do you know about Norway? What is your name? Nisha. Nice to meet you.
releasing baby sea turtles in sri lanka
Instead, we do this one the healthiest way. What is your name? I asked you yesterday and illunga yes, yes. I don't know, it's up to him, he's the boss, so you're the boss. Wow, you said yes yesterday when you weren't here, he told me that he is the boss, so he lied to me because this is the real boss. He's okay, it's up to you, so how many you want to post, it's completely up to you, okay, but you also speak very good English, how are you? I'm great, she's going to translate, yeah, okay, you have two daughters, hello, full, okay. come on so it's becoming they are going to work here too your daughters do you want to have this as a profession this conservation yes then you will continue working for four that's great a nurse for


oh sorry hospital for


but it would be precisely the language that I did yes and I picked up I picked up this turtle and he got really angry with me I think it was this one but one leg never made it to the furniture yeah what was this this hole just to call so you see the camera there we go why the lenses in the front let's feed it today oh yeah later yeah I didn't feed him I thought he came here he's so happy today I think he likes me I like how when his his daughter and his wife are here everything is a little stricter they are very you know this way it's funny we need 10 can we choose a big one?
releasing baby sea turtles in sri lanka

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releasing baby sea turtles in sri lanka...

No, he wasn't here doing it. I see, can I have one? He has to be small, yes, but he won't go to the ocean. We have today, we freed the little ones, yes, the little ones, okay, come here, this is your lucky day, it's ten o'clock, yes, no, it doesn't matter, it's okay, and you told me yesterday. release a thousand only only one will be 30 years old a thousand babies will return to the ocean or survive nine hundred it is a massacre it is a genocide 999 pretty good I had no idea did God right I had no idea before you told me yesterday that sharks feed As for the turtles, I had no idea you released them there, so this is where they laid the eggs yesterday here for Lady Turtle Lane, here this one, so how many how many eggs did you dig up from here? 9 97 97 and you put them. in the same area this is the place okay I can record at the same time we just put them here one by one and leave them are you going to help me?
releasing baby sea turtles in sri lanka
Are you ready for this? I think this is how lucky he is. I'm sure he'll be 30 years old and he doesn't seem very excited about freedom, come on, help me here so we can get them at the same time, it's a race, well look at this one, he made a killer roll, okay, help me. B3, tomorrow. Look at this color, it looked like the one we took yesterday, yeah, and put it, it's him, it's the same, it's amazing, so they're just cooling down there in the other semi in the tank, you can build a tank, you can put it in the tank , Yes hears.
releasing baby sea turtles in sri lanka
They're after you, okay, now I'm comedy, yeah, wait, I want to say goodbye to this one, this is the one we dug up yesterday. I can see by the color of his shell that he is much lighter than the others, yes, you have already learned. the wrong way buddy, but he ain't listening, he ain't listening to me, he ain't listening to my instructions, this way we go, oh no, that way buddy, they can hear, I didn't think they had access, since hey buddy, the ocean is over there. oh, the first one is on go on go on I think we have a straggler back here who really needs come on, let's go with your friends how many do you think will survive tonight one night how many will survive they leave alone but you, Tamara, can you give He tells anyone , but there are so many babies that he has a better chance of surviving when he is alone.
They go, yeah, go ahead, little one, you can do it. Nicky. Oh, I know if he leaves, I think these guys here are going down the wrong path. there's no chance come on come on buddy here we go even while he's sleeping his eyes are closed very lazy I'll give you 24 hours little one less than 24 hours he'll expire there let's see if he wakes up whenever oh no this one really looks like he will, I mean no It was moving when it was up there and even now in the water it's coming to life, it doesn't want to swim at all, you see some of them out there, I think it made it, it's out.
There, this dog also tried to eat one of them, but he received a progressive blow to the head. Naughty dog, he can't eat the turtles, yes, he likes to eat her, the bad dog. Here's one of these, they dig up the eggs, you can see it. digging here, whoa, get away from there, oh the dog got him eggs there, how does it taste, he smells the eggs somehow, so he's living here just feasting on turtle eggs, yeah, if you're okay, No, that American, do you do something to him? where you just shooed it away when you see it, do you do anything to them?
Are you trying to kill them or not? It's usually anyway he's a normal animal that kills other animals, that's nature. I like your thinking here, the fight anyway, he is fighting the animal you are the defender of the turtles I like you little dog come here I will give you a reward a pat on the head for being a defender of the turtle good little dog I knight the defender of the sea turtles that's how he protects and serves the little one oh yeah, hey, why are you angry? Why are you angry as soon as I knighted him?
He threw a tantrum. Yes, he took his knighthood. A little too serious, too fast. Incredible. He stayed here at night fighting with a. with illicit it doesn't work I like it I like the dog are you cooking what is that if they're gone they're going swimming I'm very happy I hope they survive now it's time to eat stay there oh no what's going on here very naughty I know? What are you trying to do? I see what he's doing. Can I continue hand feeding? Yes, is he coming here? Let's go there we go. How many can you eat?
Spike. You already know. Tomorrow. Every time. Five rotate the pillow. A sadness. No, no, everyone, I'll just cut Duggan in half, a very strong bite, yes, he bit your finger before we have to be careful, let me see what happens with this one, Sam, this one, hey, beautiful, see, you want it? No, Oh no, I'm so bad at feeding, it's not easy, give me some more. I'll get it right this time, well he got it anyway. Hey, look, it's another, for you, every country, me, Norway, Norway, says he skipped school. Your mom told me there was a school here from Norway, yes, here we go, we did well.
You didn't like her. Five days you put them all here when they ate, so they will all come back after Pete comes here. No Don't take your finger off me, here we go, it's great, so this whole house, how many people stay inside, six people are too small, you have to do, you have to build a bigger house up to here, you need money, okay , I'll help you. dress a little for yourself for your who's the boss who wants money is you are you fine here's two hundred thousand spend it well take care of the turtles and expand the house dinner tomorrow tomorrow I'm not sure I'll be here tomorrow maybe lunch lunch I like what you're cooking chicken, chicken, chicken and rice, okay, honey, amazing, I can't wait, okay, see you tomorrow, she doesn't believe me, she thinks I'm being sarcastic, it's the first real performance where you actually get sarcasm That wasn't sarcasm.
I'm excited, okay, I run what time is 12 or 12:30, okay, 12:30, great, I'm looking forward to it, then bye guys, I'm going to walk back to the hotel. My motel is here. 18 faces we know, we know, they are not for us and I know it for you too. Okay, see you tomorrow then at 12:30 yeah, okay, thanks for showing me. It's okay, I can walk. I am a young man. Hey, why are you laughing? Okay, let's ask. how old do you think I am how old do you think I am you say 29 what do you think 32 you said 20 you said 20 I like 20 well I guess very well guess what about you and the last one is 25 you are all wrong I am 38 years old just like you 8 3 8 82 38 I'm 1981 81 yes no no I'm married very young run by 30 you're a young man - okay guys see you tomorrow looking forward to trying your great food. will bring Iraq, okay, see you then, bye guys, cool, okay, that was the sea turtle project.
The acid is cold. I will show you guys who sign here well deserved. I think they will have a good time both on the family side and in the Turtles, so yes, the sea turtle project girl's port is in that direction, probably three minutes by rickshaw, if you walk, it's ten minutes. We highly recommend that you come and pay them a visit.

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